The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on
Thursday, October 11, 1990, at 6:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council
Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State Street.
The following Council Members were present:
Ronald Whitehead Wayne Horrocks Nancy Pace
Alan Hardman Tom Godfrey Roselyn Kirk
Don Hale
Mayor Palmer DePaulis, Bruce Baird, Assistant City Attorney, Kathryn
Marshall, City Recorder, and S. R. Kivett, Chief Deputy Recorder were
Council Chair Hardman presided at and Councilmember Godfrey conducted
the meeting.
OPENING CEREMONIES adopt Ordinance 86 of 1990 per-
taining to the Northwest Estates,
#1. The Council led the which motion carried, all members
Pledge of Allegiance. voted aye.
PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilmember Pace moved and
Councilmember Hale seconded, to
#1. RE: Receive comment and adopt Ordinance 87 of 1990 per-
consider adopting an ordinance taining to the Northcove area,
rezoning the property located at which motion carried, all members
approximately 1100 East Capitol voted aye.
Boulevard, approximately 10
Dorchester, and west of Ensign DISCUSSION: Councilmember
Peak at approximately 1000 North Godfrey said the item he read was
Street from "R-1" to an "R-1A" what the Council would be taking
classification. action on. He said the Council
(P 90-317 and P 90-318) would deal with the rezoning and
had the authority to ask the Mayor
ACTION: Councilmember to hold a public hearing if there
Whitehead moved and Councilmember was a real property issue. He
Kirk seconded to close the public said both hearings would be heard
hearing, which motion carried, all at the same time and as people
members voted aye. spoke they could address either or
both issues at the same time.
Councilmember Pace moved and
Councilmember Kirk seconded to Bill Wright, City Planning
adopt Ordnance 85 of 1990 pertain- Director, said the rezoning pro-
ing to Dorchester with instruc- cess for this area began in about
tions to the City Attorneys Office January of 1990, when a proposal
to revise the effective date from was submitted to the Planning
May 1 1992 to November 1, 2003, Commission by Ensign Downs Incor-
which motion carried, all members porated. He said they wanted to
voted aye. pursue an amendment or a new
master plan for the Ensign Downs
Councilmember Pace moved and area. He said a master plan was
Councilmember Kirk seconded to originally prepared in 1953 and
the plan outlined all future garbage collection. The master
developments within the area. He plan proposes that a gate be
said in 1980 a new master plan was installed and that there would be
submitted to the Planning Commis- restricted access to the area
sion and was subsequently ap- because it would be a planned unit
proved. Mr. Wright said the area development under private owner-
was privately owned and had devel- ship with private streets. He
opment rights in the area. He said the Planning Commission had
said in January, 1980, a proposal specifically reserved the right
was submitted to the City and was to further deliberate on the type
reviewed by the planning staff, of access permitted to the North
and other city departments that Cove area. The type of access
were involved. would focus on pedestrian, bicycle
and vehicle access. Vehicle
Mr. Wright said a task force access was an acceptable item with
was put together to review the the planning commission but the
master plan and other issues commission still wanted to reserve
relating to development in this the right to deliberate on pedes-
area. He said the important trian access issue.
points of the 1990 plan was that
it guides ( 1 ) the development of Mr. Wright said the second
the areas which were presently planned area is known as the
vacant and privately owned, (2) Dorchester PUD. The proposal for
the development of a public park this area is for 14 lots. He said
in the area, (3 ) the development similar provisions for this area
of an open space area which was exist as in the North Cove area.
part of the land trade proposal
(4) the proposal for foothill Mr. Wright said the third
trail access and trail heads in planned area is known as the
the Ensign Downs area. He said Northwest Estate PUD. It is
the plan also guides the land use planned for 13 very large lots.
development patterns; which land He said similar provisions for
uses would be proposed for the this area exist similar to the
subdivision of land into lots with North Cove area, with the addi-
public streets, and planned unit tional provisions for pedestrian
developments. and bicycle access onto a trail
system and some limited vehicle
Mr. Wright said there were access.
three areas which were planned
unit development (PUD) areas. The Mr. Wright said the 1990
first was known as the North Cove master plan also provides for a
area and was located at the upper total of 83 new single family lots
end of East Capital Boulevard. approximately 1/2 acre in size.
He said there was current develop- He said the new master plan pro-
ment in the area. The plan pro- posed 155 new lots, compared to
vided for approximately 44 new the 1980 plan which approved 250
lots, each lot would be 2 to 2 1/2 lots. He said the new plan re-
acres on private streets. He said duced the number of proposed lots
the new owners had to provide by about 100. He said the plan-
public services except police and ning staff and Planning Commission
fire. These private services felt this is a significant benefit
would consist of plowing roads, to Salt Lake City for developing
maintenance to the water and sewer in this sensitive area. He said
lines and private trash and gar- the entire area is overlaid with
the F-1 overlay zone and is a very Mr. Wright said the planning
sensitive area for development. commission requested several
He said the Planning Commission conditions for approval in their
felt that the new plan was benefi- recommendation. These conditions
cial to both the public and the are contained in the ordinances
environmental issues of this area which are before the Council for
of town. consideration. The major condi-
tion the ordinances require is
Mr. Wright said the original that the rezoning will not take
master plan provided land be set effect until the PUD plat is
aside for a park. He said that approved by the Planning Com-
the only development of the park mission and Planning Director.
were tennis courts, which had not
been maintained, and that the Mr. Wright said the North
proposed master plan would result Cove area had some additional
in a six acre public park consist- conditions in addition to the plat
ing of an upgraded grassy park. requirements. He said part of the
He said about half of the proposed conditions included the exchange
site was developed by the LDS of deeds between Salt Lake City
Church as a ward house location. and Ensign Downs which is proposed
It was developed under an arrange- in the land trade.
ment with the Salt Lake City
School Board who owned the proper- Mr. Wright said the Northcove
ty at the time. The School Board area will be developed in a series
declared the property no longer of phases primarily because of its
necessary and sold that property size. He said there would be a
to Ensign Downs. This piece of preliminary approval for the
property will be part of the entire area and that when the
proposed land trade to the City. first plat or phase was approved
this would trigger the rezoning
Mr. Wright said the 1990 for the entire area.
Master Plan proposed a nature park
in the area. He said the plan Mr. Wright also said another
primarily focused on Ensign Peak condition for the Northcove area
and the City presently owns about was the time element of one and
nine acres on the top of Ensign one half years to develop and have
Peak. the area platted and recorded.
He said this time period equated
Mr. Wright defined the R-1, to about May 1, 1992. He said
R-1A, and P-1 zoning which are the this time had an extension clause
three zoning designations being of 1 year if granted by the Mayor.
considered for the proposed
rezoning. Mr. Wright said the other two
planned unit developments,
Mr. Wright said the rezoning Dorchester and Northwest Estates,
was necessary to implement the had similar recommendations.
master plan. He said the planned
unit development requested by Councilmember Pace said she
Ensign Downs in the North Cove, thought there was an error in the
Northwest, and Dorchester areas Dorchester area, she said the
could not be developed without condition date of May 1, 1992
those areas being rezoned. should read November 1, 2003.
