01/11/2022 - Formal Meeting - City Council Comment File Date/Time Opened Popular Topic Contact Name Comment Attachments
1/5/2022 16:42 Police Funding Joshua Dunn Hi! I'm an slc resident/home owner.I do not know why we continue
to throw more money at the police to fix problems. If there's a
security or safety issue at homeless shelters,it sounds like it's time
to realize investing in fixing homelessness is an ongoing thing that
we have to continue to throw money at,that's how things work
when we have to pay people to do jobs! But we do not need to keep
hiring more police officers.Instead of giving more money to people
that literally are killing and scattering our homeless population,we
should be using this money to pay for resources and housing for as
many people as we can.Stop pushing your nimbyism while people
are freezing to death,this is heartbreaking!--Joshua Dunn
1/5/2022 16:45 Police Funding Brinley Froelich You claim that in order to open the temporary winter shelter as
soon as possible,SLC's homelessness service providers need help,
with 100 open paid positions.Yet these jobs don't even pay a living
wage for Salt Lake City at$16 an hour,with your own micro-units
that you gave the green light to,that have no kitchen or living room,
being unaffordable to meet at that wage.And to add insult to injury,
the city is asking for people to volunteer their time! It's insulting to
hear that there's a budget amendment now being proposed to give
even more money to the police for overtime when there is clearly a
bigger need for resources to providers and social workers.Why is
there never any resistance from the council to giving police money
when our community is left out to die in the cold?$400,000 should
go to housing,not criminalizing a lack thereof.An ethnically and
racially diverse city council doesn't mean anything if you continue to
sell out to developers and fund the police.A diverse war on the poor
is still a war on the poor. It's time to act morally and give resources
to people in our city who are desperately in need.-brinley
1/5/2022 16:46 Police Funding Sergio Gomes Hello, I'm a long time Salt Lake resident and I'm disappointed in the
City Council's decision to increase police funding yet again.The
$400,000 proposed increase to the SLCPD would be much better
served as wage increases for the city shelter workers,or quite
honestly anything else.The SLCPD is already the city's largest
expense,they don't need the money.Please,vote against this
budget amendment.Thank you for your time,Sergio Gomes
1/5/2022 16:47 Homelessness Alexandra Powelson Hi,I am a resident of District 5 in the Liberty Wells neighborhood,
and I do NOT support the$400,000 additional funding that is being
proposed to give the police to continue to harass homeless people
in this city.I would support that money going to help the homeless
population instead.Thank you,Alex
1/5/2022 16:49 Police Funding Joshua Kivlovitz Dear City Council,The budget amendment for this evening is so
bizarre and unhelpful!Why are you giving police more money!?It
seems like every chance you get,the mayor and city council are
raising police pay and giving the force more money when they are
one of the most funded departments in our city and
disproportionately higher funded than other cities of similar sizes.
Meanwhile,you're putting out calls for shelter workers who make
$10 less per hour that your entry-level officer,usually for same if
not higher educational standards! It's no wonder there are safety
concerns around shelters-social service agencies are over
burdened and under funded.Why are you all not so eager to be
using budget amendments to support our social service agencies,
and instead thinking so short-term and barbarically as to think the
solution is to increase police surveillance of our most under-
resourced communities?It is truly so frustrating how short-sighted
the council and mayor continues to be.This pattern of police will
not solve these issues,and will likely continue to exacerbate
disparities in our community and perpetuate the increasing violence
by the Utah police community. I urge you to consider using this
money instead to increase pay for social service workers so agencies
can hire and maintain employees that can actually address the
issues you keep tasking police officers to address but do not have
the tools to achieve.Do better and govern smarter,please.Josh
1/5/2022 16:50 Police Funding Eric Jerome As a citizen of Salt Lake City I feel strongly that the 400K should be
used to help house our unsheltered neighbors rather than police
them.That is all,thank you.Eric Jerome
1/5/2022 16:51 Homelessness Anne Charles Hi,I strongly opposed the newest budget amendment,budget
amendment 5.This will be increasing the police budget by another
$400,000 to increase surveillance with overtime pay to police of our
community's homeless resource centers.Just last week the council
asked the community to step up to fill the 100 vacancies in staffing
agencies for homeless resources,along with increasing their
volunteer hours for this community.The council can be stepping up
with the community by funding these positions.The average pay of
the open positions is$15-$18/hr.This is not enough money for the
average expenses of someone living in Salt Lake City.Rent has
increased over 14%this year and the salary for people in these
positions does not match that.Instead of funding overtime pay for
officers,who at their entry level make$26/hr,we should be
increasing the pay for the over 100 vacancies we have at our
resource centers.This will keep the community safe.Thank you,
Anne Charles
1/5/2022 16:52 Homelessness Laurel Hiatt Hey,Just wanted to chime in and say it doesn't make sense to me to
increase police surveillance funding regarding unsheltered folks
when that money could be used to directly benefit unsheltered
folks,especially when it's freezing outside.Thanks,Laurel
1/7/2022 13:00 Mask mandate Anonymous Constituent PUTTING A MASK MANDATE NOW IS POINTLESS,LOOK AT NEW
1/7/2022 14:13 Mask mandate Anonymous Constituent Councilmembers,I would beg you to repeal Dr. Dunn's mask
requirement for the next month.It has been proven BY SCIENCE that
regardless of masks and vaccination status,Covid-19 will continue
to spread.The time has come to end the madness.We MUST end
the mask mandates for the CHILDREN! My children have lost time
that they will never regain.We cannot mask them again.Please
stand firm for the people who elected you!We are DONE with
masks and mandates.Thank you for standing for your constutients.
