07/10/2018 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance: Council Members Erin Mendenhall, Derek Kitchen, Chris Wharton, James Rogers, Charlie Luke, Andrew Johnston, and Amy Fowler. Staff in Attendance : Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; Nick Tarbet, Council Senior Public Policy Analyst; Russell Weeks, Council Senior Advisor; Kira Luke, Council Policy/Budget Analyst; Brian Fullmer, Council Constituent Liaison/Budget Analyst; Samuel Owens, Council Policy Analyst; Melissa Jensen, Housing and Neighborhood Development Director; Lisa Packwood, Revenue/Finance Manager; Mary Beth Thompson, Finance Director; Paul Nielson, Senior City Attorney; Elizabeth Buehler, Community and Neighborhoods Civic Engagement Manager; Nick Norris, Planning Director; Mike Reberg, Community and Neighborhoods Director; Matthew Cassel, City Engineer; Carly Castle, Public Utilities Special Projects Manager; Tyler Poulson, Senior Energy/Climate Program Manager; Dan Bergenthal, Transportation Division Engineer; Doug Dansie, Senior Planner; Jaysen Oldroyd, Senior City Attorney; David Gellner, Principal Planner; John Anderson, Senior Planner; Wayne Mills, Planning Manager; Kimberly Chytraus, Senior City Attorney; Daniel Rip, Real Property Manager; and Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder. Guests in Attendance: Rod Olsen, Petitioner (Item 2) and Ryan Ritchie, The Ritchie Group (Item 3) . Councilmember Mendenhall presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 44 p .m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 4:44:59 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO APPOINT ADDITIONAL MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL WASATCH COMMISSION, (CWC) INCLUDING THE TOWN OF ALTA, PARK CITY, AND MILLCREEK CITY (MOUNTAIN ACCORD) . View Attachments Samuel Owen, Carly Castle, and David Litvack briefed the 18 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 Council with attachments . Mr. Litvack provided background information. Discussion was held on the intent/purpose of increasing the membership from seven to ten, potential conflict with tie votes (due to even number of members) , other entities needing representation, building consensus, new executive director appointment (Ralph Becker) , and the opinion/position of new members about existing agreements . Councilmember Rogers said he wanted to invite Mr. Becker to share his goals/vision with the Council . Councilmember Mendenhall said a briefing would be scheduled. Councilmember Mendenhall asked Staff to work with the Administration to contact new board members/Town of Alta' s new mayor about their position on specific points contained in the Mountain Accord agreements which were put-in-place by their respective municipalities or predecessors . Councilmember Rogers requested information, from a policy perspective, why more seats were needed on the Commission (how would more members drive better policy/discussion) . Councilmember Fowler inquired about the reasoning behind appointing two Park City representatives . Councilmember Mendenhall said Council action was proposed for July 31, 2018 and asked the Administration to provide feedback prior to that date. #2 . 4:56:11 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE THAT WOULD REZONE A PORTION OF ONE PARCEL LOCATED Al 744 WEST JACKSON AVENUE FROM SR-1 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PATTERN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO TSA-UN-T TRANSIT STATION AREA DISTRICT (URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSITION) PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. PLNPCM201700709 . The parcel is currently split-zoned and the proposal would make the full parcel TSA-UN-T Transit Station Area District (Urban Neighborhood Transition) for future development purposes. (Petitioner: Rod Olsen and Jeri Olsen) View Attachments Nick Tarbet, Nick Norris, David Gellner, and Rod Olsen briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Gellner provided background information. Comments included lot line adjustment, intent for uniform zoning, no development being proposed for property (intent to correct split-zoning) , and TSA modifications . Councilmember Mendenhall inquired about the zoning of an 18 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 adjacent building located to the north that might be an historic structure. Mr. Tarbet said he would do some research and get back to Council . Councilmember Mendenhall said a public hearing was scheduled for July 31, 2018 . #3. 5:02:40 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING AN ORDINANCE THAT WOULD AMEND THE ZONING FOR THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE ROYAL WOOD PLAZA SITE, LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 230 SOUTH 200 WEST (BLOCK 67) TO ALLOW GREATER BUILDING HEIGHT THAN WHAT IS CURRENTLY ALLOWED PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. PLNPCM2017-00420. The applicant requested the property be rezoned from Downtown Secondary Central Business District (D-4) to Central Business District (D-1) in order to build one or more towers that would exceed 120 feet. (Petitioner: The Ritchie Group) View Attachments Nick Tarbet, Nick Norris, Doug Dansie, and Ryan Ritchie briefed the Council with attachments/PowerPoint Presentation. Mr. Dansie provided background information. Comments included property owner development rights, parking issues, setbacks, freight deliveries/refuse collection, rooftop gathering place, development policies, compatibility issues, maintaining view corridors, D-4 height overlay, impact on adjacent properties, and design review. Discussion with Mr. Ritchie included height/massing issues, Planning Commission' s (PC) recommendation to keep the northern most 50-feet out of the overlay, underground parking, phased development, and increased ability for design review. Council Members Mendenhall and Kitchen said they did not support the PC' s 50-foot setback recommendation. Councilmember Mendenhall said a public hearing was scheduled for July 31, 2018 with potential action on August 14, 2018 . Mr. Tarbet requested clarification (to prepare motions) regarding Overlays and setbacks . Councilmember Mendenhall said her intent was for a D-4 Overlay with 20-foot setback. #4 . 