05/02/2023 - Formal Meeting - MinutesThe Local Building Authority, Redevelopment Agency, and the Salt Lake City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Formal Session on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. The following Board Directors/Council Members were present: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Present Legislative leadership: Cindy Gust-Jenson – Executive Director, Jennifer Bruno – Deputy Director, Lehua Weaver – Associate Deputy Director Present Administrative leadership: Mayor Erin Mendenhall, Rachel Otto – Chief of Staff, Lisa Shaffer – Chief Administrative Officer, Danny Walz – Redevelopment Agency Chief Operating Officer Present City Staff: Katherine Lewis – City Attorney, Cindy Lou Trishman – City Recorder, Michelle Barney – Minutes & Records Clerk, Thais Stewart – Deputy City Recorder, Isaac Canedo – Public Engagement Communication Specialist, Taylor Hill – Constituent Liaison/Policy Analyst, Scott Corpany – Staff Assistant, Ben Luedtke – City Council Staff, Brian Fullmer – Constituent Liaison, Policy Analyst, Nick Tarbet – Senior Public Policy Analyst, Sylvia Richards – Public Policy Analyst The meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 1 A.CITY COUNCIL OPENING CEREMONY: 1.Board/Council Member Alejandro Puy will conduct the formal meeting. 2.Pledge of Allegiance. 3.Welcome and Public Meeting Rules. 4.The Council will approve the retreat meeting minutes of January 31, 2023. Motion: Moved by Council Member Mano, seconded by Council Member Dugan to approve the Retreat Meeting Minutes of January 31, 2023. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano ABSENT: Victoria Petro Final Result: 6 – 0 Pass 5.Mayor Mendenhall will present the proposed Salt Lake City budget, including the Library Fund, for Fiscal Year 2023-24. Mayor Mendenhall presented the proposed FY2023-24 budget and read her message to the City (contained in the Meeting Materials). Council Member Puy reviewed the next steps for approving the budget and encouraged the public to be involved in the process. B.PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1.Ordinance: Downtown Building Height and Street Activation Text Amendment The Council will continue to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance that would amend the zoning text of various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code pertaining to building heights in the Downtown Plan area. This proposal includes amendments to the following zoning districts: D-1 (Downtown Central Business District), D-2 (Downtown Support), D-3 (Downtown Warehouse), D-4 (Downtown Secondary Business District), G-MU (Gateway Mixed-Use), CG (General Commercial) and the FB- UN1 and FB-UN2 (Form based districts). Additionally, the proposed code revisions aim to accommodate growth and respond to new development pressures, while developing standards for public spaces. The Council may consider modifications to other related sections of the code as part of this proposal. Petitioner: Mayor Erin Mendenhall Petition No.: PLNPCM2022-00529. For more information on this item visit https://tinyurl.com/downtownbuildingheights FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, April 4, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - Tuesday, April 4, 2023 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 2 Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 and Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7 p.m. TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 16, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). Brian Fullmer gave a brief introduction to the text amendment. Cindy Cromer reminded the Council of previous comments, spoke on how the proposal would affect the entire City, asked the Council to take the Historic Districts into account when approving this zoning, please remove the FBUN1, limit FBUN2 to the map in the meeting materials and consider less expensive housing that people could afford. Justin Matkin spoke to the property along 500 West and how the proposal would affect the development/owner of Home Depot; the proposal required a mid-block walkway through the middle of the store which was not feasible and would make stores such as Home Depot unable to build downtown. Motion: Moved by Council Member Mano, seconded by Council Member Fowler to close the public hearing and defer action to a future Council Meeting. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano ABSENT: Victoria Petro Final Result: 6 – 0 Pass 2.Ordinance: Budget Amendment No.6 for Fiscal Year 2022-23 The Council will accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance that would amend the final budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2022-23. Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City’s budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes funding for adapting the Seven Canyons Fountain at Liberty Park into a dry art piece, a roof replacement for the Steiner Aquatics Center, and several proposals to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for revenue replacement and a $10 million contribution to the Perpetual Housing Fund of Utah among other items. For more information on this item visit https://tinyurl.com/SLCFY23 FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7 p.m. TENTATIVE Council Action - TBD Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 3 Ben Luedtke gave a brief introduction to the budget amendment. No public comments.Motion: Moved by Council Member Dugan, seconded by Council Member Wharton to close the public hearing and defer the item to a future Council Meeting for action. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano ABSENT: Victoria Petro Final Result: 6 – 0 Pass 3.Grant Application: Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program Fiscal Year 2018-2023 The Council will accept public comment for a grant application request from the Division of Transportation to the Utah Department of Transportation and Wasatch Front Regional Council administering U.S. Department of Transportation funds. If awarded this grant would fund the Salt Lake City traffic signal synchronization. The aim is to minimize the diversion of traffic to local and residential streets by installing radar detection equipment at an estimated 31 key intersections. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - n/a Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7 p.m. TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Close and refer to future consent agenda. Motion: Moved by Council Member Fowler, seconded by Council Member Dugan to close the public hearing and defer the item to the Consent Agenda for action. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano ABSENT: Victoria Petro Final Result: 6 – 0 Pass Sylvia Richards gave a brief introduction of the program. Tanner Josey said addressing air pollution and air quality was important but wanted more information on how the program was going to accomplish those goals. MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 4 POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS: 1.Ordinance: Homeless Resource Center Text Amendment The Council will consider adopting an ordinance that would establish a process for approving future Homeless Resource Centers (HRCs) in the City and modify existing standards for homeless resource centers and homeless shelters. The Council may amend other related chapters and sections of Title 21A Zoning as part of this proposal. This petition was initiated by the City Council through Ordinance 15B of 2022. Petition No.: PLNPCM2022-01068 The proposal includes: •A Homeless Resource Center Overlay Zoning District; •Modifications to city ordinance 21A.36.350 Standards for Homeless Resource Centers; •Provisions for temporary/seasonal homeless resource centers that incorporate recent changes to Utah Code; •Modifications to city ordinance 21A.50 to include additional considerations when mapping the HRC overlay and other related changes; and •Updated defined terms. For more information on this item visit www.tinyurl.com/HRCTextAmendment FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, March 21, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - Tuesday, March 7, 2023 Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 7 p.m. TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). Motion: Moved by Council Member Wharton, seconded by Council Member Fowler to adopt Ordinance 19 of 2023; a Text Amendment for Homeless Resource Centers (HRCs) and Shelters, subject to the following changes: - Specify that if privately owned HRCs/shelters prohibit firearms from within the building, they must provide signage at public entrances that firearms are not permitted and detection devices and provide secure storage while the individual is inside the HRC/Shelter. I further move that the Council adopt a Legislative Intent to support the development of comprehensive and effective metrics aimed at assisting Homeless Resource Centers (HRCs) in demonstrating