08/10/1989 - Minutes Minutes: City Council Committee of the Whole Thursday, August 10, 1989 6:00 - :00 p.m. City Council Conference Room 451 South State Street #325 Salt. Lake City, Utah 84111 In Attendance: Florence Bittner, Wayne Horrocks, Sydney Fonnesbeck, Tom Godfrey, Roselyn Kirk, W.M. "Willie" Stoler, Cindy Gust.-Jenson, Lee King, Cam Caldwell, Ed Snow, James Hall, Rochelle Fitzgerald, Chief Michael Chabries, Mike Fierro, Allen Johnson, Linda Hamilton, Press. Chief Michael Chabries was the first speaker. He discussed problems the Police Department has been having this summer, including increased demand in services, gang activity and a shortage of people i.n the department. The proposed short-time solution which has been cleared through the Mayor was to allot $50,000 - $100,000 for overtime. The backlog has now been reduced to 6-10 calls which are mostly low priority. Council Member Tom Godfrey expressed concern about the number of retirements and resignations in the department and how that would impact. Police Department effectiveness. Chief Chabries said that it takes nine months to train a new officer. Council Member Florence Bittner was concerned about the number of transients between 1-15 and West. Temple. Chief Chabries said that he will get the Council a report on the number of transients. Council Member Wayne Horrocks wanted to know more information about gangs in Salt Lake City. How bad is it.? Chief Chabries said that the problem is just beginning and the plan was to squelch it before it get.s out of hand. Sergeant Fierro talked further about the gang situation in Salt Lake City. He said that approximately 200 people are involved. They are "new" gangs that for most part have been California influenced. The size of the gangs varies from 7 to 40. The plan is to get on top of it while it is just. starting. Council. Member Sydney Fonnesbeck was concerned about the satanic influence, especially in cemeteries. Sergeant. Fierro said that there are many different influences i.n the City, including satanists and White Supremacists. Council Member Alan Hardman wondered what if there is a standard profile of a gang member. Sergeant Fierro said that they are usually poor students from broken or single parent homes. Council Member Wayne Horrocks asked the Police Department if they were only concentrating on the teens in regards to the problem with gangs. Is the Police Department in contact with the security officers in the malls and etc. Sergeant Fierro said that. they were watching all age groups and that they are in close contact with all people involved with the situation. arid_County_Hui'ding Quarte.r ly__Report Linda Hamilton, Director of Finance, reviewed her memo to the Council in regards to the completion of the remodel on the City and County building. Florence Bittner said that the handicap ramp entrance into the building was inadequate. Linda Hamilton said that it is being redone. The contract on the remodel should be closed around November or December. Alan Hardman wondered if the restaurant. was included in the original bond. Linda Hamilton said that it was and that the work was done by Jacobson and the restaurateur will be Spencer Herzog. The restaurant. is due to open by October 1st. Sydney Fonnesbeck wondered if there are any County tenants in the building besides John Rosenthal. Linda Hamilton indicated that. there are none at. this Florence Bittner wondered if there were things cut out. on the building to come under bond. She said people had been telling her that. they didn' t get. all of the furniture that they needed. She indicated she couldn t believe the hid could come out. that. close. Ms. Hamilton said that nothing was cut., although it is clear that all of the needs have not been addressed. Ns. Hamilton reported there is 1. 1 million in discretionary funds, The interest it has earned is approximately $700,000 - $1 million. Alan Hardman asked if the Council will see that. money f i rst.. Ms. Hamilton said yes. CIF - Debt service. Florence Bittner requested tha.t there be a closeout. first.. Linda Hamilton indicated the Administration is putting together a list of unfinished items. Council Member Willie Stoler wondered when we assumed responsibility for damages to the building - when we moved in? Ms. Hamilton said we assumed responsibility on the day of the Opening Event - approximately 4/28/89. RV:S/SIDE YARDS, CARPORTS AND GARAGES Allen Johnson reviewed his memo covering the recommendations for side yards and/or rear yard requirements. Council Member Roselyn Kirk brought. up the issue about relatives doing the remodeling, and indicated that. this could create problems for