03/09/2004 - Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, March 9, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State. The following Council Members were present: Carlton Christensen Van Turner Nancy Saxton Jill Remington Love Dave Buhler Dale Lambert The following Councilmember was absent: Eric Jergensen Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson; Gary Mumford, Deputy Council Director; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; and Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder were present. Councilmember Love presided at and conducted the meeting. #1. The Council led the Pledge of Allegiance. #2. Mayor Anderson presented recommendations to the Council regarding proposed Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) , Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) , Housing Opportunities for People with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (HOPWA) , and Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funding. See File M 04-1 for recommendations and speech. #2. The Council will consider a motion to approve minutes of the Salt Lake City Council meeting held March 2, 2004. Councilmember Saxton said a correction was needed regarding her comments about UTOPIA. She said the minutes did not accurately represent the point she wanted to make about her desire for the Council to vote on the issue that night. Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to approve the corrected minutes, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (M 04-3) PUBLIC HEARINGS #1. RE: Accept public comment and hear protests concerning the proposed creation of the Rose Park Lighting Special Improvement District, to construct improvements within the City consisting of the installation of decorative street lighting poles, the removal of existing wooden street lighting poles and all other miscellaneous work necessary to complete the improvements in a proper workmanlike manner; to levy an assessment to operate and maintain said street lighting facilities; to create the Salt Lake City, Utah Rose Park Special Improvement District; to pay the acquisition and installation costs and expenses and the operation and maintenance costs of said improvements by special assessments to be levied against the property benefited by such improvements; to provide notice of intention to authorize such improvements and to fix a time and place for protests against such improvements, assessments or the creation of the district; to declare its official intent to reimburse itself for expenditures paid by it prior to the sale of bonds; and to authorize advertisement of construction bids and related matters. View Attachment Peter Lassig said the proposal was an important step in providing beauty and safety for the Rose Park neighborhood. He said he wanted the City to make a long-term 04 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 commitment for continued improvements. Councilmember Christensen said this was a community effort which started five years ago. He said he was encouraged as residents became educated, they were excited for this unique opportunity. Councilmember Christensen moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to close the public hearing and refer to the Engineering Division for tabulation, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (Q 04-3) #2. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance making miscellaneous housekeeping amendments to the Salt Lake City Zoning Code, pursuant to Petition No. 400-02-20. (Fine Tuning) View Attachment Cindy Cromer said she was concerned about creating separate criteria for zoning text and zoning maps. She said separating the issues would create problems with interpretation. She said even though zoning text and maps were different media, they needed to communicate the same thing. Councilmember Saxton moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. Councilmember Lambert said he understood the Planning Commission (PC) wanted to remove Items 1, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, and 37. He asked if the proposed ordinance reflected those changes. Brent Wilde, Deputy Planning Director, said he would review the ordinance but he believed all of the intended items had been pulled. Discussion was held on Item 3 of the Council staff report establishing separate criteria for analyzing amendments to zoning text and zoning maps. Councilmember Christensen said Patricia Comarell, Planning Consultant, suggested the Council request the Planning Department to develop those criteria. He asked if the Planning Department had any opposition to the suggestion. Mr. Wilde said no. He said they agreed there were issues which needed to be addressed and would prepare a proposal for Council. Councilmember Christensen asked if the request needed to be included in the motion. Mr. Wilde said he felt that would be appropriate because that was clearly the intent. Councilmember Turner said he would amend the motion to include the request. Councilmember Saxton seconded the amendment. Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Saxton seconded to adopt Ordinance 13 of 2004 including a request that the Administration and Planning Commission advance an update to the zoning ordinance to establish separate criteria for analyzing amendments to the zoning text and zoning maps, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (0 04-3) #3. RE: Continue the County Abatement Program and request permission to make donations to the American Red Cross. View Attachment a. Accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution approving and ratifying the City' s water, stormwater and garbage collection fee abatement program. Councilmember Christensen moved and Councilmember Saxton seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. 04 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 Councilmember Lambert moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to adopt Resolution 13 of 2004, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (R 04-5) b. Accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution approving the expenditure of up to $10, 000 from the City's Water Enterprise Fund to fund shortfalls in the Project Water Assist Program operated by the American Red Cross. Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Saxton seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. Councilmember Christensen moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to adopt Resolution 14 of 2004, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (R 04-5) COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL Douglas Cotant said he attended a Salt Lake County Council meeting. He said he asked the Council to preserve a housing complex located at approximately 700 West and 3900 South. Richard Wirick submitted written comments and spoke concerning the need for ten additional Main Street grants. He said specialty shops, restaurants, and housing were key elements and the Council needed to do everything possible to fill vacancies. Dan and April Snarr spoke concerning literature distributed by the Utah TaxPayers Association. They said information about Murray City and UTOPIA was incorrect. They said the association protected a few select groups while shifting the tax burden to small businesses and individual taxpayers. Stella Allen submitted written comments and spoke concerning development at Heathcliff Trailer Park. She said she wanted to clarify that Habitat for Humanity was not aligned with Jensen Development and was not involved with the development. Tim Funk spoke concerning the Heathcliff Trailer Park. He said Jensen Development was trying to market the park property to Habitat for Humanity. He said he was concerned about Jenson Development and felt they could not be trusted. He said he felt Heathcliff residents were being persecuted and the Council needed to establish a contingency fund to help the situation. UNFINISHED BUSINESS #1. RE: Adopting a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of up to $11,300,000 principal amount of general obligation bonds of the City for Hogle Zoo and Tracy Aviary purposes; fixing certain maximum terms for the bonds; and providing for related matters. View Attachment Councilmember Buhler said he was concerned about ways to improve the zoo and keep it at its current location. He said he wanted to thank Councilmember Love for her idea to use general obligation bonds and Salt Lake voters for their overwhelming support. He said the staff report included the following language: "it is a condition to the issuance of the bonds that the City shall have an agreement with the Utah Zoological Society or its successors and assigns that the Hogle Zoo will remain at its present location for so long as the bonds remain outstanding." 04 - 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 Councilmember Buhler said even though he was confident the zoo would remain at its present location, he felt it was prudent for the Council to include bond authorization language which protected City taxpayers. He said the zoo's executive director was agreeable to the language and following the resolution's adoption, a memorandum of understanding between the City and Hogle Zoo would be used to implement the language. Councilmember Turner said he supported Councilmember Buhler's efforts to keep the zoo at the current location. He said constituents in his district felt the zoo was a great asset and supported efforts to keep it in the City. Councilmember Love said she wanted to thank Councilmember Buhler for his efforts and watching out for City taxpayers to ensure they received what they voted for. Councilmember Saxton said she felt it was important to maintain the quality of life for zoo animals. She said she did not like to see animals penned up but felt zoos provided an educational function for the community. She said the zoo needed to be maintained at a high level and felt improvements were long overdue. Councilmember Buhler moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to adopt Resolution 12 of 2004 in the form presented to the Council on March 2, 2004 including additional language that provides for the zoo remaining at its present location for the duration of the bonds which sets the parameters for the issuance and sale of bonds for Hogle Zoo and Tracy Aviary, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (Q 04-5) CONSENT AGENDA #1. RE: Adopting Resolution 15 of 2004 authorizing the approval of an interlocal cooperation agreement between Salt Lake City and Utah Department of Transportation. (C 04-103) #2. RE: Adopting Resolution 16 of 2004 authorizing the approval of an interlocal cooperation agreement amendment between Salt Lake City and Utah Department of Transportation. (C 03-112) #3. RE: Adopting Resolution 17 of 2004 authorizing the approval of an interlocal cooperation agreement between Salt Lake City and Utah Department of Transportation. (C 04-104) #4. RE: Requesting that the Administration not hold a hearing regarding a request to renew a billboard lease with Pinecreek Properties, LLC, at 900 East Vanwinkle. (W 04-4) #5. RE: Requesting that the Administration not hold a hearing regarding a request to trade property in order to relocate a water regulator station to facilitate realignment of the existing intersection of 2000 East Street and Bengal Blvd. in unincorporated Salt Lake County. The existing station is located within the intersection. (W 04-4) #6. RE: Setting the date of April 6, 2004 at 7 :00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution accepting the study performed in compliance with Utah Code Section 10-8-2 and authorizing a one-time contribution to the Community Action Program to assist with relocation efforts. (R 04-7) 04 - 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2004 #7. RE: Setting the date of March 16, 2004 at 7 :00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Salt Lake City Ordinance 58 of 2003 which approved, ratified and finalized the Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the Employment Staffing Document, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2004. (Amendment No. 3) (B 04-7) #8. RE: Setting the date of March 16, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution amending Salt Lake City Resolution 24 of 2003 which adopted the budget of the Municipal Building Authority of Salt Lake City, Utah for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2004. (Amendment No. 1) (B 03-2) #9. RE: Approving the appointment of Gary M. Jones to the Land Use Appeals Board for a term extending through December 31, 2005. (I 04-2) #10. RE: Approving the appointment of Dr. George Van Komen to the Salt Lake Valley Board of Health for a term extending through August 14, 2006. (I 04-17) #11. RE: Approving the appointment of Richard E. Gaddis to the Public Utilities Advisory Board for a term extending through January 21, 2008. (I 04-10) #12. RE: Approving the appointment of Anna Karina Hooper to the Sister Cities Board for a term extending through July 3, 2006. (I 04-18) Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m. sc 04 - 5