11/27/2018 - Formal Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Formal Session on Tuesday, November 27, 2018 in Room 315, Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State . The following Council Members were present: James Rogers Andrew Johnston Amy Fowler Erin Mendenhall Charlie Luke Derek Kitchen Chris Wharton Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; Jacqueline Biskupski, Mayor; Patrick Leary, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; and DeeDee Robinson, Deputy City Recorder were present. Councilmember Mendenhall presided at and Councilmember Luke conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7 : 04 p.m. OPENING CEREMONY #1 . 7 :04 :51 PM The Pledge of Allegiance #2 . 7 :05:19 PM Welcome and Review of Standards of Conduct #3. 7 :05:55 PM Councilmember Fowler moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to approve the Special Work Session minutes of Tuesday, October 30, 2018; and the Formal Meeting minutes of Tuesday, October 16, 2018 and Tuesday, November 13, 2018, which motion carried, all members voted aye . View Minutes (M 18-3) (M 18-4) #4 . 7 :06:30 PM Councilmember Wharton moved and Councilmember Mendenhall seconded to adopt Resolution 48 of 2018, a joint resolution with the Mayor recognizing December 1st as World AIDS Day in Salt Lake City, which motion carried, all members voted aye . View Attachments (R 18-1) Councilmember Wharton read the resolution and presented it to Jared Hafen with The Utah AIDS Foundation. #5. 7 :11:02 PM Councilmember Mendenhall moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Resolution 49 of 2018, a joint resolution with the Mayor declaring November as Native American Heritage Month in Salt 18 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 2018 Lake City, which motion carried, all members voted aye . View Attachments (R 18-1) Councilmember Mendenhall read the resolution. #6 . 7 :15:34 PM Recognition of outgoing City Councilmember Derek Kitchen, for his service to Salt Lake City District 4 and as 2018 Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Chair. Councilmember Mendenhall said she wanted to recognize the significant/lasting impact Councilmember Kitchen had on Salt Lake City since 2016, and listed a few of his accomplishments such as affordable housing, economic development in the Northwest Quadrant, public safety resources, new support/resources for people experiencing homelessness, long-term infrastructure funding for roads/other assets, and sustainable/on-going public transit funding. She thanked him for his service and presented him with a gift. Mayor Biskupski said Councilmember Kitchen was a bold leader and led the charge for affordable housing. She offered her thanks and said she looked forward to working with him in his new capacity as a Senator. Councilmember Kitchen thanked Council Members, Council Staff, the Administration, as well as his constituents . He said he was honored to be a part of newly instituted homeless services, a $21 Million housing fund that was established, clean-up of a bill within the Inland Port legislation, the Transit Master Plan, completion of the Accessory Dwelling Unit policy, murals, and the Complete Streets Ordinance update . He said he would have wanted to see the Golf Enterprise Fund and Fleet Block through to completion. He said being a public servant was both humbling and empowering and was grateful to have served as a Councilmember. He said he looked forward to working with the Council and Administration in the future. PUBLIC HEARINGS #1 . 7:32:23 PM Accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution outlining areas of responsibility and cooperation between Salt Lake City and the Utah Transit Authority in the use of $5 . 3 million in sales tax revenue for improved transit service in Salt Lake City. The revenue was part of the Funding Our Future initiative created to address transit options, improved streets, affordable housing, and public safety. View Attachments George Chapman expressed concerns that the proposed resolution would not support transit for the Westside. He said transit service for 18 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 2018 State Street and Redwood Road should be expanded. He said capital improvements for transit did not make sense, and noted that mid-block stops discouraged ridership. He asked the Council to force Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to start service when funds were available in January. Robert Goodman spoke about public transit and thanked the Council for the No. 9 bus route. He said more public transit routes were needed throughout Research Park. Scot Andrews spoke regarding the need for a master plan/infrastructure planning for the Salt Lake valley. Councilmember Mendenhall moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to continue the public hearing to December 11, 2018, which motion carried, all members voted aye. (B 18-6) #2 . 