11/14/1989 - Minutes • •PROLEO INGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CI , UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1989 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met as the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, November 14, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. in Suite 325, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Councilmembers were present: Wayne Horrocks Sydney Fonnesbeck Alan Hardman Tom Godfrey Roselyn Kirk Willie Stoler Councilmember Florence Bittner was absent. Council Chair Stoler presided at the meeting. Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director, indicated that the microphones and enunciator panel in the Council Chambers were now operational. She said that no calendar was included in the packets because all RSVPs were up to date. Kathryn Marshall, City Re- corder, distributed an updated version of the canvass of the municipal election and indicated that several typographical errors had been corrected but the outcome of the canvass remained the same. Ms. Gust-Jensen stated that the Flexible Revenue Rate Bonds listed under 'Unfinished Business' on the agenda were hospital bonds, and additional information would be provided for the public hearing scheduled for December 5th. Janne Nielson, Council Staff Assistant, stated that the office had received a request from a West High School history class for a speaker. Councilmember Fonnesbeck indicated she would be available for this request. The meeting was concluded in preparation for the convening of the regular City Council meeting. 89-309 • •PROCEh INGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CIa, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1989 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, November 14, 1989, at 6:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Councilmembers were present: Wayne Horrocks Sydney Fonnesbeck Alan Hardman Tom Godfrey Roselyn Kirk Willie Stoler Councilmember Florence Bittner was absent. Mayor Palmer DePaulis, Roger Cutler, City Attorney, Kathryn Marshall, City Recorder, and LaNita Brown, Deputy Recorder, were present. Council Chair Stoler presided at the meeting and Council Member Fonnesbeck conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONIES psychiatric prison camp in Cher- novtsy that held 1500 prisoners, #1. The invocation was given and this was detailed extensively by Police Chaplain Roger Bastian. in the book "The First Guide Book To Prisons And Concentration Camps #2. The Council led the Of The Soviet Union" by Abraham Pledge of Allegiance. Schiffren. She read part of an article from the Readers Digest #3. Councilmember Godfrey entitled "Into The Heart Of The moved and Councilmember Kirk Gulag" by A. M. Rosenthal, Pulit- seconded to approve the minutes of zer Prize winning author. the Salt Lake City Council for the regular meeting held Tuesday, November 7, 1989, which motion CONSENT AGENDA carried, all members present voted aye. Councilmember Godfrey moved (M 89-1 ) and Councilmember Hardman seconded to approve the consent agenda, which motion carried, all members COMMENTS present voted aye. Michelle Nordgren, 249 S. 700 #1. RE: Set a date to hold E. , commended Councilmembers a public hearing December 5, 1989, Bittner and Stoler for service to at 6:40 p.m. to obtain public their communities, and the leader- comment and consider adopting an ship abilities displayed during ordinance amending Chapter 62 of their terms of office. Title 21 dealing with the condi- tional C-3A district and creating She protested Resolution 51 a conditional use for temporary of 1988, which established a outdoor garden centers sister city relationship with (0 89-44) Chernovtsy, the Ukraine, and Salt Lake City. She requested that a #2. RE: Set a date to hold public hearing be held to further a public hearing December 5, 1989, study the issue and reassess its at 6:20 p.m. to obtain public purposes. She said there was a comment and consider adopting an 89-310 PROC•INGS • THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALTE CITi, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1989 ordinance enacting Section 18.48. - #8. RE: Refer the appoint- 170 providing a general appeal ment of Eugene W. Chapman to the process for decisions of the Civil Service Commission to the Housing Advisory and Appeals Committee of the Whole. Board. (I 89-22) (0 89-41) #3. RE: Set a date to hold UNFINISHED COUNCIL BUSINESS a public hearing December 12, 1989, at 6:40 p.m. to obtain #1. RE: Consider convening comment and consider adopting an as the Board of Canvassers and ordinance closing a portion and adopting a motion approving and vacating a portion of an alley certifying the abstract of votes adjacent to 2185 South 900 East constituting the canvass of the pursuant to Petition 400-756 by municipal election held November Ricks and Brown Architects. 