01/07/2025 - Meeting Materials4.. , SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION -•'`` �j , L `"- Department of Economic Development P.O. Box 145590 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5590 Telephone: (801) 535-7200 DA 1184 15 01 280 033 0000 December 12, 2024 SORRENTO CAR WASH, LP;ET AL 1525 FARADAY AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008- Property Address 10 W 300 S 84101 2002 Reference: Salt Lake City, Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA-CBIA-25 Dear Property Owner The referenced Central Business Improvement Assessment Area has been created and the Board of Equalization has been established in accordance with the included legal notice. The following is the estimated assessment for your property located within the boundaries of the referenced downtown Central Business Improvement Assessment Area. For additional information concerning the estimated assessment and a description of the use of funds from the assessment for downtown economic promotion activities, please refer to the "Notice of Intention to Designate Assessment Area" previously mailed to you. You will have an opportunity to discuss the assessment and any factual errors for your property valuation or assessment during the Board of Equalization hearings to be held at Salt Lake City & County Building at 451 S State Street, Room 326 at the times indicated on the included notice. For more information please call Salt Lake City Economic Development at 801-535-7200. This is not a bill. Do not send a payment at this time. Any payments received will be returned to you. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY AND NOT A BILL R.ete Descnpt�on Method of CosUUnjt= Totai Quantity Excluded Assessed Estimated Code Assessment ,. Qganfity Quantity Assessment 1 base rate Value $0.00142 20,402,200.0 0.00 20,402,200.01 $28,971.12 0 0 12 holiday lighting Linear Footage $12.79 170.00 0.00 170.001 $2,174.301 Total Proposed Assessment for information only *NOT A BILL* 1 $31,145.42 BE-0821 BEFORE THE SALT LAKE COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SORRENTO CAR WASH, LP STIPULATION Appellant, : Appeal No. 441 vs. SALT LAKE COUNTY ASSESSOR Parcel No. 16-01-280-033- i000 Respondent, I Land Building Column Totals TOTAL MARKET VALUE Current Market Value Primary* Secondary $2,099,200 $18,303,000 $0 $20,402,200 $20,402,200 Proposed Market Value Primary* Secondary $2,099,200 $15,400,800 $0 $17,500,000 $17,500,000 GREENBELT VALUE I I I I I *receives residential exemption We hereby stipulate and agree that all issues, known and unknown, relating to fair market value and taxability in the above captioned appeal be resolved as proposed above for the 2024 tax year. Both parties also acknowledge and agree that signing this stipulation waives any further appeal rights to the Salt Lake County Council, the Utah State Tax Commission, or any Court of Competent Jurisdiction_ 11-15-2024 t l Ir Appellant Date R+1:58ndent Date Appellant Date Respondent Approved by: Conference Stipulation Hearing Officer Date Hearing Stipulation 0 Comments: The parties agreed to a reduction in value based on a recent sale of the subject property. Date Please return this form to: Salt Lake Co. Assessor, 2001 S_ State St, Suite N2-600, P.O. Box 147421, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-7421 or Fax: (385) 468-809Z For any other questions call (385) 468-8000. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION Department of Econornic Development P.O. Box 145590 - = Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5590 f J- Telephone: (801 ) 535-7200 DA 1184 15 02 279 0010000 December 12, 2024 AAM INVESTMENTS LTD 700 E NORTHCREST DR SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103-3317 Property Address 751 W 300 S 84104 1009 Reference: Salt Lake City, Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA CBIA-25 Dear Property Owner The referenced Central Business Improvement Assessment Area has been created and the Board of Equalization has been established in accordance with the included legal notice. The following is the estimated assessment for your property located within the boundaries of the referenced downtown Central Business Improvement Assessment Area. For addfflonal information concerning the estimated assessment and a description of the use of funds from the assessment for downtown economic promotion activities, please refer to the 'Notice of Intention to Designate Assessment Area" previously mailed to you. You will have an opportunity to discuss the assessment and any factual errors for your property valuation or assessment during the Board of Equalization hearings to be held at Salt Lake City & County Building at 451 S State Street, Room 326 at the times indicated on the included notice. For more information please call Salt Lake City Economic Development at 801-535-7200. This is not a bill. Do not send a payment at this time. Any payments received will be returned to you. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR YOUR. INFORMATION ONLY AND NOT A BILL 9 base rate 2 holiday lighting Total Proposed Assessment for information only *NOT A BILL* $5,393.341 Frtc1:`r �".i-•my �"as : 'r@!q'ce< .;].: `;',�:rriR'l,,,w�-:;'z,,;:;m� �;:•csis�,a,s�&'us�asyr,,'n",°r"fx,�a!s":;;'�^k' n'���r�`" '+;,;a,"° �."�y�t4�,�j"Lux;"-i %i::+r`�n�ii46.i'1i=:i i`�f�'i��y�lly,i�l'.F `iT�� � •'MSN,t��rti`7• ��`'CiiA±y!�il.. JJr`,f�lr`,y v„r VY�i7^''li''vdi 4.