1/7/2022 15:47 Mark Dunn I strongly oppose the mask mandate!
1/7/2022 22:09 Anonymous Constituent Please repeal the mandate.There has NEVER been a one size fits all
approach to health which has only become more clear over the last
two years of this virus.There are thousands of us with an
appropriate respect for covid and for those who have suffered
greatly because of it,but who find their optimal health physically
and mentally from breathing fresh air and seeing another person's
smile.Let us keep our choice,please.Encourage what you think is
wise,but have a little faith in our ability to self govern.
1/8/2022 14:16 Mask mandate Elizabeth Brown The Council has been railroaded.Dunn and Mendenhall are hoping
you wont take action.Outrageous as the authority lies with the
Council and the decision was already made in April last year.Yet
here we are again dealing with it.Dunn stated to the press that
masks are proven to help but did not cite any data that backs that
up.the CDC's own study/data about masking found that there is no
statistically significant difference between masked and not masked.
This is particularly disturbing for our children who are affected
psychologically by forced mask wearing. Please stand up for us and
stop this!
1/8/2022 22:45 Mask mandate Anonymous Constituent Please reverse the mask mandate.This is ridiculous.Masks don't
work.Stop the insanity.Our poor children.
1/10/2022 15:52 Kate Ferguson Hello, Dan, I live in your district and am witnessing an illegal removal
of a mature tree in the parking strip across the street. I called city
Forestry Dept and they are trying to get someone to come and stop
the tree removal,but I doubt they will get here in time. I went out
and asked Trees,INC to stop but they said the homeowner hired
them.I said it was illegal.After speaking again to the Forestry Dept, I
urge you to consider a city-wide discussion allowing the Forestry
Dept in SLC to have the ability to assess a fine to illegal removal of
trees.Thanks! Kate Ferguson 1023 S 1500 E SLC UT 84105
1/10/2022 17:08 Mask mandate Tiffany Bergen Dear Governor Cox and Community Council, No government can
mandate medicine.Please stop this madness!Overpopulation is a
health emergency but you cannot mandate sterilization for
example.Salt Lake keeps growing but no one is stopping the
buildings of apartments and homes from going up. Maybe work on
this?This is a health crisis.What about the border?Why are US
citizens being forced into illegal measures and the people crossing
the border illegally are not being forced to comply?They get to
come over and vote and they also get a free ride off tax dollars.We
are all getting tired of this.This looks like communism.This is a
health crisis.What are public accommodations?Places of public
accommodation include a wide range of entities,such as
stores,museums,libraries,parks,private schools,and day care
centers.ETC It is UNLAWFUL for anyone to require proof of
vaccination as a condition of entry to any establishment.State and
federal non-discrimination laws protect FREE AND EQUAL ACCESS
regardless of my medical condition,which I do not need to disclose
to you or anyone else.It is UNLAWFUL for anyone else to take
someone's temperature.Gathering vital statistics is a violation of
the 4th Amendment,which protects a person's right to privacy.
Violation of this protection can result in being reported to the U.S.
Department of Justice,which is required by law to investigate Civil
Rights Violations.I have the right to not be forced to self-suffocate.
