07/11/2023 - MinutesThe Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) of Salt Lake City met on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. The following Board Members were present: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Present Agency Leadership: Danny Walz – Director, Cara Lindsley – Deputy Director Present City Staff: Katherine Lewis – City Attorney, Cindy Lou Trishman – City Recorder, DeeDee Robinson – Minutes & Records Clerk, Thais Stewart – Deputy City Recorder , Taylor Hill – Constituent Liaison/Policy Analyst, Scott Corpany – Staff Assistant, Rachel Otto – Chief of Staff, Allison Rowland – Council Staff, Tracy Tran – Project Manager, Lindsey Nikola – Deputy Chief of Staff, Austin Taylor – RDA Project Manager Director Chair Puy presided at and conducted the meeting.   The meeting was called to order at: 2:07 pm. MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday, July 11, 2023 1 Comments:A.   1.General Comments to the Board ~2:00 p.m. 5 min The RDA Board of Directors will receive public comments regarding Redevelopment Agency business in the following formats: 1.Written comments submitted to RDA offices, 451 South State Street, Suite 118, P.O. Box 145455, Salt Lake City, UT. 84114-5455. 2.Comments to the RDA Board of Directors. (Comments are taken on any item not scheduled for a public Hearing, as well as on any other RDA Business. Comments are limited to two minutes.) There were no public comments.   B.Public Hearing - individuals may speak to the Board once per public hearing topic for two minutes, however written comments are always accepted: NONE.   C.Redevelopment Agency Business - The RDA Board of Directors will receive information and/or hold discussions and/or take action on:   1.Informational: Tax Increment Reimbursement Program Policy and Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Tax Increment Reimbursement Policy ~ 2:05 p.m.  30 min. The Board will receive a briefing about two policy updates. The first is a proposed amendment to the existing tax increment policy, which is designed to support development projects with wide-reaching, regional impact. The second would establish a new Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone (HTRZ) Tax Increment Reimbursement Program Policy to account for the different requirements in a separate section of the Utah Code governing HTRZs, which differ from traditional project areas. Allison Rowland provided a brief introduction. Danny Walz and Cara Lindsley provided information regarding: Tax Increment Reimbursement – Policy Updates •What a tax increment reimbursement was •HTRZ tax increment policy proposal – including thresholds, use, term, and participation rate •Updated policy for tax increment reimbursements outside of HTRZs (Community Reinvestment Areas) – including thresholds, use requirements, term and participation rate (to be negotiated) MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday, July 11, 2023 2 •Overview of values and livability benchmarks •Details of displacement mitigation 2.Motion: Releasing Funding for the Affordable Housing Initiative - Perpetual Housing Fund ~ 2:35 p.m.  25 min. The Board will receive a briefing from RDA staff regarding a draft term sheet creating a partnership with the Perpetual Housing Fund of Utah (PHF) for a tenant wealth building program. The Administration is requesting the Board review the draft term sheet, and if acceptable, release the $10 million from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars approved in Budget Amendment No. 6 of Fiscal Year 2022-23 for this purpose. For more information on this item visit https://tinyurl.com/SLCHousingProposals. Jennifer Bruno provided a brief introduction. Tracy Tran, Danny Walz, Chris Parker (Perpetual Housing Fund of Utah) and Ashley Atkinson (Perpetual Housing Fund of Utah) provided information regarding: Perpetual Housing Fund (PHF) •Overview of the PHF of Utah •Goals and objectives – 515 East 100 South (including benchmarks that would be met) •Redevelopment Agency (RDA) guiding framework (values and livability benchmarks) •Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Annual housing priorities and how the project fit into them •Proposed draft terms •Next steps Director Petro raised concerns about releasing the requested money without a finalized term sheet and uncertainties on who would be partnering with the City on the proposed project. Chris Parker explained that the Perpetual Housing Fund of Utah would be the real estate holding entity and was controlled by the Perpetual Housing Fund (501c3). Jennifer Bruno clarified that the Administration wanted to ensure the Board was still interested in releasing the funds and a finalized term sheet would be provided in an August 2023 meeting for approval. 3.Resolution: Amendment to Terms for Loan to Ville 1659, LLC, and Clarification of Housing Development Loan Program ~ 3:00 p.m.  30 min. The Board will be briefed about and will consider approving, a resolution that would modify the terms of Ville 1659 project’s Housing Development Loan Program (HDLP) loan located at 1659 West North Temple. Changing the type of loan from a construction gap loan with cash-flow payments to a bridge loan with a balloon payment at the end of the term. The term of the loan would be reduced from 40 years to three, at a one percent interest rate rather than two percent. Allison Rowland provided a brief introduction. Danny Walz, Tracy Tran, and Austin Taylor provided information regarding: MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday, July 11, 2023 3 Ville 1659 Loan Term Changes & HDLP Financing Condition Update •Overview of the project (conversion of the mid-century motel Ramada Inn) •Updated sources and uses •Proposed loan term changes •Condition to clarification for last round of HDLP Motion: Moved by Director Dugan, seconded by Director Petro to adopt Resolution 13 of 2023 Amendment to Terms for Loan to Ville 1659, and Clarification of Housing Development Loan Program. