11/20/1990 - Minutes AIL
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met as Committee of the
Whole on Tuesday, November 20, 1990, at 7:40 p.m. in Room 325, City
Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 S. State.
The following Council Members were present:
Ronald Whitehead Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk
Nancy Pace Tom Godfrey Don Hale
The following Council Member was absent:
Wayne Horrocks
Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Director of the Council, and Beverly
Jones, Deputy Recorder, were present.
Councilmember Chair Hardman presided at and Councilmember Kirk
conducted the meeting.
The meeting was called to order definitions from the current
at 7:40 p.m. resolution. She said Section B was
a listing of the policies the
AGENDA ITEMS Council had discussed at their
summer retreat which they wanted
1. RE: A briefing from the to have specifically included in
Council Staff regarding Draft their policy statement.
Labor Protocol and Labor Policies,
which have been developed as a Ms. Pickney said the first
result of the Council's summer policy was the Indicators of
retreat discussion on this topic. Financial Condition. She said this
was the policy the Council had
DISCUSSION: Anne Pickney, talked about monitoring financial
Council Policy/Budget Analyst, trends; those things which effect
said she would go over the the economics outside the city and
policies first. Councilmember internal factors such as the
Hardman asked the Council if they revenues, expenditures, debts, and
had a problem with the policies policies. Ms. Pickney said the
being two separate documents. He policy was drafted to say that the
said a meeting was held Council supported the Mayor's
approximately two months ago with staff.
the Attorney's and Human Resources
and it seemed appropriate to Councilmember Hardman said
separate the issues. the Council and Mayor had a
separate retreat every year. The
Ms. Pickney said the policies Council did not know what the city
were the ones the Council wanted could afford in terms of a wage
to express were current positions and benefits package. He said he
from each year. She said the first wanted to see some kind of an
paragraph defined what the policy index with a variety of numbers
was, the second paragraph and figures. A formula to
explained the purpose and determine if the city was in a
objectives, and the third profit mode, just making it, or
paragraph was a list of losing money. That way the Council
could have some kind of gauge to job. He said we needed to look at
determine what the City could the private sector, but we also
reasonably afford. Ms. Pickney need to look at the indicators;
said the word "indicators" was comparable governmental institu-
used in the plural form because tions.
there was a number of indicators
which showed different trends for Ms. Pickney said in a public
economic conditions surrounding entity you had to have a
the city. She said there were a combination of indicators and the
number of things the Council could city was moving in this direction.
look at to indicate trends within She said if you look in the back
the revenue; internal things which of the current budget document it
were simply coming in or occurring showed different trends.
within the city. Councilmember Hardman asked if the
Council staff would be responsible
Councilmember Pace said this for the preparation of the
gave the Council better ideas of indicators or would we work in
the odds. Councilmember Godfrey concept with the administration.
said in the past, the Council had Ms. Pickney said it would have to
listened to different departments be done in a group effort with the
and heard what the Council could administration. Councilmember
anticipate and what the shortfalls Hardman asked if the Council would
were going to be. He said he hoped see anything in the next budget
the indicators would tell the year even if the process was new.
Council what other people were Ms. Pickney said the city was
looking at and projections of already working toward these
whether there was more or less indicators and she expected this
money to work with. Councilmember to continue.
Whitehead said a business took the
revenues that came in and decided Mayor DePaulis said the city
what they could afford to do. He did not have any process right
said the city had never done this. now. The negotiations were handled
He said when the Council started by the administration and all
setting up figures they did not information was shared with the
even know if the city could afford Council. He said Councilmember
it. Hardman suggested the Council
prepare the information of
Councilmember Godfrey said it formulas, indicators, etc. He said
was not right to apply things the he thought that was an
businesses use to the city because administrative process. Council-
in business they increased to member Hardman said if the Council
cover additional costs. He said wanted indicators it should be
the city had to provide services done. He said he was not even
and decent salaries for the raising the issue of the Council
employees without increasing being involved in it. He said he
things every year. Councilmember just wanted someone to follow
Whitehead said Salt Lake City had through.
high taxes and was overpopulated.
