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05/17/2022 - MinutesThe Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA)of Salt Lake City met on Tuesday, May 17,2022 in an hybrid meeting. The following Board Members were present: Amy Fowler,Ana Valdemoros,Chris Wharton,Daniel Dugan,Darin Mano,Alejandro Puy, Victoria Petro-Eschler Present Agency Leadership: Danny Walz –Chief Operating Officer Present City Staff: Thais Stewart –Deputy City Recorder ,Ben Luedtke –Public Policy Analyst,Michelle Barney –Minutes and Records Clerk,Cindy Gust-Jenson –Council Executive Director,Taylor Hill –Council Staff,Jennifer Bruno –Deputy Director of City Council,Mark Kittrell –Deputy City Attorney,Scott Corpany –Council Staff,Cindy Lou Trishman –City Recorder Director Chair Valdemoros presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 pm MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,May 17,2022 1 A.Comments: 1.General Comments to the Board ~2:00 p.m. 5 min The RDA Board of Directors will receive public comments regarding Redevelopment Agency business in the following formats: 1.Written comments submitted to RDA offices,451 South State Street,Suite 118,P.O. Box 145455,Salt Lake City,UT.84114-5455. 2.Comments to the RDA Board of Directors.(Comments are taken on any item not scheduled for a public Hearing,as well as on any other RDA Business.Comments are limited to two minutes.) Minutes: Director Valdemoros welcomed everyone in attendance,reviewed the nature of the meeting and the rules of decorum. Michael Valentine expressed disappointment with City processes/Staff and spoke on allegations of City misconduct regarding the Pantages Theater. Board Chair Valdemoros and Cindy Lou Trishman reminded Mr.Valentine to follow the rules of decorum and abstain from defamatory comments. George Chapman asked that the money being spent on Pioneer Park be used for a park in the Ballpark,Granary or Fleet block areas,the EMT building should be a police substation or library. Darlene Dantine expressed support for the police substation in the Ballpark area. B.Public Hearing -individuals may speak to the Board once per public hearing topic for two minutes,however written comments are always accepted: NONE. C.Redevelopment Agency Business -The RDA Board of Directors will receive information and/or hold discussions and/or take action on: MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,May 17,2022 2 1.Overview of the Redevelopment Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 ~2:05 p.m. 60 min The Board will receive a general overview of the proposed budget for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2022-23.The Board will continue to discuss the Mayor’s Recommended Budget over the next several weeks and will have public hearings on Tuesday May 17,2022 and Tuesday,June 7,2022 at 7 p.m.The Board expects to adopt the budget in mid-June. Minutes: Danny Walz gave a brief overview of the proposal highlighting FY 2022 projects –600 S Main,Folsom Corridor,800 West Street Improvements and Central Ninth Streetscape;Gallivan Center Success;FY 2023 Priorities-Housing,Commercial, Infrastructure and the upcoming programs that would assist with obtaining the goals of the RDA;the budget breakdown and the FY2023 Key Changes –Overall Forecast,Central Business District,Depot District,Granary District,North Temple,State Street,9-Line, Program Income Fund and Housing Funds. Directors,Mr.Walz,Jennifer Bruno and Cindy Gust-Jenson discussed what was included in the funding listed under Other (table reviewed in the presentation),funding from the North Temple viaduct;when the Central Business District (CBD)funding expired (2042);the possibility of using CBD funding for housing;the timeline for the design, process for the implementation of the Open Streets program;the ownership and operations of the Gallivan Center. Director Petro-Eschler asked about the ARPA funding sent to the Westside.Ms.Bruno stated that was tracked as part of the general fund and reviewed how the funding would be used in the area. Director Petro-Eschler asked what the role of Board Members was in setting up the Westside coalition.Mr.Walz and Ms.Bruno reviewed the process and stated small group meetings would be set to determine how the funding was spent within the timeframes and guidelines. Director Puy asked if there was enough staff to accommodate the programs.Mr.Walz reviewed the staffing of the RDA and how projects were being addressed.Director Puy spoke to partnering with other agencies to help facilitate the programs. Ms.Gust-Jenson spoke to the difference of the RDA budget and the general fund budget and how the funding was tracked.She stated the financial tool of bonding was also an option for programs to get started. Director Fowler spoke to the housing development fund,where the funding was transferred from and if the process was complete at this time.Mr.Walz reviewed the steps to move the money and the process it was currently in.They discussed the use of the money and timing for using the funds. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,May 17,2022 3 Director Valdemoros asked about the Granary District strategic intervention and if it was the same money outlined in the cultural and community initiatives.Mr.Walz stated they were different buckets of money that needed to be reviewed and determinations as to where the money could be spent. Director Valdemoros asked if the Granary was extended because of the impact of COVID. Mr.Walz confirmed it was extended to 2025 with the option to further extend. Ms.Bruno reviewed the participation of the taxing entities and the effects of the program. 2.Report and Announcements from the Executive Director TENTATIVE 5 min. Report of the Executive Director,including a review of information items, announcements,and scheduling items.The Board of Directors may give feedback or policy input. Minutes: Item not held. 3.Report and Announcements from RDA Staff TENTATIVE 5 min. The Board may review Board information and announcements.The Board may give feedback on any item related to City business,including but not limited to Scheduling Items. Minutes: Item not held. D.Written Briefings –the following briefings are informational in nature and require no action of the Board.Additional information can be provided to the Board upon request: NONE. E.Consent –the following items are listed for consideration by the Board and can be discussed individually upon request.A motion to approve the consent agenda is approving all of the following items: NONE. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,May 17,2022 4 F.Tentative Closed Session The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session.A closed meeting described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including,but not limited to: 1.discussion of the character,professional competence,or physical or mental health of an individual; 2.strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; 3.strategy sessions to discuss the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property: (i)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration;or (ii)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms; 4.strategy sessions to discuss the sale of real property,including any form of a water right or water shares,if: (i)public discussion of the transaction would: (A)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or (B)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms; (ii)the public body previously gave public notice that the property would be offered for sale;and< (iii)the terms of the sale are publicly disclosed before the public body approves the sale 5.discussion regarding deployment of security personnel,devices,or systems;and 6.investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code §78B-1-137,and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. Minutes: Item not held MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,May 17,2022 5 G.Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 3:16 pm Minutes Approved:June 14,2022 ______________________________ Redevelopment Agency Chair ______________________________ City Recorder This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed;please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203(2)(b). To listen to the audio recording of the meeting or view meeting materials,please visit Salt Lake City Public Body Minutes library,available at,selecting the Public Body Minutes hyperlink.If you are viewing this file in the Minutes library,use the links on the right of your screen within the ‘Document Relationships’information to listen to the audio or view meeting materials. This document along with the digital recording constitutes the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency meeting held Tuesday,May 17,2022. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday,May 17,2022 6 Ana Valdemoros (Jun 16, 2022 14:58 MDT) Cindy Trishman (Jun 27, 2022 12:29 MDT) May 17, 2022 RDA Minutes Final Audit Report 2022-06-27 Created:2022-06-14 By:Michelle Barney ( Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAS4CqVeVF_SftYlJ8OD3r7TDXI9rF00KH "May 17, 2022 RDA Minutes" History Document created by Michelle Barney ( 2022-06-14 - 8:10:15 PM GMT Document emailed to for signature 2022-06-14 - 8:10:52 PM GMT Email viewed by 2022-06-15 - 3:26:33 PM GMT Email viewed by 2022-06-16 - 8:58:11 PM GMT Document e-signed by Ana Valdemoros ( Signature Date: 2022-06-16 - 8:58:34 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman ( for signature 2022-06-16 - 8:58:35 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman ( Signature Date: 2022-06-27 - 6:29:50 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2022-06-27 - 6:29:50 PM GMT