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04/12/2022 - MinutesThe Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA)of Salt Lake City met on Tuesday, April 12,2022 in a hybrid meeting. The following Board Members were present: Amy Fowler,Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler Present Agency Leadership: Mayor Erin Mendenhall Danny Walz –Chief Operating Officer Cara Lindsley –Deputy Chief Operating Officer Present City Staff: Rachel Otto –Chief of Staff,Katherine Lewis –City Attorney,Lauren Parisi –Project Manager, Cindy Lou Trishman –City Recorder,DeeDee Robinson –Minutes and Records Clerk,Ben Luedtke –Public Policy Analyst,Taylor Hill –City Council Staff,Scott Corpany –Council Staff Director Chair Valdemoros presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at:2:00 pm. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 1 A.Comments: 1.General Comments to the Board ~2:00 p.m. 5 min The RDA Board of Directors will receive public comments regarding Redevelopment Agency business in the following formats: 1.Written comments submitted to RDA offices,451 South State Street,Suite 118,P.O. Box 145455,Salt Lake City,UT.84114-5455. 2.Comments to the RDA Board of Directors.(Comments are taken on any item not scheduled for a public Hearing,as well as on any other RDA Business.Comments are limited to two minutes.) Minutes: Michael Valentine spoke regarding the Pantages Theater and the Salt Lake Redevelopment Agency’s role in the sale of the property,as well as the Community Preservation Plan (CPP)(adopted by the City in 2012)being an important guiding document on historic buildings in the City.(Mr.Valentine provided copies of the CPP to all members of the Council.) Casey McDonough spoke regarding the Pantages Theater and the Salt Lake Redevelopment Agency’s role in the sale of the property (including efforts he was involved in to save the theater),and urged the Council to recognize the CPP’s rules/policies/ordinances. B.Public Hearing -individuals may speak to the Board once per public hearing topic for two minutes,however written comments are always accepted: MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 2 1.Resolution:RDA Budget Amendment No.2 for Fiscal Year 2021-22 - - The Board will accept public comment about a resolution that would amend the final budget of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2021-22.Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments in the Redevelopment Agency’s budget,including proposed project additions and modifications,and staffing changes.The amendment includes funding for development around the Ballpark,an accessory dwelling unit pilot program in the 9-Line project area,and transferring the Housing Trust Fund to the RDA among other items. Minutes: Benjamin Luedtke provided a brief introduction to the budget amendment. There were no public comments. Motion: Moved by Director Mano,seconded by Director Dugan to close the public hearing. AYE:Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler ABSENT:Amy Fowler Final Result:6 –0 Pass C.Redevelopment Agency Business -The RDA Board of Directors will receive information and/or hold discussions and/or take action on: 1.Approval of Minutes ~2:05 p.m. 5 min. The Board will approve the meeting minutes of Tuesday,March 8,2022. Motion: Moved by Director Dugan,seconded by Director Wharton to approve the minutes of March 8,2022. AYE:Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler ABSENT:Amy Fowler Final Result:6 –0 Pass MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 3 2.Resolution:RDA Budget Amendment No.2 for Fiscal Year 2021-22 Follow-up ~2:10 p.m. 20 min The Board will receive a follow-up briefing about,and consider adopting a resolution that would amend the final budget of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2021-22.Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments in the Redevelopment Agency’s budget,including proposed project additions and modifications,and staffing changes.The amendment includes funding for development around the Ballpark,an accessory dwelling unit pilot program in the 9-Line project area, and transferring the Housing Trust Fund to the RDA among other items. Minutes: Benjamin Luedtke said information was recently provided to the Board regarding estimated tax increment amounts from the original transmittal to the final amounts confirmed by the County -and noted estimates were fairly accurate (some with slight increases/decreases),detailed the four new items included on the revised transmittal (all which were discussed at the last briefing),and provided possible motions for Board Members to consider regarding the proposed resolution. Motion: Moved by Director Mano,seconded by Director Petro-Eschler to approve Resolution 3 of 2022 as proposed. AYE:Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler ABSENT:Amy Fowler Final Result:6 –0 Pass MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 4 3.Informational:North Temple Strategic Intervention Fund ~2:30 p.m. 30 min The Board will receive a briefing about the North Temple Strategic Intervention Fund which has an approximate balance of $4 million.The briefing includes potentially expanding the use of the Strategic Intervention Fund to prioritize objectives identified in the North Temple Project Area Implementation Plan and within the context of the RDA Equitable and Inclusive Development Work Plan.Eligible uses could be property acquisitions,barriers to redevelopment like environmental contamination or utility issues, and incentivizing inclusion in private redevelopments of community benefits like family- sized housing units or integration with the new Folsom Trail. Minutes: Cara Lindsley and Danny Walz provided information regarding: Strategic Intervention Fund •Background;funds consolidated from North Temple Project Area Tax Increment, Primary Housing Fund,and prior years’North Temple Catalytic Project budgets –totaling $4 Million toward North Temple Strategic Intervention Fund •Details of the North Temple Project Area Implementation Plan and associated objectives (guiding document for prioritization of RDA projects) •Details of the RDA Equitable and Inclusive Development Work Plan •Goals for the North Temple Strategic Intervention Fund •Activities proposed for the funding;property acquisition,site development cost (cleaning of contaminated properties,etc.),and development support for community benefits •Next steps,including the consideration of a straw poll to provide RDA Staff direction Board Members and Staff discussed if there was adequate staff available to support the effort,how to prioritize the funding,tracking of funding (ensuring no “double dipping”), and ensuring the loan process was accessible and effortless for all applicants. Straw Poll:Unanimous support to move forward with the Strategic Intervention Fund expansion (particularly the three ideas as presented)with the intention to bring information back to the Board for final funding review/decision. Director Fowler joined the meeting during this