Councilmember Hardman said there Ms. Gust-Jenson asked the
were taxpayers that had not Council if they were interested in
received a pay increase for two or this policy. She said the
three years and were working at administration was already doing a
the same pay scale. Maybe they had lot of this. Councilmember Godfrey
taken a drop in pay just to keep a said he wanted to see the
indicators presented at the budget be given at a certain time of the
retreat. Councilmember Whitehead year. He said the city did not
said the Council did not know what have the funds.
they needed or how to gather it.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said the Councilmember Hardman said
administrative and Council staffs one of the indicators could be for
could work together on this. the inflation trend. He said if
Councilmember Hardman said maybe the Council could see that the
part of the budget retreat in city was running into a high
February should be to gather these inflation period, they would be
indicators. Councilmember Hale aware of this as decisions were
said last year the Council was made.
kept up-to-date on where the city
stood financially. He said the Ms. Pickney said Section D
administration had given good was Fringe Benefits. She said the
input which had kept the Council City Council supported the total
abreast of what they could do and cost of all fringe benefits
the parameters of what was including estimating Employee
available to the city. Appreciation Day. This insured
that a true and total competition
Councilmember Hardman said in cost was considered in the
the open meetings the Council negotiation process. She said it
found out what the shortfalls was support for a concept.
were, then they would go into the Councilmember Godfrey said we were
Executive Session. We were asked not taking anything away, we were
how much we wanted to give in the just putting costs where they
form of raises. He wanted more belong. Ms. Pickney said the
information to make a rational Council supported the concept of
judgement and not have everything putting those costs in the
presented to them at the last negotiation process. Councilmember
minute. Hardman said it was important to
know what the cost to the city
Ms. Pickney asked if there would be.
were any questions on Policy B;
Length of Contracts. She said it Councilmember Kirk said some
was just a statement for the employees did not have any
support of concept. She said the benefits. Councilmember Whitehead
Council supported the adoption of said the employees were getting
multiyear contracts which remained less and less. He said when they
in effect for more that one fiscal do get a small raise it went
year. Councilmember Hardman said towards insurance. He said
the city had not had more than insurance rates were sky
two-year contracts. Mayor DePaulis rocketing. Councilmember Godfrey
said the city had two three-year said insurance benefits cost the
contracts. He said the problem city $300 per person per year.
that existed with multiyear Councilmember Hale asked if the
contracts was the administration employee's participation in the
made a contract with the insurance program was 1/3% to
expectations that the Council 2/3%. Mayor DePaulis said it was
would fund them. Mayor DePaulis 1/4% and the city paid $76.24 per
said you cannot commit funds person per year. He said it was a
except on an annual basis. He said State program because the city did
the expectations targeted a number not have their own.
which was 5% and it was suppose to
Ms. Pickney said Section E live in the city and how many do
was the City Residents Incentive not.
Payments This was incentive
payment for city employees who Councilmember Kirk said some
reside within the city. Roger statistics could be included on
Cutler, City Attorney, said it had other cities which had required
been researched and other cities residency if it had worked out.
have an ordinance requiring Councilmember Godfrey wanted the
residency to be a city employee. staff to come up with a proposal.
He said the question the Council Councilmember Hale said more
was concerned with was if the city information was needed, but felt
did not require residency, could pay for performance was better
they provide an incentive. Ms. than an incentive for living in
Gust-Jenson said Mr. Cutler the city. He wanted further
thought this incentive was information. Councilmember Pace
preferable to requiring residency. said she was opposed to it because
Councilmember Hale said it was the it would cost the city financially
consensus of the Council that and in morale. She wanted to see
there should be some incentives some sort of incentive for
offered if the employee lived in everyone who lived in the city; a
the city. He said he wondered if positive reason for locating in
it was a good thing to be the city instead of the county.
considered. She voted no. Councilmembers
Whitehead and Hardman voted yes.
