10/15/2019 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday October 15, 2019, in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance: Council Members Andrew Johnston, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Erin Mendenhall, Charlie Luke, and Analia Valdemoros . Absent: Councilmember James Rogers Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Lynn Pace, Acting City Attorney; Lehua Weaver, Council Associate Deputy Director; Curtis Preece, Courts Administrator; Jaysen Oldroyd, Senior City Attorney; Mary Beth Thompson, Finance Director; John Vuyk, Budget Director; Benjamin Luedtke, Council Policy Analyst; Sylvia Richards, Council Policy Analyst; Russell Weeks, Council Senior Advisor; Samuel Owen, Council Constituent Liaison and Policy Analyst; Jesse Stewart, Public Utilities Deputy Director; Lisa Tarufelli, Public Utilities Finance Administrator; Mike Brown, Police Chief; Jonathan Larsen, Transportation Director; Bill Wyatt, Airport Executive Director; Brian Butler, Airport Finance Director; Brady Fredrickson, Airport Planning and Environmental Director; Mike Williams, Airport TRP Program Director; Kevin Robbins, Airport Engineering Director; William Becker, Transportation Planner, Braley Bullard, Community and Neighborhoods Civil Engagement Program Specialist; Katherine Lewis, Senior City Attorney; Samantha Slark, Senior City Attorney; Rusty McMicken, Fire Deputy Chief; Paul Paulsen, Fire Marshall; and Kory Solorio, Assistant City Recorder. Councilmember Luke presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 2 : 06 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 2:07:08 PM BRIEFING REGARDING A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE RECERTIFICATION OF THE JUSTICE COURT OF SALT LAKE CITY. Justice Courts must be recertified every four years by the Utah Judicial Council . View Attachments Sylvia Richards, Curtis Preece, and Jaysen Oldroyd briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding changes to the Court security plan. 19 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 #2 . 2:09:49PM CONSIDER ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE THAT WOULD CREATE A FIRE CODE BOARD OF APPEALS. The Board would hear appeals from decisions rendered by the City's Fire Prevention Bureau. View Attachments Russell Weeks, Paul Paulsen, Rusty McMicken, and Jaysen Oldroyd briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding how the process of opening a business/building would be impacted with/without a Board, Board selection/specific qualifications, appeals timeline process with/without a Board, business owner/developer potential to be a Board Member, how the Board of Appeals would differ from other Boards in the City (compensation) , and how interplay (overlap) between the Fire and Building Codes would work. Councilmember Luke said tentative action was scheduled for November 12, 2019 . Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Explore having the Appeals Process included in the ordinance and having the process line-up with other city appeals processes . • Work with Staff to address concerns about having a developer/business owner involved in the appeals process . #3. Item pulled. BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO PARTIALLY VACATE A PORTION OF 14TH AVENUE ADJACENT TO A PROPERTY LOCATED AT 538 EAST 14TH AVENUE. The purpose of the partial vacation is to reconcile the location of fencing and landscaping within the park strip. The partial vacation will not impact vehicular traffic or pedestrian access to the street or sidewalk. Petition No. PLNPCM2018-00561 . View Attachments #4 . 2:34:26 PM BRIEFING REGARDING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO SALT LAKE CITY' S BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 . Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes funding for maintenance of existing art in the City and a study to learn more about maintaining that art collection, funding police overtime for patrols in City parks, and a roundabout at 2000 East Parleys Canyon Boulevard to improve traffic flow and safety, among other changes. (Budget Amendment No. 2) View Attachments 19 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 Benjamin Luedtke, Mary Beth Thompson, John Vuyk, David Litvack, and Mike Brown briefed the Council with attachments . A Straw Poll was conducted to support the Administration posting early hire advertising for the Streets Division Director with the understanding that an update to the Compensation Plan would soon be transmitted. Council Members Johnston, Wharton, Valdemoros, and Luke were in favor. Councilmember Mendenhall did not vote (absent during the conversation) . Council Members Fowler and Rogers were absent. Discussion was held regarding merit employees (Trails and Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and Gallivan Division Directors) becoming appointed positions in the future, follow-up conversations with Salt Lake County/service providers who would have received funding for homeless services (Operation Diversion, Volunteers of America (VOA) , City parks clean-up) to confirm if they were able to expand their services (funds having been applied) , Grant processing/donations, how additional Police overtime funding (hot-spot areas) was most effective with other resources, how a hot-spot was defined (the process) , requesting Police presence in a particular neighborhood, Police Department overtime capacity, how requested Police overtime funding related to the upcoming Park Ranger Program, how to ensure geographical considerations for Police presence were put into place, how the Police Department would decide which parks would receive additional officer patrols, locking bathrooms in Parks, how effectiveness was defined, Capital Improvement Program and Impact Fee Administrator Full Time Employee (FTE) requested funding, transition expenses related to elected official transitions (current election cycle) , and sufficient funding for a Mayoral portrait. Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Verify if merit employees (Trails and Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and Gallivan Division Directors) would become appointed positions in the future. • Item A-1 : Landfill Monitoring ° Provide an update on Landfill monitoring/contractual obligations (particularly Request for Proposal (RFP) , timeline, solicitation, results/feedback) . • Item A-3 : Community & Neighborhoods Department (CAN) Director and Part Time Employees ° Provide answers to : 1) Determine if CAN elevated work load 19 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 was temporary or represented an ongoing level of service increase that would create additional ongoing staffing needs . 2) Provide information about specific tasks part- time Staff were needed for and whether other vacancies were contributing to the issue. • Item A-5 : Percent for Art Rescope for Maintenance - Arts Council o Hold a follow up policy discussion once the Art Maintenance Study results were available • Item A-9: City County Building Camera Upgrades o Hold a closed session with the Administration to discuss camera upgrades (City County Building) in detail and how the project fits into the security systems . • Item A-10 : Police Overtime o Report back regarding Police overtime capacity. o Provide calculation/cost for two Police Department FTEs to provide overtime in City parks . o Verify if the Police Department was starting out with less overtime funding than usual (Operation Rio Grande, United Nations Conference) and if the overtime budget (four months into the year) was typical or less than usual . o Provide parks data/reports on Police calls for service from CompStat (police management software) . Hold a potential discussion on geographical versus the numbers from CompStat. o Provide a list of parks needing to be locked-up at night. o Provide information on what it would take to address policing needs in the City (communities) . o Provide definitions for `hot-spot' and `effectiveness' (related to policing strategies) . o Provide what the capacity would be to come up with a better defined hot-spot plan. • Item A-12 : Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Impact Fee Administrator o Provide information on how the new FTE fits into the CIP team, if the position was an increase to the size of the team, and would some CIP and/or impact fee projects move forward sooner (if additional months of funding were provided) . o Provide a job description for the Impact Fee Administrator. o Verify if a previously (Council Staff) added position to Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) , Division of 19 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 Community and Neighborhoods (CAN) was currently fulfilling the function of Master Plan/CIP Projects Plan Coordinator. • Item D-2 : Home Investment Partnerships Program Income ° Provide information on applications in the pipeline to use this funding. ° Provide the pros and cons of including this anticipated program income as part of the Department of Housing (HUD) Federal Grants awards in March and April 2020 . Councilmember Luke asked that the information requested for Items A-10 (Police Overtime) and A-12 (Capital Improvement Program and Impact Fee Administrator) be submitted in time for an additional briefing at the November 12, 2019 work session meeting. Councilmember Fowler joined the meeting at 2 : 44 p .m. #5. 3:55:52PM BRIEFING REGARDING THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO SALT LAKE CITY' S BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 BUDGET. Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes funding for the Airport Redevelopment Program that reflects necessary scope changes to the project to accommodate passenger growth, among other changes. (Budget Amendment No. 3) View Attachments Benjamin Luedtke, Bill Wyatt, Brian Butler, Kevin Robbins, Mary Beth Thompson, and John Vuyk briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding explanation of a sterile corridor, Customs/Immigration area, implementation of free menstrual hygiene products, North Concourse Phase III funding/construction, current infrastructure reaching capacity, and additional phasing (after Phase III) . 4:28:30 PM Mr. Luedtke reviewed a Council added item to the budget amendment. He said it was a request for an update to the North West and North Pointe Small Area Plan (originally done in 2000) which included land in Salt Lake City as well as unincorporated Salt Lake County. Discussion was held regarding clarification if this was the area under review for potential annexation by North Salt Lake City (voted down by the Salt Lake City Council) , if the update was limited to only that portion of area, and a mapped area review. A Straw Poll was conducted to support having the City fund 19 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 the requested update to the North West and North Pointe Small Area Plan. All Council Members were in favor, except Councilmember Rogers who was absent. #6 . 4:32:52 PM BRIEFING REGARDING THE DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS' EFFORTS PERTAINING TO SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES, INCLUDING HOW FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AT SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT MIGHT AFFECT THE AIRPORT FLIGHT PATH PROTECTION OVERLAY DISTRICT. View Attachments Benjamin Luedtke, Bill Wyatt, Mike Williams, and Brady Fredricksen, briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding how construction waste was being reused, Airport fleet, current vehicle emissions, number of Airport employees, future emissions with Airport growth, largest emission contributors, modeling with Utah Transit Authority (UTA) about the potential of expanding hours of service at the Airport (for employees) , Airport employee transit passes, projected lighting/seasonal effect to the Canyon (Meeter Greeter Area and Security Checkpoint) and Plaza areas, Phase III/expansion expected completion date, and new Parking Garage/current Parking Garage demolition timelines . #7 . 