individuals whose parents had done the remodeling years before. Florence Bittner wanted to know why they were proposing the overlay route. Wayne Horrocks brought up the issue and problems with turning garages into bedrooms, Sydney Fonnesbeck indicated she felt that ignorance of the law is no excuse, Alan Hardman asked if we adopted this law, should we put a law into effect to make illegal housing legal. Are we accommodating one group of people and not another? Allen Johnson said that there is a law to make illegal housing legal if the zoning permits it. - (R4 as opposed to R2) depending on when the building was built. Things are uncovered with remodels and neighbor's complaints. Wayne Horrocks - What about animals - horses and goats, in particular. Allen Johnson indicated that animals are not allowed unless the use goes back before the ordinance. Florence Bittner asked about the overlay zone again. Is there another way? Allen Johnson - It could be complex - Is this a case of the "squeaky wheel"? Is it opening the door for potential litigation? Florence Bittner asked if this issue is being discriminative and how it would be justified in court.? Tom Godfrey asked the same question - Is there another way? Allen Johnson stated that the conditions need to be fairly specific. Minimum acceptable conditions would need to be outlined in detail and even then it could be difficult to argue in court.. Tom Godfrey asked why the Planning and Zoning division isn't recommending the plan that they worked with Council Members Godfrey and Kirk on. He indicated the staff did work with the Council members, but did not necessarily agree. Sydney Fonnesbeck asked about the overlay plan versus case by case. Allen Johnson said that the overlay plan places responsibility in the neighborhood. Sydney Fonnesbeck asked why a neighborhood decision was needed. Florence Bittner noted that they were combining the two issues of RV's and carports. Allen Johnson said that people should be encouraged to remodel instead of doing a garage conversion and taking the easy way out. Florence Bit.tner said that we need flexibility. People aren't checking the rules when they buy an RV. Tom Godfrey pointed out the example of West. Valley and Kearns. How flexible do we want to be? Sydney Fonnesbeck wondered if they are putting a rule into effect that no one will enforce. Florence Bit.tner said that they needed reasonable restrictions. Alan Hardman asked if this is only solving 5% of the problems. Allen Johnson said that 10-25% of the people will meet, the requirements as their property currently stands. He said that the other 75-90% will still have to move their recreational vehicles to other storage facilities. Wayne Horrocks wondered about small lots and adequate parking. Florence Bittner said that she is just as concerned about the family with five cars and the ordinance just. says Ws, The Council discussed whether it would be appropriate to allow extra. parking area for cars under the ordinance. Willie Stoler asked if Allen could resolve this by the 5th and get back with them. Roselyn Kirk asked if they could give the Board of Adjustments power and forget the overlay. Allen Johnson said that neighborhoods want some kind of control. He recommends a Board of Adjustment process. Sydney Fonnesbeck asked if the community councils had been not and given this paperwork? Allen Johnson said that they had not been notified. Florence Bittner requested the staff to be sure Community Affairs sends notification to Community Councils. The Council members discussed the idea of holding the hearing to get citizen comment and then just closing the hearing, with a decision to be made at a later date. Mechanical .Repairs in B-3 Districts Allen Johnson reviewed the memo in regard to the proposed amendment to Section 21. 52. 010 "B-3" Business District_ Florence Bittner asked if full service stations qualified and could be housed in B-3 zones. Allen Johnson said yes. Willie Staler brought up the issue of the EPA and their new rules on gas stations and how it would impact the City. ZoniqgCodeHandicapc Allen Johnson brought up the case of the man who couldn't get his handicapped wife into their home and the Board of Adjustments said that she only had a physical handicap and they only had the authority to accommodate for physical hprdshjps. He recommended a planner be assigned to this project to prepare a document which would give the Board the authority to address these situations, while maintaining the purposes of the master plan and being humanistic. The Council agreed. ilSigned by: e N/ W.M. "Wi 1 1 i e" Stoler City Council Chair Attested by. kati- yn silail - • City Reor er