�1"�;:��(r��i:�ZJN� SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION Department of Economic Development P.O. Box 145590 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5590 Telephone: (801 ) 535-7200 DA 1184 15 02 427 001 0000 AAM INVESTMENTS, LTD 700 E NORTHCREST DR SALT LAKE CITY, LIT 84103-3317 December 12, 2024 Reference: Salt Lake City, Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA-CBIA-25 Dear Property Owner The referenced Central Business Improvement Assessment Area has been created and the Board of Equalization has been established in accordance with the included legal notice. The following is the estimated assessment for your property located within the boundaries of the referenced downtown Central Business Improvement Assessment Area. For additional information concerning the estimated assessment and a description of the use of funds from the assessment for downtown economic promotion activities, please refer to the 'Notice of Intention to Designate Assessment Area" previously stalled to you. You will have an opportunity to discuss the assessment and any tactual errors for your property valuation or assessment during the Board of Equalization hearings to be held at Salt Lake City & County Building at 451 S State Street, Room 326 at the times indicated on the included notice. For more information please call Safi Lake City Economic Development at 801-535-7200. This is not a bill. Do not send a payment at this time. Any payments received will be returned to you. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR. YOUR !NFORMATION.ONLY.AND.NQTA BILL af@ i �eS�TltORySE1Qd Q fr t 't.'QSbk1rQar Q!ldil {�.007ers r4 "" s 4 t �� s '! a t Jir Ni,SeSSlitent h Y rsa r n r a� s 1 �' r s 1 base rate Value $0.001421 302,400.00 2 { holiday Fighting Linear Footage 1 $12.79 428.00 Total Proposed Assessment for information only *NOT A BILL* OM 302,400-00 $429.41 0.00 428.00 $5,474.12 $5,903.531 12 E SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION Department of Economic Development P.O. Box 145590 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5590 .J � Telephone: (801) 535-7200 DA 1184 15 02 280 0010000 December 12, 2024 AAM INVESTMENTS, LTD 700 E NORTHCREST DR SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103-3317 Property Address 735 W 300 S 841041009 Reference: Salt Lake City, Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA CBIA-25 Dear Property Owner The referenced Central Business Improvement Assessment Area has been created and the Board of Equalization has been established in accordance with the included legal notice. The following is the estimated assessment for your property located within the boundaries of the referenced downtown Central Business Improvement Assessment Area. For additional information concerning the estimated assessment and a description of the use of funds from the assessment for downtown economic promotion activities, please refer to the "Notice of Intention to Designate Assessment Area's previously mailed to you. You will have an opportunity to discuss the assessment and any factual errors for your property valuation or assessment during the Board of Equalization hearings to be held at Salt Lake City & County Building at 451 S State Street, Room 325 at the tunes indicated on the included notice. For more information please call Salt Lake City Economic Development at 801-535-7200. This is not a bill. Do not send a payment at this time. Any payments received will be returned to you. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY AND NOT A BILL holiday lighting Linear Footage 1 S12.; Total Proposed Assessment for information only *NOT A BILL' 217_05 0.001 0.00 5864.52. 53,636.59 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION Department of Economic Development P.O. Sox 145590 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5590 Telephone: (801) 535-7200 DA 1184 15 02 427 002 0000 AAM INVESTMENTS LTD 700 E NORTHCREST DR SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84103-3317 December 12, 2024 Pro -Prty Address . _.._.. 735 W 300 S $4104,1009 Reference: Salt Lake City, Utah Central Business Improvement Assessment Area No. DA-CBIA-25 Dear Property Owner The referenced Central Business Improvement Assessment Area has been created and the Board of Equalization has been established in accordance with the included legal notice. The following is the estimated assessment for your property located within the boundaries of the referenced downtown Central Business Improvement Assessment Area. For additional information concerning the estimated assessment and a description of the use of funds from the assessment for downtown economic promotion activities, please refer to the `Notice of Intention to Designate Assessment Area" previously mailed to you. You will have an opportunity to discuss the assessment and any factual errors for your property valuation or assessment during the Board of Equalization hearings to be held at Salt Lake City & County Building at 451 S State Street, Room 326 at the times indicated on the included notice. For more information please call Salt Lake City Economic Development at 801-535-7200. This is not a bill. Do not send a payment at this time. Any payments received will be returned to you. PLEASE NOTE THIS .iS. FOR YOUR INFORMATION. -ONLY AND NOT A BILL I1 base rate Value S4.00142 1'fli,� G2t�anfdy GtF1anEriy i Assessrner�i 2,831,200.00 0.00 2,831,200.00 54,020.301 Total Proposed Assessment for information only *MOT A SILL* 1 $4,020.30 SLC Zoning Lookup Map R-1 -7000 .4253fr R-1-5000 Jk/ 40 dab ASSIeSSOl'I"'OTC0.1 Vl("Wf',r flagel of 1. view Pareol Viewer betet 4 all IVO 0' Ai ,Y PIS iavaa Pi, = V215/2020 11 D '44F r 16063030080000C.—.T..—, i how Mary MuOs IIEP 'Lc 0 E E%E.-NC.f PL I -I.... .. !, q I i t a "r D 16063030D oODOC.—T.1W., .00 l,PLLC i?ijxcFmall