05/05/2005 - Minutes (2) PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, MAY 5 , 2005 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in a Work Session on Thursday, May 5, 2005, at 5 : 30 p.m. in Room 326, City Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance : Council Members Carlton Christensen, Van Turner, Eric Jergensen, Nancy Saxton, Jill Remington Love, Dave Buhler and Dale Lambert. Also in Attendance : Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Mary Anne Villarreal, Vice President of the Library System' s Board of Directors; Kay Christensen, Budget Analyst; Nancy Tessman, Library Director; Steve Fawcett, Management Services Deputy Director; Rocky Fluhart, Chief Administrative Officer; Susi Kontgis, Budget Analyst; Gary Mumford, Council Deputy Director/Senior Legislative Auditor; Lehua Weaver, Council Constituent Liaison; Jennifer Bruno, Council Policy Analyst; Russell Weeks, Council Policy Analyst; Sam Guevara, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; Sylvia Jones, Council Research and Policy Analyst/Constituent Liaison; Laurie Donnell, Budget Analyst; Rick Johnston, Deputy City Engineer; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; LuAnn Clark, Housing and Neighborhood Development Director; Richard Scott, Chapman and Cutler Bond Counsel; Rick Graham, Public Services Director; Dan Mule' , City Treasurer; Sherrie Collins, Special Project Grants Monitoring Specialist; Dell Cook, Engineering Landscape and Architect Project Manager; Kathy Wheadon, Chair of the Capitol Improvement Program Board; and Beverly Jones, Deputy City Recorder. Councilmember Lambert presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5 : 39 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 5 : 39 : 30 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE LIBRARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 . View Attachments Russell Weeks, Mary Anne Villarreal and Nancy Tessman briefed the Council from the attached handouts . Councilmember Saxton asked for an itemized list of all library employees' salaries . #2 . 6 : 30 : 56 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING REVENUE PROJECTIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 . View Attachments Steve Fawcett briefed the Council from the attached handout. Councilmember Christensen said he wanted to know from a percentage base what contributed to the City' s sales tax. #3 . 7 : 13 : 40 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 .View Attachments 05 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, MAY 5 , 2005 LuAnn Clark, Jennifer Bruno, Rick Graham, Kathy Wheadon and Dell Cook briefed the Council from the attached handouts . Councilmember Lambert said if the Council decided to fund the boiler request, there would be approximately $1 . 2 million left. Ms . Clark said that amount could be used to fund additional projects but some funding was needed for cost overruns . Councilmember Lambert asked if they could take $733, 000 from fund balance to bring CIP to 7% . Ms . Clark said yes . Councilmember Buhler suggested that the Council tentatively do that . He said at some point the Council needed to discuss the policy. Councilmember Lambert asked what kind of briefing the Council wanted on Pioneer Park. Councilmember Love said she wanted to know what each phase included and the costs associated with them. Councilmember Jergensen said he felt a discussion was needed on the total scope of the project. He said the Fleet Building discussion would be deferred to a later date . Councilmember Saxton asked the department to come back with ongoing maintenance costs for each stage . Mr. Graham said he would provide all figures to Council staff. Councilmember Lambert said they could defer discussion of Pioneer Park to a future CIP meeting. He said then the Council could understand the phases and give clear direction about what they were and were not interested in. #4 . 6 : 56 : 47 PM & 8 : 34 : 26 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING MAJOR BUDGET ISSUES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 . View Attachments Gary Mumford and Rocky Fluhart briefed the Council from the attached handouts . Councilmember Lambert said Item 1, Salt Palace Convention Center expansion and Item 2, $6.4 million of freed-up reserve funds had been discussed. He said Item 3, property tax increase ($1,409,000) , the Police Department would be in attendance next week and they could ask questions at that time. He said Item 4, additional positions, were in addition to the proposed new 15 police officers . All Council Members were in favor of the proposal . He said Item 5 was elimination of positions . Mr. Mumford said there would be additional information from Public Services next Tuesday during the briefing. Councilmember Lambert said Item 6 was Economic Development (eliminate $107, 992 Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCU) membership) . Councilmember Christensen said it would be helpful to understand what EDCU' s role was with the State' s new effort in economic development. Councilmember Jergensen said if they did away with the membership, there needed to be more detail of what the suggested replacement was going to be . Councilmember Buhler suggested the Council invite the EDCU Director to brief the Council before any decisions were made . Councilmember Lambert said Item 7 was Utah League of Cities and Towns (eliminate $100 ,000 membership fee) . Council Members were in favor 05 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, MAY 5 , 2005 of retaining funding. Councilmember Christensen requested Council staff or auditors to review the League' s expenditures to make sure the money was being spent appropriately. Councilmember Lambert said they could send a letter enquiring how the City' s fees were arrived at as compared to other cities . Councilmember Love said she agreed with Council Members Buhler and Christensen. Councilmember Lambert asked that the League be invited for the non-departmental budget briefing. Councilmember Lambert said Item 8 was on-going funding of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at 6.55% of general fund revenue ($10,764,056) . He said the Council had discussed this item but wanted to return to the 9% policy. He requested more information on the policy. He said Item 9 was use of fund balance ($767 ,400) . He said Item 11 was parking meter rate increase ($300,000 increase in revenue) . He said he was not in favor of the increase . He said he wanted something in writing about what other cities charged. Council Members were in favor of the rate increase . Councilmember Lambert said Item 12, proposed cost-of-living and step increases ($2, 954,145) would be discussed at a future Executive Session. He said Item 13, Pioneer Park project ($800,000) had been discussed. He said the next item was the Planning Fee increase ($70,000) . This item was deferred. Councilmember Lambert said Item 14 was cemetery fee increases ($82,000) . Councilmember Jergensen said he was concerned they would be increasing fees for people most unlikely to be able to pay for them. Councilmember Christensen asked for some comparisons of private cemeteries to the City cemetery. Council Members were in favor of the rate increase . Councilmember Lambert said Item 15, Fleet Facility bonding ($209,692 first-year debt service) had been discussed. He said Item 16 was Citywide newsletter ($60,000) . Council Members were not in favor of this issue . Councilmember Lambert said Item 17 was buses for YouthCity Program. Councilmember Saxton said there had been some creative discussion on buses in an earlier briefing and she was interested in where that discussion had gone . Councilmember Lambert said this would be discussed during YouthCity. He said Item 18 was no longer accepting credit card payments for building permit fees . Council Members were in favor. Councilmember Lambert said Item 19 was the Justice Court. He said this would be discussed at the departmental briefing. Councilmember Christensen said many organizations were looking at upcoming retirement costs . He said the Council should look at a two or three year period of what retirement payoff would cost and set it aside from fund balance . He asked for some short term figures . Mr. Fluhart said he would get the figures together and give them to the Council . 05 - 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, MAY 5 , 2005 #5 . (TENTATIVE) THE COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE, TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANNOTATED § § 52-4-4 AND 52-4-5 (1) (a) (ii) . This item was not held. #6 . REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND 9 : 28 : 06 PM ANNOUNCEMENTS . No report of the Executive Director was held. See File M 05-5 for announcements . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 31 p.m. Council Chair Chief Deputy City Recorder This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes for the City Council Work Session held May 5, 2005 . bj 05 - 4