2:29:44 PM BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSAL THAT WOULD AMEND THE CITY' S CONSOLIDATED FEE SCHEDULE TO REDUCE THE RATES FOR "CLASS 7" CUSTOMERS OF THE SEWER UTILITY. Higher rates are assessed for this category because of the treatment cost on what Class 7 customers discharge into the City's sanitary sewer. View Attachments Samuel Owen, Lisa Tarufelli, and Jessie Stewart briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding preventing an accidental 90o increase from happening again (Class 7 Sewer Rate) . Councilmember Luke said a public hearing was scheduled for November 12, 2019 with tentative action on November 19, 2019 . Council Members requested the following item from Staff: • Establish a process (going forward) for Staff reporting/work (leading up to Council approval) to ensure details on these kind of increases were exactly what was to be charged. #8 . TENTATIVE BREAK 19 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 #9. 5:27:52 PM UPDATE ON THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH PHASE FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF 300 WEST FROM 500 SOUTH TO 2100 SOUTH. The project is scheduled to occur in 2021 and 2022, and is funded by the Funding Our Future Streets Bond. View Attachments William Becker, Jonathan Larsen, and Braley Bullard briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding potential development opportunities, Technology Think Tank/business workshops vision, fiber/conduit, conversation with University of Utah regarding the 5G Network, cross-section connections to 300 West, and ability/requirements to maintain the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility through-out construction so people could reach the Homeless Resource Center (HRC) . Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Reach out to the University of Utah to see if they intended to explore tech opportunities for smart building connectivity with this massive reconstruction of a roadway. • Prioritize and provide updates through construction on the ability to maintain continuous ADA access to the HRC. #10 . 5:49:03 PM REVIEW THE ADMINISTRATION' S REPORT ON BIDS THE CITY HAS RECEIVED FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS IN 2017 AND 2018. The report provides a review of the bids, over a certain amount, from contractors or subcontractors that provide qualified insurance to their employees. View Attachments Councilmember Luke requested to reschedule this item when the Administration was available/ready with an update. #11 . Item pulled. BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO REINSTATE A CITY TRAFFIC CALMING PROGRAM AS A "LIVABLE STREETS" PROGRAM. During the annual budget process for Fiscal Year 2019-20, the Council allocated funding for the City's traffic calming efforts and asked that the Administration develop recommendations for how to utilize the funds and identify any additional resources needed to improve traffic calming efforts. The overarching goal for the program would be to improve the overall safety, livability and attractiveness of neighborhood streets. View Attachments #12 . Item pulled. BRIEFING REGARDING AN ORDINANCE THAT WOULD MEMORIALIZE A LIST OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING UPDATES OR 19 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 REPORTS THE COUNCIL HAS REQUESTED FROM THE ADMINISTRATION, ITEMS THE COUNCIL IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE BASED ON STATE OR CITY CODE, OR INFORMATION ITEMS THAT ARE ROUTINELY SHARED, RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS THAT CREATE MASTER PLANS. The goal of gathering all the reporting information into one easy-to-reference location is to enhance transparency and add clarity to the process of sharing information needed by the Council to fulfill its role. #13 . 5:50:55PM INTERVIEW CAROL OSBORN PRIOR TO CONSIDERING HER APPOINTMENT TO THE LIBRARY BOARD FOR A TERM ENDING JULY 30 , 2022, STARTING FROM THE DATE OF CITY COUNCIL ADVICE AND CONSENT. View Attachments Councilmember Luke said Ms . Osborn' s name was on the Consent Agenda for formal consideration. #14 . 5:54:07PM INTERVIEW STEVE BARTH PRIOR TO CONSIDERING HIS APPOINTMENT TO THE ARTS COUNCIL BOARD FOR A TERM ENDING OCTOBER 15 , 2022 . View Attachments Councilmember Luke said Mr. Barth' s name was on the Consent Agenda for formal consideration . #15 . 5:57:14 PM INTERVIEW SUSAN KOLES RICKMAN PRIOR TO CONSIDERING HER APPOINTMENT TO THE ARTS COUNCIL BOARD FOR A TERM ENDING OCTOBER 15 , 2022 . View Attachments Councilmember Luke said Ms . Rickman' s name was on the Consent Agenda for formal consideration. STANDING ITEMS #16 . REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS . The Council may give feedback or Staff direction on any item related to City Council business, including but not limited to: • Artificial Turf Text Amendment; and • Scheduling Items . Item not held. #17 . REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 19 - 8 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2019 Item not held. #18 . 6:00:38PM CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE §52-4-205 FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE . Councilmember Wharton moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to enter into Closed Session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-205 (1) (c) ; Utah Open and Public Meetings Law. A roll call vote was taken. Council Members Johnston, Mendenhall, Fowler, Wharton, Valdemoros, and Luke voted aye. See File M 19-1 for Sworn Statements . In Attendance: Council Members Johnston, Mendenhall, Fowler, Luke, Valdemoros, and Wharton. Absent: Councilmember Rogers Others in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, David Litvack, Katherine Lewis, Lynn Pace, Samantha Slark, Lehua Weaver, and Kory Solorio. The Closed Session adjourned at 6 : 37 p .m. The Work Session meeting adjourned at 6 : 37 p .m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held October 15, 2019 . ks 19 - 9