03/20/1985 - Minutes ti es -7 MINUTES APR $19$5 CBID BOARD i MARCH 20, 1985 12 NOON FORT DOUGLAS CLUB MEMBERS PRESENT: Jess Agraz Fred Ball Wayne Hadley Kent Money Dick Schubach Phyllis Steorts, Chairman Fred Wheeler John Willliams MEMBERS ABSENT: TrPaco ._ .. .. mach.... EX-CFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT: Troy D'Ambrosio, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor Lee Wagstaff, First Marketing Group GUEST: Bob Rhodes, Evergreen Specialty Co. I. MINUTES: The Minutes of the meeting held February 20, 1985, were unanimously approved. II. FINANCIAL REPORT: Trcy D'Ambrosio - accepted and attached hereto. III. SPECIAL PRESENTATION: Bob Rhodes of the Evergreen Specialty Co. presented ideas for consideration of the Board for Christmas decorations, 1985, following which Wayne Hadley (1984 Christmas Lighting Chairman) was asked to prepare a game plan for 1985 decorating of the district in advance of the April meeting. NOTE: A discount was offered m . Pi`naeS if order for decorations and',/or Chri::_.._�c 1 Jl id 'toms i.. placed before May 13. Motion to retain Evergreen Specialty Co. in a consulting position to recom- mend various designs and products was made by Jess Agraz, seconded by Fred Ball and unanimously approved. Addendum to the motion included budgeting between $35,000 and $50,000 for the entire 1985 Christmas lighting project. This was approved unanimously. TV. BANNER COMMITTEE: Fred Wheeler - The Committee reported they met and approved the Spring banners which will be hung by April 15. Banners with a summer design will follow removal of 24th of July banners. Lee Wagstaff to prepare release on hanging of Spring banners and to distribute to media prior to April 15. • Minutes CBID BOARD -2- March 20, 1985 Troy D'Ambrosio will place on the agenda of the City Council Meeting April 5th, a presentation by Fred Wheeler (Chairman of the year-round banner program) . V. MARKETING: Lee Wagstaff distributed supplies of CBID stationery to all Board Members, who unanimously approved that project. Mr. Wagstaff also distributed copies of a letter and questionnaire to be sent to all association executives. This action was unanimously approved upon motion by Wayne Hadley, seconded by Dick Schubach. VT. CHRISTMAS LIGHTING COMMITTEE: Wayne Hadley, Chairman, reported that lighting coordinator, Kay Barrell, has resigned due to fulltime work for Ballet West and the Utah Opera Company. VII. MARKETING PLAN: Lee Wagstaff requested 30 to 40 minutes on the April meeting agenda to present the '85-'86 marketing plan. Two matters brought before the Board were: A. Sales of parking stamps were highest in 1984, indicating greater usage last year by shoppers. B. The Board was asked to consider placing signboards near malls promoting the CBID and downtown shopping. This will be discussed at the April meeting. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS: Ile Chairman requested a Nominating Committee of Jess Agraz, Fred Ball and Dick Schubach to present a slate for 1985-86 Chairman and Vice-Chairman at the April meeting. The next meeting will be held April. 18 and hosted by Troy D'Ambrosio. The May meeting will be hosted by John Williams and the June meeting will be hosted by John Pace. IX. MEETING ADJOURNED. (1:45 p.m. )