Mr. Wright said the date Commission recommended the City
would have to be corrected. He stay with the 40 percent slope
said the conditions must be met by which is currently in the City's
November 1, 2003. He also said ordinances. He said the Planning
there are provisions for two Commission made recommendations
additional two year extensions for some changes to the site
which must be certified by the development ordinances, whereby a
Mayor. He said the longer period building will have a greater set
was suggested because of the back if the building is on a 40
different rate of absorption of percent slope line. He said the
the lots in this area due to setback will take in consideration
location. the slope line as well as the
property line. He said the scar-
Mr. Wright said this was a ing issue is complicated. He said
long term master plan and that within the city' s site development
completion of the plans will not ordinance there are allowances for
take place right away. He said it a vertical cut of 15 feet and
is important that the elements of fill. He said there are re-vege-
the master plan be set in place tation requirements on the cuts
now. He said the full development and fills. He said most of the
of this master plan is between scaring which exists on the hill-
thirteen and twenty years into the sides was done prior to the adop-
future. tion of the site development
ordinance. He said he felt there
Mr. Wright said the Planning were requirements in existence to
Commission found the rezoning an keep the scaring to a minimum.
appropriate action and recommended
the Council approve the rezoning. Councilmember Horrocks asked
about the requirement for re-
Councilmember Hardman asked vegetation and if the ordinances
Mr. Wright if the Council was to were enforceable.
take any action on the master
plan. Mr. Wright said the plan
provides for lots to be placed on
Mr. Wright said the Council the uphill and downhill side of
was not required to take action on all streets. He said this would
the master plan. He said it was a take care of the re-vegetation
subdivision development master requirement and the scaring issue.
plan not a public policy master He said it appears that all work
plan. He said the Capitol Hill planned can be done within the
Master plan had been previously parameters of the existing ordi-
adopted by the Council. nances. He said the Planning
Commission was concerned about
Councilmember Horrocks asked the scaring of the hillsides and
Mr. Wright how the developers were that it may be seen from the
going to mitigate the hill side valley floor. He said the Plan-
scaring and how the 30 and 40 ning Commission was looking at
percent slope issue would be changing the ordinances to allow
handled. the planning staff to address the
placement of homes on the hill-
Mr. Wright said the planning side with more detail than exists
commission had made its recommen- in the present ordinances.
dation on the 30/40 percent slope
issue. He said the Planning
Councilmember Horrocks asked designated as a grassy park.
Mr. Wright about the preservation Another area will house a five
zone, and whether the P-1 Zone million gallon water tank to
allowed for only one single family provide water for the development
dwelling unit per 16 acres. and other parts of the city. He
said the developer will pay for
Mr. Wright said that in the and use 7% of the water. The
P-1 Zone that was correct. He remaining 97% will be utilized by
said the P-1 Zone was established other residences of Salt Lake
in 1976 after a moratorium was put City. He said there were other
in place. He said the P-1 Zone areas which are called administra-
was originally created as an tive adjustments which provide for
ordinance. He said the P-1 Zone the park to totally front on the
had only one unit developed in it. abutting street and to provide for
He said the properties which are the trails to stay in public
in this proposal consists of ownership. He said the Planning
fourteen acres. He said the Commission has reserved the right
property was in the P-1 because of to do further study on the area
city ownership not because the known as Little Ensign if needed.
land is developable. He said that He said the Planning Commission
although this 14 acres would be approval of the master plan ex-
removed from the P-1 overlay zone, cluded this area.
through the land trade the City
will be adding 66 acres to the P-1 Mr. Wright outlined how the
Zone. values of the property were estab-
lished. He said there were three
Councilmember Whitehead asked appraisals done early in 1990
of the 66 acres added into the P-1 which generated a series of fig-
Overlay Zone, how much could have ures. He said the appraisals were
been developed. done by MAI appraisers.
Mr. Wright said approximately Councilmember Horrocks asked
27 1/2 acres of the 66 acres could how much land was contained in 51
not be developed. He said this unimproved lots and how they could
was due to the 40 percent slope equal 1 million dollars.
criteria of the ordinances. He
said it would leave 38 1/2 acres Garth Coles, Real Property
that could be developed under Manager, said the preamble to the
today' s guidelines. handout which Mr. Wright had
provided the Council, titled "Land
Mr. Wright outlined the Trade - Salt Lake City and Ensign
proposed land trade. He said one Downs Inc. " , and which is on file
of the primary goals of the Plan- with the City Recorder, contained
ning Commission, when the Capitol the methodology used to obtain
Hills planning documents were the values. He said the appraisal
developed, was the preservation of was based upon the lots available
certain lands around Ensign Peak. that could be developed, rather
During the present master plan than the amount of acreage that
review it was determined that could be developed. He said this
there could be a public benefit if method was more beneficial to the
a land trade could be made with city. He said the lots varied
Ensign Downs. He outlined the from 1/2 to 1 acre in size. He
areas proposed to be traded. One said the appraiser went to neigh-
of the areas is the area to be boring subdivisions in the area
and obtained prices of sales for develop and plan a community. He
lots of half acre size and deter- said there are 162 similar exist-
mined the value based upon today' s ing home in the area and the 155
prices. He said the cost derived new homes will be high income
included cost of development. homes which will give the city a
good tax base. He said that the
Mr. Wright said the value of plan calls for 100 less homes than
the Ensign Downs Property is is legally allowed by current
$1, 130, 556. He said the differ- ordinances. He said the plan
ence between that value and the called for an additional 50 acres
value of City property is 478,457. be added to the P-1 Zone.
He said Ensign Downs is providing
1.4237 value of land to the Cities Councilmember Hardman asked
1.0 value of land. Mr. Turville to outline the Little
Ensign area and what part it
Ralph Becker, Planning Com- played in the master plan and who
mission addressed Councilmember owned it.
Horrocks concern about the scaring
and re-vegetation. . He said that Mr. Turville said Ensign
this was a major consideration of Downs owned the area and the plans
the planning commission during the were to develop the area and build
evaluation of this request. He houses on it as sensitively as
said the commission had included they can. He said the Planning
in the master plan far beyond what Commission has withheld this area
is required in the site develop- from the proposed master plan so
ment ordinance. He said those that specific site planning can be
areas which are specifically discussed.
visible from the valley will
require the developer to meet Councilmember Hardman asked
specific controls as to where how many acres were involved. Mr.
those structures can be located. Turville said the area would
He said he feels that what the consist of eight lots of about one
planning commission has recommend- half acre each.
ed has balanced the public inter-
ests and values with that of the Councilmember Hardman asked
legitimate property owners inter- what the current zoning was for
ests. that property. Mr. Turville said
the zoning for Little Ensign Peak
Scott Turville, Ensign Downs was R-1. He also said the majori-
Representative, said the plan ty of the property in the proposed
conceived was to work under prin- land trade was zoned R-1.
ciples which were to consolidate
city owned land and to consoli- Councilmember Hardman asked
date the developers land to a if the area had any overlay zones.
point where the city could pre- Mr. Turville said that it had an
serve their land and the developer F-1 overlay as did all of their
could develop his land. He said property in that area.
the reason the City is getting
land that can not be developed is Glen Saxton, Ensign Downs
because the City was in the busi- Incorporated, said he felt they
ness of holding land and preserv- have a carefully and sensitively
ing foothills and preserving views conceived project plan which is
and areas from being scarred. He good for the city and good for the
said Ensign Downs had set out to residents of the area. He said he
believed the developers were Mr. Morris said the neighbor-
creating open spaces and trail hood would be divided by those who
head opportunities which created live in the PUD's. He said those
benefits to the public while residents would have all of the
developing a project in a sensi- benefits of living in Salt Lake
tive way. City but would not have the same
kinds of issues or problems as the
Cindy Cromer, 816 East First rest of residents. Especially
South, said she supported the land those who share the single access
trade and the rezoning for the PUD road, East Capitol Road. He said
status, because of the reduction the issue is the single neighbor-
in street width. She said the hood, but by creating the PUD' s,
City was buying back Ensign Peak, three enclaves are being created.
and asked the Council and the
Mayor that upon its purchase some Teresa Overfield, 172
kind of restrictive covenants be Braewick Road, Second Vice Presi-
placed in the deeds that will dent of the Ensign Downs Home
prohibit future governments from Owners Association, expressed the
selling this property. anger in the neighborhood about
the creation of exclusive en-
Patricia Peterson, 130 claves. She said the neighborhood
Braewick Road, said she supported was divided over this issue. She
the plan, the land exchange and said the owners within the en-
the rezoning for the PUD. She claves would be able to come into
said she had reservations about their neighborhood but they would
the proposed location of the gate. be unable to enter the enclaves.
She said she applauded the devel- She said she does not agree with
opers for their consideration of the rezoning question, but does
the area. agree with the land exchange.
David Morris, 172 Braewick James West, 820 East Capitol
Road, said he opposed the rezoning Boulevard, said he was concerned
proposal. He said establishment about the residents in the en-
of the PUD created free walled claves who can utilize the street
enclaves within the Ensign Downs in front of his house but he was
area, and created a divergence of unable to use the street in front
interest. He said it was not the of theirs. He said the idea of a
role of the government of Salt community is not a place where a
Lake City to create special inter- wall exits between you and your
ests which would ultimately become neighbor. He also discussed the
a problem for the community. He issue of trails into the foothills
also said it was difficult to and said access to an area is one
understand why the Northcove area, thing but access to a 40 degree
which belonged to Salt Lake City slope is not access. He said the
and consisted of approximately 14 overall idea of the development of
acres, was appraised at just under this area was good, but the devel-
$210,000 when the area of approxi- opment which seals the residents
mately 39 acres, belonging to out was not a pleasant thought.