7, 1989, for Councilmembers of (P 89-379) Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7, and the Olympic Referendum question. #4. RE: Approve the ap- pointment of Lynn Beckstead to the ACTION: Councilmember God- Planning Commission. frey moved and Councilmember Kirk (I 89-5) seconded to adjourn as the City Council, which motion carried, all #5. RE: Approve the reap- members present voted aye. pointment of Ranch S. Kimball to the Historical Landmarks Commit- Councilmember Godfrey moved tee. and Councilmember Kirk seconded to ( I 89-18) convene as the Board of Canvassers with the Mayor, which motion #6. RE: Approve the reap- carried, all members present voted pointment of Anna Grace Sperry to aye. the Historical Landmarks Commit- tee. Councilmember Horrocks moved (I 89-18) and Councilmember Kirk seconded to postpone final approval until the #7. RE: Set a date to hold November 16, 1989, Committee of a public hearing on December 5, the Whole meeting, which motion 1989, at 6:30 p.m. to obtain carried, all members present comment and consider approving the voted aye. issuance of Flexible Rate Revenue Bonds, Series 1989, (Pooled Hospi- Councilmember Stoler moved tal Financing Program--Holy Cross and Councilmember Godfrey seconded Hospital of Salt Lake City, IHC to adjourn as the Board of Can- Hospitals Inc. , St. Benedict' s vassers, which motion carried, all Hospital) in an aggregate princi- members present voted aye. pal amount not to exceed $100 million for the purpose of Councilmember Godfrey moved financing, refinancing or provid- and Councilmember Hardman seconded ing reimbursement costs of certain to reconvene as the City Council, capital improvements to facilities which motion carried, all members located throughout the State of present voted aye. Utah and other expenses. (Q 89-7) 89-311 PROCIINGS ITHE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT ILE CA UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1989 DISCUSSION: Kathryn Marshall, tain the residential character of City Recorder, explained that one the neighborhoods but they had to of the combined voting districts draw lines and could not accommo- on the abstract had been changed date all requests. He said they and this was not reflected on the had spent a lot of time trying to abstract of votes. She said it decide where to establish the did not affect the outcome of lines and boundaries and the main votes but she would like the time thrust of the revision was a set to check all of the voting dis- of performance criteria by which tricts again to make sure there they could evaluate individual were no other mistakes. requests. (U 89-2) Mr. Anderson said the ordi- nance had undergone major revi- PUBLIC HEARINGS sions in 1955 and he noted that they had allowed beauty operators #1. RE: A public hearing at at that time but not beauty or 6:30 p.m. to obtain comment con- barber shops. He said the ordi- cerning a proposed ordinance nance had stayed the same until amending Chapter 21.04.275 chang- 1964 when the beauty operator ing the definition of "Home Occu- clause was removed, and it had pation"; amending Chapter 21.20 basically stayed the same since providing a new Article III deal- then. He said this was a very ing with home occupations; and difficult ordinance as it was adding Section 21.20. 110 entitled impossible to accommodate every- Existing Home Occupation Licenses. one. ACTION: Councilmember God- Councilmember Fonnesbeck said the frey moved and Councilmember Council had spent a great deal of Stoler seconded to close the time analyzing the home occupation public hearing, which motion ordinance in 1982 and they had carried, all members present voted found it to be an extremely deli- aye. cate ordinance. She said they didn' t want to stop people from Councilmember Kirk moved and being able to use their homes but Councilmember Godfrey seconded to there was pressure from the neigh- adopt the ordinance, which motion borhoods to eliminate anything failed due to a tie vote, Coun- that incurred traffic or created cilmembers Fonnesbeck, God-frey, parking problems. She said the and Kirk voted aye, and Coun- major changes made to the ordi- cilmembers Horrocks, Hardman, and nance at that time dealt with home Stoler voted nay. care. DISCUSSION: Michael Anderson, Brent Wilde, Deputy Director Planning and Zoning, said his Permits and Zoning, said there office had reviewed the ordinance were significant changes made in after a request from two of the regards to day-care centers in Council Members. He said the 1982 but it was done through a proposed changes were meant to separate ordinance and was not liberalize and not restrict. He part of the home occupation ordi- said home occupations that were nance. currently permitted would not be denied if the ordinance was adopt- 89-312 PROC•INGS ITHE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT KE CIO, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1989 Councilmember Horrocks said tions associated with day-care. he had constituents who worked out Councilmember Godfrey asked if of their homes for economic rea- there could be one set of crite- sons and he felt the ordinance was ria, such as disallowing traffic, too restrictive. He said he for one group yet allow it for didn' t see the need to reduce another group. Roger Cutler, City pedestrian traffic as this would Attorney, said these were equal affect people who walked to stay protection and classification healthy. He said he had a blind issues but the courts would give person in his neighborhood who deference to those issues. He wanted to sell vitamins from his said traditionally the city had home to support his family, and he allowed small unit day-care cen- would hate to see that opportunity ters because the burden on the taken away. neighborhood was slight, but that had to be justified against other Mr. Anderson said his office kinds of businesses. He said it had four to six requests