01/08/2025 - Meeting MaterialsAMBASSADORREPORTJULY 2024 Downtownslc.org Ambassador Hotline 801-541-6662 DEFINITIONS Ambassador connects with a businesses to inform them of resources available to them. Business Contacts Calls for Service Citizen Assists Encampments Safety Escort Social Services Referral Wellness Check VOA Referral Merchants calling the Ambassador Hotline for assistance. Assistance provided to a citizen (e.g. Info about festivals/events, directions, info on the Ambassador program, etc.). A location where individuals are camping overnight or a location with one or more tents. A request from a citizen to walk them to their destination. Referrals to services providers that assist with medical care, shelter, and food assistance. Verbal or visual check to ensure an individual’s safety and well-being. Referrals specifically made to Volunteers of America Outreach. OUTREACH Our Outreach Ambassador team provides wellness checks and encampment visits multiple times a day to build rapport with those experiencing homelessness. Our goal is to refer individuals to a provider that can further assist them in their journey out of homelessness. FIELD OBSERVATIONS The heat map below shows the areas where wellness checks occurred. During the month of July our team of Ambassadors completed 1582 wellness checks. OUTREACH SERVICES JULY 2024 Detox 12 VOA Referral 23 Clothing & Hygiene 101 Food/Water 165 Medical Care 20 Shelter 27 Other Resources 102 Narcan Administered 1 OUTREACH INITIATIVES The Ambassador team works to ensure every unsheltered individual is connected to resources. The team provided a total of 451 connections to resources during the month of July. SAFETY FIELD OBSERVATION The Ambassador strive to make our city as safe as possible. Ambassador engage with individuals that are panhandling, utilizing drugs, blocking business entrances and sidewalks. We encourage folks that are blocking sidewalks and entrances to utilize day shelters and other community spaces so they do not impede on daily business. Our Hospitality Ambassador team engages with businesses, citizens, and visitors within our service areas to provide resources. This includes flyer distribution on upcoming events, providing education on safety resources, and introducing ourselves to new businesses. HOSPITALITY SERVICES JULY 2024 Business Contacts 2478 Citizen Assist 278 Directions Provided 107HOSPITALITY INITIATIVES Our Ambassador Erick playing the piano for a downtown visitor during Bachauer - Forte Fridays. CLEANING INITIATIVES The Ambassador team supplements cleaning efforts in our service areas by picking up trash on the sidewalk while walking their route. During the month of July the team collected 352 bags of trash and removed and disposed of 62 needles. BEFORE AFTER