03/14/2011 - Minutes m il—k MINUTES CITY&COUNTY BUILDING CONSERVANCY AND USE COMMITTEE MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2011,4:00 P.M. Committee Members Present: Excused: Ken Pollard—Chairman Mark Vlasic Lisa Thompson-Vice Chairman John Phillips Terry Wright Jerod G.Johnson Paul Heath Sean Fyfe RECEIVED Guests APR A 2011 Troy Baker CITY RECORDER Ken opened the meeting with roll call. Agenda item one is to approve the minutes from January 14, 2011. Motion was made to approve the minutes, motion was seconded and passed. January 14, 2011 minutes were approved. Second agenda item is to discuss tree replacements and new tree species for Washington Square. Troy Baker from Parks and Public Lands Division presented the information. Troy had meeting with Bill Rutherford,the city forester in regards to planting additional trees along with replacements for lost trees that were removed last December. There was a pine, cherry, plum and possibly a locust that have died on the grounds. The last couple of years there have been CIP funds and CBDG eligible money for the funding of trees. Troy met with Bill and asked if Washington Square would be a good place for some trees. This year Troy has 253 trees going into City Parks. Troy and Bill thought replacing the four trees that had died and were removed would be a good idea, plus planting six additional trees under Bill's recommendation. Troy and Bill discussed tree species. Bill picked out some species that he would like to see,they are species that are doing well in other locations. Trees that would be replaced are a Quazon Flowering Cherry tree that was lost in front of the café in the north east corner. A Frontier elm will replace a pine,and an Accolade elm and a Burr oak will replace the other trees that were removed from the grounds. Parks will be adding two Sterling Silver Lindens, two London Planes and two Cimmarron Ash. Most of these trees are slow growing except the Frontier and Accolade elms that grow fairly quick. Alden asked where the additional six trees would go. Troy pointed to a color coded map of where the trees would be placed. Two would go out from the State Street steps where the winding sidewalks go around; there are two open areas there where the trees can go. Ken asked what trees they would be. Troy answered London planes. He went on to tell the committee, an Ash tree would be placed closer to State and another one to fill in the area on the 400 South and State Street side and one for a big open area on the 500 South side. The cherry and elm are to replace the two trees that were removed. Terry asked if there was a concept with the Parks and Open Land Division when they are placing the trees of 1 using just native trees or is it whatever seems to grow well in this soil and climate. Troy answered that they use native trees when they can. The Frontier elm is fairly new, and Forestry and Parks have had really good luck using the Burr Oak. The Elm is also doing very well, it is not prone to Dutch elm disease, and they are really strong trees. Bill highly recommends them because they don't break in bad wind storms and can handle a lot of snow; the tree does very well in our climate. Troy said he can ask Bill Rutherford more about the use of native trees. Ken said that from a historical point that the grounds are kind of an arboretum with a lot of trees from around the world the more variety the better. Ken stated the grounds are not really structured or have formal organization of trees. Troy stated that many of the trees that were lost are prone to Dutch elm disease. Introducing the Frontier elm is exciting for Bill who really likes to use them because they are so sturdy. Troy was asked how many trees are on the grounds,Troy showed the colored map that showed black spots that indicate a tree. Copies were made and passed around. See attached. Janice stated that typically these kinds of replacements are taken to Landmarks as well; they have done it for Liberty and Pioneer Park, and issued certificates of appropriateness' for them. Janice stated that we will need to get this Committees buy in to Landmarks as well. Terry made the motion to accept the tree recommendations.With regards to tree replacement with the species suggested and the additional six. Motion was seconded and passed. Next agenda item is project updates. Alden wants to give a project update and talk about conversations he has had recently with City Council. They would like to have some input with the committee on projects. Alden passed out list of projects, which shows maintenance and deferred maintenance projects that we as a facilities maintenance group has identified as things that need to be done. Alden will discuss current projects. The list is going forward, for example the roofing project doesn't show up because it is already funded and going out to bid. The first project is a few items administration wish to have looked at from a funding standpoint. One is Washington Square event power. This project would add electricity distribution to the square. We would pull electrical power from the high voltage boiler plant, come down through the tunnel and pop up at appropriate locations to distribute required voltages. The majority of locations would be on 200 east and a few would be out of the building. This project is being looked at by administration to help with events and costs to the City. It would bring some revenue and reduce damage to turf and grass as generators would not have to be brought on the property. This project will be looked at by the council in June. The next project would be the fifth floor renovation of offices. This is also an administration project. The fifth floor would be renovated on the north part which is all unused space, it is currently attic space. This would add about forty-four office spaces. With a maximum of forty-four spaces depending on how it is used. This project is being considered in this year's funding as well. The council is weighing if they would fund the fifth floor project or some of the other maintenance projects. 