per day was further complicated because for home businesses and if they there were suspect classifica- allowed one type of business they tions. In the past, traditionally would have to allow others. ' feminine' types of businesses had been allowed, such as beauty Councilmember Stoler asked if shops, yet barber shops were not the planning staff inspected the allowed, and sex discrimination premises of someone applying for a was a factor in businesses. He home occupation license, and Mr. said day-cares were considered to Anderson said they only had to be allowable, but each business come in and fill out an applica- had to have a detailed analysis in tion. Councilmember Stoler said order to justify it. it sounded like the "Avon Lady" would be denied a license because The following people spoke in she stored inventory at her home, opposition to the ordinance: and Mr. Anderson said if inventory was stored on the premises the Ann Wingate, 952 Cornell request would be denied. T. Russell Wingate, 952 Cornell Ron Whitehead, 1098 Garnett Councilmember Godfrey ques- tioned what the distinction was Mr. and Mrs. Wingate were between day-care and home occupa- writers who worked out of their tion, and Mr. Wilde explained that home and they were opposed to there were two types of day-care being able to have only one room 1 ) non-registered, where you could in a home that could be used for a tend two children in the home with business. They said they each no special approval, and 2) an needed a study and they needed a occupant of the home could tend up joint conference room, for a total to six children under the age of of three rooms. They felt that five as a conditional use, and restrictions should only be placed this required the signature of on safety and noise problems. neighbors. Mr. Whitehead said that most Councilmember Fonnesbeck said distributors, such as Avon or it was a fairness issue and the Amway did not have stock on hand day-care issue had been separated but took orders then delivered from the home occupancy issue merchandise to customers after because there were special condi- receiving it from the company. He 89-313 PROC•INGS OCHE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT ILE CI•, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1989 said they did not have clients coming to their home. He felt they should disallow businesses that generated traffic. Cri CAI HAIR Councilmember Hardman said he was concerned that the city would be discriminating against certain professions, and he felt they would be creating a class of criminals out of Avon ladies and C T - R ER Amway salesman. He said he didn't like the fact that they couldn't store merchandise on their pre- mises. He asked how it would be handled if the Council wanted to consider liberalizing the ordi- nance further, whether it would be done under the proposed ordinance or under the conditional use ordinance that included day-care. Mr. Wilde said the procedure for home occupation licensing now was a five-minute procedure where- as the conditional use process required filing an application, a filing fee, and the possibility of having to go to the Board of Adjustment which could be timely. He said if it was made a zoning administrative function then it could be handled by one person and would be less aggravating to the applicant. The Council agreed to discuss the ordinance further at their convenience. (0 89-39) The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. 89-314 LAKE c.1' Y ca),l,cc'I Ac.;:.� .fa Vl,(� CITY c:o !NC I I. CHANHER C d rtt K)11 315, ((} J oAd l- CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING c�- �J 4i 451 SOUTH STATE STREET VV/V ` Tuesday, November 14, 1989 I 6:00 p.m. Ade lkt l 0 -V.(//u( - A. BRIEFING SESSION: 5:00 - 5:55 p.m. , Room 325 City and County Building, 451 Soc,t.h State. 1. Report, of the Executive Director. B. OPENING CEREMONIES: 1. Invocation. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. .3. Approval of the Minutes. C. COMMENTS: 1. Questions to the Mayor from the City Council. 2. Citizen Comments to the Council. D. CONSENT: 1. ConditionalUse Ordinance Set date to hold a public hearing on December. 5th at. 6: 40 p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 62 of Title 21 dealing with the conditional C-3A district and creating a conditional use for temporary outdoor garden centers. (0 89-44) Staff recommendation: Set date. 2. Housing Advisory and Appeals Board Ordinance Set date to hold a public hearing on December 5th at 6: 20 p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting an ordinance enacting Section 18. 48. 170 providing a general appeal process for decisions of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. (0 89-41) Staff recommendation: Set date. 3. Petition No. 400-756 submitted by Ricks_and Brown_Architects Set date to hold a public hearing on December 12th at 6: 40 p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting an ordinance closing a portion and vacating a portion of an alley adjacent to 2185 South 900 East pursuant to Petition No. 400-756. (P 89-379) Staff recommendation: Set date. i . !'lrit Ini Hti. I'. ,I:-.rl A,°y(,rl lt- (,,fo corn':i`.=!,.1 il:ft-si-c-vi rlq the, appoi nr enr of Lynn PA-,,.•k.`.t- -:d to the Planning Commission. ( I 89-5) Staff recommendation: Approve. 