Where is the law for law enforcing officers to enforce self-
suffocation?Take a shot and we will get back to normal.You can
hug your grandma.Oops now we need another and another and
another. IT IS NOT working so keep getting the same shot!We
cannot vaccinate our way out of any pandemic. Especially with a
shot(because this is not a vaccine)this is gene therapy. Please prove
1/10/2022 17:18 Mask mandate Nicole Korpi I know there are talks as of late that mandates might get issued.I
want to preemptively oppose any and all mandates be issued.
Please let freedom of choice be the only thing that matters.
1/10/2022 17:21 Mask mandate Abigail Marshall To whom it may concern,I recently heard of the Health Director's
30-day mask mandate for Salt Lake County and am writing to plead
that you please overturn her decision.There is no data to support
mask effectiveness,with the exception of very specific masks that
most residents simply do not use.We should not be catering to the
belief that masks work anymore.They do not work.We should not
be forcing use and should be actively working to eliminate mask use
especially for children.Please,please consider overturning this
mandate.We need to stop looking at misguided measures and start
considering new avenues to support our community's safety.
1/10/2022 17:23 Mask mandate Julie Gonzales I will not be wearing NO MASK!We have a lawless control freak
telling people how to live n what to wear.I'm done with all these
idiots telling me what to do.
1/10/2022 17:26 Mask mandate Danielle Newman Hello,I am wife,mother and resident of Sugarhouse in our beautiful
city.I am currently pregnant with our third baby and have two
young children under 5. I also have autoimmune disease as do both
my parents.I am writing to ask you to PLEASE do not overturn Dr.
Dunn's mask mandate. I was vaccinated in April but due to the high
fever(104.5)that I got with my 2nd dose,my OBGYN has advised
against the booster at this time.My children are also too young to
receive the vaccine. My husband has done his part to protect us by
getting vaccinated,boosted and wearing a mask to school.Please
help me keep myself and my family safe by letting Dr. Dunn's mask
mandate stand.Sincerely and appreciatively,Danielle Wiley
1/10/2022 17:30 Mask mandate Nick Stam Why are we ok to keep doing things over and over when there is
data to the moon and back dont work?Look at all these controlists
states and countries that every mandate in the world and cases are
spiking like crazy.By now we know cloth masks Cleary dont work.
Even officials are finally admitting to it yet you are going to make
me wear one?For what?Nothing but theatre.Very disappointing-
KIirL C*on.
1/10/2022 17:32 Mask mandate Kerrie Knobeloch Please over turn the mask mandate.I truly believe there is a lot of
over reacting going on and we could really use a calming voice
instead of all the panicking.I am vaccinated and live in zip code
84108.Thank you.
1/10/2022 17:33 Mask mandate Mike N/A Please oppose the 30 day mask mandate...there is conclusive
evidence that masks do not help reduce the spread or protect from
COVID.It's ridiculous to continue this.--Mike
1/10/2022 17:35 Mask mandate Emily Sanderson Hello,I am emailing to express my frustration with having a mask
mandate in Salt Lake County.We were told last year that we would
have no more"mandates"and only"recommendations"and let
people have the freedom to make their own choices.This is
especially frustrating for people who have difficulty breathing from
wearing masks.Please consider rescinding this"mandate"and
instead make a"recommendation".Thank you,Emily
1/10/2022 17:36 Mask mandate Reva Shepard Dear council members;I'm writing to show support for the Jan 2022
mask mandate. It seems that the folks that are against the mandate
have been extremely vocal regarding their opinions.However,there
are many of us that are supportive,albeit not as loudly. I would
rather that school children attend school,avoiding remote learning.
Therefore,mitigating the risk is called for.Wearing a mask is
necessary at this point in the pandemic. I hope you continue to put
the health of our community first.Sincerely,Reva Shepard
1/10/2022 17:37 Mask mandate Tamara Christensen Hello! Please KEEP the mask mandate that has been imposed by the
health department.They know what is best in health related issues!
