05/20/2019 - Minutes SALT LAKE CITY BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the May 20, 2019 Meeting Present from the Bicycle Advisory Committee were David Brooks, David Parrott, Elicia Cardenas, Joshua Poppel and Nathan Anderson. Absent from the Bicycle Advisory Committee were Josalyn Bates,Todd Hadden and Zachary Anderson. Also present were Amy Lyons, Becka Roolf, Elliott Mott, Julianne Sabula, Courtney Reeser, Peter Tang, Tom Millar and Jared Ferguson. The meeting, held at the Transportation Division Office, 349 South 200 East, Salt Lake City, Utah, was called to order at 5:07 p.m.by David Parrott. Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests — David welcomed everyone and everyone introduced themselves. Approval of Minutes— Motion: Elicia Cardenas moved to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2019 meeting. David Brooks seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment —There was no public comment. Committee Announcements & Connections David Brooks said a lot of people have reached out to him wanting the City to do Open Streets again. Becka said there aren't any immediate plans,budget or capacity for the City to plan it in the near future. She said if there is support within the community to hold it as a standalone event, Transportation could informally help with brainstorming the event. Joshua suggested it might be worth pursuing in the 9th and 9th area and getting that neighborhood involved. Joshua also let the Committee know that on Wednesday, June 5th at 6:30, there is a mayoral forum with an emphasis on transportation related issues being presented by BikeUtah, The Bike Collective and possibly some other groups. BAC Meetings & SLC Transportation Advisory Board (TABS Follow-up discussion BAC talked about having more synergy with TAB and went over Bob's Rules of Order. It was discussed and agreed upon that a joint BAC/TAB meeting once per year would be a good idea as well as doing an outline of what each group is doing and what is expected from each other. Courtney said TAB is working on becoming more action oriented Page i of 2 BAC Minutes 2019—05-20-19 within the City and citizens. It was suggested that the joint meeting be held during the second week of each January at 4:30 p.m. Motion: Elicia motioned to do a joint meeting with TAB each year. Joshua seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Connection: Utah Department of Transportation Peter Tang, Traffic Program Engineer, Region 2 Peter went over UDOT projects planned within the Salt Lake Valley this year. He discussed what data was used in making the decisions on these projects and how they would affect cyclists. Elicia asked about the BFit program and how it can be brought back to the top of priorities. Peter said there is an updated tool replacing that program and he will be able to show the Committee in the future when it is completed. Transportation in Salt Lake City FY 2020 Budget/Transportation Funding Julianne Sabula,SLC Transportation Division Julianne talked about the Mayor's proposed budget going to City Council tomorrow. She also said prior to Funding Our Future Funds,the new sales tax bond,they did smaller projects once per year. With the Funding our Future Funds,the City will be able to do several bigger projects in both distance and complexity each year. She gave examples of how these funds could be used if approved. McClelland Trail/ Sugar House CIP Request Tom Millar, SLC Transportation Division Tom gave a presentation on the McClelland Trail with the current and proposed parts. He went over the different sections of the trail,explained why some parts are on the street, the difference in phases and potential funding. Becka said this was a community supported application by the Sugar House Community Council. Committee Membership &Quorum Elicia informed the Committee that she has an additional job and won't be able to attend again until September. She offered to give up her seat if the BAC requested it. After some discussion, it was decided that her input is valuable,there is no one waiting to fill the vacancy for her district and so for now she decided to stay on the Committee unless it affects quorum and will call into meetings when possible. Reconstruction &Resurfacing Projects for 2019 &2020 —www.slc.gov/mystreet Becka Roolf,SLC Transportation Division Due to time constraints, this presentation was tabled for a future meeting. Motion: Joshua Poppel motioned to adjourn the meeting, David Brooks seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:34 p.m. Approved by Committee on o9-16-19 Page 2 of 2 BAC Minutes 2019—05-20-19