11/05/2009 - Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 7 : 00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State. The following Council Members were present: Carlton Christensen Eric Jergensen Luke Garrott Jill Remington Love Van Turner JT Martin The following Councilmember was absent : Soren Simonsen Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; Mayor Ralph Becker; David Everitt, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; and Beverly Jones, Deputy City Recorder; were present. Councilmember Christensen presided at and conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONY #1 . 7:05:31PM The Council led the Pledge of Allegiance . #2 . 7:06:15PM Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake City Council meeting held October 20, 2009, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . View Attachments (M 09-3) PUBLIC HEARINGS #1 . 7:06:42 PM RE: Accept public comment regarding an ordinance amending the land use designation of the Northwest Community Master Plan Future Land Use Map for property located at approximately 356-358 North Redwood Road from Parks/Open Space to Medium Density Residential pursuant to Petition No. 400-08-10 . (Juston Puchar, Crestview Holdings) View Attachments Cindy Cromer said she wanted to complement the director for separating the Master Plan amendment from the requested rezone . Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Jergensen seconded to continue the hearing to November 17 , 2009 at the request of the Petitioner, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (P 09-19) 09 - 142 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 #2 . 7:10:22 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Titles 18 - Building and Construction and 21A - Zoning, Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to residential condominium conversions pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2008-00409 . View Attachments Cindy Cromer said she was concerned about nonconforming buildings with more units than allowed by current zoning. She said there needed to be incentives for property owners to move these poorly constructed buildings with no historic significance out of nonconforming status . She said the buildings needed to meet design objectives to provide better quality of housing for first time property owners . Councilmember Jergensen moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded to close the hearing and refer action to a future date, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (P 09-17) #3. 7:13:21 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Section 8 . 04 . 010, Salt Lake City Code, to add definitions related to beekeeping and enacting Chapter 8 . 10, Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to animal control regulations to authorize beekeeping within the City subject to certain requirements . View Attachments The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in favor of beekeeping: Jilene Whitby; Annette Hansen; James Ruff and Amy Collins . Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded to close the hearing and refer action to a future date, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 09-23) #4 . 7:19:44 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Sections 8 . 08 . 010, 8 . 08 . 060 and 8 . 08 . 080 and enacting Section 8 . 08 . 065, Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to animal control regulations to authorize the keeping of chickens in residential districts subject to certain requirements . View Attachments The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in support of chicken keeping: Shane Smith; Jonathon Krausent; James Ruff; Kevin Bell; Brit Merrill; Claire Uno; Jael Malenke; Eileen McCabe; Amy Spendlove; Emily Montgomery; Amy Collins and Michele Hutchins . Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to close the hearing and refer action to a future date. 09 - 143 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 Councilmember Love asked staff to prepare a list of suggestions for discussion such as setback, harvesting of chickens and a sliding scale instead of a cap. Councilmember Turner said he agreed with Councilmember Love . He said a setback could restrict a person' s yard or a whole neighborhood. Councilmember Martin said he wanted to encourage the Council to work quickly to make it possible for people to raise chickens and bees . Councilmember Christensen called for the question, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 09-35) #5 . 7:43:47 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider the conclusions of a study performed under Utah Code, Section 10-8-2 (3) , and making findings regarding value and public benefit, with respect to a donation agreement between the City and the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective relating to unclaimed bicycles . View Attachments The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in favor of the donation of bicycles : David Iltis, Chair of the Salt Lake City Mayor' s Bicycle Advisory Committee; and Jonathan Morrison, member of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective . Councilmember Jergensen moved and Councilmember Martin seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to adopt Resolution 58 of 2009 with the amendment that the maximum cap of 200 bicycles per calendar year donated to Salt Lake Bicycle Collective be increased to 400 bicycles a year with the understanding that the Police Department has the discretion of which bicycles go and that the collective was not obliged to accept any of those bicycles, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (C 09-719) #6 . 7:49:35 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending the text of Section 21A. 32 . 140, Salt Lake City Code, Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses, to list social clubs as a conditional use in a Mixed Use (MU) zoning district pursuant to Petition No . PLNPCM2009-00045 . (Jam in the Marmalade . ) View Attachments The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in opposition of social clubs as a conditional use : Nephi Kemmethmueller; Minta Brandon; Katherine Gardner; Lorelei Dolpit; Abby West and Sam Petersen. 09 - 144 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in support of social clubs as a conditional use : Bob McCarthy; Todd Krause; Jeff Bair; Michael Westley; Anthony Antoccia; Brian Morris; Mitchell Talbot; Joshua Kunz; Tiffanie Provost; Matt Templeton; Michael Paap; Josh Burton; Michael Babbitt and Christopher Wharton. Councilmember Jergensen moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to close the public hearing and refer action to a future date, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (P 09-18) #7 . 8:21:37 PM RE: Accept public comment and hear public protest to: (a) finance the cost of certain infrastructure improvements consisting of sidewalks, pavement, curb and gutter, driveway approaches and all other miscellaneous work necessary to complete the improvements in a proper and workmanlike manner; (b) defray the cost and expenses of improvements by assessments to be levied against the properties benefited by such improvements; and (c) provide notice of intention to designate an assessment area to authorize such improvements and to fix a time and place for protests against such improvements or the designation of said assessment area; and related matter. (Job No. 102154) View Attachments The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in opposition to the sidewalk improvement district : Ken Wheadon; Rick Golden; Mark Baranowski; Allan Flandro; Karen Hayes; Carmen von Bothmer and Thora Hutchison. Councilmember Love asked about the process after the district was referred to Engineering. Jan Aramaki, Constituent Liaison/Research and Policy Analyst, said after the district was tabulated if Council agreed to move forward, a resolution would be adopted creating the district . She said the Council could reduce the size of the area or cancel the whole district. Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Martin seconded to close the public hearing and kill the SAA between 1500 East to 1900 East, 1300 South to 1700 South and send the areas on the south side of Princeton Avenue and the north side of Herbert Avenue between 2000 and 2100 East to Engineering for tabulation. Councilmember Love said she and Councilmember Martin had tried to get information to their constituents but felt they were only reaching 10 to 12% of them. She said because of the economy the assessments were too large for residents living in the area. She said she hoped this area would have another opportunity in the near future and not have to wait 20 years . 09 - 145 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 Councilmember Martin said 11% was a large number compared to other improvement areas . He said he wanted to make sure the area of Herbert and Princeton Avenues would come back to the Council because he wanted to make sure that was what those residents wanted. He said he wanted to hold a discussion with the Council or the Administration to find out if the process could be improved because it was becoming more controversial . Councilmember Christensen called for the question, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (Q 09-1) QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 8:51:14PM Councilmember Turner thanked the Mayor, the Administration, the Fire Chief and Police Chief for their hard work on Proposition One for a new Police Station. Mayor Becker said thankfully the residents and taxpayers were willing to pay for it. COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL 8:53:03 PM Hakim Ellis said he was originally from New Jersey. He said he could not find a job and asked the Council for help. Jose Garcia spoke in opposition to the City turning the Sorensen Multi-Cultural Center over to Salt Lake County. Jeff Bair said he understood and agreed with the need for the new Police Station but everyone he asked gave him different answers on the location. He said he was against locating the building on 300 East. UNFINISHED BUSINESS #1 . 9:02:49PM RE Adopting a resolution approving (1) the terms of an interlocal agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, and the Salt Lake City School District Board of Education to authorize use of a portion of tax increment to support the reconstruction of the North Temple Viaduct and; View Attachments (C 09-781) (2) Approving an interlocal agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City pursuant to which the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City agrees to pay Salt Lake City all tax increment received from Salt Lake County with respect to the North Temple Viaduct CDA Project Area. (C 09-782) Councilmember Jergensen moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded to adopt Resolution 59 of 2009 . A roll call vote was taken with Council 09 - 146 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 Members Martin, Love, Jergensen, Turner and Christensen voted aye and Councilmember Garrott voted nay, which motion carried. #2 . 9:00:59 PM RE: Adopting a legislative action item requesting the Administration prepare an ordinance that would codify in the Salt Lake City Code an executive order requiring all transportation facilities in the public right-of-way owned by Salt Lake City on which bicyclists and pedestrians are permitted by law to be designed, built, operated and maintained so that users, including people with disabilities can travel safely and independently. (Complete Streets - Legislative Action by Councilmember Luke Garrott. ) View Attachments Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Jergensen seconded to adopt a Legislative Action and direct the City Attorney' s Office to prepare an ordinance to enact the Legislative Action, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (G 09-21) #3. 9:01:48PM RE: Adopting a resolution expressing the support of the City Council for the City to apply for the 911 emergency ambulance services license for the geographic area of Salt Lake City. View Attachments Councilmember Jergensen moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to adopt Resolution 60 of 2009, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (R 09-18) #4 . 9:13:36 PM RE: Setting a protest hearing date of December 8, 2009 at 7 : 00 p.m. and adopting a resolution to: (a) finance the cost of certain infrastructure improvements consisting of the replacement of the existing North Temple Viaduct with an auto/light rail viaduct and related improvements together with all other miscellaneous work necessary to complete the improvements in a proper and workmanlike manner, (b) defray the cost and expenses of a portion of the cost of said improvements by assessments to be levied against properties benefited by such improvements; and (c) provide notice of intention to designate an assessment area, to declare the City' s official intention to reimburse itself for expenditures paid by it prior to the issuance of tax-exempt bonds; to authorize advertisement of construction bids; and related matters . (Job No. 109014, North Temple Viaduct) View Attachments 9:13:59 PM Council Members Jergensen and Martin were recused for the discussion and vote . 09 - 147 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to adopt Resolution 61 of 2009 and set the protest hearing date of December 8, 2009 at 7 : 00 p.m. , which motion carried, all members present voted aye except Council Members Martin and Jergensen who were recused. (Q 09-9) CONSENT AGENDA 9:02:34 PM Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . #1 . RE: Approving the appointment of Paul Murphy to the Community Development and Capitol Improvement Programs Advisory Board for a term extending through June 4, 2012 . (I 09-22) #2 . Approving the appointment of Barbara Riley to the Community Development and Capitol Improvement Programs Advisory Board for a term extending through June 4, 2012 . (I 09-22) #3 . RE: Confirming the date of Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting two ordinances enacting a new Chapter 10 . 04, Salt Lake City Code, relating to unlawful discrimination in employment practices based on sexual orientation or gender identity and enacting Chapter 10 . 05, Salt Lake City Code, relating to unlawful discrimination in housing practices based on sexual orientation or gender identity. (0 09-36 - Chapter 10 . 04 and 0 09-37 - Chapter 10 . 05) #4 . RE: Confirming the date of Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution authorizing an interlocal agreement for Salt Lake County to operate the Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center. (C 09-783) The meeting adjourned at 9 : 18 p .m. This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Regular Session meeting held November 5, 2009 . bj 09 - 148