It is the best way to keep everyone safe!This is NOT a political issue,
although some people have turned it into that! I am a Republican
and I feel everyone should be vaccinated and that this mandate will
save lives.It seems this is why the pandemic is still running rampant,
because we have so many citizens that don't get vaccinated and
don't wear masks! Basically,they don't care about others and they
are going around infecting everyone around them because they
don't know they have it.I guess since we have a country of entitled
people that don't care about anyone but themselves,then mask
mandates are needed.It's sad but true. PLEASE KEEP THE MANDATE
AND SAVE LIVES!!Tami Christensen Salt Lake County Resident
Republican Voter
1/10/2022 17:38 Mask mandate Evan Wilko Here we go again;the three Dunn,Mendenhall,and J.Wilson up to
their old tricks by once again using unknown data on surgical
`synthetic'masks to enforce a bogus no law on people to wear such
mask that doesn't stop the spread as shown by USA today on
January 6 2022 article titled:Most people are still wearing cloth
masks.Here's why that's a problem with omicron How much longer
do we have to deal with these obsessed people that are insane crazy
to never let go of Covid now for 3 years?This is a power grab and
this must be stopped! Please pass law that ends this loop hole that
you all ended months ago so that a director of health cannot pass by
herself without a council and the state legislatures vote needed!We
must end this nightmare or they will use it until everyone has 10
booster shots and looks like Cobra Commander! Please Help us End
this today! Please reconvene in emergency vote. Evan Wilko
1/10/2022 17:38 Mask mandate Dustin Carruth Council Members,Overall I think you all have been doing a great
job,but please don't let us revert back to a mask mandate driven
mindset.I own multiple restaurants in six different states across the
country and the way we have responded to the covid virus over the
last year or two has allowed our restaurants here in Utah to be the
best performing in the chain.We cannot revert back to overreactive
and counterproductive measures(i.e.mask mandates)that hinder
the social and communicative growth of our kids in school and the
increased madness and negativity/depression that a new mask
mandate will bring to our communities.We need to accept the fact
that,just like the traditional cold and flu,covid is not going away
and we cannot continue to upend our lives and live in a constant
state of paranoia every time cases get too high.We need to stop
openly publishing daily covid cases and focus on treating the elderly
and those that actually need help,very similarly to how we have
done during traditional cold/flu seasons. Please overturn the mask
mandate,and instead continue to emphasize the use of masks and
vaccinations.We need to move forward,not backward.Thank you
for your consideration and continued efforts.Sincerely,Dustin
1/10/2022 17:40 Mask mandate Cory Rodriguez No!
1/10/2022 17:40 Mask mandate Deborah McHenry Dear Council, Please challenge the January 7,2022 mask mandate. It
does not take into consideration the natural immunity of those of us
who have already recently recovered or the dire mental health
ramifications that come with this suffocating requirement.Mandate
or no,we have all taken this illness seriously and done what we've
felt best to remain as safe as possible,but the truth is that the virus
will spread with or without masks.Uniform conformity has never
been the American way.Please preserve our freedom of choice and
challenge this mandate.Thank you Deborah McHenry On behalf of
thousands of Utahns--Deborah McHenry Certified Sign Language
Interpreter: Utah Professional,NIC 801-520-2822
1/10/2022 17:41 Mask Mandate in Schools Ilana Harrus Hello, I would like to add my voice to those who are done with this
virus and the insanity of the answer.Yes,Omicron is spreading fast.
Yes you have a lot of cases.Most don't end up at the hospital.Even
less are dying from Omicron.You know what else is spreading fast
with long term impact??Anxiety and depression.My kid is once
again having panic attacks because of the insanity of these
mandates.MASKS DON"T WORK. Period. Even the famed KN-95
which is only marginally more efficient when it is worn properly
(and changed every 4 hours and not touched). Kids have the right of
a normal childhood.To go to a"normal"school.Without facial
diapers.The science is clear.The politics of the virus are also clear.
Ilana Harrus,PhD.
1/10/2022 17:41 Mask mandate Tricia Bromka If you are fight this-illness and death is on your head.We can't rely
on"making decisions for themselves"the consequences are beyond
an individual!!!Sent from my iPhone Tricia Bromka
1/10/2022 17:41 Mask mandate Jenny Ballstaedt I am writing this in absolute OPPOSITION to the MASK MANDATE
that was placed on Salt Lake County.The main problem I have is
that our school districts are now requiring our children to wear
masks to school,7 hours a day.This is to the DETRIMENT of our
children,most of which have already had covid(or vaccinated if
desired),now with antibodies to fight any new variant,specifically
OMICRON,which data shows is less severe than other variants.
