01/11/2021 - Minutes SALT LAKE CITY JOINT TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD &BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of the January 11, 2021 Meeting TAB Members Present for this meeting were Benjamin LaRiviere, Courtney Reeser, Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick, Greg Sanchez, Jenn Diederich, Jim Espeland, Jon Larsen, Kerry Doane, Marjorie Rasmussen, Myron Willson, Paul Schulte, and Reid Ewing. TAB Members Absent for this meeting was Suzanne Stensaas. BAC Members Present for this meeting were Daniel Houpt, David Parrot, Joshua Poppel, Martin Cuma, and Zachary Anderson. BAC Members Absent for this meeting were Gabriela Knudson, Jacquelyn Thiel, and Josalyn Bates. Also present were Amy Lyons, Joe Taylor, Julianne Sabula, Lara Handwerker, Alex Palomino, and Hugh Van Wagenen The meeting was held electronically and was called to order at 4:02 p.m. by Courtney Reeser. Welcome and Icebreaker Activity TAB/BAC Members&Lara Handwerker Lara did an Icebreaker activity using Menti and questions aimed at helping the members get to know each other. Public Comment —There was no public comment. Discussion on Defining the Four Pillars of Transportation Planning Joseph Taylor(JT), SLC Transportation After a comprehensive review of existing city plans and documents, the four pillars of transportation planning that were codified into existing plans are equity, safety, sustainability, and good governance. Joe said he would go into each one in depth and would really like input from the group. The definition of equity he shared is that every person in SLC should have access to transportation infrastructure that allows them to thrive socially and economically. The impact of transportation, both positive and negative, must be managed to ensure that no community receives undue benefit or hardship. Joe said the need is to be intentional with what equity is and what it isn't. It is not the same as equality; people are not starting from the same position. It is not the same as inclusion which is necessary but not sufficient and they don't want to fall back on numerical diversity which only tells part of the story. The City is trying to move beyond that while not negating that. Joe said when he's talking about equity, we need to acknowledge a few things. Transportation infrastructure and resources have not been and are not currently being allocating in a manner that meet the City's goals of being equitable and just. Historic, institutionalized injustice persists in how we create and Page 1 of 3 TAB/BAC 01-11-2021 Minutes maintain transportation infrastructure. Lastly, we are still struggling to understand the depth and breadth of the problem. He showed a map produced in 1940 and the accompanying area descriptions that were created and signed by people who sell homes and loan money for homes. Basically, what it showed is that in areas depicted in green, money could be loaned at better rates because those areas were deemed trustworthy while the area depicted in red and yellow weren't deemed as creditworthy. These practices became illegal in the 1960's but this way of thinking is what built the areas of the city we see today. The impact of that map continues to affect public health, property values, crime rates, school funding, and how we perceive our neighborhoods. Addressing this sort of issue is really what the City means as defining equity. Joe asked if the members felt this concept of equity is reasonable, if anything was missing, or if there was problematic terminology. After an in-depth discussion of the presented definition of equity, Joe agreed to re-write it and bring it back to the group for further discussion. Due to time constraints the other three pillars of transportation planning will also be discussed at a future meeting. TAB/BAC Collaboration TAB/BAC Members This is the second year of doing a joint TAB & BAC meeting to have a collaborative discussion on what other touch points can be had for the two groups. Jon explained the scope of both groups and how they function together. He said he would love to hear ideas and is specifically looking for a process that can be put in place to sync letters of support between the groups. Historically, BAC has been more active in writing letters of support than TAB. Courtney said this is something they should learn from each other so they can have an impact on projects. Zach said that as Chair of BAC, he likes the system in place which is having the Vice-Chair as a TAB representative to share information both from and to TAB. As the prior Vice-Chair of BAC, Joshua feels there is a lot of overlap on presentations. He suggested possibly having additional joint meetings. Courtney asked if Transportation is gaining different insight from the groups that might be lost if they were combined. Lara said she doesn't believe the type of insight would be different but members have more time to discuss specific projects in smaller groups so they may gain more feedback. Courtney said she will work with Amy and David Parrott to see if the process of coordination can be streamlined. Livable Streets Discussion Lara Handwerker, SLC Transportation Lara gave an update on the Livable Streets project and showed some yard signs that are available. Updates on this project, a comment section, and the ability to request the yard signs can be found on the website: https://www.slc.gov/transportation/plans- studies/livable-streets/. Transportation is in the phase of creating and refining traffic calming district boundaries. They have a citywide first draft of the district boundaries. Areas like the airport and city creek canyon were not included but every other street with a speed limit of up to 3omph was. She shared the draft and gave brief overview of the roads and boundaries. There is currently a manual process of going through and removing streets that don't need to be included such as the international center and concentrating on areas that have residences. She asked the members if they think the way this is being approached is reasonable or if they would like to make suggestions. Courtney said she likes this but asked about traffic calming on the arterial streets such as 600 North or others that might be impacted with more traffic due to Livable Streets. Lara said those streets are being addressed in other projects. Specifically, 600 North is Page 2 of 3 TAB/BAC 01-11-2021 Minutes being looked at now and there are plenty of other projects that will take specific approaches on arterials. Kerry asked if they would be doing one street at a time or entire districts and Lara said the goal is to do an entire district at a time. The next step for Transportation is to refine these districts and then move on to figuring out how to prioritize them. She will present to the group again asking their input on prioritizing. Courtney said she would also like to figure out a way to reduce the speed limit throughout the city as she feels this would consistently help with traffic calming. Motion: Kerry Doane motioned to adjourn the meeting; Ellen Reddick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:02 p.m. Approved by TAB 02-01-21 Approved by BAC 02-08-21 Page 3 of 3 TAB/BAC 01-11-2021 Minutes