2 The fifth floor renovation is a large capital item. The amount shown on project priority list handout is an amount that a bond fund would not cover. The bond would cover$1.8 million dollars of the renovation and the remaining amount of$800,000.00 would be covered with CIP funding. Ken asked if there are any projects on the priority list that would have a domino effect,for example if you approve one project that you would have to approve another. Ken said that the carpet for the 5th floor looks like it would be a domino project. Ken asked if once you approve one project would you have to approve the other. Alden answered no,there is one that will be that way and that would be the base isolator project that he will talk about later. The next project is the first floor fan coil units that is also been submitted for this year's funding. Basically it is replacing existing fan coil units out to quieter units that will have less maintenance costs and will be more efficient. The units are getting to be twenty plus years old and maintenance costs are increasing. That project will be duplicated over a series of years to try to spread the dollars out with minimal capital impact. The next project is exterior painting and repair of wood around the glass. All the frames have reached the time frame of painting and scraping. The project would consist of treating all the exterior wood and bring it up to date with new paint job and scrape. Ken asked what the time frame was,Alden answered around seven to ten years depending on damage and sun exposure. The project has been done once since the renovation which means it has been done once in twenty-two years. The next project is City and County Building stone hardener project. This project has been on the funding list for a long time. Harvey Wright was the person who suggested it should be on the list. Alden has been looking through maintenance manuals and input from the original design and determined it is a project that should be funded at some point. The maintenance manual say it should be applied every ten years, it has not been applied in twenty years. The City and County Building did have a 30%of the stone treated when the building was renovated. Alden broke the next project up as stone repairs. He is trying to distinguish between an application project and actual stone repairs. The repairs would have to be done before the application process. Alden wanted to give an estimate of what the repairs might be. The Kyline grey stone on the base around the water mark has a lot more damage and defoliation than the upper levels. A building figurines'face has split off because of weathering, we know of one maybe two more with similar weathering. The sill work would need to be touched up. Sill work was done during renovation. The dollar amount projected is to try to take care the maintenance repair items. The big dollar amount is for the stone strengthener and hardener. The base isolator project it is place holder at this point. The city funded a base isolation evaluation study, which is in process of right now. We have already had the geo seismic measuring has occured on site,they dropped weights and put out detection devices to determine the density of the soil. Alden asked Jared to explain the process. Jared said they are measuring sure wave velocities, how surface 3 waves want to propagate through the soil. They will use that to gage to determine how a major event is going to manifest itself at the surface. Alden said the intent of this study is to do several things,for example to look at the base isolators to see if they are capable of withstanding a large scale earthquake. We will actually move and send the existing isolators to a lab in San Diego and actually do a test all the way to failure to see how far the isolator will shift off its' base. We think it is only designed to move eleven to twelve inches, we want to see if it will exceed that. That study is ongoing, Alden asked Jared what the projection for when the actual testing of the isolators will be. Jared said on occasion he has been speaking with the individual from the lab in San Diego to make sure we are in their queue to get the isolation testing done. They have assured Jared we are in their queue and it will probably be the end of April or the first part of May, they haven't given him solid date yet but he has every assurance that they will be done the end of April of the first of May. Alden stated from our stand point several years ago we looked at the base isolator hardening of the rubber, and formed no major concern. To now where we need to look if could a significant,and can a 7.0 or higher earthquake take this building down, and that is what this study is about. Terry stated that even if the isolators work, we have a limitation as far as the moat area and the bumper area in there; he seems to think it is only eight inches,the isolators may go further but we would have to change the moat area. Jared said that is one of the issues the study is looking at,for example if isolators are stable up to twelve inches but the moat wall only allows eight inches,well then that would be something that would have to be fixed. Alden said we are in the process, he stated that the big issue may be if the base isolators are not capable of handling a large scale earthquake. He has the project dollars identified as being just a place holder to say we will eventually need to take out to bid, as a project if the study has proves that something will need to take action. Ken has a question regarding politics;the committee had contracted with Reavely before Jared came on the committee. Now that Jared is on the committee is there a conflict of interest. Jared stated that the issue has been discussed and that he would remove himself from any decision making that Reavely is a part. Next are a series of projects that all run together. First the fan coil replacement units for multiple floors for multiple years. Installation of carpet and access flooring, this has been done on level two on the west side and level three on the east side,those are the only sites with carpeting and access flooring today because of our limited funding. Ken asked if the fifth floor renovation carpet goes hand in hand with that or is it already included in the price. Alden stated that it is included in the price and carpet and access floor go together. Terry