Covid is not going away.The best thing we can do for these kids is
for them to get natural immunity while their young,so their bodies
are primed for when they get older.We all know kids don't wear
masks properly anyway-they are constantly touching them,pulling
them down,taking them on and off. Most data has shown masks to
be very minimally effective at stopping transmission,even with the
best intentions/practices of wearing them properly.And what is the
end game?We are two years into this-how long will this continue?
It's time to move on.SAY NO TO THE MASK MANDATE!--Jenny
1/10/2022 17:42 Mask mandate Anonymous Constituent I would like to encourage the council to continue the mask
mandate.It helps keep our community safer.Thank you
1/10/2022 17:43 Mask mandate Shelby Davis I refuse to comply with your mandate!This is not a law,we the
people who elect our council members do not want this! I get to
choose to wear a mask or not!Overturn the mask mandate!--
Shelby Davis Independent Scentsy Consultant(801)651-6510:
Shelbydavis819@gmail.com Http://HotMessExpress.Scentsy.Us
1/10/2022 17:44 Ivory Homes Rezone Request Ken Vanmoorhem No variances.We can't handle the extra vehicle traffic And on a
similar note.Now that IHC has purchased sears what's going to
happen to LDS?No apartments....they may argue that it would be
the se number of cars.But I would argue that currently LDSs traffic
is mostly opposite that of the residents.... Ken VanMoorhem
1/10/2022 17:45 Mask mandate Ken Vanmoorhem I suport the mask mandate.Please leave it in place Ken
1/10/2022 17:46 Mask mandate Vin Frost I'm outraged at the actions of Angela Dunn to impose yet ANOTHER
unconstitutional mandate on the citizens of Salt Lake County.You as
our council should be,too,and it doesn't sound as though you are.
WHY???Why,as U.S.citizens are we not ALL standing upnand
saying we refuse to do this anymore???WHY am I the only one in
this entire country who gives a d a m n about our constitutional
rights?You need to rescind the order immediately,and it doesn't
sound like your going to??WHY??Health mandates are
unconstitutional.I swore to protect and defend the Constitution and
I'm sure you did,too.WHY are you all OATHBREAKERS. Did all the d
a m n globalist communists pay you all off???You shouldn't be
putting up with their crap.I will NOT comply with the mandate. No
one should.Citizens and businesses should stand up immediately
and say STOP.Also,the.masks aren't effective at preventing disease.
This has been proven in study after study.Look at Florida,now with
the lowest covid rate in the country.Governor De Santis is the only
politician who cares a fig about any of us and our rights.Get me the
money to get out of this gd country. I will be sending all of my
receipts for buying things in other counties to the Utah Health
Department,and they WILL pay me for my time and gas for them
forcing me to buy my groceries in other counties.You too,damn
city council.Stand up and fight for our rights1'I'I I
1/10/2022 17:47 Mask mandate Cari Bergstrom Hello.As a school teacher, I am pleading with you to uphold the
mandate.As it stands now,my students with covid are allowed back
into my room without a mask.They are supposed to wear one but
they don't and I cannot do anything about it.Because it can't be
required.Please think of the teachers who are scared to go to work.
Scared to bring something home to a grandchild with cancer,who
will die with it.The room is a breeding ground for germs and illness.
Masks give us a fighting chance to stay in school. Please think of us
when you vote.The kids will be okay with masks.They are used to
being told what to wear by adults.They really don't care.Please
help us.Thank you.Cari bergstrom
1/10/2022 17:47 Mask mandate Andrea Whatcott As a resident of Salt Lake county,I ask that you please overturn the
mask mandate that begin today.We have seen over the last two
years that masks do not protect us from catching or spreading the
virus.My own father in law wore a mask religiously,but still caught
and died of COVID.They do not work.If people would like to choose
to wear one, I support that,but being forced to wear one is wrong.
The health department claims that if they can save just one life it
will be worth it...if that's the case,then why do allow alcohol or
smoking?Those kill people every year,and the health department
isn't concerned over that?Which shows that the mandates do not
have anything to do with health and everything to do with control.If
it's not about control,then overturn the mandate,and give people
the choice to choose for themselves,just like that can with smoking
and drinking alcohol.Thank you.
