04/18/1996 - Minutes S7;\ 4�' A, a yyk CAT �® D e lol\ DEEDEE CORRADINI :OGER BLACK »p.-. �5 � -. A '�, _` MAYOR PUBLIC SERVICES DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICES • RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD RECORDED MEETING MINUTES APRIL 18, 1996 J U N 0 7 1996 STEINER AQUATIC CENTER CITY RECORDER Present: Board Members Dick Alexander Bart Summerhays, Chair Brent Sheets Ila Rose Fife Jan Chandler Harvey Glade Yo Uno Absent: James Nebeker - Fred Sanford, Vice Chair Chairperson, Bart Summerhays brought the meeting to order at 4:15. He thanked Brent Sheets for opening up Steiner Aquatic Center for the Board meeting. Bart asked if the Board had reviewed the minutes. Harvey Glade made a motion to accept the minutes and Yo Uno seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve. Bart announced that Patti Hansen was resigning as the Director of Recreation effective April 19. He asked the Board Members if they would like to do something as a Board to show their appreciation for her. The Board agreed that a gift of some kind would be in order. Harvey made a motion that each member contribute $10.00 and Ila Rose Fife seconded the motion. The Board voted in favor of the motion. Bart said that he had asked Wayne Oberg to call James in response to questions that James had about the proposed increase in the tennis fees. James had prepared a sheet reviewing his conversation with Wayne. (See handout.) It was decided that, without James or Wayne present at the meeting, questions from the Board regarding the conversation could not be answered. The Board decided to table the discussion until Wayne and/or James could be present. Bart turned the time over to Dick to update the Board on what is happening with Golf. Dick told the Board that both courses at Mountain Dell had opened at the beginning of the week, making all City courses open at that time. 1965 WEST 500 SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 TELEPHONE: B01-972-7B2B FAX 801-972.7847 i PECVPLED PAPER He told the Board that on Tuesday, April 16, the Golf Division submitted a budget amendment that takes into account many of the things that were outlined in capital improvements in the Golf Business Plan. The Council approved the budget amendment. This amendment gives golf approval to spend an additional $600,000, which will be used for cart leasing. The carts the City now owns will be used as a turn in, for which the City will receive approximately $500,000 for that inventory and an additional $30,000 to $35,000 on the parts inventory. This will be used as a trade-in toward the lease. Bart turned the time over to Brent for a tour of the facility. At the end of the tour, Brent showed the Board two tentative schematics for the improvements and additions to the facility. He told the Board that Wednesday, April 17, he had met with the Mayor to answer questions about the facility and the proposed changes. The Mayor decided that she would support scheme 2. (Illustrations to be handed out as they are more completely developed.) Brent went over some financial figures for the facility. (See hand-out. Brent stated that these figures were preliminary figures only.) He showed the Board the tentative plans for the ice sheet and said that the City would receive $3 million for the development of the ice sheet. The rest of the funding would come from the community and private donations. Brent said the City is trying to involve the community in the decision-making process so that they will feel that this facility belongs to them. He said that the Recreation division provides a service in "preventative law enforcement," and that community involvement is essential to the program. With no other business to discuss, Bart declared the meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM. STEINER AQUATIC CENTER ICE SHEET EXPANSION (April 18, 1996) Scheme 2 $ 8,300,581 "ski jump scheme" olympic ice sheet and new lobby Pool Phase I $ 952,978 expansion of locker rooms in lobby Pool Phase II $ 1,200,000 pool cover TOTAL COST $10,453,559 Conversation with Wayne()berg 4/16/96 Revenue Liberty Park is under contract with Larry Jones. lie pays the city a monthly lease based on a multi-year contract. Any increase in fees will go to Larry Jones. It is the feeling of Jones that the fees need to be increased. They are laughably low based on industry,i.e., the SLC market. The City benefits from increased fees by solidifying the position of Larry Jones;putting more money in his pocket strengthens Jones and ensures payment of ' lease payments. Payments are not,and have not been,in arrears. Capital improvements The City received land from an individual(older gentleman tennis player)and sold it for $85K. The city will match that for a total of$170K. This will go towards redoing courts where concrete is"sinking"inside of asphalt perimeter. It will go towards resurfacing other courts,and remodeling of Club House,new bathrooms,etc.. Dee Smith This facility was upgraded through a contract for capital improvements with The Tennis Company,a local tennis facility management contractor. Last year they resurfaced four courts. They will do the second half(other four courts)this spring. There was also a need for an improved drainage system. The City had extra money.The Tennis Company was the low hid. They got the job. There is also a need for landscaping and sprinkling system. These items still need funding. Fees Originally fees were charged on a per court,per hour basis, in about 1991 they changed to a per person,per court,per hour basis. Then in 1993 they went hack to a per court,per hour method. Currently the rate is$2 per court,per hour at Liberty,and$4 per court per hour at Dee Smith. The proposal is to raise the rate to$3 and$5 respectively. I did not get information regarding the last rate increase. Rewriting Code Wayne mentioned how poorly written the code was regarding tennis fees. He thought he might rewrite it completely. 1 strongly suggested this would be a good idea and,if done well,the new code would remain for years to come and he his legacy. lle asked for any suggestions. I stated there was a need to give a rate discount to groups that were there on a regular, high volume basis,e.g.,tennis pros,tournament play,Tongan group,wheelchair group. A similar break could go to groups less likely to use the courts,e.g.,older,younger,those with fewer financial resources. A second concept would he to set a rate structure that would encourage full utilization of courts, It's better to have a court used at half the regular rate than not at all.