Ms. Gust-Jenson said she Councilmember Hardman said the
wanted a sense of whether the majority voted to get more
Council was still interested in information.
these policies. She said the staff
would come back to the Council Councilmember Hardman asked
with a revised draft. if there were any policy issues
that had been overlooked. He said
Councilmember Hardman asked the next discussion was protocol
the Council if they wanted to take or procedural issues.
a straw vote on further study for
Section E. Ms. Gust-Jenson asked Ms. Pickney said these issues
if the staff should work with the came from the discussion this
Attorney's Office to come up with summer when the Council wanted to
a proposal for the Council to separate a policy statement from a
review. Councilmember Hardman protocol statement. She said a
asked what additional information protocol statement was different
was needed. Councilmember Godfrey because it required negotiation
said the Council needed to look at and agreement with the Mayor. She
a specific proposal and see if we said it tried to define a standard
think it would work. Councilmember convention or way in which the
Hardman asked if Councilmember Council and the Mayor
Godfrey meant dollar amounts as a communicated. It had to be
proposal. Councilmember Godfrey consistent with the resolutions or
said he meant how the policy would ordinances in effect during the
be implemented and wanted it to city's collective bargaining
include the dollar amounts and the process.
legal reaction. Councilmember
Hardman said it should also She said the first paragraph
include statistics; how many was a definition of what protocol
employees working for the city meant, the second paragraph was
the purpose and objective, which She said the second section
was to improve the efficiency and was entitled Mutual Agreement. It
effectiveness of the Council's was understood that the city's
rule in the city's collective representatives had the authority
bargaining process. Paragraph to agree to any combination of
three was definitions picked up wages and benefits with the
from the current resolution. She employee representatives. This was
said section four was the protocol where we departed from the
guideline. Councilmember Hardman standard procedure and the total
asked Mayor DePaulis to join the cost associated with these wages
Council since it was a joint and benefits. These had to be
agreement between each of them. consistent with any projections of
Ms. Gust-Jenson said the staff anticipated revenues which had
made the draft and wanted to get been mutually agreed to during the
the Council 's input. She said Mr. winter retreat.
Cutler had drafted another policy.
Councilmember Godfrey said he
Councilmember Hardman said as thought he had made the
the Council proceeded through the suggestion; rather than make the
drafts they could have a general decision at that time, we would
discussion on how both branches of talk about the benefit package the
government felt about it. Ms. Council would be comfortable with
Pickney said the first section after the winter retreat. He said
talked about a Mayor/Council the problem was that the retreat
retreat that happened sometime was not a good time for us. We
after January 15th every year. The were not comfortable coming up
Council met with the Mayor to be with a figure at that time.
briefed on the projections of Councilmember Whitehead said the
revenue. Mayor was still negotiating with
the departments. Councilmember
Ms. Pickney said the second Godfrey said the Mayor had some
section was on the Submission, lead time.
Evaluation, and Review of
Proposals. She said this section Councilmember Hardman asked
talked about the Mayor and his if there was a deadline when the
chief negotiators proceeding with draft had to be submitted. Mr.
their responsibilities which were Cutler said the deadline was
outlined in the current January 15th, but the unions were
resolution. Between January 15th often late and asked for six-day
and April 1st, Executive Sessions extensions. Councilmember Hardman
of the City Council were being said sometimes the proposals were
scheduled at appropriate times not received until the end of
during the collective bargaining January or the first part of
process. This provided an February. Mayor DePaulis said it
opportunity for the city's took a week or two to deal with
negotiators and the Mayor to the contract itself. He said then
appraise the Council on the as the revenue projections began
proposals that were made through to solidify we were in a better
certified employee organizations. position to sit down and talk
Councilmember Hardman asked money.
if the dates mentioned were
included in the resolution. Ms. Councilmember Godfrey asked
Pickney said they were. what was a practical time to
decide on wages and benefits. He
said the retreat was not a said they needed a place where the
practical time. Mr. Cutler said budget started and an
there were other problems with understanding that you would need
binding the Mayor so he can't to met periodically and exchange
negotiate above what the Council negotiating strategy. He said as
had agreed to. The Council may not you progress through the process,
agree on something and that would the Mayor should be willing to
tie the Mayor up so he couldn't give you financial information and
negotiate. He felt it invaded the an update of where the
ability of the Mayor to function negotiations were going.