Ensign Downs, was appraised at
$1,000,000. Tony Thurber, 129 Braewick
Road, said there was a great deal
Councilmember Pace asked Mr. to commend in the plan. He said
Morris to elaborate on his comment he approves of much of it but said
about the problems which would be he has some concerns. He said
created by the three enclaves.
most of the neighbors are against Shirley Hanrath, 139 Braewick
a closed enclave. He said another Road, said that in 1980 there was
concern was the ridge line prob- a ruling for emergency exits in
lem. He said the Little Ensign new developments. She said
parcel should be withdrawn from Braewick Road is narrow with
consideration. He also said he curves and cannot accommodate the
was disturbed about the park being additional 800 vehicles which
cut in half, and the 14 acres would require access to the new
being removed from the P-1 preser- housing. She also said emergency
vation zone. He said the trade is vehicles would not have access to
not a good trade for the City. the area. She said that vehicles
will use the closest access road
Hermoine Jex, 272 Wall, spoke which in this case is Braewick
in opposition of approval of the Road.
new master plan. She read a
prepared speech which outlined ten Councilmember Godfrey read a
items of concern. (Her comments comment submitted by Ms. Erlinda
are on file in the City Recorders T. Davis. She said she opposed
Office) . She requested a contin- the development on Little Ensign
uance of the public hearing and a Peak and asked that the space not
90 day moratorium in which to re- be developed.
study the Little Ensign question.
Kim Anderson, 768 North
Paul Wise, 856 East Capitol Redwood Road #18, spoke in behalf
Boulevard, First Vice President of SLACC. He read a statement
of the Home Owners Association, from the Executive Committee of
said at a meeting held in April SLACC stating "SLACC has still not
members of the association voted seen final land trade and feel
on the revised master plan. He that changes made day to day,
said the vote was 2 to 1 in favor minute by minute are not in the
of the plan. He said as a private best interest of the City and
citizen he shared concerns with there should be a better public
some of the other people about process, therefore SLACC can not
access to parts of the planned endorse either the land trade or
unit development especially the the zoning change for the Ensign
Northcove area and requested that Downs neighborhood. "
access to this area not be re-
stricted. Councilmember Kirk asked Mr.
Anderson if SLACC was involved in
Marie Schulthies, 1015 N. E. the planning process. Mr.
Capitol Boulevard, said when they Anderson said SLACC was involved
purchased the home the street was in most of the meetings but was
open to the public and now it is not kept informed of the land
proposed to be closed by a gate trades and therefore could not
being placed adjacent to her home. support the master plan.
She said she does not want the
gate in front of her house. Jim Othroe, 1080 East Capitol
Boulevard, said he agrees with the
Ron Schulthies, 1015 N. E. land trade, and is in favor of the
Capitol Boulevard, said he had gates. He said he feels this will
contacted an appraiser who stated help control traffic in the area.
that the gate would reduce the He said he has a concern with the
value of their property. placement of the gates but feels
they are needed.
Councilmember Kirk said it ap- the extent that a subsequently
peared there was a lot of negotia- approvable PUD for that develop-
tion which took place during the ment may require some form of
three month planning process. She easement access thru Dorchester to
asked Councilmember Pace if every- the Little Ensign development.
one was now satisfied.
Mr. Bill Wright did not
Councilmember Pace said not agree. He again outlined the
every was satisfied but that is areas on the map which the pro-
part of the negotiation process. posed ordinances affected. He
She also praised the Planning said none of the ordinances affect
Commission and everyone who was Little Ensign and ordinances did
involved in the negotiation and not change the zoning of Little
planning process. Ensign. He said the Council was
not taking any type of action on
Councilmember Whitehead said Little Ensign or to force it to be
the most controversial thing that developed.
was discussed during the hearing
was the issue on the placement of Councilmember Pace asked Mr.
the gate. He asked if the sugges- Scott Turville about the task
tion to place the gate at the force document which recommended
bottom of the existing neighbor- setting a two year period before
hood area and make the whole thing development could take place on
a PUD had arisen. Little Ensign so further study
could be accomplished on the area.
Mr. Baird said the gate issue
will come back before the council Mr. Turville said Little
when the plat is submitted for Ensign had always been an area of
amendment. concern for some people but Little
Ensign was not part of this devel-
Councilmember Hale said there opment process.
was an indication that the city is
giving a 1.4 value versus receiv- Councilmember Godfrey said
ing a 1.0 value. He asked for a the work of the Council was com-
comment on the differences in plete as far as the rezoning. He
values of the various properties said they were asked by the Mayor
in the land trade. to hold a joint public hearing to
discuss the land trade and there-
Garth Coles re-addressed the fore he asked Mayor DePaulis if he
appraisal process. He said the would care to comment on that
appraisal process was very compli- portion of the hearing.
cated. He said the City used what
is called an "absorption value in Mayor DePaulis said that as
appraisals" system. Mr. Wright presented the land
trade issue, and as the comments
Councilmember Kirk said she were heard from the public most
was still not sure whether Little concerns dealt with the zoning
Ensign would be effected by the issue. He said at this point the
Dorchester or Northwest ordinanc- recommended proposal of the 1.4237
es. She asked Mr. Baird to com- to 1 value was the proposition
ment on these ordinances. that was on the table and was
recommended to the Council.
Mr. Baird said that Little
Ensign would only be effected to
Councilmember Hardman asked
Mayor DePaulis about the comment
made by Cindy Comer and the possi-
bility of placing a comment in the
deeds to make the new property
perpetual public property. He
said he would strongly recommend
that possibility be pursued.
Mayor DePaulis said part of
the rational behind all of this
process was to preserve as much of
the Vista and Ensign Peak area as
possible. He said the perpetual
land statement was an item that
could be looked into.
The meeting adjourned at 8: 54
A2LA\ aTtyr co °5°i0'° a jai
TELEPHONE 535-7600
Salt Lake City Council
Mayor Palmer DePaulis
11:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 11, 1990
City and County Building
1151 South State Street
Room 325
Members of the City Council will meet informally with Mayor Palmer DePaulis.
1 . Councilmembers will request from the Mayor an update on the status of the
development of a more comprehensive lobbying effort for the City.
2. Councilmembers and the Mayor will receive a briefing from Ken Bullock of
the Utah League of Cities and Towns relating to legislative issues.
3. The Mayor will brief the Council on an agreement relating to the Olympics
4. Prospective topics for future Mayor/Council discussions.
5. Other issues and questions which result from the discussion of the
foregoing and/or which relate to the conduct of City business.
cc: Mayor Palmer DePaulis, Mike Zuhl , Emilie Charles, Roger Cutler, Kathryn
Marshall, Department Heads, SLACC staff, Press
\ '.
ROOM 315
Thursday, October 11, 1990
6:00 p.m.
A. BRIEFING SESSION: 5:00 - 5:55 p.m. , Room 325 City and County
Building, 451 South State
1. Report of the Executive Director.
1 . Questions to the Mayor from the City Council .
2. Citizen Comments to the Council.
TELEPHONE 535-7600
Salt Lake City Council
Mayor Palmer DePaulis
4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 11, 1990
City and County Building
451 South State Street
Room 325
Members of the City Council will meet informally with Mayor Palmer DePaulis.
1 . Councilmembers will request from the Mayor an update on the status of the
development of a more comprehensive lobbying effort for the City.
2. Councilmembers and the Mayor will receive a briefing from Ken Bullock of
the Utah League of Cities and Towns relating to legislative issues.
3. The Mayor will brief the Council on an agreement relating to the Olympics
4. Prospective topics for future Mayor/Council discussions.
5. Other issues and questions which result from the discussion of the
foregoing and/or which relate to the conduct of City business.
cc: Mayor Palmer DePaulis, Mike Zuhl , Emilie Charles, Roger Cutler, Kathryn
Marshall, Department Heads, SLACC staff, Press
L ; �
ROOM 315
Thursday, October 11, 1990
6:00 p.m.
