01/08/2019 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance: Council Members Andrew Johnston, Amy Fowler, Chris Wharton, Erin Mendenhall, Charlie Luke, and James Rogers . Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; Nick Tarbet, Council Policy Analyst; Brian Fullmer, Council Constituent Liaison/Budget Analyst; Allison Rowland, Council Policy Analyst; Kira Luke, Council Policy Analyst; Orion Goff, Building Official; Gregory Mikolash, Development Review Supervisor; Lewis Kogan, Trails and Natural Lands Director; Kristin Riker, Public Lands Deputy Director; Daniel Rip, Communities & Neighborhoods Real Property Manager; Nicole Smedley, Assistant City Recorder; Cindi Mansell, City Recorder, and DeeDee Robinson, Deputy City Recorder. Councilmember Mendenhall presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 3 : 43 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 3:44:19PM NOMINATION OF COUNCIL CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2019. The Council will take a straw poll to nominate the Council Chair and Vice Chair for calendar year 2019. Chair & Vice Chair Votes Councilmember Luke was nominated for Council Chair and Councilmember Rogers was nominated for Council Vice-Chair. Councilmember Mendenhall said the nominations would be ratified during the formal meeting. Straw Poll: Unanimous support for Councilmember Luke for Council Chair, and Councilmember Rogers for Vice-Chair. All Council Members voted aye. #2 . 3:50:09PM BRIEFING ON A PROPOSAL FROM THE UTAH OPEN LANDS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION TO NAME A SMALL SECTION OF HIDDEN HOLLOW NATURAL AREA "TY' S GARDEN" AFTER THE LATE DR. TY HARRI SON, A FORMER PROFESSOR AT WESTMINSTER COLLEGE. Dr. Harrison worked to establish 19 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 a riparian forest enhancement project in the easternmost area of Hidden Hollow. View Attachments Brian Fullmer and Lewis Kogan briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding background/history of Dr. Ty Harrison and proposal/support from Utah Open Lands, Sugar House Community Council, and family of Dr. Ty Harrison. Straw Poll: Unanimous support for naming portion of Hidden Hollow "Ty' s Garden" through the legislative process (setting the date for a public hearing on January 22, taking action on February 5) , and clarification of an amendment to Chapter 3 . 65, Salt Lake City Code. All Council Members voted aye. #3 . 3:59:17PM BRIEFING ON CHANGES TO THE CITY' S DEMOLITION AND BOARDED BUILDING ORDINANCE. The proposed changes are intended to streamline the process for demolitions on commercial and residential properties, remove the requirement for a replacement use, landscape plan and bond, and provide clarity to the enforcement process for boarded buildings. Chapters 18. 84, 18. 64 and 2.21 . 030 will be amended as part of this petition. View Attachments Orion Goff, Gregory Mikolash, and Nick Tarbet briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding Council/City Staff/constituent feedback, background for proposed ordinance, Housing Advisory & Appeals Board (HAAB) involvement, disproportionate impact on law enforcement and fire safety personnel, capability to streamline process, previous ordinance requirements, vacant lots vs . vacant nuisance buildings, and concept for an approval committee. Councilmember Mendenhall inquired whether it would eliminate the potential for a non-profit renovation/restoration group to intervene where possible if a single nuisance residential property was fast-tracked to be demolished. Mr. Goff said when homes reached nuisance status, they were typically past-the-point of being rehabilitated, unless deemed necessary by the Historic Landmarks Commission (HLC) . Councilmember Mendenhall inquired in regards to the creation of a new committee mentioned in Amending Section 18 . 64 Demolition (Item 7) , how would they convene, could they deny (and under what grounds) , how many per-year anticipated, would they meet in person/individually, which Staff person would provide information, 19 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 and was this an existing position. Mr. Goff said the concept proposed would be a broader group of people with a "cross-section" of experience vs . one person (Building Official or Fire Marshall) making a decision. Councilmember Mendenhall said it was a great idea, however; complications arise with newly formed committees such as if a quorum would be required, if neighborhood council representatives would not or could not participate, etc. Mr. Goff said the expectation was for HAAB to be the anchor, as they had already provided similar work. Mr. Mikolash clarified the Council and HLC Staff would only need to be notified, and not necessarily provide representation on the committee. Councilmember Mendenhall said she looked forward to hearing more options the Council could consider on ways Council Members could engage (assurances they could attend the HAAB tours/fieldtrips) , rather than just be notified of committee meetings . #4 . 4:26:15PM Tentative Break #5 . 5:00:24PM UPDATE FROM THE CITY RECORDER ABOUT THE PROCESS FOR FILLING THE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 4 VACANCY. Cindi Mansell and Nicole Smedley briefed the Council regarding current number of applicants, time-frame for acceptance, verification of qualifications, submittal requirements, and what applicants supplied (in addition to the application) . Ms . Gust-Jenson said process options would be made available to the Council to approach the selection of a candidate. She said Council Staff would compile applicant information and provide packets for Council Members . She said Council Members had the opportunity to ask for additional information from candidates . Councilmember Mendenhall advised Council Members to provide Council Staff with any questions intended for candidates . #6 . 