executively. He said he had tried Councilmember Whitehead said he
to address that in his draft. thought the city started too early
on budget. He said numbers change
Councilmember Godfrey said and the Council could not because
the Mayor needed some flexibility they had already given their
to negotiate but the Council had figures.
to agree on the parameters because
ultimately we have to approve Councilmember Hardman said
those contracts. Mr. Cutler said maybe there ought to be a period
the Mayor still had to have the after "which had been mutually
right to present something the agreed to" and not say during the
Council did not agree with. Mr. Mayor/Council winter budget
Cutler said he saw the Council retreat. He said they all felt
getting more actively involved in that was too early to do anything.
the policy items. For example, you He said the Mayor could only sign
want certain things reflected in in the parameters given to him by
the contract. This would be a time the Council. Councilmember Godfrey
to talk about economics and said each year the Mayor asked the
strategy; maybe a two-year Council at the budget retreat to
contract, five-year contract give him some parameters in which
except with a reopener for salary, to negotiate. Mr. Cutler said he
pay for incentive, an incentive agreed with the language that said
for people who live in the city, the Mayor could only have
etc. He said things you might want authority within the confines of
the Mayor to request in his packet the mutual agreement.
that might have economic impact.
Mr. Cutler said if the
He said he saw the February Council turned pro labor and said
meeting as a time to start mapping they wanted to give a large
out negotiating strategy and increase and the Mayor was running
giving the Mayor some parameters on a fiscal conservative program
and guidelines as to where you and said no, he was only giving 5%
wanted to see these things go. He and the Council wanted to give
said it was an ongoing evolving 10%, the Mayor may bring the
process. You would have to meet budget to the Council recommending
periodically as things mature and 5%. The Mayor would say to the
crisis developed. He said it was Council if you want to go more
in both of their interests that than 5% then you would have to
they reach some kind of consensus. raise taxes. Councilmember Pace
asked where all of this would
Councilmember Whitehead asked stop. If the Council finally
what would be a better time to passed something and the Mayor
discuss the budget instead of at vetoed it. Mr. Cutler said if you
the , winter retreat. Mr. Cutler get a clash of the respective
roles, the power appeared to be together. He said one of the
with the Council. The Mayor may dilemmas was how do we set these
say the Council recommended parameters to give the Mayor some
nothing and give 10%. direction. The other dilemma was
in the last session last year when
He said the Mayor had the the Mayor came to us and wanted to
right to recommend a compensation go beyond the parameters the
package as the chief executive Council had set. The Council said
negotiator. He would present it to no and the Mayor ended up going
the Council to approve or reject. beyond the parameters and then
He said the Council rejected it. came back to us.
This was an impasse and the
Council would adopt the Councilmember Godfrey said
compensation plan by ordinance. He they already had the contracts and
said they had that power. He said the Council was put in a bind. He
not to set individual salaries but said if it was a mutually agreed
to set policy and compensation type of thing then we need to work
plan in broad terms and together because it was the
appropriate the money in the Council who was put in a bind the
budget to fund this and no more. last time. Mayor DePaulis said he
He said the Mayor's response at had to have the right to go beyond
that point was to disagree with the parameters. Councilmember
the policy and veto it. Godfrey said when the Mayor had to
go beyond the parameters set by
He said the Council had the the Council, he owed it to the
votes to overcome this and if 2/3 Council to come back before he
of the majority voted for it, it presented it. He said pressure had
became city policy. He said this been put on the Council. It had
needed to be preserved. He said in already been put on the table.
this protocol his objective would
be to avoid that. He said you meet Mayor DePaulis said there had
and confer in February, the Mayor been a misunderstanding.
tells the Council where he wanted Councilmember Godfrey said he had
to go with negotiations, and the put something on the table and it
Council would give the Mayor their had not been discussed. He said
objectives. Then you meet again in the next thing the Council knew
March. He said the whole process was there were contracts with all
was to compromise. of the people. The Council had to
approve them because it was
He said there had not been a already on the table.