A. BRIEFING SESSION: 5:00 - 5:55 p.m. , Room 325 City and County
Building, 451 South State
1 . Report of the Executive Director.
1 . Questions to the Mayor from the City Council.
2. Citizen Comments to the Council.
1 . Rezoning: Ensign Downs Petition #400-768 and #400-842
Receive comment and consider adopting an ordinance rezoning the
property located at approximately 1100 East Capitol Boulevard ,
approximately 10 Dorchester, and west of Ensign Peak at
approximately 1000 North Street from "R-1" to an "R-1A"
(P 90-317)
Staff recommendation: Adopt in concept .
NOTE: The Mayor's Real Property Issue relating to Ensign Downs will be
held at this same time.
DATED: October 11 , 1990
On the 11th day of October, 1990 I personally delivered a copy of
the foregoing notice to the Mayor and City Council and posted
copies of the same in conspicuous view, at the following times and
locations within the City and County Building, 451 South State
Street, Salt Lake City, Utah:
1. At 5:00 p.m. in the City Recorder's Office, Room 415; and
2. At 5:00 p.m. in the Newsroom, Room 343.
Subscr .'6ed and sworn to before me this 11th day of October, 1990.
/ •
Notary Pu `1\ic residing in the
State of Ut
My Commission EMxppi��-rA
BAAFr es:
Y . 451 So.Stele St.Rm 415
Q Salt Lthto ctty,Utah 1JG1^2,
My Ccawnisslon c Al!r..it 1. !) 1
October 5, 1990
STAFF RECOMMENDATION BY: Bruce Eggleston, Community Development Coordinator
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Hold a public hearing and an enact an ordinance
to adopt the Ensign Downs rezoning petition as recommended by the Planning
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This rezoning petition represents the one of the last
City actions regarding the development of the upper Capitol Hill neighborhood
by the petitioner, Ensign Downs, Inc. (There will obviously be building
permits issued by the City over the years, and a plat amendment is also
pending. ) This hearing will be held in conjunction with the Mayor's hearing
for the real property transaction of a land trade between Ensign Downs, Inc.
and the City. These issues are both integrally linked to the Ensign Downs
Development Master Plan, petition # 400-768, which was approved by the
Planning Commission earlier this year. The master plan approval represents
what is possible for this development of the neighborhood. The land trade
will determine if it can financially be accomplished while maximizing the
buildable land in the area. The rezoning decision will determine the ultimate
residential density of the area, and the landowner's profitability, given an
increase in the units per acre for these proposed developments.
STAFF ANALYSIS: The primary land use goal of the Ensign Downs Development
Master Plan is to plot out the optimum number of residential parcels suited
for large-lot single family homes, and in the Dorchester Planned Unit
Development, single family condominiums with the shared grounds and common
areas. The present master plan and subdivision plat are considerably
different than those approved in 1953 and 1981. This present plan has
approval for 155 new single family building lots, which is down from the 305
lots approved in the 1981 plan. This lessening of the lots will make the
proposed neighborhoods less imposing on the existing neighborhoods. It is
also a response to the changing real estate market trends in the last nine
years. The petitioner feels that the market will be more favorable to large
lot single family development in an exclusive secured planned unit
development., verses the denser more public: neighborhoods approved in the 1981
How does the rezoning petition help Ensign Downs, Inc. accomplish their
marketing strategy? The rezone will allow them to build a private security-
controlled planned unit development with limited access, and an extensive set
of conditions, covenants and restrictions for the residents. This is a type
of development favored by the higher income families to afford them more
protection for their families and properties. This rezoning petition will
enable Ensign Downs, Inc. to achieve their marketing goals.
This private security-controlled planned unit development with limited
access has a public price to the citizens at large. This exclusivity will
deny access to parts of the Ensign Peak foothills and the access from this
area to City Creek Canyon. The petitioner argues that the public has had
access through their private property for years, but that access must come to
( 1 )
an end with the proposed development. This has been one of the main points of
contention for the proposal. There is a plan in the works known as the Salt
Lake City Open Space Plan which has as a part of the program the hiking trail
linkage from the Ensign Downs area to City Creek Canyon. This hearing might
be the last best chance to settle this hiking trail issue. An alternative
solution to a trail link might be found south of the Ensign Downs, Inc.
property in the existing neighborhood.
The other issues of contention with the proposal are the significant
increase in traffic and the negative impacts of that, and the lessening of the
view of Ensign Peak as a result of the building of homes.
The traffic will be significantly increased, but the East Capitol
Boulevard was designed to handle the greater traffic flow. The individual
subdivision streets will see greater traffic, but no single street will bear a
disproportionate share of it.
The issue of obscuring the view is one of a small increment compared to
what is already there. The site visit demonstrated that the visual impact
will be minimal to Ensign Peak and the hills north of that monument.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt the Ensign Downs rezoning petition as is proposed
and recommended by the Planning Commission.
SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that we adopt the ordinance to rezone the areas as
described in the petition 400-842.
( 2)
1 ,
TELEPHONE 535-7777
To: Salt Lake City Council September 11, 1990
Re: Petition No. 400-768 and 400-842 submitted by Ensign Downs, Inc.
Recommendation: That the City Council hold a public hearing on October -1-6-7 If
1990 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss Petition Nos. 400-768 and 400-842 submitted by
Ensign Downs, Inc. The petitioners are requesting that property located at
approximately 1100 East Capitol Boulevard, approximately 10 Dorchester and
west of Ensign Peak at approximately 1000 North Street be rezoned from "R-
1" to a "R-1A" classification.
Availability of Funds: Not applicable
Discussion and Background: The petitioners are requesting the zone change
to allow three separate planned unit developments within the Ensign Downs
development master plan area. The current zoning is "R-l" (Single Family
Residential) and P-1" (Foothill Preservation District) . The requested
zoning will allow Planned Unit Developments.
Additional information will be provided to the City Council before the
public hearing date. A briefing and a tour have been scheduled for
September 24, 1990.
Legislative Action: An ordinance will be prepared and submitted for your
review prior to the public hearing date.
Submitted by:
Interim Dir
TELEPHONE 535-7757
October 2, 1990
Mike Zuhl, interim Director
Community & Economic Development
451 South State Street, Room 218
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84111
RE: Rezoning of areas within the Ensign Downs area
to allow 3 Planned Unit Developments.
Petition number 400-842
Dear Michael,
Attached is petition number 400-764 from Alexander Robinson
and Scott Turville, representing Ensign Downs, Inc.
( attachment a ) . Three separate areas are requested to be zoned
to include, approximately 1100 East. Capitol Blvd area, an area
south of Dorchester Drive, and an area west of Ensign Peak as
indicated on the maps within the staff report . The request is
being made to rezone these areas from R-1 and P-1 to R- lA in
order to allow three individual Planned Unit Developments.
This rezoning will implement a portion of the approved
development master plan for the Ensign Downs area, which plan was
approved by the Planning Commission on August 2, 1990. The
approved development master plan indicates these areas for
Planned Unit Developments which specifies rezonings to R-IA.
The staff report for this petition was prepared on August
28, 1990 basically recommending approval of the rezoning request
with conditions that the zoning remain as it currently is until
the Planned Unit Development plats are approved and ready for
recordation ( attachment b) .
The Planning Commission held an informal hearing on
September 6, 1990 and the decision was tabled. The final
motion from the Planning Commission was made September 20, 1990.
( attachment c ) . 310 notices were mailed to residents of the
Ensign Downs area and the Capitol Hill Community on August 29,
The motion of the Planning Commission found that the
recommended rezonings to R-- lA are consistent with the master plan
for this area. Based on the findings the rezoning was approved
based on the following,
1 ) Recommendations within the staff report ( attachment b)
2 ) In regards to the North Cove PUD, that the Planning
Commission reserves the issue of pedestrian and bicycle
access specifically until final BUD approval,
3 ) That the south boundary of the North Cove PUD be
established based upon the actual inclusions of land from
the existing subdivisions so that the final R-lA zoning line
will abut to the P-1 zoning,
4 ) In regards to all approvals, that this rezoning is
subject to final PUD approval with respect to specific
location of public and private streets and accesses, size
and location of specific lots as well as the conditions of
specific lot development and final densities for the PUD ' s
as contained in the final PUD approval process.