their impact on individuals experiencing homelessness and the communities hosting HRCs. The Council intends for the City to collaborate with stakeholders, including MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 5 C. State and County officials and service providers, to establish a robust set of metrics that can accurately measure the success of HRCs. The Council further intends to assist with resources to facilitate data collection efforts for service providers, with the aim of improving data capture and analysis that will not be needlessly cumbersome for those capturing the data, and ultimately improve the understanding of the impact HRCs have on their clients in the communities where the facilities are located. This will help inform funding decisions and guide the allocation of resources towards programs that have been proven effective in addressing homelessness. I further move the Council initiate a Legislative Action requesting the Administration research and develop a proposal to give the zoning administrator the ability to require and review CEPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) standards for other uses related to homeless services. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass Nick Tarbet gave an overview of the proposal and background on the motions. Council Members discussed: • Language in the motions and the results of the suggested changes • What would happen with firearms if the language was removed from the motion • The issue with homeless individuals potentially stashing weapons around the facilities • The type of detection device a facility would need or require • Options for facilities to address weapon storage or detection • Whether or not to keep the firearm language in the ordinance MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 6 TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). Motion: Moved by Council Member Mano, seconded by Council Member Dugan to adopt Ordinance 20 of 2023, for 792 West 900 South and 875 South 800 West Zoning Map Amendment including that the Applicant record a restrictive covenant limiting building height to 35 feet. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 7 2.Ordinance: Rezone at 792 West 900 South and 875 South 800 West The Council will consider adopting an ordinance that would amend the zoning of property at 792 West 900 South and 875 South 800 West from M-1 (Light Manufacturing District) to R-MU (Residential/Mixed Use District). The proposed amendment to the Zoning Map is intended to allow the property owner to develop two small multi-family dwellings. No development plans have been submitted at this time. Consideration may be given to rezoning the property to another zoning district with similar characteristics. The properties are within Council District 2. Petitioner: Cameron Broadbent, Petition No.: PLNPCM2022-00587 FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, April 4, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - Tuesday, April 4, 2023 Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 7 p.m. • Healthcare, mental health options and addiction services were needed for the unhoused individuals • Where was the deeply affordable housing that was proposed at the end of last year • Emergency Services were being stretched too thin • The number of women pushed to the street in the last week • Sick individuals were being sent out on the streets to survive without healthcare • Homelessness being a common problem across the country • Look for more ways to address the homeless issue • Not making it more complicated than it needed to be MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 8 'COMMENTS:  &RPPHQWV WR WKH &LW\ &RXQFLO &RPPHQWV DUH WDNHQ RQ DQ\ LWHP QRW VFKHGXOHG IRU D SXEOLF KHDULQJ DV ZHOO DV RQ DQ\ RWKHU &LW\ EXVLQHVV &RPPHQWV DUH OLPLWHG WR WZR PLQXWHV &RXQFLO 0HPEHU 3X\ UHYLHZHG WKH UXOHV RI GHFRUXP Arthur Moss VSRNH WR WKH LQWHUHVW LQ ZRUNLQJ ZLWK WKH &LW\ WR KHOS SURYLGH DIIRUGDEOH KRXVLQJ Kristina Robb VSRNH WR WKH QHHG IRU VXUYH\ GDWD WR PLQLPL]H WKH ELDV LQ LQIRUPDWLRQ FUHDWH DIIRUGDEOH VDIH KRXVLQJ SULRULWL]H ORFDO UHQWDO UHVHDUFK DFURVV WKH &LW\ DQG VXSSRUW KRPH RZQHUVKLS MJ Powell VSRNH LQ VXSSRUW RI WKH 0D\RU¶V )< %XGJHW KRZ LW ZRXOG EHQHILW WKH &LW\ DV D ZKROH LQFOXGLQJ LQGLYLGXDOV H[SHULHQFLQJ KRPHOHVVQHVV DQG IXQGLQJ IRU SROLFH UHIRUP Rebel (no last name), Wendy Garvin, Joshua Mellowseed Story, Daniel Taylor, Kseniya Kniazeva, Brandee Woodword, Alex Stewart, Carl Moore, Bernie Hart, Tom Kalaher, Brandon (no last name), Chris Crosswide VSRNH WR ‡ /DFN RI KRXVLQJ DQG VKHOWHUV IRU LQGLYLGXDOV H[SHULHQFLQJ KRPHOHVVQHVV ‡ ,VVXHV ZLWK DQG FRVW RI DEDWHPHQWV ‡ 1XPEHU RI KRPHOHVV LQGLYLGXDOV WKDW ZHUH PRYHG WR WKH VWUHHW ZLWK WKH FORVXUH RI WKH ZLQWHU VKHOWHUV ‡ )XQGLQJ LQ WKH EXGJHW IRU VWDIILQJ ZDV QRW VXIILFLHQW ‡ 1HHG WR PDNH KRXVLQJ D SULRULW\ ‡ $ VDQFWLRQHG FDPSJURXQG ZRXOG SURYLGH D SODFH IRU SHRSOH WR EH VDIH ‡ 6DIHW\ LVVXHV LQ VKHOWHUV ‡ &DPSJURXQG ZRXOG SURYLGH D EHWWHU RSWLRQ IRU LQGLYLGXDOV H[SHULHQFLQJ KRPHOHVVQHVV ‡ 7KDQNHG WKH &RXQFLO IRU VXSSRUWLQJ WKH VXSSO\ GULYHV IRU WKH KRPHOHVV ‡ &RQJUHJDWH VKHOWHUV ZHUH QRW WKH VROXWLRQ ‡ 7KHUH ZHUH PRUH YLDEOH RSWLRQV DYDLODEOH DQG ZH QHHG WR GR EHWWHU elected Salt Lake City Commissioner in 1967 and Mayor in 1971. He went on the serve three terms as a United States Senator from 1974-1992. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). Motion: Moved by Council Member Dugan, seconded by Council Member Valdemoros to adopt Resolution 12 of 2023, naming the Salt Lake International Airport Greeting room the Senator Garn Greeting Room. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 9 (NEW BUSINESS: Resolution: Interlocal Agreement and Memorandum for 2023 Election Services 7KH &RXQFLO ZLOO FRQVLGHU DSSURYLQJ D UHVROXWLRQ IRU DQ HOHFWLRQ VHUYLFHV LQWHUORFDO FRRSHUDWLRQ DJUHHPHQW EHWZHHQ 6DOW /DNH &LW\ &RUSRUDWLRQ DQG 6DOW /DNH &RXQW\ ,W GHILQHV WKH VHUYLFHV WKH &RXQW\ ZLOO SURYLGH WKH &LW\ IRU WKH  *HQHUDO (OHFWLRQ WKURXJK WKH 5DQNHG &KRLFH 9RWLQJ PHWKRG RQ 1RYHPEHU   7KH &LW\ ZLOO EH UHVSRQVLEOH IRU DQ\ DGGLWLRQDO FKDUJHV H[FHHGLQJ WKH HVWLPDWHG FRVW VXFK DV D UHFRXQW ZKLFK ZRXOG EH LQYRLFHG WR WKH &LW\ DIWHU WKH HOHFWLRQ FYI – Project Timeline: VXEMHFW WR FKDQJH SHU &KDLU GLUHFWLRQ RU &RXQFLO GLVFXVVLRQ %ULHILQJ  7XHVGD\ 0D\   6HW 3XEOLF +HDULQJ 'DWH  QD +ROG KHDULQJ WR DFFHSW SXEOLF FRPPHQW  QD 7(17$7,9( &RXQFLO $FWLRQ  7XHVGD\ 0D\   6WDII 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQ  5HIHU WR PRWLRQ VKHHW V  Motion: Moved by Council Member Fowler, seconded by Council Member Dugan to adopt Resolution 11 of 2023, for an election services interlocal cooperation agreement between Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County for the 2023 municipal general election. AYE: $QD 9DOGHPRURV 9LFWRULD 3HWUR 'DQLHO 'XJDQ $P\ )RZOHU &KULV :KDUWRQ $OHMDQGUR 3X\ 'DULQ 0DQR Final Result:  ±  3DVV Resolution: Naming the Salt Lake International Airport Greeting Room the Senator Garn Greeting Room 7KH &RXQFLO ZLOO FRQVLGHU DGRSWLQJ D UHVROXWLRQ VXSSRUWLQJ 0D\RU 0HQGHQKDOO QDPLQJ RI WKH 6DOW /DNH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $LUSRUW *UHHWLQJ 5RRP WKH ³6HQDWRU *DUQ *UHHWLQJ 5RRP´ DIWHU IRUPHU 6DOW /DNH &LW\ 0D\RU DQG 8WDK 6HQDWRU -DNH *DUQ 6HQDWRU -DNH *DUQ ZDV F.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1.Resolution: Tentative Budget of Salt Lake City, including the Tentative Budget of the Library Fund, for Fiscal Year 2023-24 The Council will consider approving a resolution adopting the tentative budgets of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the tentative budget of the Library Fund, for Fiscal Year 2023- 24. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - TBD Set Public Hearing Date - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, May 16, 2023 and Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 7 p.m. TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). Motion: Moved by Council Member Dugan, seconded by Council Member Wharton to adopt Resolution 14 of 2023, adopting the tentative budget for Salt Lake City, Utah including the tentative budget of the Library Fund, for Fiscal Year 2023- 24. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 10 3.Resolution: Local Emergency Declaration Extension – Flooding The Council will consider adopting a resolution that would extend the Mayor¶s April 12, 2023 proclamation declaring a local emergency relating to flooding from spring runoff. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Suspend the rules and consider motions. Motion: Moved by Council Member Fowler, seconded by Council Member Dugan to approve Resolution 13 of 2023, the extension of Proclamation 1 of 2023, from the date of the Resolution until June 15, 2023, unless later extended or terminated by subsequent resolution of the Council or unless terminated pursuant to State Law. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass Board Appointment: Sister Cities Board – John Wilson The Council will consider approving the appointment of John Wilson to the Sister Cities Board for a term ending July 6, 2027. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 11 2. G.CONSENT: 1.Grant Holding Account Items (Batch No. 9) for Fiscal Year 2022-23 The Council will consider approving Grant Holding Account Items (Batch No. 9) for Fiscal Year 2022-23. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - n/a Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12 3.Board Appointment: Sister Cities Board – Matilyn Mortensen The Council will consider approving the appointment of Matilyn Mortensen to the Sister Cities Board for a term ending July 6, 2027. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. 4.Board Appointment: Sister Cities Board – Ross Chambless The Council will consider approving the appointment of Ross Chambless to the Sister Cities Board for a term ending July 6, 2027. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. Board for a term ending July 6, 2027. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. 5.Board Appointment: Sister Cities Board – Annie Quan The Council will consider approving the appointment of Annie Quan to the Sister Cities Staff Recommendation - Approve. MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 13 6.Board Reappointment: Arts Council – Kathy Davis The Council will consider approving the reappointment of Kathy Davis to the Arts Council for a term ending May 2, 2026. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - n/a Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. 7.Board Reappointment: Arts Council – Torle Nenbee The Council will consider approving the reappointment of Torle Nenbee to the Arts Council for a term ending May 2, 2026. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - n/a Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. 8.Board Reappointment: Utah Performing Arts Center Agency (UPACA) – Deirdre (Dee-dee) Darby-Duffin The Council will consider approving the reappointment of Deirdre (Dee-dee) Darby- Duffin to the Utah Performing Arts Center Agency (UPACA) for a term ending May 2, 2027 FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - n/a Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 14 I.LBA OPENING CEREMONY: 1.The Board will approve meeting minutes of May 18, 2021; June 1, 2021; June 15, 2021; August 17, 2021; May 3, 2022; May 17, 2022; June 7, 2022; and June 14, 2022. Motion: Moved by Councilmember Wharton, seconded by Councilmember Dugan to approve the meeting minutes as listed. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass 9.Board Reappointment: Mosquito Abatement Board – Neil Vickers The Council will consider approving the reappointment of Neil Vickers to the Mosquito Abatement Board for a term ending December 31, 2027. FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - n/a Set Public Hearing Date - n/a Hold hearing to accept public comment - n/a TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Approve. Motion: Moved by Council Member Wharton, seconded by Council Member Dugan to approve the Consent agenda. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass H.ADJOURNMENT: LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY of SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH MEETING Please note: Dates not identified in the FYI - Project Timeline are either not applicable or not yet determined. Motion: Moved by Board Member Mano, seconded by Board Member Dugan to adopt Resolution 1 of 2023, the tentative budget for the Capital Projects Fund of the Local Building Authority of Salt Lake City, Utah for Fiscal Year 2023-24. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass K.LBA ADJOURNMENT: Motion: Moved by Board Member Wharton, seconded by Board Member Mano to adjourn the Local Building Authority meeting and reconvene as the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass 15 -LBA UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Resolution: Tentative Budget for the Capital Projects Fund of the Local Building Authority for Fiscal Year 2023-24 7KH Board ZLOO FoQVLdHr aSSroYLQJ a rHVoOXWLoQ adoSWLQJ WKH WHQWaWLYH EXdJHW Ior WKH &aSLWaO 3roMHFWV )XQd oI WKH /oFaO BXLOdLQJ $XWKorLW\ oI 6aOW /aNH &LW\ 8WaK Ior )LVFaO <Har  7KH /B$¶V &aSLWaO 3roMHFWV )XQd Ior )LVFaO <Har  oQO\ LQFOXdHV WKH EoQd dHEW VHrYLFHV Ior WKH *OHQdaOH aQd MarPaOadH /LErarLHV 2WKHr &aSLWaO SroMHFWV WKroXJKoXW WKH &LW\ arH LQFOXdHd LQ WKH Ma\or¶V 5HFoPPHQdHd BXdJHW 7KH /B$ LV a ILQaQFLQJ WooO Ior FLWLHV aQd JoYHrQPHQW HQWLWLHV OLNH OLErarLHV Wo EoQd Ior FaSLWaO