5. Hitoric:,rl. Lanc.t arks Committee Rea yx]int. ent Consider approving the reappointtent. of Ranch S. Kimball to the Historical Larul:T:ar ks Coy^^.i t.teP. ( I 89-18) Staff reco•--"endat.ion: Approve. 6. H i s t.oO ca l Landis r k r Comm j.t.t ee Reappo i nti:ent. Consider approving the reappointment- of Anna Grace Sperry to the Historical Landmarks Committee. (I 89-18) Staff recommendation: Approve. 7. Flexible hate Revenue Bonds, Series. 1'7ft9 •UJ�II hake l VIl ' Up u��� � Set date to hold a public hearing on De cember 5 th at 6: 30 p. :. to r+_ce i ve _ public comment and consider approving the issuance of Flexible Rate Revenue Bonds, Series 1989 in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $100, 000,000 for the purpose of financing, refinancing or providing reimbrusement costs of certain capital improvements to facilities located throughout the State of Utah and other expenses. . (Q 89-7) Staff recommendation: Set date. E. NEW COUNCIL BUSINESS: None. F. UNFINISHED COUNCIL BUSINESS: Scanvass_of .Municipal__Election andOlympic Op nion_Question Consider convening as the Board of Canvassers and adopting a Notion approving and certifying the abstract of votes constituting the canvass of the municipal election held November 7, 1989, for Councilmembers of District 1, 3, 5, and 7, and the Olympic Referendum question. Disfrt tU - (U 89-2) Staff recommendation: Convene and approve. ( Dfle -(c) ue4st S G. PUfiI(.: WARINM. Ordinance regarding Home Occi-ipat ions .- WidlCk 6: 30 p.m. Receive puhl i c cOT'Pnt .and consider adnli- i ng an nrc3i nance amending ?4-ct i on 21 . 041. 275, changing the definition of "Home OcrA pat i on; " amending Chapter 21. 20, providing a new Article III dealing with home occupations; and adding Pc t i on 21. 2.0. 1 L e) entitled Exiting Nome Occr spa t i c Sri f..i cemes. (0 89-39) Staff recommendation: Close hearing and adopt. H. AD,JO11RNMENT, tk FINAL ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AND/OR ORDINANCES ADOPTED CONCERNING ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA DATED: 1,1414.411n4 a /1.81 BY: CITY FECO STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) On the 9th day of November, 1989, I personally delivered a copy of the foregoing nork.e Co rhe Mayor and City Council and posted copies or rho 5050 in conspicuous the rollowing II ITOH nd locations within the City rind County Huilditig, 451 Sourh Stare Srreer, Soli Lake City, lltah: 1 . At 5:00 p. m. in the City Recorder 's Office, Room 415; and 2. At 5:00 p. m. in rhe Newsroom, Room 341i. CITY PEC PDF Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of November, 1989. N tar Pubiic residing in the State of Utah My Comm iSS on Expires: Notary Public 4; MMIDADOMMO I I SagGragliAll s •<:-.) My Columbian Expires I I Sal.of 141293 APPROVAL: (1,_cifd (i5/-4(1-J EXECUTT % DTR CTOR PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met as the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, November 7, 1989, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 325, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Council Members were present: Florence Bittner Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey Willie Stoler Sydney Fonnesbeck Council Chair Stoler presided at the meeting. The Council interviewed Mr. showed a plan for the proposed Lynn Beckstead in consideration of annexation and explained that the his appointment to the Planning Council should accept the annex- Commission. They asked him to ation in concept and formally act confirm his interest in the Com- on the issue next week when the mission and his ability to manage correct ordinance was available. the time commitment. Regarding the petition by Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Kevin Koncar, Councilmember Stoler Executive Director, reviewed the commented that the neighborhood Council ' s engagement calendar. council had no previous knowledge She also announced that Sgt. Dana of this item. Orgill, newly appointed to the Police Department ' s Crime Preven- Ms. Gust-Jenson announced the tion Unit, would be in attendance resignation of Kathryn Burrows, for Tuesday night Council meet- Administrative Assistant, as a ings. result of her husband's transfer to Elko, Nevada. Ms. Gust-Jenson asked for and received confirmation that the She concluded the briefing Council preferred to begin the for the Council noting that a Committee of the Whole meeting on citizen, Oscar Bourg, had request- Thursday at 4:00 p.m. rather than ed to be placed on the agenda the usual 5 :00 p.m. due to the during the comments period to scheduled agenda. discuss a housing enforcement issue. Councilmember Hardman Ms. Gust-Jenson then reviewed provided background information the evening' s agenda, noting that regarding previous efforts to a photographer would be present to assist Mr. Bourg with this issue. take pictures, including Council- members, during the "Women Helping The briefing session was Women" presentation if the Council concluded in preparation for the desired. She pointed out that the regular Council meeting. Council could consider an extended or specific time period regarding an ordinance on the "alley vaca- tion fee waiver" issue. In regards to the Holyoak petition for proposed annexation, Allen Johnson, planning director, 89-301 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, November 7, 1989, at 6:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Council Members were present: Florence Bittner Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey Willie Stoler Sydney Fonnesbeck Mayor Palmer DePaulis, Roger Cutler, City Attorney, Lynda Domino, Chief Deputy City Recorder, and LaNita Brown, Deputy Recorder, were present. Council Chair Stoler presided at the meeting and Councilmember Fonnesbeck conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONIES more than 300 low-income women participated. He said Pyke Manu- #1. Police Chaplain Roy facturing donated over 2, 000 Cazares gave the invocation, pieces of clothing valued at $30, 000. #2. The Council led the Pledge of Allegiance. He said this year, they went to the community and women' s #3. Councilmember Kirk organizations for clothing done- moved and Councilmember Godfrey tions. The fair took place on seconded to approve the minutes of October 14, 1989, at the Salt Lake the Salt Lake City Council for the Skills Center and close to 600 low regular meetings held Tuesday, income single women participated. October 10, 1989, and Thursday, He said 5, 000 pieces of clothing October 12, 1989, which motion were donated of which 2,000 pieces carried, all members voted aye. were again donated by Pyke Manu- (M 89-1) facturing. Approximately 80 women volunteered to help on the day of #4. The City Council and the fair. Mayor presented Certificates of Recognition regarding the "Women On behalf of the community Helping Women" project. and Salt Lake City, the Mayor recognized the women who played a Mayor DePaulis said that key role in this effort: Linda "Women Helping Women" began in Gobble, Community Services Coun- 1988 when a group of women decided cil, Rieneke Orlandi, Office that a good way to help low in- Supervisor at Pyke Manufacturing, come, single women, especially Jeanne Pierce, Salt Lake Community mothers, in their attempt to College Skills Center, and Vicki become employed, would be to Fuller, member of the Philanthrop- solicit good business clothing to is Educational Organization. The be worn in interviews and to Mayor said this program meant a subsequent jobs . He said the lot to the women who participated first year, clothing was solicited and was an important element to only from city employees. The the community. fair was held May 16, 1988, and 89-302 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 He also noted other contrib- the Urban Forestry Board. utors: Little Ceasars Pizza, Holy (I 89-3) Cross Hospital, the Community Services Council, Executive Women #2. RE: Approving the ap- International, J.C. Penny Corpora- pointment of Mike Martin to the tion, and Little America. He said Central Business Improvement Dis- that other cities across the trict. country had inquired about this (I 89-11) program and were considering implementing it in their communi- #3. RE: Adopting Resolu- ty. He said this program would tion 121 of 1989 authorizing the be a national example to other execution of an Interlocal Cooper- cities and communities. He also ation Agreement between Salt Lake acknowledged Tamara Wharton and City and Salt Lake County allowing Lynn Zimmerman from his office, for a temporary extension of time who had both done a tremendous job to install curb, gutter and side- in making this possible. walk located on Danish Road. (C 88-155) The Mayor and Councilmembers Kirk and Fonnesbeck presented the #4. RE: Setting a date to certificates. hold a public hearing on December 12, 1989, at 6:20 p.m. to obtain COMMENTS public comment regarding Petition No. 400-710 submitted by Gilbert #1. Oscar Bourg, owner of a and Thelma Iker requesting that residence at 376 East 700 South property located at 1307 South 900 and two residences at 400 East 800 West be rezoned from "R-2" to "B- South, referred to a letter he had 3" ; also that the northwest corner addressed to the Council explain- of 1300 South and 900 West be ing his concern. He said he had rezoned from "B-3" to "R-2" . been fighting with the city for (P 89-174) three years and said he felt they were not consistent with either #5. RE: Setting a date to their enforcement or interpreta- hold a public hearing on December tion of the law. He said in his 12, 1989, at 6:30 p.m. to obtain opinion they arbitrarily inter- public comment regarding an ordi- preted the law and became very nance electing the city to partic- vindictive and in his case rather ipate in the Public Safety Non- than the city working with him, he Contributory Retirement System. thought they had attacked him. He (G 89-20) said he felt like a victim and was looking for help to resolve his #6. RE: Setting a date to issue. hold a public hearing on November 21, 1989, at 6:30 p.m. to obtain CONSENT AGENDA public comment regarding amending the Fiscal Year 1989-90 Budget to Councilmember Godfrey moved reappropriate fund balances in the and Councilmember Hardman second- CDBG grant operating fund relating ed to approve the consent agenda, to Administrative carryovers and which motion carried, all members to make other adjustments. voted aye. (B 89-5) #1. RE: Approving the ap- pointment of Christine Chalkley to 89-303 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 NEW COUNCIL BUSINESS costs of enforcement and mainte- nance were more than what the city #1. Re: An ordinance amending recouped in fees charged. Title 18, Chapter 16, Salt Lake Councilmember Godfrey said he City Code, by repealing Section would like the Planning Commis- 030 relating to license bond sion' s feedback about this issue. requirements. Councilmember Fonnesbeck ACTION: Without objection, asked if they would receive infor- Councilmember Fonnesbeck referred mation about the budgetary impact. this to the consent agenda. Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council (0 89-42) Executive Director, said when this issue was discussed in the Commit- #2. RE: An ordinance rezoning tee of the Whole, the Council the area between Redwood Road to instructed the staff to get cost approximately 3000 West and Indi- impact information to them in six ana Avenue extension/Surplus Canal months. to I-80 from M-1 and C-3 to M-1A. Councilmember Fonnesbeck said ACTION: Without objection, this would have a budget impact Councilmember Fonnesbeck referred midyear and she asked how they this to the Planning Commission. would deal with it. Mike Zuhl, (P 89-232) Chief of Staff, said they expected this to have a minimal impact but UNFINISHED COUNCIL BUSINESS they would monitor it and if it was an onerous burden on the #1 . RE: An ordinance adding department, they would request a Section 21 . 10.090 providing for budget opening for an additional waiver of fees for alley vacations allocation from contingency. in residential districts. Councilmember Stoler asked if ACTION: Councilmember this excluded commercial property. Bittner moved and Councilmember Councilmember Bittner said the Horrocks seconded to refer this to ordinance only referred to resi- the Planning Commission and rec- dential property. ommend that the fees be suspended (0 89-43) indefinitely, which motion car- ried, all members voted aye. PUBLIC HEARINGS DISCUSSION: Councilmember #1. RE: A public hearing at Bittner recommended that of the 6:20 p.m. to obtain comments two possible ordinance options, regarding Petition No. 400-713 the Council accept the option to submitted by Wynn Johnson of the suspend the fees indefinitely. Johnson Land Company requesting Councilmember Godfrey suggested an amendment to the Perry's Hollow sending both ordinance options to #1 Subdivision to allow an access the Planning Commission for their road through the existing Lot #3. recommendation. ACTION: Councilmember God- Councilmember Bittner said frey moved and Councilmember Kirk the alleys were expensive to seconded to close the public maintain and it had been a Council hearing, which motion carried, all policy to encourage closing them. members voted aye. She said she was sure that the 89-304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 Councilmember Godfrey moved keep it landscaped, or combine it and Councilmember Kirk seconded to with the two building lots to the adopt Ordinance 68 of 1989, which east. motion carried, all members voted aye. Mr. Johnson said they had presented this proposal to the DISCUSSION: Alan McCandless, Greater Avenues Council and re- planning staff, outlined a map of ceived their approval . He reiter- the area. He said on August 10, ated that the lots were large so 1989, the Planning Commission there was sufficient square foot- approved the Sugarloaf Subdivision age on each lot to provide for a and the access road which would go significantly sized home without through the Perry' s Hollow Lot #3 . impinging on the 40% slope. He said currently on the Perry' s Hollow #1 Subdivision there were No one from the audience no existing homes . spoke. (P 89-348) He said amending an existing recorded subdivision required a #2. RE: A public hearing at public hearing before the City 6:30 p.m. to obtain comments Council, which had to take place regarding Petition No. 400-569 - before the amendment was recorded. OKOA Annexation submitted by He said the staff recommended William D. Holyoak requesting the approval. property located on the northeast corner of 3300 South and 1100 East Councilmember Fonnesbeck be annexed into Salt Lake city for asked if this had gone before the the purpose of developing new Greater Avenues Community Council. commercial retail uses. Mr. McCandless said it had and there were also several people who ACTION: Councilmember God- spoke at the Planning Commission frey moved and Councilmember meeting on August 10. He said he Hardman seconded to close the had not received any written public hearing, which motion comments. carried, all members voted aye. Councilmember Fonnesbeck Councilmember Kirk moved and asked if this amendment would Councilmember Horrocks seconded to create any lots which required approve the annexation in concept, variances. Mr. McCandless said it which motion carried, all members would not and the only question- voted aye. able lot would either be combined with the one next to it or be DISCUSSION: Gary Heintz, landscaped. He said the lots were planning staff, outlined the area very large and the 40% slopes had on a map. He said this request been delineated on the preliminary was submitted two years ago and at plat; none of the buildable areas that time the petitioner repre- or the road would be on the 40% sented six property owners. He slopes. said the case had been reviewed by the Planning Commission which Councilmember Horrocks asked supported the annexation with what would be done with the un- conditions. buildable lot. Wynn Johnson, petitioner, said their intention Currently the petitioner was was to either landscape it, and representing five properties. He 89-305 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 said the Planning Commission and submitted by Kevin Koncar request- staff supported the annexation