5 ) If the land trades do not go through, the rezoning of
the North Cove PUD area will be reconsidered after further
master plan action for the entire North Cove area.
This petition now requires a formal hearing and motion from the
City Council .
Allen C. Johnson, AICP
Planning Director
attachment b
Mr. Alexander Robinson and Scott Turville, representing
Ensign Downs Inc. , is requesting a zone change in the Ensign
Downs area. Three individual areas are requested to be zoned to
include, approximately 1100 East Capitol Blvd. , an area south of
Dorchester Drive, and an area West of Ensign Peak as indicated on
the following zoning map. The property owners are requesting the
zone change to allow three separate planned unit developments
( PUD ' s ) within the Ensign Downs development master plan area.
The current zoning is R-1 ( Single Family Residential ) and P-1
( Foothill Preservation District ) . The requested zoning allowing
Planned Unit Developments is R-1A ( Single Family Dwellings and/or
Planned Unit Developments ) .
?!/ 1
;% //,! - �' ' • ' North Cove Are:
i, //
R-1 to R 1A
P-1 t -
3777 r '''' P
► Northwest Estates Area
, A R-1 to R-1A
j > Ang%n5 -
qit/%h. - t
11-&- '16orchester Area E. [`T
NOR r. 1 n_ ._ . i A A ,/// r...4......_____....:
r/, %�' R-1 to R-lA .. �' � ^� � . P
Owners: Christopher Robinson, et al
Salt Lake City Corporation
Parcel Numbers:
North Cove PUD:
09-30-200-005, 09-30-200-015, 09-30-200-003
Dorchester PUD:
part of 09-30-351-024
Northwest PUD:
part of 08-25-200-011
City Owned Parcel:
part of 09-19-400-001
Current Zoning: R-1 ( Single Family Dwellings )
P- 1 ( Foothill Preservation District )
Overlay Zoning: F-1 ( Foothill Development Overlay Zone )
Proposed Zoning: R-1A ( Single Family Dwellings and/or PUD
The Ensign Downs area has received much attention and
discussion over the past years . The first master plan for the
area was presented in the mid 1950 ' s and recently has received
approvals for amendments to the 1982 master plan by the Planning
Commission. The starts presentation for this rezoning request
will be largely based upon the approved 1990 development master
plan ( see attachment A). A brief summary of past events is
Oct 22, 1981 - a revision to the 1953 development plan was
approved by the Planning Commission.
Mar 28 to Jun 19, 1990 - Ensigm. Downs Task Force meeting
series .
Jul 19, 1990 - First informal public hearing held by the
Planning Commission.
Aug 2, 1990 - Second informal public hearing held by the
Planning Commission. Final decision on the proposed
development master plan.
North Cove PUD. The proposed North Cove PUD is located on East
Capitol Boulevard. This area is bounded physically by foothills
to the west and north of this area. City Creek canyon is located
immediately east of this area. The vehicle access to this area
is possible only from East Capitol Boulevard north into this
Single family lots are indicated for this site by the development
master plan. The development consists of 44 single family estate
lots averaging two acres in size. A Planned Unit Development in
this area would have privately owned and maintained streets,
benefiting the City in decreased maintenance. Snow removal and
garbage service is contracted with private service providers .
Fire and police protection remains as with any other residential
development .
Approximately 14 acres of City Owned property is planned to be
traded for inclusion with this development. The city property is
on the north edge of the development and currently is zoned P-1 .
A zoning change from P-1 to R-lA for this particular piece of
city owned property should be contingent upon the final approval
-2 -
of the proposed land trades as proposed by the developer . The
zoning for the balance of the site should be also contingent upon
the recordation of a planned unit development subdivision.
The boundaries for the south edge of this area is still in
question. There will be a need to amend Ensign Downs Plats H, K,
and I to accommodate the proposed planned unit development since
it will involve some existing homes along East Capitol Boulevard.
There should be flexibility with the southern zoning line until
the stated subdivision plats are actually amended.
Dorchester PUD. The Dorchester PUD is planned on a gently south
sloping parcel of ground located south of Dorchester Drive. The
development consists of 14 detached condominiums with common open
space and maintenance. The site has existing homes to the
immediate north of the site. Access would be south from
Dorchester extension as indicated on the development master plan.
To the south of the site exists an unimproved graded dirt road
that is no longer in use except for occasional foot bicycle
traffic. The site is under 40 percent slopes and is developable.
This site is also in a very prominent area and will be seen for a
distance from areas below. Although only 14 residential units
are planned, building materials, heights, walls, landscaping,
should receive careful consideration at the time of design
because of its visibility. Designs and styles should be
compatible with existing sizes and styles of homes . Some of the
view area for existing homes on the north edge of the site will
likely be affected by this development, depending upon the
heights and sizes of the buildings and landscaping. The current
zoning for this area is R- 1 with F-1 overlay zone.
Northwest Private Estates PUD. The Northwest PUD consists of
private estate lots with the entrance through a locked access
gate. The gate is planned to allow access to residents, to
communications towers personnel, and to hikers/mountain bikers.
All other traffic would be prohibited. A gate will also be
installed on the north side of the service road to prohibit
vehicle traffic from Davis County. The access to this area will
be from the Dorchester extension/cul-de-sac. A staging area for
the communication towers personnel would also need to be provided
for equipment .
Like the Dorchester PUD, this area is also prominent and will be
viewed mostly from areas to the west of the site. This area
likely will be the northern most end of residential development
due to the steep topography beyond this area. The site is gently
sloping to the west and south, is under 40 percent slope, and
though a narrow area is buildable. Current zoning for this area
is R-1 with F-1 overlay zone.
- 3-
- Capitol Hill Master Plan. The map from the 1981 Capitol Hill
Master Plan prepared by Williams, Platzed, & Mocine generally
specifies the undeveloped portions of Ensign Downs as "Area of
potential development subject to strict site development
requirements. "
Access to and Use of Private PUD Areas. Many persons now use the
privately owned lands for casual walks and for access to higher
foothill areas, and have enjoyed this opportunity for a period of
time. A private property owner may choose to restrict the use of
the land as legally allowed by law. Access to the general public
has been limited by owners in private residences, apartments,
condominiums, and other private developments in Salt Lake City.
The Dorchester and North Cove PUD areas are planned to be
privately owned and maintained properties as indicated in the
development master plan, and therefore may choose to limit the
use of the privately owned lands with zoning that allows for
Planned Unit Developments. Although the Northwest Estates PUD
will be privately owned, the intent is to allow access to Hikers,
Bikers, and communication tower personnel through the PUD to the
foothills. The developers have indicated that in the remaining
two PUD areas, access will be limited to private property owners
and guests. The public access issue to the north Cove PUD could
be resolved at time of Planned Unit Development review by the
Planning Commission.
The staff finds that these three individual zoning requests to
change the zoning from R-i and P-1 to R-IA are in accordance with
the development master plan as approved by the Planning
Commission on August 2 , 1990.
Therefore the staff respectfully recommends to the City council
approval of the three rezoning requests with the following
Regarding the North Cove PUD Area:
- The zoning be approved to R-1A, but remain R-1 for the
entire PUD site ( including the city owned property ) until
such time that individual subdivision( s ) located within this
specific PUD area are ready for final approval and ready for
recordation with the County Recorder. The exact boundaries
of the subdivision( s ) and zoning lines will then be
established, with the understanding that the general
location is to remain as indicated on the approved Ensign
Downs development master plan.
The adopted ordinance should be a conditional zoning
ordinance which would take effect in phases and becoming
effective only upon planned development approvals:
- The approximately 14 acre city owned parcel to the north
side of the North Cove PUD also be approved to R- lA zoning,
but remain as P-1 until the land trades are accomplished and
titles are transferred.
- The southern boundaries of the zoned PUD area remain
flexible to enable establishment of the southern boundary of
the PUD. This boundary will affect existing residences, and
will include amendments to existing subdivision plats .
Regarding the Dorchester PUD Area and the Northwest Estates PUD
- The zoning be approved to R-1A, but remain R-1 for the
entire PUD site until such time that individual
subdivision( s ) located within this specific PUD area are
ready for final approval and ready for recordation with the
County Recorder . The exact boundaries of the subdivision( s )
and zoning lines will then be established, with the
understanding that the general location is to remain as
indicated on the approved Ensign Downs development master
The adopted ordinance should be a conditional zoning
ordinance which would take effect in phases and becoming
effective only upon planned development approvals .
