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01/09/2025 - Meeting Materials Agenda for Board of Equalization Meeting Date: January 9, 2025 Time: 1:00 PM MST 1. Call to Order a. Confirm Public Meeting Rules and Scope of the Board of Equalization (BOE). b. Overview of meeting procedures. c. Introductions of all Board Members and relevant parties. 2. Approve previous meeting minutes, should they be ready. 3. Public Comment Period – Facilitator: Gaby a. Public comment will be accepted. b. Each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes. 4. Discussion of Final Recommendations a. Board members will discuss and finalize recommendations to be included in the Board of Equalization report to the City Council. b. Review of any adjustments or recommendations pending approval. 5. Adjournment a. Motion to adjourn the meeting. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION – TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Robert Larkin, Larkin Mortuary a. Feels there is minimal benefit to the SAA for the following reasons: i. Not receiving holiday lighting ii. Does not address issues with homelessness, blight, and trespassing iii. Requesting an adjustment in their assessment amount due to minimal benefit. 2. Brent Bowen, 42 Exchange Place a. Questions on: i. charging both frontage sides for holiday lighting assessment if property is a corner lot. ii. Frontage figures in assessment notice are not accurate to what the County assessor provides. UPDATED INFORMATION FOR THE BOE: This property does not receive holiday lighting and is not on the holiday lighting map. The holiday lighting assessment charge is incorrect per services received. Recommend the board remove the lighting fee from the total assessment amount. 3. Peter Corroon, Sorrento Car Wash a. Property owner successfully contested their property valuation with the county. b. Requesting that the assessment amount be adjusted to take into account the updated property value per the County valuation. 4. Matt Forsgren, NY Building a. Questions on combining parcels, and individual assessments for each associated parcel. b. They do not have full occupancy in their property and feel that the assessment is too large to responsibly pass down to the tenants and would make it harder to keep them. c. Requesting an adjustment on their assessment amount due to hardship. UPDATED INFORMATION FOR THE BOE: Confirmed that currently there are 2 assessments for properties under New York Limited ownership totaling $15,471.78. I will be reaching out to property owner to confirm that this is the grand total amount, not the amount due per property. 5. McKenna Tracy, Liberty Sky Apartments a. Concerned about receiving two notices for two parcels for one property. b. The property is a mutli-family unit with no commercial space. c. Requesting that the assessment amount be adjusted in light of the property classification. UPDATED INFORMATION FOR THE BOE: Ryan Smith confirmed that due to an overlap of hotel properties and apartment/condo properties listed under the same property type code on the Salt Lake County Assessor LIR database, 6 parcel IDs across 2 owners were erroneously identified as hotels, but consist multifamily complexes and associated resident parking. Recommend the board vote to remove the properties from receiving the assessment as currently residential multifamily properties are not included in the assessment language. 6. Bruce Markosian, AAM Investments Limited a. This property is on the very fringe of the CBIA-25 area, and thus receives little to no benefit from the services provided. Their area is heavily industrial and does not encourage any customer or commercial activity outside of industrial business. b. The assessment amount is very high and would drive out tenants if the cost were to be passed on. c. Feels that the assessment is of no value to their property or business. d. Requesting that the boundary be changed to remove their property, and an adjustment of their assessment amount. UPDATED INFORMATION FOR THE BOE: I confirmed with Kristina Olivas of the Downtown Ambassador’s program who confirmed that the Ambassador’s do not patrol this area, and that this area is specifically not included in their area of service per their service area map as part of the CBIA-22 contract. 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