7:41:03 PM Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code pertaining to regulation of inland port uses pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2018-00601 . These changes would bring City code in line with State Code requirements for an inland port. Conditional uses under the proposed zoning overlay would require an impact mitigation plan. Additionally, the Planning Division has suggested development standards for activities involving transporting, unloading, loading, transferring, or temporarily storing natural resources. Other sections of Title 21A - Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. (Petitioner: Mayor Jackie Biskupski) View Attachments Dean Dinas spoke about air-quality guidelines, City Code/State requirements, and conditional uses . He said he wanted to see considerations for both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Division of Air Quality (DAQ) standards be imposed on all businesses participating in the Inland Port. He said new control technologies for emissions should be enforced in the Inland Port. Terry Thomas spoke in support of the ordinance and said he represented the Westpointe Community Council . He said residents encouraged the Inland Port to be an environmentally sustainable development. He said residents were concerned with multiple fossil fuel interest entities on the newly created Inland Port technical committee, air pollution from the trans-loading facility, along with air pollution from thousands more diesel-powered tanker trucks in the area. Wayne Martinson said he represented the Great Salt Lake Audubon and said natural buffer areas would be a key component of the Northwest Quadrant plan. He said a buffer for the prison needed to be addressed, 18 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 2018 and the conditional use process needed to be followed stringently going forward. Vickie Samuelson and Jan Striefel (written comments only) said they represented the League of Women Voters of Salt Lake and were in support of the proposed ordinance . Comments included: Council should consider Planning Commission recommendations, mitigation of potential impacts, be responsive to City & community desires for environmental protections, establishment and regulation of appropriate land uses, and responsible/sensitive environmental design solutions . Robert Goodman spoke about air-quality, environmental impact, and commuting within the Northwest Quadrant. He said he supported better transportation and multi-use roads for multiple modes of transportation. He said economic growth, supporting/advocating for renewable energy, and mitigating climate change was a benefit to Salt Lake City, the Inland Port, and the Northwest Quadrant. Scot Andrews expressed concerns about significant environmental impacts, such as micro-climates created by container-storage ports . He said other sites might be more suitable for the location of an inland port. Kathryn Fitzgerald submitted written comments but did not wish to speak. She said she was opposed to the Inland Port, and expressed concerns about its effect on water/air-quality, and environmental impacts to the migratory bird route. Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to close the public hearing and defer action to a future Council meeting, which motion carried, all members voted aye. (P 18-29) #3. 7:53:42 PM Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 . Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes, but is not limited to, adjustments related to impact fees for the 900 South round-about and a potential Police Precinct, a golf capital improvement project, expenses related to the Airport Re-Development project, anticipated funding for the UN conference in 2019, and requests related to staffing and office space. View Attachments There was no public comment. 18 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 Councilmember Fowler moved and Councilmember Mendenhall seconded to close the public hearing, suspend the rules, and adopt Ordinance 70 of 2018, approving $262 ,485 of police impact fees to facilitate development of an eastside police precinct and defer action on the remainder of the budget amendment to a future meeting, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (B 18-11) POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS #1 . 7 :54 :39 PM Consider adopting an ordinance amending the zoning of properties located at 629 East 800 South Street and 633 East 800 South Street from RMF-30 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential District) to R- MU-35 (Residential/Mixed Use District) and amending the Central Community Master Plan Future Land Use Map pursuant to Petition Nos . : PLNPCM2018-00024 and PLNPCM2018-00025 . The proposed ordinance would make the following amendments for the properties located at 629 East 800 South and 633 East 800 South: 1 . Rezone the property from RMF-30 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) to the R-MU-35 (Residential Mixed-Use) ; and, 2. Amend the future land use designation in the Central Community Master Plan from Low Density Residential (1-15 dwelling units/acre) to Medium Residential/Mixed Use (10-50 dwellings units/acre) These amendments would allow the property owner, Wasatch Community Gardens to use the two single-family homes (both of which are contributing structures in the Central City Local Historic District) on the property as administrative offices. The current zone does not allow office use. View Attachments Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to adopt Ordinance 63 of 2018, rezoning the properties at 629 and 633 East 800 South from RMF-30 to R-MU-35 and amend the Central Community Master Plan, subject to the petitioner and Administration entering into a development agreement as outlined in the Staff Report, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (P 18-24) #2 . 