Allen G. McCandless
Environmental Planner August 28, 1990
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attachment c
5C MINUTES - 9/20/90 Page _
The Planning Staff reds that the Planning Commission approve the request
to reduce the parking requirement and allow shared, leased, and cn-strcet
parking for the arena. This approval requires no additional parking to be
constructed to support arena events conditioned upon evidence of a ten vr-r
lease arrangement for 500 parking stalls located on Block 85 be submitted to
the City.
_ Howe ocened the hearing to the and arced =nynne e:_: ' t
address the _ lannlrc Commission.
Ys. Teri Jensen, rccresennc 7,tah Pao=r Scx _ : __.. _ th=y _
:he parking requirements cared rear_r. the sane .,`_.ruse tnev feel th___ _s a
srortace of car'k_rc _n the Pewntown area. Ms. Jensen sa_. the_ nave to nave
cars towed awa-; from _ne_- business _.. a recu_ar cask in Order to _tv:'_
gar;k_ng for their em:levees. She also exores w' an i,.7_erest in entering
a lease agreement with L.ar ", Miller : r use of r.care
Mr. Skedros, representing the Creek Irthodox Chef.-, sated _ _._ .eY
suorcrtive of this -=r' _=t. Mr. 5 :e:ass E7.11aed t_.a_ there is barkingtre
vicinity cf the Creek Crt--cdek Church that =did ce mot' -Pr at times =or are
arena events.
Mr. Erdce Reese, bmre, ___e lnte_nat_ona_, �stated that they in _=usoort
of this reddest and _e-el _:ere is amcie Carkinc in the northern_ end f one
!cwntown area.
hr. Care Teenier, a concerned cit_:en, snccevted sett'hd Ccecca_ _sick
for those cecole attending :he arena events who were willing t_
encourage increased ridership per vehicle.
Mr. :Ewa closed the hearing to the outlio and ocpned it oc for Planninc
�ot�anissicn discussion.
A discussion followed on _;c. edvant=ces and pCsE_vi -_-' of a future _ rail
systarl, the ccss_hi i of increased TJTA services, additional oar:ki. lets
that mae develop in the insure en currently vacant lets, and carki c for arena
support staff.
Mr. Pecker noted that the chance in :ve ordinance and the staff r=�'mmencat_an
_s consistent with the Pccrtowr :'nap __ Plan, the amended glad :Master _
The =rtan Pes1Gn Element and the transeortation clans. hr. Pecker then moved
to approve the reddest to reduce the ar'.-._nc r ec.;__ement to allow shared.
leased and on street par:c:nc_ for the new Ja:: .`ren_. This aocroval rem v__=s
no additional par _nc to ce onst_ _.oted to succor_ arena events conditioneo
coon evidence Cf a ten lea_ lease ar once rent for ACV parkinc stalls located
cn flock 85 be submi_ted to the Cite. Mr. Neilson seconded the motion; all
voted "Ave" with the esceocion of Mr. Ellison who abstained from the vote.
The motion passes.
°et'ion No. 400-8a2 bvi Alex Robinson =.._ Ensign Ec'Nrs, Inc , remest_rc halt
Lake Cite to Cr-CCI-7.7 _located at apercx:Vate_ , __:C East Capitol
PC MINUTES - 9 20/90 Pace 17
Boulevard, aooroximatelo 1C B Lrches:er Streer and west oL iris_ __ak a-
accroximate_-. 1000 hor_h from ..eedent_al „R-, ,, c �__^2n a_ "_.—LA".
My. Bill Wright s:a:= ' a: the cct'mcer 6, lacC _ rennin_
neeting duri. the _.-_ i;cwrs -- ____-,_nc h`,rioc, an
Ron Schulthies ccrcern he the mate—ma,te-Lal darrace he fel-_
El were amender and the prccdsed _ .-_^c _-' chicht Yf. rlr'
Slued that Ms. L:.dd__ ;a; c%a- .had f=desTed tho= __.__:c , e_ add_ ^t .._..
meetinic in order to crovLdethe r_aro-oti S _e tLire do ocr's_ .,e_ the
legal asrects of t.e_
Mr. Bruce Baird, t..hn `e_---._ C l ._ -_::orne. was oreek`- for _._-c r o_or.
the Pl apeonc ct i _ Ter,ttinc and _hut paeip-Ilv, --
rezoning, _here is virtually sc _s of iiac_litto the City. He added that
someone claiming they were materially damaged by a __:oo:rc ,.s not
grounds to raise a " ,.a;l. issue. Baird stated that uc until 198
Peon illegal to amend a plat without 1 C% of the property owners affected _n
agreement. Mf. der .__Hued that :he new State ',t�tute =s
that the City Council be _. ed that nc one be by the
plat amendment. He said it is the - Council who will deter.__.-_ wre :per or
not actual material -. cook pace. The mere fact that someone
material :.n, v .___ d'honc or. the . tv Cour_ci_. Ba__ ab ..= _
material incori is no: defined in the statute and would be defined cv the City
O Mr. Allen McCandless -esented the staff resort and Mated that _- . Alex
Robinson is requesting a cone change in the Ensign :owns area to allow tree
separate Planned Unit Develocments ._LD's, within the Ensign C.wrs
Development Plaster P ___. area. Three individual areas are recuest d t- be
• rezoned at approximately 1100 East Capitol Boulevard, approximately 10
Dorchester Street and wee: of Ensign Peak at approximately 1000 North. The
$ current zoning is Residential 'R-1 ' and Foothill Preservation ' _-_' . Mr.
McCandless then cave a bra __ history of the Ensign owns Development Master
Plan approval process.
Mr. McCandless state' that a PUD in the North Cove area would consist of 44
single family estate lots averaging two acres in size and would have privatel'i
owned and maintained streets, benefiting the City In decreased maintenance.
Approximately 14 acres off City owned' croperty is croposed tO be trade for
inclusion w_tn this co e_cci"Ilent. The City prOCer=- __ on the _-_=tsern cope of
the development and currenclo zoned _-I. A zoniho change from 7-1 to R-i A
for this particular oece, cf City t,,Led property srcu=c ce ocroinceht usen the
final approval or the Proposed land trades as proposed „i the t'eve_ tier. The
zoning for the balance off :he site should also be con cincent ucon the
recordation of a PUD subdivision.
Mr. McCandless continued that the boundaries for the southern edge of this
area are still in need of definition. Ensign Downs Plats K, E and : will no f
to be amended to accommodate the prccesed FUT) since the owners of several
existing properties on Ea__ CapitolSculevaro have red.�ested to be included in
the PUD.
Mr. McCandless state-d the: the Dorchester FL" is Planned for a carcel south of
Dorchester Drive and wcu_: ocnsist of 14 detached condominiums with =Pon
PC MINUL'ES - 9/20./9C Page
oven space and me _ena:.ce. There are some es-c_L: homes to the ocr:r cf. the
site. Access to the c,uic be south the lcrrh�e._e_ extension. Although
only '_a resident__- u=.==- _- _ planned, bu__u_nc he_chcs,
lardscac nc should - ;ecarefulcons erar'tcr'- at time oh de=ich ; cause
the area's hLch lesichs aro s es _hco__ ce o rrcaoic__ `.v' --
e istinc hcmes. The area i= __-_ w the �.verla -
Mr. NncCard_ess s: _e-_ :. : _re cr_ : Now hs., _ _ och=i _ c _
estace 'lots :e _ ___. uch _ ckeu ra e. ='he care`27-
. .- _c
planned tO a__cv access to _2_=aen s, c mmdhica _ __Scram'tee._ an
hikers%mOttair biker. Al_ other traffic would cc trtnibited. A daze . __l
be installed en the ncr:. e_ _._± of :he service road 12 crony__ vehicle_
traffic from 'a`v o_haS -c. .: 11 be fr,
Dorchester croons:. r . c_- -Sac. A. staging area for ;ouw_.ficat_on towers
personnel will ,lso need or ce cvided for eCuicmer_. -he currentt, tc_ng
this area is with the overlay one.
