05/18/2010 - Minutes (3) PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 7 : 00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State . The following Council Members were present: Carlton Christensen Van Turner J T Martin Jill Remington Love Soren Simonsen Luke Garrott The following Councilmember was absent: Stan Penfold Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; David Everitt, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; and Chris Meeker, City Recorder; were present. Councilmember Martin presided at and Councilmember Garrott conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONY #1 . 7:02:17 PM The Council led the Pledge of Allegiance . #2 . 7:02:50 PM Approve the minutes of May 4 , 2010 and May 11 , 2010. Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to approve the minutes , which motion carried, all members present voted aye . PUBLIC HEARINGS #1. 7:03:30PM RE : Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 21A. 62 - Definitions and Section 21A. 40 . 160 Accessory uses, Buildings and Structures : Ground mounted utility boxes Salt Lake City Code, pursuant to Petition No . PLNPCM2009-00902 . View Attachments Councilmember Christensen moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to adopt Ordinance 29 of 2010, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (P 10-11) 10 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010 #2 . 7:06:18 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution authorizing Salt Lake City Corporation to file an eminent domain action concerning a billboard located at 204 West 2100 South in accordance with Utah Code Sections 78B-6-501, et seq. , 72-7-501 , et seq. and 10-9a-513 . View Attachments Greg Simonsen, Reagan Sign, asked the City to let Reagan Sign move the sign . Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Simonsen seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Simonsen seconded to adopt Resolution 27 of 2010, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (R 10-5) #3. 7:09:41 PM RE : Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Appendix A to Chapter 8 . 04, Salt Lake City Code, pertaining to Salt Lake City Animal Services, to allow staff to set pet adoption fees based on demand for adoptability of particular animals . View Attachments Cindy Cromer spoke in favor of the proposal . Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 09-3) #4 . 7:13:01 PM RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance adopting the final budget and related ordinances, excluding the budget for the Library Fund which is separately adopted, and the employment staffing document for Salt Lake City, Utah for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 . (Note: The Council will hold a combined Public Hearing on items C4-C23 , which will address all issues associated with the 2010- 2011 Budget, including the Library Fund) . View Attachments View Attachments The following citizens spoke about budget items which included: Vehicle Operator Certificate Application Fee, Freight License Stickers, the elimination of Youth City Artways, the elimination of the City' s emergency response team and the rate of Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 2010- 2011 . Randy Curtis, Amy Martin, Frank Martin, Jason Medina, Candy Smith, Kort Gaenssie, Jim Breitinger, Leslie Ford, Benjamin Brinton, Hillary Teixeira, Alicia Rose, Jennifer Kasameyer, April Diaz , Cindy 10 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MAY 18 , 2010 Cromer, Camille Winnie, Laurel Redenbaugh, Maria Ferreira, Raymond Grant, Jo Starks and Kendall Rathunde . The following citizens did not wish to speak but turned in cards opposing the elimination of Youth City Artways : Turia Pope, Kaelenn Fuller, Akshata Nilkund, Hillam Van Moorleghem and Christie Flower. Councilmember Christensen moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to continue the public hearing and refer items C4-C23 to the next formal meeting, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (B 10-1) #5. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance adopting budget of the Library Fund of Salt Lake City, Utah for, Fiscal Year 2010-2011 . (B 10-2) #6. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance adopting the rate of tax levy upon all real and personal property within Salt Lake City, made taxable by law for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 . (B 10-6) #7 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance approving a compensation plan for all non-represented employees of Salt Lake City. (0 10-9) #8 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Salt Lake City Code, to reflect numerous organizational changes within the City Administration. (0 10-10) #9. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding dated on or about June 15, 2009 between Salt Lake City Corporation and Local 1004 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) , representing eligible employees pursuant to the collective bargaining and employee representation joint resolution dated January 13, 2009 . (0 09-15) #10 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and Local 1645 of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) , representing the "400 Series" Firefighters and Fire Captains, dated on or about June 15, 2009 . 10 - 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010 (0 09-18) #11 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the Salt Lake Police Association, Local 75 (SLPA) , representing the "500 Series" City Employees which shall become effective on proper ratification and signature . (0 10-11) #12 . RE : Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 14 .38 relating to sidewalk artists and entertainers. (0 10-12) #13 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Section 12 . 56. 330, regarding freight license stickers, increasing the current sticker fee to $35 and requiring payment of the base business license fee established in Section 5 . 04 . 070. (0 10-13) #14 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Section 5.71 .290 increasing the application fee for ground transportation vehicle operator certificates to cover increases in background check costs. (0 09-8) #15. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Section 12 . 56 . 580 relating to parking fees for the underground parking lot of Library Square. (0 09-9) #16 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Sections 12 . 96. 010, 12 . 96. 020 and 12 . 96 . 025 reducing the number of unpaid parking tickets that permit the City to immobilize a vehicle and providing for payment for repair or replacement of immobilization devices damaged or destroyed due to tampering or unauthorized removal. (0 10-14) #17 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Section 15. 16. 090, relating to recreation program fees . (0 07-14) #18 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending certain provisions of Section 17 . 16. 070 relating to franchise fee for stormwater sewer. (0 10-15) 10 - 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2010 #19 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Appendix A of Chapter 18 . 98 relating to Impact Fees . (0 07-17) #20 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 9. 08 relating to solid waste and recyclable items . (0 09-14) #21 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Section 17 . 81 .200 relating to stormwater rates . (0 09-24) #22 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Sections 17 . 16. 670 and 17 . 16 . 680 and repealing Table 17 . 16 . 670 relating to water rates . (0 04-15) #23 . RE: #21 . RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Appendix A to Chapter 8 . 04 pertaining to Salt Lake City Animal Services, to allow staff to set pet adoption fees based on demand for adoptability of particular animals . (0 09-3) QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 7:47:08 PM Councilmember Turner thanked the Mayor and City staff for the Celebrate the City Festival at the Fisher Mansion. COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL 7:48:47 PM Michael Erickson spoke about Liquor licenses in residential neighborhoods . Deb Dolph and Diane Schafer spoke about the wild life in Parley' s Historic Park and Thayne Whiting spoke about the elimination of Youth City Artways . The meeting adjourned at 8 : 03 p .m. This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Regular Session meeting held May 18, 2010 . cm 10 - 5