5:26:50 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICANTS. The proposal will require business license applicants to provide photo identification and evidence that they possess professional certifications necessary to operate specific categories of businesses. View Attachments 18 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 Russell Weeks, Lisa Packwood, Mary Beth Thompson, and Jaysen Oldroyd briefed the Council with attachments . Mr . Weeks provided background information. Comments included potential for public hearing, issue not time sensitive, public input/transparency, employees sharing one license, and finding better ways to enforce business licensing. Councilmember Mendenhall said a public hearing would be scheduled for July 31, 2018 . #5 . 5:32:33PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 12 . 56 .205 , SALT LAKE CITY CODE, WHICH REGULATES "GREEN VEHICLES" THAT CAN PARK FREE AT SALT LAKE CITY PARKING METERS . The proposed revisions would limit the number of vehicles eligible for free parking to those vehicles that annually meet emission and mileage standards listed by the federal Environmental Protection Agency as "Smart Way Elite Vehicles. " The number of qualifying vehicles would be cut significantly under the proposed revisions, but the free-parking incentive might spur people to buy the least polluting, most fuel efficient vehicles. View Attachments Dan Bergenthal, Russell Weeks, and Tyler Poulson briefed the Council with attachments . Mr . Poulson provided background information. Comments included increasing number of green/electric vehicles, reviewing balancing tests, encouraging ownership of fuel efficient/low polluting vehicles to improve air quality/reduce dependence on foreign oil, free two-hour parking for green vehicles, improving vehicle technology, large number of vehicles qualifying for program, incentivize top performing vehicles (potential to dis-incentivize some vehicle owners) , update policy to align with technology, Tier III standards, reducing electric vehicle (EV) charging station requirements, and parking issues . Councilmember Mendenhall expressed concern about reducing EV charging station requirements from an infrastructure perspective. Mr. Weeks said the proposal would be scheduled for Council action on July 31, 2018 . #6 . 5:42:45PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO ADJUST THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY AND SOUTH SALT LAKE. A parcel at 2508 South 500 East is owned by South Salt Lake, but is within Salt Lake City's boundaries. The proposed boundary adjustment removes the parcel from Salt Lake City and it would become part of South Salt Lake. The proposal is to develop the parcel into park space for the adjacent Columbus Community Center 18 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 and be available to residents of and visitors to both cities. No other property in the vicinity would be impacted by the adjustment. View Attachments Brian Fullmer, John Anderson, and Wayne Mills briefed the Council with attachments . Mr . Anderson provided background information. Comments included no financial impact to Salt Lake, three sides of property located in South Salt Lake, no public comment for/against, and proposal initiated by South Salt Lake. Ms . Gust-Jenson said this was a very minor issue (rare occurrence) and wanted the Council to be aware most boundary adjustments were complicated and required a significant amount of time/resources to accomplish. Mr. Fullmer said the Council needed to adopt a resolution on July 31, 2018 setting a public hearing for October 2, 2018 (State law required no less than 60-days between adopting a resolution and holding a public hearing) . #7 . 5:50:43PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING A POSSIBLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND (GO BOND) FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION. As part of the "Funding Our Future" initiative, the City is considering issuing a GO bond of up to $87 million dollars to pay for street reconstruction. (This would be in addition to the recently-adopted sales tax increase, a portion of which will pay for increased street maintenance. ) Through upcoming engagement, public hearings and briefings, the Council will consider whether to add the Streets Bond to the November Ballot. The Council's discussion may include an update on public engagement and a review of reconstruction information. View Attachments Kira Luke, Matthew Cassel, and Elizabeth Buehler briefed the Council with attachments . Ms . Luke provided an overview of the proposal to date . She said as part of the "Funding-Our-Future" initiative, a sales tax increase was approved which would fund critical needs in housing, public safety, transit, and streets . She said the GO Bond was another funding option for the Council to consider. She said the bond would be approved by voters and used exclusively for street reconstruction. She said street maintenance could be addressed