Mr. McCandless stated that the Dorchester and the North Cave _UP s are clanned
to 'e rivate'7 owned mantained Cert es ";ii .: crcntited puce a��ess.
N This issue shout: oe c' _a_,eti a-Oher a_ :he time sof the P P acoro` a_ e
by the Plannino C2:,M"' _=
Mr. McCandless serf the Planning Staff fends these _ c rind -ecues=s _n
accordance w__.. the d nor_ master an as _ ._d dvrthe P l a:-__nc
Conanission cn Aucust1190. Therefore, the . toff recommends the Planning
e Connrission recommend :.. Ci Council, acorova_ of the three reocninc
oreuuests sub:=ct to the c-wino cord_=_cns:
North Cove PUP area:
1. The :on ng be mac-roved :o R-1A. be: remain for the entire PUT site
(irc-uding the City curoed croceY::) until such time that _ndiv_dual
with_n. :his spec---c area are ready
_.ifine' aocrova_ a _c -lac'" for -ecordatior with the County Recorder.
The exact bounder'es c= the subd_vi sior. s) and zoning lines will then
be established, 'c__n the understanding that the general locations tO
remain as indica:ed oh :he aboroved Ens_cn c'.,ns Development Master
The adopted Orc_h_:n.ce shoui d be a conditional zcnino ordinance ".which
would become only dccn planned on:: development accroval.
2. The accroxioa:e r _- acre C;t__ caned carol- ee the north of the
North Cove 7= ___.o be accroved P-Li rococo, but remain as P-_
until the land trades _re acccmclisned end :_tics are transferred.
Dorchester and Northwest PUT2 a-_as:
3. The zoning be acp _ved tt R-LA but remain -_ for the entire PUP site
until such _u:e _r:ividua- subdi is_on s located wit_n these
specific Pr P areas are read': for final approval and recordation with
the County Recorder. The exact boundaries of the sucdavisibn(s, and
zoning l :henines w�-- er be established with the understanding�.andirg that the
genera_ location to remain as indicated cr the acorcved Ensign
Downs Development :.,aster_ Plan.
PC MINUTES - 9/70/00 Page 19
The adopted ordinance should be a conditional zoning ordinance which
would take eFrTehr in phasesand become ef___t_ve only ucen olan ed
development acorovals.
Mr. Wright reminded the . yarning Ccmmies'on that the difference between the
1 andtheR-1, zcn_. is that 7)
R- the �-�=,. zcninc _� ~cf-essar�; �cr the �r
developments since the P-_ zoning' classification does hot allow Pr�'s. Mr.
Wright added that the .sgn Dcw= 2evel cment 'east ._ _ lan aecrover' cv the
Planning anninc Commission cannot be irrelecente' without zoning chance
A short d_scss_cn followed including the hstor- of _trer P-_ zer -
convers_ons, desired densat:_es of the proposed PL E' and the various
of the PhD _mph ement.3 icy that would have` c come re the Planning
Commission under the crocess of plat acoroval.
Mr. Scott Turville and M-. Glen Saxton presenting 7nsicni Downs, nc. _ were
present for that portion. of the Planning_. (-0141 , SsiCr: meeting. Mr. TD.zville
state; that :his =oval is an extension of the :raster plan croceaa.
Saxton requested accrove the rezonirc rem es=.
Mr. `:owe opened :'e^C_.-.g to e public arc ;s.'<ec a:' one
K address the _ 1ar:n_nc Commission.
Mr. Kim Anderson, a concerned citizen, stated that ro his knowledge
never been made �hc���r. .ha t P-1 zoned land was involved in this process. He
requested the P-1 zon_nc remain intact: if the should decide not to trade
the P-1 land to the develocer.
Mr. Tony Thurber, a resident of the area, asked if the R-LA zoning
classification would allow the develocnen.t of condominiums. Mr. Wr_cnt Mated
that the term condominium refers to a type of ownership, not a t -pe of
development. He added that the R-_A zoning classification would allow
development of single family clustered units but acoroval for this type oF
development would have to be granted by the Planning Commission. Mr. Doug
Whcoiwraght stated that the R-LA zoning classification does allow single
family units to be clustered side by side but it would not allow single family_
units to be stacked on top of each other in a multiple dwelling unit.
Mr. Thurber asked what would prevent the deve_ocer _rom coming back to the
Planning Coitnission ln _.':e Future ha';inc charged _heir minds about the two
acre lots and reoue,l ng a cluster development. Mr.. h owa responded that there
was nothing to prevent the deve l odor from such a r=guest but he added that any
changes made to the S'ucdi zisicn pia: 'doll` have to be approved by the Planning
Ccrmnission. Ms. Cromer pointed out coat any reddest: of the developer must be
consistent with the master plan.
Dr. Teresa Overf.�eid, a resident of the area, stated that she does not want
the City to trade the 14 acre parcel to the north cf the North Cove PUD and
that she would like to have access to this lard. Mr. Wright responded that
the Planning Conunissicn had already made their decision on this matter in the
approval of the master elan. He added that the City Council hearing on this
would be held October 1'_, 1990.
PC MINUTES - 9/20/90 Page 20
Ms. Hermcine Jex, a concerned citizen, stated that the master plan had only
been approved conceptually, that sne felt _: would be better to approve the
zoning plat b 1 plat, and that she is opposed to the P-1 land benc rezone-R.
Ms. Jex said she was shocked that this was the first mention that any of the
land involved was class_:ied as P-_ land.
Mr. Turville pointed out that Ms. Jex had attended :he task force eerings
wherein the _-1 zoning was discussed at length. Mr. ;vright pointe= cut that
the P-1 zoning was mentioned on .he notifications sailed cut on the hearing
notices on Aucust 28, 1990 for the September 6th ner'nc.
Mr. Hcwa closed the hearing to the public and ocened i uo forri
P�ar�. nc
Commission discussion.
Ms. Cromer stated that if the land trades cc through, the zoning should be
changed to P-1 for ail of the lard surrounding Ension Peak in order to protect
it from development.
A discussion followed inc_ading a definition of :he P-1 zoning classification,
the fact that the land co:pose: for trading to he is better for the City
to hold in ownership than the land the City would be trading to the developer,
and the possibility of the developer placing development restriction cn the
land around Ensign Peak prior to transferring title :o the City if the land
3 trades are acoroved.
Mr. Neilson asked for clarification on what the Planning Commission was
approving in relation to development. densities. Mr. Neilson stated that he
did not foci comfortable with the two acre lots proposed in the North Cove
FUD and would have tc vote against the rezoning if the Planning Commission was
ccnunitting to density. Mr. Ellison stated that the General density issue was
voted on in the approval of the master plan which is subject to further
refinement. Mr. Ellison added that final density will be handled under the
plat approval process. .- . Neilson stated that one of the arguments for
approval of the master plan was the increase tax base for the City.
Mr. Ellison stated that the Planning Coiunissicn should make a finding that the
recommended rezonings to 2-IA are consistent with the master plan for this
area and that the P-1 land in this request is different from typical P-1 land
that should be preserved from development. Based on those findings, Mr.
(Mo-noN) Ellison moved to approve Petition No. 400-342 in accordance with the
recorrifnendations in the August 28, 1990 star_ report as well as the following
conditions: 1) in regards to the North Cove PUP, that the Planning Commission
reserves the issue of pedestrian and bicycle access specifically until final
PUD approval, 2)' that the south boundary of the North Cove PUD be established
based upon the actual inclusions of land from the existing subdivisions so
that the final R-lA zoning line will abut to the R-I zoning, 3) in regards tc
all approvals, that this rezoning is subject, tc final PUD approval with
respect to specific location of public and private streets and accesses, size
and location of specific lots as well as the conditions of specific lot
development and final densities for the PUP's as contained in the final PUD
approval process. Mr. Schumann seconded the motion. Mr. Schumann asked if
the motion ncoded to make reference to the land trade issue. Mr. Ellison said
the land trade issue was handled in the staff report which was covered in the
PC MINUMS - 9/20/90 Page 21
Mr. Saxton asked for clarification on whether or not the rezonings for the
Northwest and Dorchester PUD's would go into effect even if the land trades
did not go through since they are not affected in any way by the land trade
H proposal. Mr. Ellison stated that the only PUD develccment contingent upon
3 the land trades is the North Cove PVC and the rezonings would take place for
o the Northwest and Dorchester PUD's in the event the land trades did not co
through. Mr. Ellison added, however, that there would be an overall effect on
the entire master plan if the land trades are not ccrsunjnated. yr. Turville
asked if it was the intent of the staff report and the motion to exclude the
entire North Cove PUD area from the rezoning, if the land trades do not co
through, or merely the 14 acres cf land the City currently owns. Mr. 77l 'son
stated that if the lard trades don't go through, the entire master plan .Must
be reconsidered.