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy ABSENT: Darin Mano Final Result: 5 – 0 Pass 4.Report and Announcements from the Executive Director TENTATIVE  5 min. Report of the Executive Director, including a review of information items, announcements, and scheduling items. The Board of Directors may give feedback or policy input. Item not held. 5.Report and Announcements from RDA Staff TENTATIVE  5 min. The Board may review Board information and announcements. The Board may give feedback on any item related to City business, including but not limited to; •Property Update; •Project Milestone Update; and •Scheduling Items. Danny Walz provided information regarding: •Successful in receiving $495,000 grant for environmental clean-up at 22 South Jeremy Street •Update on the Paper Box Lofts project at 160 South 300 West •Atkinson Stacks project funding update •Annual Report on the Bicycle Collective Project provided to Directors 6.Report of the Chair and Vice Chair TENTATIVE  5 min. Report of the Chair and Vice Chair. Item not held.   D.Written Briefings – the following briefings are informational in nature and require no action of the Board. Additional information can be provided to the Board upon request: MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday, July 11, 2023 4 Adjournment   NONE.   E.Consent – the following items are listed for consideration by the Board and can be discussed individually upon request. A motion to approve the consent agenda is approving all of the following items: NONE.   F.Tentative Closed Session The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session. A closed meeting described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to: 1.discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; 2.strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; 3.strategy sessions to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property: (i)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or (ii)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms; 4.strategy sessions to discuss the sale of real property, including any form of a water right or water shares, if: (i)public discussion of the transaction would: (A)disclose the appraisal or estimated value of the property under consideration; or (B)prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms; (ii)the public body previously gave public notice that the property would be offered for sale; and< (iii)the terms of the sale are publicly disclosed before the public body approves the sale 5.discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and 6.investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. Item not held. G.   MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday, July 11, 2023 5 Meeting adjourned at: 3:20 pm. Minutes Approved: October 10, 2023. _______________________________ Redevelopment Agency Chair – Alejandro Puy _______________________________ City Recorder – Cindy Trishman Please refer to Meeting Materials (available at www.data.slc.gov by selecting Public Body Minutes) for supportive content including electronic recordings and comments submitted prior to or during the meeting. Websites listed within the body of the Minutes may not remain active indefinitely. This document along with the digital recording constitutes the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency meeting held Tuesday, July 11, 2023 and is not intended to serve as a full transcript. Please refer to the electronic recording for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203.   MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY Tuesday, July 11, 2023 6 Alejandro Puy (Nov 2, 2023 13:05 MDT) July 11, 2023 RDA Minutes - Approved October 10, 2023 Final Audit Report 2023-11-06 Created:2023-10-19 By:DeeDee Robinson (deedee.robinson@slcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAATUOjAmIzNteTEQ2EgPsiiFL6HpSTwDA3 "July 11, 2023 RDA Minutes - Approved October 10, 2023" Histo ry Document created by DeeDee Robinson (deedee.robinson@slcgov.com) 2023-10-19 - 10:44:06 PM GMT Document emailed to alejandro.puy@slcgov.com for signature 2023-10-19 - 10:45:14 PM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-10-20 - 5:12:09 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-10-25 - 4:12:32 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-10-27 - 4:02:16 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-10-28 - 1:26:37 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-10-29 - 7:21:00 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-10-31 - 6:15:16 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-11-01 - 5:03:17 AM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2023-11-02 - 7:05:14 PM GMT Signer alejandro.puy@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Alejandro Puy 2023-11-02 - 7:05:47 PM GMT Document e-signed by Alejandro Puy (alejandro.puy@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-11-02 - 7:05:49 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-11-02 - 7:05:50 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-11-06 - 6:21:15 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2023-11-06 - 6:21:15 PM GMT