problem since 1980 when someone
wanted to look good for political Councilmember Hardman said we
purposes. Councilmember Whitehead were trying to define a process
said the potential was there. Mr. whatever it might be. He said the
Cutler said he was speaking Council had some problems with the
historically from 1980 when the process last year. He said the
Council was created. He felt the Council was not saying the Mayor
Council and Mayor had always had should not have the right to
global views on what was in the disagree or go beyond what the
best interest of the city. He said Council agreed to. He said at the
no one had tried to play politics meeting if the Mayor just didn't
in this time frame. Councilmember like the Council ' s decision then
Godfrey said they wanted to make the Mayor should declare that he
sure it was mutual working was not comfortable with it and
was going to negotiate for a thought there were other problems
higher or different wage package. on the separation of power. She
He said the Council did not want asked if the problem was in 2B.
to limit the Mayor, but the Mr. Cutler said it was. He said
Council ought to be aware of his separation of power was the issue.
feelings. Mr. Cutler said if the He said he hadn't read the draft
Mayor felt he could not live recently but there were a number
within the guidelines of the of other concerns. He said the
Council then he should tell the definitions did not add anything
Council and the bargaining unit as to the agreement on procedural
well. He said at least the protocol.
bargaining unit would know that
they were on notice and it may not He said the draft was
be approved. prepared from the staff' s point of
view and he had something
Councilmember Godfrey said different in mind when he was at
the one thing they were trying to the Council retreat. He said this
avoid was the Mayor speaking for was not to say that one draft was
the Council. Mr. Cutler said he better than the other. He said he
realized it was playing the put down on paper what he had in
Council against the Mayor. He said mind as far as procedural
on the other hand it gave the protocol; how the Council and the
Council the chance to deny it Mayor would interact and the time
because the bargaining unit had frame, and what the objective was.
not been misled into thinking the Councilmember Hardman said if we
Council approved it when they did were to revise Paragraph B on
not. Councilmember Kirk said it Mutual Agreement, to read "it was
gave the Mayor the alternative of understood that the City' s
going beyond the Council. Mayor representatives had the authority
DePaulis said he did not intend to to agree to any benefits with the
mislead anybody. He said he made a employee representatives which was
mistake, but his intention was to consistent with projections with
work with the Council every step anticipated revenues which had
of the way. He said by working been mutually agreed to, however;
closely together it was hard to if the Mayor deemed it necessary
separate the roles. to renegotiate to amounts beyond
that it would be nice to notify
Councilmember Hardman said the Council. " Councilmember
the Council felt blindsighted. He Godfrey said Mr. Cutler' s language
said he could appreciate the made reference to tentative
Mayor' s position to go beyond that commitment the Council had made.
of the Council. Mayor DePaulis Mayor DePaulis said we needed to
said he had read Mr. Cutler's keep this process going to track
draft and what it achieved was together until you got down to a
what the Council recommended. It point where numbers were clearer.
also kept the separation of powers
separate, but allowed them to 2. RE: A briefing from the
mutually get together and track City Attorney's Office regarding
each other. He said he wanted to Collective Bargaining Protocol.
give the Council all the
information but that it had to be DISCUSSION: Mr. Cutler said
prepared. Ms. Gust-Jenson asked there were three or four
Mr. Cutler with the exception of objectives that the Council had.
being in mutual agreement if he These were ( 1) the Council felt
bushwhacked at the last minute. negotiation parties that there was
You had made commitments and the no more money and they had to sell
Mayor hadn't negotiated them. The the ideas to the council.
Mayor felt he had to go beyond to
get an agreement. (2) Separation He said the issue about
of Power. (3) The meeting continuing negotiations was in
schedule. The Council was paragraph three. The Mayor would
frustrated by not getting adequate give you a cost estimate, what the
information when it was needed. package was, and if it was
(4) The Council wanted the power exceeding the offer. He would also
to have this done in a certain tell the Council what the cost was
time frame so the budget could be and then the Council could
set and they weren't caught at the evaluate the package.
last minute making adjustments.