Mr. Ellison amended his motion to state that _f the land trades do not go
through, the rezoning of the North Cove PUD area will be reconsidered after
further master plan action for the entire North Cove area. Mr. Bohm Mara
accepted the amendment to the second. All voted "Are" on the motion to
approve Petition No. 400-342 with the exception of Mr. Neilson who was
opposed. The motion passes.
Presentation of the Downtown Parking Study by Deseret Architects.
This agenda item was postponed until October 4, 1990 at the request of Deseret
Architects, the consultants on the Downtown Parking Study.
Approve the Salt Lake City Sidewalk Vending Ordinance draft.
Mr. Doug Dansie presented the staff report and pointed out the draft ordinance
included in the Planning Commission packets. He said this draft is in
response to Petition 400-745 submitted by Michael Spence and James Bartlome
who are requesting permission to sell ice cream from carts in Downtown Salt
Lake City. There have boon several other requests by local community groups
to encourage more street activity through the use of sidewalk vendors. The
R/UDAT report strongly suggested the use of vendors. The master plan element
prepared by the Retail Merchants Association allows for vendors on a
controlled basis.
Mr. Dansie stated that at the present time, all sidewalk vending, except for
special event sidewalk sales, is prohibited by Salt Lake City ordinance. This
ordinance would allow street vendors on a limited basis, with the intent to
add street activity while controlling the problems vendors have created in
other cities.
This draft ordinance has boon prepared by a joint committee consisting of Doug
Dansie from the Planning Division, Jill Remington from the Mayor's Office,
Larry Spendlove from the Attorney's Office, and Brent Wilde and Bob Bridge
from Permits and Licensing.
attachment d
other Information
.� -�..�.� � a� -�a�.,� .+ PALMER DEPAULIS
TELEPHONE 535-7757
The Salt Lake City Planning and Zoning Commission is currently
reviewing petition number 400-768 by Christopher F. Robinson. The
petition includes a development master plan, rezonings of three separate
areas, and land trades. The informal hearing with the Planning Commission
will be to discuss the rezoning proposals for the Ensign Downs area before
the rezoning request is presented to the City Council for a formal hearing.
Three separate areas, as indicated on the map, are to be considered
for rezoning in order for the Planned Unit Developments to be developed.
The current zoning is R-1 ( Single Family Dwellings ) , and P-1 ( Foothill
Preservation District ) with a proposed zoning of R-1A ( Single Family
Dwellings and/or Planned Unit Developments. ) The rezonings are based upon
the approved development master plan as approved by the Planning Commission
on August 2, 1990.
As part of their consideration the Planning and Zoning Commission is
holding an informal public hearing. During this hearing the Developer and
Planning staff will present information on the petitioners request. Anyone
desiring to address the Planning and Zoning Commission relating to this
request will be given the opportunity to speak. The informal hearings will
be held:
DATES: Thursday September 6, 1990
TIME: 8: 00 P. M.
LOCATION: Room 126
Salt Lake City and County Bldg.
451 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah
Please share this information with your neighbors who may be interested.
If you have,/ a question relating to this proposal, please attend the
meetinngci ) or call Allen McCandless during the 8: 00 A. M. to 5: 00 P. M.
off, rs,
en o nson, AICP
Planning Di ector
`� •t L;• i• r•.; o
Ensign Downs ;,,:.;-,,� t -> zeal
Proposed Rezonings 1 ° f" F f� A` t
� �
(3 seperate areas) 0 t
`--`^ z ��l 04
n; / \ k p r
.../10 i
iivitt.`-[,,,4;i 1,/':l'4p,,''l',,',\.A':;',.i,',A1,,'#',,;4,,.'..K,1',"''.-,:*,-',iN',t,;,;,...6 A'g'.l.fZi-r4,..-1 l3r'.i.;',.4-;._,*A,_.k.:.i.,i.:.4
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€k4'4-;,,;%i,?se4':.1//,,i." ENSIGN PEAK %' gyp. - '� `-
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3OftVN /
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s, �,�k ` ri.4 ? R-1 to R-1A (proposed)
°? y' P-1 to R-1A (proposed)
- /
\ �,
'�_ Note: Map is Generalized
•,,/- u
r a -f t
attachment a
To be filed in duplicate with the department of Development Services
324 South State Street Suite #201
Filing Fee $100.00
Advertising Fee* $100.00
(*if a public hearing is held)
Application is hereby made to the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City
TTtah, to:
Amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance. By amending .Section
(Use reverse side for requested text change)
Amend the Use District (Zoning) Map. Of Salt Lake City by reclassifying
the following property lccat_ at:
Approximately 1100 East Capitol Boulevard
fran a R-1 classification to a R_12 classification
(Use reverse side for legal description)
1. The reasons why the present zoning is rapt proper for the area.
2. Changes which have taken place in the area which justify a change
in zoning.
3. Description of the proposed use to be made of the property.
4. Other items which justify a change in the existing zoning.
5. Indication of support for rezcring from all affected property
6. Any other information or exhibits which would aid the planning
Commission in arriving at a proper reconinendation.
7. Sidwell Parcel Identification Number.
Signature of the applicant "') (.�- : ylddress 139 East South Temple ,
Suite 310 SLC, UT Telephone Number 8-�G4C Zip Cade 84111
/ -1
Attach all exhibits and supporting data to application.
Petition No.
Receipt No.
Amount $
To be filed in duplicate with the department of Development Services
324 South State Street Suite #201
Filing Fee $100.00
Advertising Fee* $100.00
(*if a public hearing is held)
Application is hereby made to the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City
"tah, to:
Amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance. By amending Section
(Use reverse side for requester: text change)
Amend the Use District (Zoning) Map. Of Salt Lake City by reclassifying
the following property located at:
West of Ensign Peak at approximately 1000 North.
from a R-1 _ classification to a R-1A classification
(Use reverse side for legal description)
1. The reasons why the present zoning is not proper for the area.
2. Changes which have taken place in the area which justify a change
in zoning.
3. Description of the pruposed use to be :Wade of the property.
4. Other items which justify a change in the existing zoning.
5. Indication of support for rezoning from all affected property
6. Any other information or exhibits which would aid the planning
Commission in arriving at a proper recommendation.
7. Sidwell Parcel Identification Number.
Signature of the epplicant ---&\� - l'r06....,—_i udAddress 139 East South Temple
Suite 310 SLC, UT Telephone ` umber 328-1600 Zip Code 84111
Attach all exhibits and supporting data to application.
Petition No.
Receipt No.
Amount $
To be filed in duplicate with the department of Development Services
324 South State Street Suite #201
Filing F'_e $100.00
Advertising Fee* $100.00
(*if a public hearing is held)
Application is hereby made to the Mayor and City Council of Salt Lake City
"'tah, to:
Amend the text of the Zoning Ordinance. By amending Section
(Use reverse side for requested text change)
Amend the Use District (Zoning) Map. Of Salt Lake City by reclassifying
the following property located at:
APoroximately 10 Dorchester
from a R-1 classification to a R-1A classification
(Use reverse side for legal description)
1. The reasons why the present zoning is not proper for the area.
2. Changes which have taken place in the area which justify a change
in zoning.
3. Description of the proposed use to be made of the property.
4. Other items which justify a change in the existing zoning.
S. Indication of support for rezoning from all affected property
6. Any other information or exhibits which would aid the planning
Commission in arriving at a proper recommendation.
7. Sidwell Parcel Identification Number.
Signature of the applicant" ( Cgr �� P-1-�
� ` r Address 139 East South Temple ,
Suite 310 SLC. UT Telephone `7u ber 328-1600 Zip Code 84111
Attach all exhibits and supporting data to application.
Petition No.
Receipt No.
Amount $