ing the property located at 2613 with the following conditions: East 2325 South be rezoned from an 1 ) That the one property "R-2" to a "B-3" classification. currently excluded become part of the annexation to eliminate the ACTION: Councilmember possibility of a peninsula. Hardman moved and Councilmember 2 ) Include an 8-foot dedica- Horrocks seconded to close the tion of the petitioner ' s property public hearing, which motion for expansion of 3300 South. carried, all members voted aye. 3 ) Install sidewalk, curb and gutter, and landscaping improve- Councilmember Stoler moved ments. and Councilmember Horrocks second- 4) Zone the property "C-3A" . ed to table this issue to the 5 ) That the "Barbara Jensen" December 12, 1989, agenda in order building be retained as noncon- to allow the neighborhood council forming. the opportunity to review this 6 ) That an annexation plat issue, which motion carried, all be drawn up to include all six members voted aye. parcels. DISCUSSION: Gary Heintz, He said the Planning Commis- planning staff, outlined two sion and staff supported the parcels on a map: One zoned "B-3" annexation with the conditions. and the other zoned "R-2" . He said the petitioner, representing the Councilmember Godfrey asked strip retail center, had negotiat- if the conditions would be re- ed with the LDS Church, owner of flected in the ordinance. Mr. "R-2" parcel, to trade their Heintz said the staff was in the parcel (used for a parking lot ) process of negotiating an annex- for the petitioner' s "B-3" parcel. ation agreement with the petition- The petitioner was now requesting er and those conditions would be to have the "R-2" parcel rezoned contained therein. to "B-3" so the day care facility in the retail center could use Councilmember Fonnesbeck this as an outdoor play area. asked if this was the final step. Allen Johnson, planning director, He said the staff and the said the only step remaining was Planning Commission both supported for the petitioner to submit an the request and the rezoning would accurate annexation plat to in- square off the ownership boundary. clude two additional parcels. He said after they received the new No one from the audience plat and the annexation agreement, spoke. they would schedule the ordinance (P 89-351) on the Council ' s agenda for adop- tion. #4. RE: A public hearing at 6: 50 p.m. to obtain comments No one from the audience regarding Petition No. 400-719 spoke. submitted by Lester Johnson re- (P 89-347) questing an amendment to the Bambrough Place P.U.D. Subdi- #3. RE: A public hearing at vision to allow one of six duplex 6 : 40 p.m. to obtain comments buildings to be located five feet regarding Petition No. 400-720 nearer the street. 89-306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 ACTION: Councilmember Councilmember Hardman who was Godfrey moved and Councilmember absent for the vote. Kirk seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all Councilmember Godfrey moved members voted aye except and Councilmember Bittner seconded Councilmember Hardman who was to approve the reduction, which absent for the vote. motion carried, all members voted aye except Councilmember Hardman Councilmember Kirk moved and who was absent for the vote. Councilmember Godfrey seconded to adopt Ordinance 69 of 1989, DISCUSSION: Dick Fox, bond which motion carried, all members counsel, said the Compeq project voted aye except Councilmember had grown to almost $30, 000,000 Hardman who was absent for the so bonding for $10,000, 000 became vote. too restrictive. He explained that if bonds were issued for not DISCUSSION: Alan McCand- more than $1, 000, 000 then other less, planning staff, outlined the financing was unlimited but bond- area on a map and pointed out the ing for $10,000,000 limited the existing single units, existing company to spending no more than duplex and proposed duplex. He that amount. said the amendment went before the Board of Adjustment and the Councilmember Bittner asked Planning Commission and both about the status of the project. bodies approved. He said the Mr. Fox said the company had petitioner proposed to realign the acquired the land in the Interna- dwelling by five feet in order to tional Center and had received a accommodated construction. He commitment from a Taiwanese let- said this change would also add ter-of-credit bank; Zions Bank additional square footage to the would place the bonds and the dwelling for a dining area. He financing was in place for the said this change had to be amended remainder of the project. He said by ordinance since it was an the size of the building would not amendment to a recorded subdivi- change even though the budget had sion plat. tripled; the most expensive aspect of the project was the equipment No one from the audience and the pollution abatement devic- spoke. es. He said the company was (P 89-350) projecting that they would employ- ee 400 to 500 people and would #5. RE: A public hearing at produce the greatest number of 7:00 p.m. to obtain comments con- printed circuit boards in North cerning a reduction in the amount America. He said they had to of the issuance of the proposed close the financing this calendar bonds, Compeq International Co. , year and they were planning an 18- Ltd. , from not to exceed $9, 300, - month construction period. 