1/10/2022 17:48 Mask mandate Ashley Wilson We have had two years of the government over reaching into our
lives as Americans! Masks do not work,they limit quality air,cause
breathing restrictions and not sanitary! Let people live!We do not
shut down or mask mandate over the flu.Stop pushing the
varrinatinn I It rinecn't wnrkl
1/10/2022 17:48 Mask mandate Dustin Brooksby Hello Council Members,If I'm being honest I don't really know much
about politics or what the correct channel is for this kind of letter,
but I understand it's the city council that's in charge of overturning
this mask mandate.I'm sure you're flooded with letters and phone
calls and probably don't have the time to read long letters so I've
included my rationale underneath just in case anybody's interested
and I've tried to make it brief.in case you don't have time for that,I
just like to make it clear that I'm against the mask mandate and I'd
like to see it overturned.Thanks for your time and your service. If
you'd like to know a little bit more about why I have this opinion
please continue to read. I'm not a big fan of mandates,and id like to
see it overturned regardless,but when it comes to kids in
elementary schools in particular I really don't see how this makes
sense.It's my understanding that masks work relatively effectively
in certain situations.Particularly when the exposure is for a limited
time and when two people are talking directly to each other in a
relatively close space.Any virus particles that make it past the mask
are at least redirected and not blown directly into the face of the
people interacting with each other.This gives the virus a chance to
dissipate before the concentration(viral load)in the air reaches
levels high enough to infect people.For example an exchange
between a bank teller and a customer,or maybe a visit to the
grocery store.It also seems pretty clear that it's not so effective
around the house and with your family.Simply for the reason that
covid seems to spread through aerosols and can remain in the air
for up to 3 hours(according to the coronavirus resource center).So
even though the mask will block some of the virus it does not seem
to keep the virus contained and rather than dissipating,(if you're in
an enclosed space)any air that makes its way around the mask and
out the back contains virus particles that can build up in the air for
1/10/2022 17:49 Mask mandate Dustin Garner Longtime salt lake county resident.Spread of covid is unsustainable,
hurting all but teachers and health workers most of all. Dr. Dunn is
the expert here and I ask the council to support her decision.Mask
mandate is appropriate and necessary. Dustin Garner
1/10/2022 17:50 Mask mandate Raymond Fabela We do not want a mask mandate
1/10/2022 17:51 Mask mandate Cory Rodriguez No
1/10/2022 17:53 Mask mandate Cory Rodriguez No
1/10/2022 17:55 Mask mandate Cory Rodriguez No ! No! No!
1/10/2022 17:55 Mask mandate Cory Rodriguez No
1/11/2022 10:48 Bob Barr Once again, I have for over 40 years driven extensively around the sl
valley. By far the worst road conditions are in slc proper.And the
worst of those is are in The zip code(84108),curiously the zip code
that is consistently ranked the highest in home values in the valley.
And with significantly higher density(units per mile of road)as well.
And they are horrible by even third world standards.So why is it
that the area collecting the most property taxes.And concurrently
that generates by extension a higher rate of other taxes and fees.
Has been so horribly mismanaged that our roads are virtually
undriveable.That is actually a rhetorical question as I have
conferred with former high ranking individuals in the streets
department as well as contractors that in-fact build roads in our
area. But I would certainly be interested in your misleading and
evasive response's(again,from past experience). I am at the point
of finding a very public way of addressing this issue,but would
prefer a less confrontational resolution and one that actually fixes
the problem.Thank you Bob Barr
1/11/2022 11:00 Kasey O'Connor Does this not tell you(article below)that the"Powers that be"the
trusted leadership has no frigging clue what they are doing except
following asinine orders/suggestions for political purposes,kabuki
theater and optics??Now we will be following suit because
someone that has a terrible track record on what they are doing is
flailing away again??Masks are a joke and do nothing except for
those spitting.You want to buy surgical masks(and guarantee they
are not counterfeit)as they say thats the ONLY kind that even help,
and outfit the whole City/County/State??Where is the voice of
reason?The voice of Common Sense?Instead of looking at and
following what FAILED states are doing,look at the successful ones.
Good grief,someone get a backbone please.. Kasey O'Connor""The
department is providing temporary flexibility to help hospitals and
emergency services providers respond to an unprecedented surge
and staffing shortages.Hospitals have to exhaust
<https://www.foxnews.com/health>all other options before
resorting to this temporary tool.Facilities and providers using this
tool,should have asymptomatic COVID-19 positive workers interact
only with COVID-19 positive patients to the extent possible,"the
health department said in a statement
<https://www.nbcbaya rea.com/news/coronavi rus/ca-healthcare-
protocols/2773937/?_osource=Social FlowFB_BAYBrand>.""
