09/03/2019 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday, September 3, 2019, in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance: Council Members Erin Mendenhall, Chris Wharton, Charlie Luke, Andrew Johnston, Analia Valdemoros, and Amy Fowler. Absent: Councilmember James Rogers . Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Benjamin Luedtke, Council Public Policy Analyst; Lehua Weaver, Council Associate Deputy Director; Nick Tarbet, Council Senior Public Policy Analyst; Mary Beth Thompson, Chief Financial Advisor; John Vuyk, Budget Director; Lynn Pace, Acting City Attorney; Jonathan Larsen, Transportation Director; Jennifer McGrath, Community and Neighborhood Interim Director; Russell Weeks, Council Policy Analyst; Nick Norris, Planning Director; Brian Fullmer, Council Policy Analyst; David Gellner, Principal Planner; Samuel Owen, Council Public Policy Analyst; Allison Rowland, Council Public Policy Analyst; Lani Eggertsen-Goff, Housing and Neighborhood Development Director; Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder; and Kory Solorio, Assistant City Recorder. Guests in Attendance: Jeff Silvestrini, Millcreek City Mayor (Item No. 5) ; Dwight Marchant, Millcreek City Councilmember (Item No . 5) ; and Cheri Jackson, Millcreek City Councilmember (Item No. 5) ; and James Keifert, Petitioner (Item No. 7) . Councilmember Fowler presided at and conducted the meeting until the arrival of Councilmember Luke (3 : 15 p.m. ) . The meeting was called to order at 2 : 14 p .m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 4:56:49PM CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE §52-4-205 FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE . Councilmember Fowler moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to enter into Closed Session to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property pursuant to Utah Code §52-4- 205 (1) (d) ; and Attorney-Client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code §78B-1-137, Utah Open and Public Meetings 19 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 Law. A roll call vote was taken. Council Members Johnston, Wharton, Luke, Valdemoros, Mendenhall, and Fowler voted aye. See File M 19- 1 for Sworn Statement. In Attendance: Council Members Johnston, Valdemoros, Wharton, Fowler, Luke, and Mendenhall . Absent: Councilmember Rogers . Others in Attendance: Jennifer Bruno, Benjamin Luedtke, Cindy Lou Irishman, Nick Tarbet, Kristin Riker, Lynn Pace, Allison Rowland, Mary Beth Thompson, Allison Parks, Shellie Finan, Daniel Rip, Jennifer McGrath, and Scott Crandall . The Closed Session adjourned at 6 : 23 p.m. #2 . 2:59:54 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT AN ORDINANCE FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE FINAL BUDGET OF SALT LAKE CITY, INCLUDING THE EMPLOYMENT STAFFING DOCUMENT, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 . Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes funding for a contract to improve school crossing guard staffing, among other changes. (Budget Amendment No. 1) View Attachments Benjamin Luedtke, Mary Beth Thompson, and John Vuyk briefed the Council with attachments . Mr . Luedtke reviewed the budget amendments . Discussion was held regarding the Surplus Land Fund, required versus non-required crossings (traffic control/crossing guards) , and increasing the Art Fund. Mr. Luedtke said a public hearing was scheduled for September 17, 2019 with tentative action on October 1, 2019 . Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Provide a list/summary of what makes a crossing require/not require traffic control/crossing guard (particularly elementary schools) . • Future policy discussion about increasing the Art Fund and dedicating a percentage of the increase to maintenance. 19 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 #3. 2:27:04PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT A RESOLUTION THAT WOULD APPROVE FIVE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY AND SALT LAKE COUNTY TO TRANSFER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION FUNDS ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS FOR CERTAIN TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS WITHIN SALT LAKE COUNTY AND SALT LAKE CITY. These projects include the planning, design, and/or construction of: View Attachments • Life on State • Sugar House circulation study and transit alternatives analysis • 200 South transit corridor and bus hub • North Temple bus hub • 9-Line trail . Russell Weeks, Jonathan Larsen, and Jennifer McGrath briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Weeks provided an introduction of the proposed transportation funds . Mr. Larsen provided a status update for each agreement/project. Discussion was held regarding public outreach for the projects/analysis, State Street Project boundaries/grant amount, Utah Transit Authority (UTA) involvement with the State Street Project, Transit Alternatives Analysis (S-Line extension) timeline, how the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) intersects with the 900 South design/construction, bridging over train tracks (900 South Project) , funding for the Sugar House study/analysis, and exploring other city mobility hubs . Council Members requested the following item from Staff: • Provide a brief report (one sheet/bullet points) on community engagement of the projects . #4 . Tentative Break #5 . 4:08:14PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT A RESOLUTION THAT WOULD AUTHORIZE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION AND MILLCREEK REGARDING BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS . The proposal involves adjusting the cities' boundaries in an area bordered by 1300 East Street and Highland Drive, and Miller Avenue and Woodland Avenue, with land moving from Salt Lake City's jurisdiction to the City of Millcreek. The proposal would also move a roundabout to Millcreek's jurisdiction at approximately 2300 East Street and 2700 South Street. Salt Lake City would receive an agreed-upon amount of tax revenue in exchange for the boundary adjustment. The proposal is the result of a collaborative 19 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 process involving elected officials from both cities over the past several months. View Attachments 4:08:27PM Councilmember Luke stated there was a press conference (earlier this morning) announcing Salt Lake City and Millcreek City had reached an agreement on a mutual boundary adjustment. He acknowledged all the work of the Staff, Administration, and Council Members, as well as the corresponding Representatives of Millcreek City. He said things started off fairly rough but what was accomplished was a perfect example of how local governments worked together. He said it was important for the Legislature (in particular) to allow municipalities to work through their issues . He said during the negotiations he sensed both cities did what they felt was in the best interest of their residents . 4:11:02 PM Jennifer Bruno and Samuel Owen briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Owen provided an overview of the boundary adjustment, along with the specifics of the Interlocal Agreement. 