7 :55:25 PM Consider adopting an ordinance to rezone the property located at approximately 1230 West 200 South from M-1 Light Manufacturing to TSA-UN-T Urban Neighborhood Station pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2018-00163 . The site is the location of a former steel fabrication facility located immediately west of the Jordan River on 200 South. The properties contain approximately 15. 36 acres. There is no development proposal at this time. Although the applicant has requested that the property be rezoned to the TSA-UN-T Urban Neighborhood Station, consideration may be given to rezoning the property to another zoning 18 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 district with similar characteristics. (Petitioner: MS Operating Company LLC. ) View Attachments Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to adopt Ordinance 64 of 2018, rezoning the parcels located at approximately 1230 West 200 South from M-1 to TSA-UN-T, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (P 18-28) #3. 7 :55:55 PM Consider adopting a resolution to designate an Assessment Area for the purpose of levying assessments against properties within the Assessment Area to continue to promote business activity and economic development in the central business area of downtown Salt Lake City by assessing benefited properties within the Assessment Area for the costs of such economic promotion activities for a period of three years and to fix a time and place for protests against the Assessment Area and its assessments, and related matters . View Attachments Councilmember Luke said a protest letter was received and distributed to Council Members . Cindy Gust-Jenson said the protest did not constitute a large enough percentage to change the outcome, and was received after the deadline, therefore it could not be considered. Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Mendenhall seconded to adopt Resolution 45 of 2018, designating Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA-CBIA-19 and Resolution 46 of 2018, appointing a Board of Equalization for Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA-CBIA-19 and setting dates for the Board to hear and consider objections and corrections to any proposed assessments, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (Q 18-2) COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL 7 :58:16 PM George Chapman expressed concerns regarding a salary tax increase . Comments included: agreements were made for an Inland Port without public comment, no provision for salary increases for Police, Council Members should not be professional politicians, and a salary increase should not be considered. Amir Cornell thanked the Council for passing the Accessory Dwelling Unit ordinance; however, expressed concerns over the application fee . He said the Council should review the application fee, and consider issues regarding plastic grocery bags . 18 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 2018 Yolanda Francisca Ynez and Effie Keel submitted comment cards but were not present to speak when called. Jacob Jensen congratulated Councilmember Kitchen on his new role as Senator. He expressed concern that body-cam footage of Cody Belgard' s shooting had not been released to the public within the 10-day period, and credited the Mayor and Mayor' s Staff for the immediate/upcoming (next-day) release of the footage. He said recent funding for new Police officers was related to an increase in deaths by Police Officer shootings in Utah. He said the Council should consider using a portion of the funds to make Police accountable for their actions . Dean Dinas spoke about a handout regarding pollution, and distributed copies to Council Members and Council Staff. Deanna Dee Taylor and Thomas King submitted comment cards but did not wish to speak. Comments included: gratitude for supporting/declaring November as Native American Heritage month, and request for continued support for these communities . NEW BUSINESS #1 . 8:06:52 PM Consider adopting a resolution supporting execution of an Olympic Expression of Interest Agreement. View Attachments Councilmember Rogers moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Resolution 47 of 2018, which motion carried, all members voted aye. (R 18-1) UNFINISHED BUSINESS #1 . 8:07:20 PM Consider adopting an ordinance granting a Master License Agreement for Wireless Facilities in the Public Way to ExteNet Systems, Inc. The agreement would allow ExteNet to install small cell wireless facilities throughout the City. Small cell wireless facilities utilize antenna and fiber optics to add capacity and coverage to a wireless broadband network. ExteNet was granted a Master License Agreement earlier this year, but the City has since amended its ordinance governing wireless facilities, necessitating a replacement agreement be issued. View Attachments Councilmember Rogers moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Ordinance 65 of 2018, granting a Master License Agreement to ExteNet, which motion carried, all members voted aye. (0 18-8) (C 18-558) 18 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 #2 . 