1/11/2022 11:01 Margo Harpster As evidenced by this move to protect yourselves from the Covid
surge it is disappointing that some of you don't want to protect us b
supporting the mask mandate.Please support a 30 mandate to slow
the surge!Sent from my iPhone On Jan 6,2022,at 5:59 PM,Salt
Lake City Council<city.council.liaisons@slcgov.com>wrote: SLC
Council returns to virtual public meetings January 6,2022 View this
email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/slcgov/news-from-the-
city-co u nci l-vi rtu a l-2022?e=b6 b6f5eed 1>
ges/6a87b7a2-cb37-49ba-9e56-c851bbe3b070.jpg>Return to
virtual Council Meetings To help reduce the transmission of COVID-
19,the January 11 Council work session will be held virtually.The
Council's decision to meet online follows a local increase in COVID-
19 cases in the City and elsewhere and will be re-evaluated weekly.
The change in meeting attendance is a precautionary measure for
the safety of the public and City employees and is based on the
latest reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and the Salt Lake County Health Department.The Council will return
with hybrid or in-person meetings when appropriate.Learn more
about how to watch or participate in public meetings following the
button below. It's your city,it's your business!Council Meeting
manage.com/track/click?u=ecf0d6a5933b3483c6020d be6&id=9e5a
fe870b&e=b6b6f5eed1>Mail:451 South State Street, Room 304
P.O.Box 145476 Salt Lake City,UT 84114-5476 TDD:801-535-6021
<mailto:council.comments@slcgov.com>Phone:801-535-7600 24-
hour Comment Line:801-535-7654<https://slccouncil.usl.list-
manage.com/track/click?u=ecf0d6a5933b3483c6020d be6&id=3c9ff
1/11/2022 11:02 Mask mandate Linda Hull Councilman Dugan As your constituent I'm asking you to please
support the mask mandate.
1/11/2022 11:15 Mask mandate Shih Tracey Hi,Please listen to all different voice. I was a nurse for 10y,by my
training and experience I know only N95 works for virus.If
government want to make a order,please made N95 mandatory or
wear NOTHING! I am also a mom of 2 kids,I believe my kids can't
wear any masks right. I have seen how gross of the masks,only hold
more germs and boogers. Please send our voice out,we want the
freedom of NOT wearing masks.Thanks Tracey fittfl0'9iPhone�
1/11/2022 11:16 Will Christensen As my elected official I and my family,consisting of 5 registered
voters in District 6,are emphatically against this city wide mask
mandate.You were elected to not make your voice heard but to
ensure that my voice,as a constituent of yours,is heard. I want my
voice heard loud and clear that I do not support a mask mandate! If
my voice isn't heard on this issue,I'll do my best to make sure it's
heard at the ballot box next election. I realize that you were just re-
elected but Mayor Mendenhall is coming up for re-election.East
bench students have been wearing masks since last fall.If our
numbers on the east side of SLC are rising,how does it make any
sense to mask everyone???Our schools already have test to stay in
place if there are any outbreaks at school.The state of Utah passed
legislation that does not allow counties and cities to make
requirements outside of what the state has been requiring. Elected
state officials should not over reach and simply do whatever THEY
want.Will Christensen 801-824-7178 Sent from my iPhone
1/11/2022 11:24 Mask mandate Ronald Rice Council member Petro-Escher:Concerning the current mask
mandate for Salt Lake County,are religious gatherings also exempt?
Historically throughout the pandemic,here in Salt Lake County and
Salt Lake City,Religious gatherings have been exempt from any
mandates,including shut downs.I have not read where this is the
case in the current mandate. I am concerned.Please provide me
with clarification so we may move forward appropriately.Sincerely,
Ronald Rice Sr. Pastor The Pentecostals of Salt Lake 801-502-8125
Pastorrice@msn.com Chaplain,SLCPD
1/11/2022 11:33 Mask mandate Francis Dolce Dear Mr. Dugan, I could not be more disappointed in the Councils
approval of the unnecessary Emergency Order extension along with
the mask mandate for SLC schools.Please provide me with all of the
data demonstrating the effectiveness of masks in halting the spread
of COVID the Council utilized in making this decision.Sincerely,
Frank Dolce 801-652-2506 Sent from my iPhone