SroMHFWV aW EHWWHr LQWHrHVW raWHV &aSLWaO SroMHFWV arH ELJ SroMHFWV OLNH SarNV SXEOLF EXLOdLQJV aQd VWrHHW SroMHFWV FYI – Project Timeline: VXEMHFW Wo FKaQJH SHr &KaLr dLrHFWLoQ or &oXQFLO dLVFXVVLoQ BrLHILQJ  7B' 6HW 3XEOLF +HarLQJ 'aWH  7XHVda\ $SrLO   +oOd KHarLQJ Wo aFFHSW SXEOLF FoPPHQW  7XHVda\ Ma\   aQd 7XHVda\ -XQH   aW  SP 7(17$7,9( &oXQFLO $FWLoQ  7XHVda\ Ma\   6WaII 5HFoPPHQdaWLoQ  5HIHr Wo PoWLoQ VKHHW V  MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 15 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH MEETING Please note: Dates not identified in the FYI - Project Timeline are either not applicable or not yet determined. L.RDA UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1.Resolution: Tentative Budget for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2023-24 The Board will consider approving a resolution adopting the tentative budget for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2023-24. For more information on this item visit https://tinyurl.com/SLCFY24 FYI – Project Timeline: (subject to change per Chair direction or Council discussion) Briefing - TBD Set Public Hearing Date - Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Hold hearing to accept public comment - Tuesday, May 16, 2023 and Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 7 p.m. TENTATIVE Council Action - Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Staff Recommendation - Refer to motion sheet(s). Motion: Moved by Director Wharton, seconded by Director Mano to approve Resolution 09 of 2023, the tentative budget for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City, Utah for Fiscal Year 2023-24. AYE: Ana Valdemoros, Victoria Petro, Daniel Dugan, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Alejandro Puy, Darin Mano Final Result: 7 – 0 Pass M.RDA ADJOURNMENT: MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 16 Meeting adjourned at 8: 36 pm Council Minutes Approved: July 11, 2023 RDA Minutes Approved: August 8, 2023 LBA Minutes Approved: May 7, 2024 ______________________________ _ City Council Chair Victoria Petro _______________________________ Redevelopment Agency Chair Alejandro Puy _______________________________ Local Building Authority Chair Victoria Petro _______________________________ City Recorder Please refer to Meeting Materials (available at www.data.slc.gov by selecting Public Body Minutes) for supportive content including electronic recordings and comments submitted prior to or during the meeting. Websites listed within the body of the Minutes may not remain active indefinitely. This document along with the digital recording constitutes the official minutes of the City Council, RDA, and LBA meeting held Tuesday, May 2, 2023 and is not intended to serve as a full transcript. Please refer to the electronic recording for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52- 4-203. MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL, LOCAL BUILDING AUTHORITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Tuesday, May 2, 2023 17 Victoria Petro (May 14, 2024 13:11 MDT) Victoria Petro (May 14, 2024 13:11 MDT) May 2, 2023 LBA, RDA and Formal Minutes Final Audit Report 2024-05-14 Created:2024-05-08 By:Michelle Barney (michelle.barney@slcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAlLeiaXAH6FqZFq-e5yhjQnizukM4ijEq "May 2, 2023 LBA, RDA and Formal Minutes" History Document created by Michelle Barney (michelle.barney@slcgov.com) 2024-05-08 - 5:56:43 PM GMT Document emailed to victoria.petro@slcgov.com for signature 2024-05-08 - 5:57:48 PM GMT Email viewed by victoria.petro@slcgov.com 2024-05-09 - 3:50:22 AM GMT Signer victoria.petro@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Victoria Petro 2024-05-14 - 7:11:13 PM GMT Document e-signed by Victoria Petro (victoria.petro@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-05-14 - 7:11:15 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to alejandro.puy@slcgov.com for signature 2024-05-14 - 7:11:22 PM GMT Email viewed by alejandro.puy@slcgov.com 2024-05-14 - 9:05:18 PM GMT Signer alejandro.puy@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Alejandro Puy 2024-05-14 - 9:31:16 PM GMT Document e-signed by Alejandro Puy (alejandro.puy@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-05-14 - 9:31:18 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2024-05-14 - 9:31:20 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-05-14 - 10:41:52 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2024-05-14 - 10:41:52 PM GMT