8:07 :56 PM Consider adopting an ordinance granting ExteNet Systems, Inc. a telecommunication franchise agreement. The agreement would allow the company to place and maintain its small cell facilities within the City rights of way. Small cell wireless facilities utilize antenna and fiber optics to add capacity and coverage to a wireless broadband network. The company would be governed by certain conditions, would need to secure appropriate permits and pay the telecommunications tax under state law. View Attachments Councilmember Rogers moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Ordinance 66 of 2018, granting a Telecommunication Franchise Agreement to ExteNet, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (0 18-8) #3. 8:08:16 PM Consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 5 . 64 Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to solicitation, peddling and sales promoting. Currently, solicitation permits are required for anyone who wishes to engage in face-to-face solicitation and selling. The changes would take into account those who already have a State solicitation permit and would remove duplicative requirements. View Attachments Councilmember Mendenhall moved and Councilmember Wharton seconded to adopt Ordinance 67 of 2018, amending Salt Lake City Code pertaining to Solicitation, Peddling and Sales Promoting, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (0 18-18) #4 . 8:08:46 PM Consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 2 . 58 Salt Lake City Code relating to City-owned real property (amending Chapter 2 .58) . The proposal amends the City's process for evaluating surplus real property that the City no longer has a use for to include additional considerations for affordable housing. The proposal would also advance additional affordable housing objectives outlined in the Housing Plan adopted in December 2017. View Attachments Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Rogers seconded to adopt Ordinance 68 of 2018, amending Chapter 2 .58 of the Salt Lake City Code relating to City-owned real property to prioritize affordable housing and the disposition of City-owned property, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (0 18-19) CONSENT 8:0 9:10 PM Councilmember Rogers moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to 18 - 8 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2018 approve the Consent Agenda, which motion carried, all members voted aye . #1 . Setting the date of Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Salt Lake City Code pertaining to building height in the D-4 Downtown Secondary Central Business District S (amending Section 21A.30 . 045 . ) pursuant to Petition No . PLNPCM2017-00420 . Under the proposal, zoning for the Royal Wood Plaza site, located at approximately 230 West 200 South (Block 67) would be amended to allow greater building height than what is currently allowed. The applicant requested the property be rezoned from Downtown Secondary Central Business District (D-4) to Central Business District (D-1) in order to build one or more towers that would exceed 120 feet. Although the applicant has requested that the property be rezoned to the Central Business District (D-1) , consideration may be given to rezoning the property to another zoning district with similar characteristics. (Petitioner: The Richie Group) View Attachments (P 18-17) #2 . Approving Grant Holding Account Items for Fiscal Year 2018-19 Consent Agenda No.3 Budget Amendment No. 3 1 . State of Utah, The Utah Highway Safety Office, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program recognizing grant funds for conducting bicycle rodeos, crosswalk enforcement/education, and cyclist/motorist enforcement/education overtime shifts. The funds will also be used to provide youth helmets and educational materials. 2. State of Utah, The Utah Highway Safety Office, Distracted Driving Prevention Program recognizing grant funds for conducting distracted driving enforcement/education, overtime shifts, and provide equipment and materials. 3. Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, 2018 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Grant recognizing grant funds for creating an emergency recovery plan for the City, and to fund the cost of software to manage and secure data usage and data analysis. View Attachments (B 18-3) #3. Setting the date of Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance that would amend the compensation plan for all non-represented employees of Salt Lake City Corporation. The Council may consider approving an increase to Council Member compensation based on Salt Lake City's role as the capital city, the increasing amount of time needed to fulfill Council responsibilities, and to ensure that the salary is adequate to bring a diverse citizen perspective to the office. View Attachments 18 - 9 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27 , 2018 (0 18-7) The meeting adjourned at 8 : 09 p.m. Council Chair City Recorder This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Council meeting held November 27, 2018 . dr 18 - 10