01/08/1991 - Minutes Community Development Advisory Committee Minutes January 8, 1991 In attendance: Rosemary Grim, Rawlins Young, Marion Willey, Nancy Saxton, Rosemarie Rendon, Ranae Pierce, Curley Jones, Russell Allred and Hermoine Jex. Staff: Stephanie Harpst and Sherrie Hansen Excused: Kim Anderson, Boyd Mattinson and Diana Smoot Meeting was called to order at 6 :00 p.m. Stephanie introduced Tim Funk, with the Community Coalition of Utah, and announced that he would be presenting the SLC Resident Self Sufficiency Program and the Handicap Curb Cuts proposals . CDAC then introduced themselves to Tim Funk. Tim presented the Resident Self Sufficiency Program proposal . He reported that this program planned to research and compile a listing of community resources, which exist and are available for elderly, handicapped, low income and homeless persons, and make that list available to those people. This would enable many residents to be more independent and keep them living in their own homes . Tim then presented the Curb Cut proposal. He told CDAC that The Community Coalition of Utah has compiled a complete listing of areas where curb cuts and handicapped parking is needed, however, four sites have been identified as priorities . Curb cut sites are needed at the northeast corner of 400 So. , 400 East, southwest corner of 900 So. , 500 East, all corners on 100 So. , 300 West, and handicapped parking in the area north of the Heber J. Wells Building on 300 So. , 150 East. Stephanie told CDAC that CPPD had received confirmation that the additional 1% of funding, or $40,000, that had been cut from the 16th Year program had been refunded to SLC. She continued by asking CDAC if they wanted to add it to 17th Year or if they wanted to amend the 16th Year Program. Nancy suggested that a committee be formed to look at 16th Year proposals and review those projects that were not funded. Stephanie reminded CDAC that all amendments to the 16th Year Application would be required to go through the public process for citizen input and would require public hearings . It was decided that the $40,000 should be rolled into 17th Year. Stephanie reported to CDAC that HUD may increase SLC's 17th Year allocation by 10% and that there may also be some slippage to add to 17th Year. She added that Karen Carlyle would be coming to the next meeting to report on the actual amount of slippage that can be expected and which projects funding is being recaptured from. She announced which proposals were scheduled for the next CDAC meeting. They include RDA, Easter Seals Child Abuse Prevention, and Planning. Stephanie then informed CDAC about the new proposal submitted by Rainer Dahl with Recycling Corporation of America. She told CDAC that this request, for $224,748, was to create 20 jobs at their facility which recycles waste products . The actual funding would be used to pay wages at $4 . 25 an hour, FICA and workman's compensation. She also reported that Ken Eltinge had requested that his application for the Ashford Chase Daycare be amended to purchase the Rio Grande Hotel. She informed CDAC that this request had been denied. Stephanie told CDAC, the public hearing to be held with CDAC and the Mayor had been scheduled for January 31 at 7 :00 p.m. She reminded Marion and Ranae that they should be at the HAAB meeting, scheduled for January 23, at 3:00 p.m. and explained that at this meeting, HAAB would be developing their priority listing of the housing proposals. She told CDAC on January 17 she would be meeting with Planning Commission to report the amount of funding SLC can expect from HUD and the number and dollars of proposals received. Stephanie reminded CDAC of their meetings scheduled for February 7 and 12 at 5:30 p.m. and their Work Shop scheduled for February 23. Stephanie informed CDAC that she will brief the Mayor on CDBG, the week of March 4 and that CDAC intents and recommendations have to be complete for this . CDAC then discussed strategy that could be used in making funding recommendations during the CDAC Work Shop. Stephanie added that because of the short timeframe CDAC may wish to make some preliminary funding decisions . She asked if a sub- committee could be formed to do this . General CDAC consensus seemed to be in favor of this decision. It was decided that CDAC would meet on February 19 to put together a priority listing. Meeting was adjourned at 7 :30 p.m.