01/02/2018 - Formal Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 , 2018 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 7 : 02 p.m. in Room 315, Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State . The following Council Members were present: Charlie Luke Andrew Johnston James Rogers Erin Mendenhall Chris Wharton Amy Fowler Derek Kitchen Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; Patrick Leary, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; David Litvack; Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; and Kory Solorio, Assistant City Recorder; were present. Councilmember Luke presided at and conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONY #1 . 7:02:28 PM The Pledge of Allegiance . #2 . Welcome/Review of Standards of Conduct. #3. 7:02:49 PM Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Rogers seconded to approve the minutes of the following Council meetings : Tuesday, November 14 , 2017 ; Tuesday, November 28 , 2017 ; and Tuesday, December 12 , 2017 ; as well as the formal meeting minutes of Tuesday, December 5, 2017 and Tuesday, December 12 , 2017 , which motion carried, all members voted aye . View Minutes (M 18-3) (M 18-4) COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL 7 :04:03 PM Douglas Cotant expressed concerns regarding fireworks safety. He suggested parents closely supervise their children when lighting fireworks and penalties be enforced for use of illegal fireworks . Polly Hart commented regarding the off-leash area in Memory Grove Park. She said the Freedom Trail became a sheet of ice every winter and was not safe for dog walkers going through the off-leash area. She requested either the Parks Department make the trail walkable or find a way to make the road (on the west side of the creek) available when the trail was not walkable . She also urged the Council to work on creating more off-leash areas . Michelle Goldberg, owner of Diggity Dog Resort, said her business was directly across the street from the proposed entrance to the homeless 18 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 , 2018 shelter on High Street . She expressed disappointment and frustration, having reached out to numerous City Staff and Departments (concerning the potential effects the shelter would have on her business) without any regard or offer of compromise . She said construction would be starting soon and she was looking for support from the Council . Bernard Hart said there were a number of issues to be dealt with in the City, in particular the homeless . He expressed concerns regarding homeless issues and programs he believed were not working. He said the City was in a position to hear new voices and perspectives and hoped the new Council would address the issues in a different way. NEW BUSINESS #1 . 7:14:03 PM Adopting a motion ratifying the election of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Salt Lake City Council for calendar year 2018 . Councilmember Rogers moved and Councilmember Johnston seconded to suspend the rules and adopt a motion ratifying Erin Mendenhall as Council Chair and Chris Wharton as Council Vice-Chair for 2018 , which motion carried, all members voted aye . (G 18-1) The meeting adjourned at 7 : 15 p.m. Council Chair City Recorder This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Council Regular Session meeting held January 2, 2018 . ks 18 - 2