referred to the third and fifth floor carpet projects and asked if the fifth floor project was to happen would the fifth floor carpet and access floor be addressed? Alden stated that the fifth floor carpet and access floor is strictly existing space only not the new office space. Ken asked if it gets new carpet at the time of the renovation. Alden said no. On the north side of the fifth floor is a maintenance and unfinished space where we house filters and other maintenance 4 materials. Ken asked if the fifth floor renovation price include finishes. Alden said it includes finishes for the north unfinished area, but not the already existing fifth floor area. Terry stated it would be the south end, Alden said about center and some of the south areas, as there is more unfinished space on the south end of the building. Next is to finish interior wood sanding that would touch up all the wood products in the building. We would restore the finishes of the wood on the wainscoting and railings. Replace main air handler units that provide the main air for all the main quadrants typically four on every floor. Last is an upgrade to the generator and fuel tank. Alden wanted to make clear that these projects that are more than$50,000 in magnitude fall under the Facilities budget and it can take care of. Alden's budget allocates enough funding to try to do day to day maintenance repairs, painting etc. For example we have already painted and resealed the exterior doors. Alden reiterated that the project list presented is for large dollar amount over$50,000. An example of an item John brought up was the repainting and repair of the fountains; Alden feels the Facilities budget could cover that. Paul had an event power project question; he wanted to know if the events would be charged a new fee to offset the project cost? Alden said yes, he has worked the charge out as a payback over twenty plus years. The event participants are willing to pay what it is cost them to rent their generators in a year lump sum about$26,000. They are also willing to take on a yearly maintenance fee or a payback fee. Alden has taken that and put it in a $3,000 per vendor charge that the city would capture back. Paul asked if any of the event participants,the vendors have been notified. Alden said we have worked primarily with Utah Arts Festival Coordinators but not all event participants have been notified. Paul asked if the participants that were notified agreed to this payback system,Alden answered yes. Paul asked about the amount for the base isolators is the figure for testing only or does it also include swapping the base isolators. Alden answered the amount is for replacing the base isolators the testing has already been funded. Alden has put the projects in priority order as Facilities sees them. The reason why the base isolator project is where it is in the year is because we need the study finished before we move forward. That is why it is pushed out to the 2013-2014 calendar year to give us the timing needed. All the other projects are priority order of how Alden and his group see them. If the committee has input as to the order please let him know. Alden talked about the funding process as it happens. He goes on to say that the city vies for$6M worth of funding every year. The City and County Building project is about$10M and other projects equal about$29M total, over a ten year plan, which equals about a $2M to $3M per year. What Alden tries to do is to give us a consistent cash flow of dollars but not overwhelm the system. Alden is asking the committee if they have input or if you want the order to be different from what you see on the list to present it. John stated that as far as these potential forty-four offices on the fifth floor that$800K is not the true cost of the project, it is just the cost of the project allocated from the funding CIP source. He asked if anybody has done a study to determine if this is the most cost effective way to get forty-four offices. 5 Alden stated that he believes there has been some look at that. Alden continued that we have to realize that if the City and County Building does have the potential for additional office spaces in the fifth floor area. It will require some structural work and other work, but it is a little higher price to get it here, but it does also keep the city from having to build another building or acquire other buildings. Sean said that part of the issue with the fifth floor project is that there is no defined use. Alden stated there is some defined use but not completely. Sean said the defined use was a concern of the city council at Tuesdays' meeting, he asked if this reflects that discussion on Tuesday. Sean was surprised to see that Alden has it as a priority. Alden stated that he has is as an administration request,that his priority is technically down the list. The stone would be his priority. Sean stated that Alden has been tasked to give the council a priority list; he asked if in Alden's opinion if the fifth floor project be pushed back. Alden stated that the council's take was why not spend some of the money on maintenance items than build more space. That the administration's argument is we have some funding now and that funding is only available now and the likely hood of us being able to get additional funding for that kind of project may not happen for a long time. Their argument is they are trying to plan for the future today by going ahead and finishing out that last bit of space the City and County Building has and that the maintenance projects are going to be there no matter what. Sean asked if there is a plan in place to address those. Alden said yes. Alden said there is also in the works the thought of allocating a portion of the CIP budget to facility maintenance. In other words 10%of$6M would always be allocated to facilities maintenance budget. A large portion of that would go to the City and County Building. Ken's comment was the fan coil replacement over the years, but wouldn't it be more cost effective to do it all at once. So people are warmer than others in the building at certain times over the years. When Ken has been involved in other building's renovations the mechanical and electric