4:15:11PM Councilmember Luke pointed out the Brickyard Shopping Center would remain in Salt Lake City (in perpetuity) . He said both Cites agreed to work together (as Millcreek City moved forward with their City Center) so any planning efforts/potential Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) in the Brickyard area would be a joint planning effort and the end product/development would be consistent and uniform. 4:16:36 PM Councilmember Fowler acknowledged Millcreek City Mayor Silvestrini and Council Members Marchant and Jackson and thanked them for attending the meeting. She also reiterated Councilmember Luke' s comments . 4:19:06PM Discussion was held regarding outreach to/feedback from commercial property owners, received compensation (properties located in the roundabout) , tax revenue history (designated properties) , maintenance responsibility for the roundabout (going forward) , squaring up boundaries, and State Representative involvement with boundary negotiations . 4:27:37PM Mayor Silvestrini echoed the remarks of Council Members Luke and Fowler. He expressed thanks for the progress made, coming away from the process as friends, and respecting each other as colleagues in neighboring cities . He said he believed the best thing established through negotiations was collaboration for the future in this area, in the legislature, and other shared issues . 19 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 He said Millcreek and Salt Lake City residents shared similar concerns about growth, congestion, air quality, affordable housing, and transit . He said Millcreek was squaring off the Brickyard indefinitely and would stand by that commitment. He also spoke about the area as a Town Center, not having to deal with two sets of zoning/planning commissions/city administrations, looking forward to working with Salt Lake City, non-generating revenue from the roundabout (Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) property) , taking ownership of the roundabout (figuratively) , maintaining Parleys Trail, protecting water infrastructure, boundary adjustment timeline, public feedback, consideration of toll roads, and Salt Lake County transportation grants . Councilmember Luke said a public hearing was scheduled for September 17, 2019 with tentative action on December 3, 2019 . Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Verify if Salt Lake County would continue maintenance of the roundabout going forward. #6 . 2:14:43PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT A PROPOSAL TO COMPILE A LIST OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING UPDATES OR REPORTS THE COUNCIL HAS REQUESTED FROM THE ADMINISTRATION, ITEMS THE COUNCIL IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE BASED ON STATE OR CITY CODE, OR INFORMATION ITEMS THAT ARE ROUTINELY SHARED. The goal of gathering all the reporting information into one easy-to- reference location is to enhance transparency and add clarity to the process of sharing information needed by the Council to fulfill its role. View Attachments Jennifer Bruno and Mary Beth Thompson briefed the Council with attachments . Ms . Bruno provided an overview of the proposal . Discussion was held regarding frustration with the late submittal of materials/proposals by the Administration, concern regarding the list of vacant employee positions/length of vacancy, Communication from City Boards (reports) , timeframe expectations, and concern with the Council overstepping into Administrative bounds . Ms . Bruno acknowledged this was a lot of information to go through and asked Council Members to give Staff any feedback they might have . She said Staff did not plan to go through each item line-by-line in this briefing (unless Council Members had specific questions on specific language) . She said this item was scheduled 19 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 for either a follow-up discussion or individual small group meetings and then considered for adoption. Council Members requested the following item from Staff: • Further detail on the Attorney' s concerns/expectations of the Council infringing on Administrative bounds . #7 . 4:37:28PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT A REQUEST TO CLOSE A CITY-OWNED ALLEY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1000 SOUTH BETWEEN 800 WEST AND JEREMY STREET (850 WEST) PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. PLNPCM2018-00666 . The alley is referenced as Mead Avenue but the City recognizes it as an alley rather than a street. The applicant's reason for the request includes a concern about crime in the area, and the request received the necessary support of abutting property owners. The Planning Commission; however, forwarded a negative recommendation and an ordinance has not been drafted. If the Council decides to approve the request, an ordinance would be drafted and considered for approval. View Attachments Brian Fullmer, David Gellner, Nick Norris, and James Keifert briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Fullmer provided an introduction of the proposal . Mr. Gellner provided further detail on the specifics of the proposal . Discussion was held regarding comments from surrounding neighbors, explanation of Police Department review/finding, future uses of the alley (after vacation) , pass-through ability of the alley, resident request for repair of the alley, and potential of increased crime to neighbors (to the west) . Mr. Keifert spoke about the history of the alley and addressed Planning Commission/Council concerns . Further discussion was held regarding the need for neighbors on Jeremy Street using either direction of Mead Avenue (to get in or out) . Councilmember Luke said a public hearing was scheduled for October 15, 2019 with tentative action on November 12, 2019 . #8 . 3:24:53PM RECEIVE A FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING FROM THE DIVISION OF HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT (HAND) ABOUT THE PROPOSED NEW APPROPRIATION PROCESS FOR HOUSING PROGRAMS THAT ARE SUPPORTED BY FUNDING OUR FUTURE REVENUE. The Council will also receive 19 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 , 2019 additional information about Fiscal Year 2019 and proposed Fiscal Year 2020 housing programs. View Attachments Allison Rowland, Jennifer McGrath, and Lani Eggertsen-Goff briefed the Council with attachments . Ms . Rowland provided an overview of the proposal . She asked if Council Members wanted to discuss any items or programs in particular or wanted to proceed with adoption of the proposed ordinance tonight. She said action did not need to be taken tonight if the Council was not ready. Councilmember Luke asked Council Members if they were comfortable moving forward with the proposal . There were no objections from Council Members . #9 . REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS . The Council may give feedback or staff direction on any item related to City Council business, including but not limited to scheduling items. Item not held. #10 . REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. No report/discussion. The meeting adjourned at 6 : 23 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held September 3, 2019 . ks 19 - 7