02/20/1985 - Minutes MAR 2,1't9 CBID BOARD FEBRUARY 20, 1985 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PETROLEUM CLUB MEMBERS PRESENT: Jess Agraz Wayne Hadley Kent Money John Pace Dick Schubach Phyllis Steorts Fred Wheeler John Williams ED-OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Troy D'Ambrosio Lee Wagstaff MEMBERS ABSENT: Fred Ball I. PRESENTATION - Lee Wagstaff A. As of February 1, 1985, Lee Wagstaff (First Marketing Group) will be on retainer for $850/month. This will be an addendum to the original contract. Motion, Agraz; Second, Pace; Unanimous. B. A press release announcing the appointment to the board of John Pace and Johnhandledby Lee Wagstaff�ro'i iiid�taS�v iii be . C. Fred Ball, Dick Schubach and Lee Wagstaff are looking into a questionnaire to be sent to the executives of selected associations. Report at meeting, March 20, 1985. II. MINUTES - The minutes of the January 16, 1985, meeting were approved with the following correction: Fred Ball will be working with Dick Schubach and Lee Wagstaff on the questionnaire. III. FINANCIAL REPORT - Troy D'Ambrosio The Financial Report was accepted. Motion, Fred Wheeler; Second, Dick Schubach; Unanimous. CBID BOARD - FEBRUARY 20, 1985 MINUTES Page 2 IV. CHRISTMAS LIGHTING - 1984. Wayne Hadley A. Wayne Hadley hasn't been able to talk with Kay B rrell to date. Will report further at March 20 meeting. B. Wayne Hadley has not received a response to his letter to Bill Vriens, Jr. C. 1985 - Troy D'ambrosio will further pursue the Evergreen Specialty Co. for the Christmas lighting - 1985. He will invite them to make a presentation for the board. V. BANNER REPORT - Fred Wheeler - John Pace When weather allows, the sample banners will be put up on Main Street for the members of the board to judge. It was moved that two banners per pole be made, the expense not to exceed $45 each. Motion, Fred Wheeler; Second, John Pace; Unanimous. VI. MISCELLANEOUS Lee Wagstaff will order letterhead and envelopes for the board members Titles will be removed. Unanimously approved. VII. MEETING ADJOURNED.