were upgraded all at once for longevity purposes. Alden's thought about doing it all at once, if we were renovating and tearing down walls doing it all at once makes sense. Because the units are stand alone units and can be out of there within a week you can strategically slice them out,that is probably why they are spaced out. Ken's argument is if they are not spaced out,the same maintenance guys can do it and can have it done in a month or two. Alden's statement is that if the units were failing we would do it all at once, but since they are not they have decided to go with staggering the project over years,to see some funding can be allocated each year. Ken asked if the committee needs to approve the whole list. Alden said that the council is asking for what recommendation on priorities. If the committee agrees with the priorities then he will present it to the council. If the committee sees something that needs to be changed, for example the HVAC unit change outs needs to be done all at once instead of staggering them by year, that will be changed. John asked if there are any projects on the list that are particularly labor intensive but not hardware intensive. For example the exterior painting, as you know on the down economy as it is it is easier to get people to take less just so they can continue to work. Has there been any kind of an effort to prioritize any of these projects with those thoughts in mind? Alden said not specifically.The economy cycle that we are in as far as construction, and terry can attest to, is that we have had good pricing the last few years. The problem is,you still have to balance the projects with what allocated dollars are available in the city. The reality is the city can only do so many things. Like the window wood work and painting is labor intensive material cost is not that great, same with the stone hardener. 6 Johns' thought is to move the labor intensive items up the list he would certainly rather see those things happen before you put forty-four offices in the building. John is just thinking from a long term financial perspective. Terry thinks the renovation of the office space should be governed by the need, not because you have the space. If you have tenant that needs a space it makes sense but otherwise Terry thinks the office space should be pushed out. Ken agrees with that and thinks the exterior painting, woodwork and the stone work should be ahead of putting in the forty-four offices. Alden states there many people who have the same view. The problem if the economy comes back Alden thinks the city will continue to grow. Because of that there are continued pressures on the city to try to accommodate the people who manage a city of this size. As Terry looks at it,to build out the fifth floor at maximum you have 9 months and the city is not going to grow that fast. He feels there would be enough time to see what is coming down the pipe and if you don't have it right now it is something that could wait. Also to go along with Ken and part of the change out with the fan coil units if they are not failing yet it is kind of nice to get ahead of the game. But the other part by doing it over ten years you end up with ten different models and ten different types of spare parts and those sorts of issues which adds to difficulties in the future. Alden agrees, but took the tactic of funding issue,tying to get the full funding amount at one time is very difficult. The tact was to try to get a little bit every year. In reality Alden would rather do it all at once. John asked if maybe the fan coil units should be moved up the priority list for the maintenance issue alone. Terry feels the thought process makes sense funding is the reality, he agrees with the logic. Alden stated the history is he has tried to get large funding for the projects in the past but has been turned down. Terry asked if we can salvage parts from the existing fan coil units and use them again. Alden said yes that is what we do. Next agenda item is the Larry H. Miller bike tour art piece poster placement. Alden presented a piece of art poster that the city administration, meaning Mayor's office, wants to be placed in a temporary fashion. The poster would go on a wall without any damage to walls. It would go in the lobby on the east steps on the north side of the steps on a blank wall where the poster would sit until August of 2011. Alden asked if the committee have any issues with placing it there on a temporary basis. It was asked if it advertises the race,Alden said yes. John asked if the committee could comment on the poster itself. Alden said, as he sees it he is just being asked if they could hang it on the wall. Ken stated that at some conventions he had attended they have banners that have brackets that fit on the floor for signs like this. He would like to see that instead of the poster attached to any part of the building. He feels if you attach it to the building then many other issues arise. 7 John made a motion to use Ken's suggestion to use the movable poster display unit. That it is fine to be put up on a stand that will support it but not to be adhered to the building only until August 2011. Ken adds by adding a stand it could have a back and front and people can see it coming both ways. Ken asked for a second the motion was seconded and passed. John has another item he would like the committee to address. He was contacted by the Salt Lake City Bee keeper Frank Whitby,via e-mail. He forwarded the e-mail to Chien who is not present at the meeting. Apparently there are Bee hives that are managed by Frank Whitby on top of the Library. Frank gave some of the honey from the hives to the Mayors' office to be passed out to constituents and dignitaries. The Mayor wondered if it was possible to have bee hives at the City&County building. John asked Alden to find out how serious the Mayor is, and to maybe suggest a place for them. It was suggested to ask Troy Baker from Parks and Public Lands if he might suggest a place for the hives since Parks and Public Lands maintain the grounds. Chien will forward the e-mail to Troy Baker. Ken asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, all were in favor and the meeting was adjourned. 8