through sales tax revenue. She said Page 3 of the Staff Report provided a high-level table/summary of total reconstruction costs identified/needed for City roads . She said the $87 million GO Bond was approximately 20% of the total $436 million needed. She said one policy question for consideration was whether the Council wanted to identify a funding policy to prioritize how far the Council wanted to go. 18 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 Ms . Buehler provided a summary of promotion activities related to the bond. She said the bond effort was mainly a campaign event to educate the public about street conditions, funding needs, sources, and how revenue would be utilized to address those needs . She said some efforts included focus groups, postcard mailings, online surveys, "coffee conversations", open houses, farmers market, food trucks, media ride-alongs/interviews, and maintaining the website with updated project information. Mr. Cassel said pavement reconstruction information from the April, 2018 meeting was updated with current data and transmitted to the Council . He provided an overview of the information including parameters/ideas about how projects were put together. Comments included utilizing the bond for only reconstruction (not maintenance/overlays) , 80/20 scenario preference, potential to distribute bond in three separate issuances, intent to spend entire $87 million in six years, primary goal/first-worst approach, design/implement projects in cooperation with public utilities, transportation, and other utility installations (complete all necessary/planned infrastructure together) , flexibility needed to accommodate shifting needs/priorities, and roads continuing to deteriorate at different rates (need to reprioritize) . Mr. Cassel said Transportation would continually check road conditions to ensure worst streets were addressed first and ensure ongoing coordination with Public Utilities/other utility providers so any anticipated projects were completed simultaneously. Councilmember Fowler said it was important during the education campaign to remind people that City streets were continually being looked at . She said the plan to spend the $87 million in six years was a strong selling point which also needed to be conveyed to residents . She said she was concerned when residents contemplated a 20-year bond, they might feel like their street would never get looked at/fixed. Councilmember Johnston talked about the need to educate people about street maintenance following reconstruction (bond payments lasting 20-years) . Ms . Buehler said ongoing maintenance information was always included in discussions with residents . Mr. Cassel said the "Cartegraph" tool would allow scenarios to be run which would identify ongoing street maintenance needs/goals (Council could identify goals/scenarios) . Councilmember Johnston said to avoid misleading stories or 18 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 rumors that only Eastside streets would be reconstructed, residents needed to be reassured that street replacement was data driven and the Council' s intent was to replace (worst first streets) Citywide. Councilmember Mendenhall asked when a decision needed to be made to place the GO Bond on the November ballot. Ms . Luke said August 14, 2018 . She said public hearings were scheduled for July 10 and 31, 2018 . #8 . 6:10:49PM RECEIVE AN UPDATE RELATING TO THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT AND INLAND PORT. Council Members Rogers, Luke, Kitchen, and Mendenhall commented on the issue . Comments included enthusiasm/excitement for Inland Port, great progress being made, cooperative/engaged approach, potential for special session, invitation to the Mayor for joint participation, opportunity to become better public officials, strong desire to correct issues sooner than later (existing window-of-opportunity) , changes continuing to occur over coming years/decades, and appreciation to Staff/everyone involved. #9 . 6:16:43 PM REPORT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Report of the Executive Director, including a review of Council information items and announcements. The Council may provide feedback or Staff direction on any item related to City Council business, including but not limited to scheduling items. Announcements were not discussed. #10. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. Item not held. #11 . 6:17:05PM CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE §52-4-205 FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE . Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Rogers seconded to enter into Closed Session to discuss Attorney-Client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code §78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act . A roll call vote was taken. Council Members Rogers, Luke, Fowler, Johnston, Kitchen, and Mendenhall voted aye. Councilmember Rogers was absent . See File M 18-1 for Sworn Statement. 18 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 10 , 2018 Note : Councilmember Kitchen left the meeting following the roll call vote. In Attendance : Council Members Johnston, Rogers, Fowler, Luke, and Mendenhall . Absent: Council Members Wharton and Kitchen. Others in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Jennifer Bruno, David Litvack, Margaret Plane, Kira Luke, Mike Reberg, Melissa Jensen, Paul Nielson, Kimberly Chytraus, Dan Rip, Lehua Weaver, and Scott Crandall . The Closed Session adjourned at 6 : 51 p .m. The Work Session meeting adjourned at 6 : 51 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held July 10, 2018 . sc 18 - 8