He said paragraph four talked
He said the first concern was about Periodic Negotiations. The
the Council had felt bushwhacked concept here was that the Council
at the last minute. He said he had or the Mayor should be able to
addressed this in the first call periodic briefings that had
paragraph of his draft; the been agreed to. As negotiations
Council and Mayor meet in February progressed, meetings would be held
and scoped out where everyone more often. The Mayor should give
stood to get some tentative the Council assurance that he
commitments. Everyone should have would keep them posted and they
an opportunity for some input on had to make themselves available
how they wanted the labor on short notice; whether by
negotiations to go. The Second telephone, conference calls, etc.
issue about commitments and He said this would be in
separation of power was in everybody's interest including
paragraph two; Negotiations Within promotion of labor piece with the
Joint Understandings; he said he unions for everyone to be in
made a very strong statement about touch.
separation of power. He said the
idea we were talking about would Mr. Cutler said it was not
fit in this area. He said if the fair for the Mayor to get ahead of
Mayor was going to negotiate the Council. You may not support
outside of the parameters set by it at some point. He said the last
the Council he had a duty to ( 1 ) date to discuss the issue could be
report to the Council so they were May 20th. He said you may need to
on notice and (2) he had work with this date but at some
responsibility to place the Unions point you want a firm negotiation
on notice in writing that the number. He said they would not be
Mayor was exceeding the able to stay with the numbers
preliminary authority of the because of the forces and flow of
Council. the negotiations. He said the
Council could say we want
He said that had a down side negotiations over by the first of
that needed to be measured. It June. If the Mayor couldn't
could be a political advantage. He deliver the package by then, the
said the present Councilmembers Council had the right to accept
and Mayor had a lot of trust in the package by ordinance and
each other. Mr. Cutler said that negotiations were over. He said
would give the mayor a weapon as that was already in the Collective
well., He could tell the Bargaining Resolution and the
Mayor was in the process of had to depart on two different
getting the Council a new levels, everyone was aware of it.
ordinance which they may or may He said he agreed with that. He
not agree with. Mr. Cutler said it said he tried to recommend
had a new impasse resolution something that was in the public
mechanism in it. He said the interest; for safety, for
Council should have this in two or employees, and the budget.
three weeks. You can negotiate
those days, all we lack now was Councilmember Whitehead said
the political will to enforce the the Council had discussed some
dates. It would impasse at this very major issues but there was
date and if we don't have it, then never time to discuss them; for
the Council would adopt an example, additional revenue
ordinance. sources. Councilmember Kirk said
she had the same concerns.
He said paragraph five gave
the Council option. The Council Councilmember Godfrey said if
said if we don't have authority, you look back on the budgets
we have the right to negotiate nothing had changed. Last year the
behind your back. If you reach an Council made some major decisions
agreement and we don't accept it, as a council; for example, the
we're going to set this thing by garbage fees and the property tax
ordinance and it would be done by increase. We increased a number of
a certain date. fees last year to keep the city
afloat. We made a number of policy
Councilmember Hardman asked decisions as a Council; we
if there were any suggestions. He continued to give the residents of
asked which format the Council Salt Lake City the services to
preferred. The Council liked Mr. some degree. He said those were
Cutler's contract form. pretty important decisions.
Councilmember Hardman suggested Councilmember Whitehead said these
the Council have one more decisions were made at the last
discussion. The staff would minute. Councilmember Hardman said
prepare the information on the Councilmember Whitehead' s concern
incentive in the city for the was that some people recognized
guidelines and we' ll bring back the need to hire police officers,
another protocol draft and make but weren't comfortable raising
sure we were comfortable with it property taxes. More time should
from the Council 's side of the have been spent looking for
table. alternate options.
Mayor Depaulis said he was Ms. Gust-Jenson said at the
agreeable to working in the end of the budget year last year
Council format because every time the Council gave some orders.
we do the budget we should be After the first meeting we had a
doing better. Councilmember Kirk sense of where the big policy
said we had all these meetings and issues were and what needed our
we go through all of this and at attention. She said she thought
some point you may have to go they were supposed to tentatively
against the Council. Mayor schedule every department to
DePaulis said we needed to think discuss the budget, but on the
this through. He said this was night after the budget was
some of the strategy which could presented, the Council staff would
be done in the discussions. If we recommend to you where the policy
issues were and where the Council Philippines. He said the book
should spend their time. The weighed thirty pounds and the
Council could agree, but request presentation process to present
that items be added or deleted. all the books would take the next
The Council Members felt that was two to three months. Councilmember
a good idea. Godfrey asked if there was a
deadline for presenting the books.