agenda item (2:30 pm.) MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 5 4.Resolution:Affordable Housing Funding Priorities for Fiscal Year 2022-23 ~3:00 p.m. 20 min The Board will receive a briefing about,and consider a resolution that would adopt the Affordable Housing Funding Priorities for Fiscal Year 2022-23.These Funding Priorities guide the upcoming fiscal year’s housing activities including the requirements of the competitive affordable housing notice of funding availability (NOFA). Minutes: Allison Rowland provided an introduction to the resolution. Lauren Parisi provided an overview of the Affordable Housing Funding Priorities,what the resolution contained/provided for,explained the difference between primary housing vs.secondary housing,and statutory restrictions/regulations being located in the funding policy. Motion: Moved by Director Dugan,seconded by Director Puy to adopt Resolution 4 of 2022 identifying the Housing Funding priorities for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. AYE:Amy Fowler,Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano, Alejandro Puy,Victoria Petro-Eschler Final Result:7 –0 Pass 5.Report and Announcements from the Executive Director TENTATIVE 5 min. Report of the Executive Director,including a review of information items, announcements,and scheduling items.The Board of Directors may give feedback or policy input. Minutes: Item not held. 6.Report and Announcements from RDA Staff TENTATIVE 5 min. The Board may review Board information and announcements.The Board may give feedback on any item related to City business,including but not limited to Scheduling Items. Minutes: Danny Walz announced the hiring of Austin Taylor (Project Manager)to the RDA. D.Written Briefings –the following briefings are informational in nature and require no action of the Board.Additional information can be provided to the Board upon request: NONE. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 6 E.Consent –the following items are listed for consideration by the Board and can be discussed individually upon request.A motion to approve the consent agenda is approving all of the following items: 1.Set Date –Resolution:Budget for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2022-23 - - The Board will set the dates of Tuesday,May 17,2022 and Tuesday,June 7,2022 at 7 p.m. to accept public comment and consider approving a resolution adopting the final budget for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2022-23. Motion: Moved by Director Wharton,seconded by Director Mano to approve. AYE:Amy Fowler,Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler Final Result:7 –0 Pass MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 7 F.Closed Session The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session.A closed meeting described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including,but not limited to: 1.discussion of the character,professional competence,or physical or mental health of an individual; 2.strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; 3.strategy sessions to discuss the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property: (i)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration;or (ii)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms; 4.strategy sessions to discuss the sale of real property,including any form of a water right or water shares,if: (i)public discussion of the transaction would: (A)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or (B)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms; (ii)the public body previously gave public notice that the property would be offered for sale;and< (iii)the terms of the sale are publicly disclosed before the public body approves the sale 5.discussion regarding deployment of security personnel,devices,or systems;and 6.investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code §78B-1-137,and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. Minutes: Closed Session Started at 3:00 pm. Held via Webex and in the Work Session Room (location) Council Members in Attendance:Council Members Dugan,Petro-Eschler,Puy,Mano,Wharton and Valdemoros,and Fowler (online) City Staff in Attendance:Mayor Mendenhall,Katherine Lewis,Rachel Otto,Lisa Shaffer,Mary Beth Thompson,Andrew Johnston,Cindy Gust-Jenson,Jennifer Bruno,Lehua Weaver,Cindy Lou Trishman,Beatrix Sieger,Ben Luedtke,Taylor Hill,Scott Corpany,Isaac Canedo,Danny Walz,Robyn Stine,Tracy Tran,Allison Parks,Cara Lindsley,Erin Cunningham,Robyn Stine, Ashley Ogden,Kate Werrett,Lauren Parisi,Austin Taylor,and Amanda Greenland. Closed Session ended at 3:38 pm. Motion: Moved by Director Wharton,seconded by Director Dugan to enter into Closed Session for the purposes of strategy sessions to discuss the purchase,exchange,or MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 8 lease of real property,and attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code §78B-1-137. AYE:Amy Fowler,Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler Final Result:7 –0 Pass Motion: Moved by Director Mano,seconded by Director Wharton to exit the Closed Session. AYE:Amy Fowler,Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler Final Result:7 –0 Pass MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 9 G.Adjournment Meeting adjourned at:3:38 pm. Minutes Approved:June 14,2022. ______________________________ Redevelopment Agency Chair ______________________________ City Recorder This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed;please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203(2)(b). To listen to the audio recording of the meeting or view meeting materials,please visit Salt Lake City Public Body Minutes library,available at,selecting the Public Body Minutes hyperlink.If you are viewing this file in the Minutes library,use the links on the right of your screen within the ‘Document Relationships’information to listen to the audio or view meeting materials. This document along with the digital recording constitutes the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency meeting held Tuesday,April 12,2022. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,April 12,2022 10 Ana Valdemoros (Jun 22, 2022 11:54 MDT) Cindy Trishman (Jun 27, 2022 12:28 MDT) April 12, 2022 RDA Minutes - Approved June 14, 2022 Final Audit Report 2022-06-27 Created:2022-06-22 By:DeeDee Robinson ( Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAA1IuhGLKz15A2T-FPMVTHRZ6lnpNgxF5s "April 12, 2022 RDA Minutes - Approved June 14, 2022" History Document created by DeeDee Robinson ( 2022-06-22 - 3:39:26 PM GMT Document emailed to for signature 2022-06-22 - 3:40:43 PM GMT Email viewed by 2022-06-22 - 5:53:56 PM GMT Document e-signed by Ana Valdemoros ( Signature Date: 2022-06-22 - 5:54:23 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman ( for signature 2022-06-22 - 5:54:25 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman ( Signature Date: 2022-06-27 - 6:28:15 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2022-06-27 - 6:28:15 PM GMT