5:09:52PM UPDATE REGARDING THE PROGRESS OF THE UTAH INLAND PORT AUTHORITY FROM COUNCIL MEMBER JAMES ROGERS, WHO ALSO SERVES AS VICE-CHAIR OF THE INLAND PORT BOARD . View Attachments Councilmember Rogers discussed completed items by the Utah Inland Port Authority Board (IPAB) : an adopted budget including funding for the hiring of an interim administrator (Chris Conabee) , 19 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 funding for legal support, funding associated with forming a technical advisory committee, funding for community engagement, and Request-for-Proposals issued for a business plan and an executive search firm to recruit a full-time executive director. He said there had been eight board meetings with public comment and the board toured the Northwest Quadrant (NWQ) with staff from the Economic Development Department . He thanked fellow Council Members and Council Staff for their support and engagement for the IPAB. #7 . 5:14:03PM BRIEFING ON THE DRAFT FOOTHILL TRAIL SYSTEM PLAN WHICH THE COUNCIL MAY ULTIMATELY CONSIDER FOR ADOPTION AS A MASTER PLAN FOR THE CITY' S 6,000-ACRE FOOTHILLS NATURAL AREA. The plan aims to provide a variety of recreational experiences and manage this environmental resource for future generations through five planning goals identified for system trails: environmentally sustainable, enjoyable, accessible, safe and low-maintenance. Development and implementation of the plan would be consistent with the Salt Lake City Open Space Master Plan. View Attachments Lewis Kogan, Kristin Riker, and Allison Rowland briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding project background/vision, trail system goals, land ownership (variety of Federal, State, Salt Lake City, and private lands) , public engagement timeline, proposed trail network, extension of existing trail systems, trailhead planning and design, trail system access, trail alignment and wayfinding, maintenance and management costs, trail prioritization, phasing plans, enforcement resources, and next steps . Councilmember Mendenhall inquired if there were ways the public could further engage. Mr. Kogan said the website was still active, where updated drafts of the trail plan were posted, and an email blast was planned to notify residents of a forthcoming public hearing. Councilmember Luke inquired if the development of the plan allowed for additional trails to be added for future use. Mr. Kogan said they intended to update the plan in a few years to include new/additional areas and would likely be property ownership transfers to provide a substantial amount of additional open space land. #8 . 6:04:22 PM BRIEFING REGARDING AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CROWN CASTLE NG WEST, LLC A TELECOMMUNICATION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT. The 19 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 agreement would allow the company to place and maintain its small cell facilities within the City rights of way. Small cell wireless facilities utilize antenna and fiber optics to add capacity and coverage to a wireless broadband network. The company would be governed by certain conditions, would need to secure appropriate permits and pay the telecommunications tax under State law. View Attachments Dan Rip and Kira Luke briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding standard process for master license and franchise agreements . Councilmember Wharton inquired about digital inclusion and if that could be included with contracts, providing more quality access to wireless signals . Mr. Rip said it would be difficult to mandate where small cell wireless facilities were located because the installations were market driven and would be installed where there were identified gaps of service coverage. #9 . BRIEFING REGARDING AN ORDINANCE THAT WOULD GRANT A MASTER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF SMALL CELL WIRELESS FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC WAY TO CROWN CASTLE NG WEST, LLC. The agreement would allow Crown Castle NG West, LLC to install small cell wireless facilities throughout the City. Small cell wireless facilities utilize antenna and fiber optics to add capacity and coverage to a wireless broadband network. See Item #8 for discussion. #10 . INTERVIEW CYNTHIA CHEN PRIOR TO CONSIDERING HER APPOINTMENT TO THE ARTS COUNCIL BOARD FOR A TERM EXTENDING THROUGH JANUARY 8 , 2022 . View Attachments Pulled from the agenda. STANDING ITEMS #11 . 6:08:38PM REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Council may give feedback or staff direction on any item related to City Council business, including but not limited to: • Registration for National League of Cities Congressional City Conference; • Council District Newsletters for Public Utilities 19 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2019 mailing; • Financial Disclosure; and • Scheduling items. See File M 18-5 for announcements . #6. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR No discussion was held. #7 . CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE §52-4-205 FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE. Item not held. The meeting adjourned at 6 : 15 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held January 8, 2019 . dr 19 - 6