3. RE: A briefing on the Mr. Gallivan said the only
Olympic Bid Book. deadline was getting the ten
copies to the IOC. He said the
DISCUSSION: Michael D. staff went through the book and
Gallivan, said he was volunteer made sure it covered all the areas
Vice President of the Bid required and then after ten days
Committee and was in charge of the IOC gave the Olympic Committee
presentations and public permission to disseminate the
information. He said Robyn Wagge books to everyone else.
was a full time staff member of
the Olympic Committee who's Mr. Gallivan said the IOC
assignment was public information checked the books to make sure the
and presentations. He said the city conformed to all of the
Committee had been getting the committee' s requirements. He said
books off the press one at a time a personal letter addressed to
to fulfill the obligations we had each of the IOC members was sent
with the international bid. He with the presentation. He said the
said there were two versions of case for the books was hand
the book; a leather bound sculptured and made with products
executive edition that was being of our community and State and the
sent to the International Olympic committee hoped the books
Committee ( IOC) and a cloth bound represented the quality of the bid
version that went to the Sports that Salt Lake City was putting
Federations and to fill the local forth.
Councilmember Hardman asked
He said they had to have ten if the books were in any other
copies of the cloth bound book language. Ms. Wagge said English
delivered to the offices of IOC by and French were the two official
November 1st. He said, in languages but some had been done
addition, the Committee took one in Spanish. Mr. Gallivan said the
leather bound book to present to book was wrapped in Utah saddle
the President of the IOC. He said leather. He said no markings were
since that time, the Committee has put on the outside of the case
produced one more leather bound because some of books previously
copy to present to First Security received by the IOC members had
Cooperation and the George and little markings on them and the
Delores Eckles Foundation because Committee felt uncomfortable
of the major financial commitment carrying them because of the
they had made. Mr. Gallivan said implied endorsements. He said
an additional ten leather bound inside the case was the Salt Lake
copies had been sent to Mexico for City logo. He said within the
the Paso Meeting. handcrafted oak case the Committee
had tried to use the Olympic
He said this was the twelfth symbols as much as possible. Mr.
copy of the executive book. He Gallivan said within the case were
said this copy was bound for the the two volumes of the bid book:
Volume One being the narrative taken two years to publish but it
story of Salt Lake City's bid and only took 5 1/2 months.
Volume Two was the technical Councilmember Pace asked about the
information. Indian theme. Mr. Gallivan said it
was mostly old west and pioneer
He said each book was bound heritage.
in raw buckskin with the barbed
wire marks still showing. He said The meeting adjourned at 9: 50
inside the executive editions the p.m.
fly leaf that wrapped the book was
handmade paper and smelled of pine
needles. He said the committee had
tried to give an old world feel of (14A- 41Aaktip.,-
quality and excellence to the Council Chair
books. He said the books had been
built on old roots and the Old
West. He said the books told about
the art, culture and scenic beauty
of Salt Lake City, the surrounding it order
community, and the State.
Councilmember Kirk asked how
many photographs were taken for
the books. Mr. Gallivan said there
had been approximately 250,000
photographs taken. Councilmember
Hale asked if all the pictures in
the book were identified. Mr.
Gallivan said they were not. He
said there was a whole section on
He said the committee was
having binding problems with the
cloth bound books. He said there
would be approximately 100 cloth
bound books remaining and these
would be sold for $1000 a piece.
He said volumes would be put in
all university libraries and on
display in the City County
Building for people to see and
Mr. Gallivan said they talked
about the city, cultures, and the
New Frontier. He said it also
included short quotes. He said the
artist developed a unique style.
Councilmember Hardman asked if the
other cities did a double volume.
Mr. Gallivan said it seemed to be
th , ;format that was adopted. Ms.
Wagge said the book should have