000 to not to exceed $1, 000, 000. No one from the audience ACTION: Councilmember spoke. Godfrey moved and Councilmember (Q 89-3) Kirk seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all The meeting adjourned at 7:05 members voted aye except p.m. 89-307 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1989 COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER 89-308 r CRAIG E. PETERSON ®aiT�� ".44"'�..t ©��� �® � DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 218 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7777 To: Salt Lake City Corporation October 30, 1989 Re: Proposed ordinance to allow as a conditional use within the "C-3A" outdoor garden centers. Reconulendation: That the City Council hold a public hearing on December 5, 1989 at 6:40 p.m. to discuss a proposed ordinance to allow as a conditional use within the Commercial "C-3A" outdoor garden centers. Availability of Funds: Not applicable Discussion and Background: This ordinance change is being proposed due to the rezoning of property in the Sugar House Business District to a "C-3A" classification rather than the requested "C-3" classification. The proposed project includes a Shopko which uses an outdoor garden center as part of their retail structure which is not an allowable use in a "C-3A" zone. Several types of retail stores provide garden and yard maintenance products. Some of these stores have a seasonal demand which does not warrant the construction of permanent facilities to accommodate seasonal fluctuation in demand. To meet increased seasonal demand these commercial establishments use temporary garden display and storage area. The proposed ordinance would allow as a conditional use garden centers related to a primary retail use that provides such services at a smaller scale through the entire year. Several conditions are recommend in order to mitigate any adverse impacts that seasonal sales facilities may have in a "C-3A" zoning district. Legislative Action: The City Attorney's Office has prepared and approved the necessary ordinance and is ready for your action. Submitted by: TCHAEL B. Z sting Direc r Community and one' •lopment Staff Report to the Planning Commission on Modification of the Commercial "C-3A" Zoning District to Allow for Seasonal Outdoor Garden Centers OVERVIEW The proposed modification is to allow as a conditional use within the Commercial "C-3A" outdoor garden centers. Such uses would be incidental to a primary retail use. BACKGROUND The impetus for this change came about in the rezoning of property in the Sugar House Business District to Commercial "C- 3A" rather than the requested Commercial "C-3" classification. The proposed project includes a Shopko which uses an outdoor garden center as part of their retail structure. ANALYSIS The Commercial "C-3A" zoning classification permits commercial "C-3" uses except those requiring open storage of any merchandise or equipment to be sold. Several types of retail stores provide garden and yard maintenance products . Some of these stores have a seasonal demand which does not warrant the construction of permanent facilities to accommodate seasonal fluctuations in demand . To meet increased seasonal demand these commercial establishments use temporary garden display and storage areas. The planning staff has provided a draft ordinance modification for discussion. This modification would allow as a conditional use garden centers related to a primary retail use that provides such services ,at a smaller scale through the entire year . The draft proposal contains several conditions that would need to be met to mitigate any adverse impacts that seasonal sales facilities may have upon the basic characteristic of no outside storage within the Commercial "C-3A" zoning district . Proposed Ordinance Modification Chapter 21 . 62 C-3A COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 21 . 62 . 050 Conditional Uses 3 . An outdoor garden center , when such use is incidental to the properties primary use and meets the following approval criteria : a . The use is on a hard surfaced area which does not conflict with any required off-street parking areas . b. The facility must be setback at least 30 feet from any property line that abuts a public right of way. c. Exterior signage is limited to one flat identity or nameplate sign per face not exceeding 9 square feet per sign. Any temporary informational or sale signs must be designed and located for customers within the garden center and be screened from exterior view. d. The garden center is to be partially enclosed by use of a - perimeter fence of a minimum 5 foot height that is semi- opaque and of a neutral colored material when materials are for storage rather than display. J � e. The facility will not exceed six months in duration. r ---> �G Qa(1'1 f. A building permit will be required for site location °�`�� review. A refundable cleanup bond of $250 . 00 will required with the building permit. If the above approval criteria are met the Zoning Administrator may authorize issuance of a permit. If the administrator finds that the proposed use does not meet the approval criteria then the applicant must meet the requirement of Section 21 . 62 . 060 Hearing . R ea f RECOMMENDATION The planning staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the modification to the "C-3A" district to allow as a conditional use in the Commercial "C-3A" zoning district seasonal sales activities such as outdoor garden centers. Everett Joyce September 1989 Xv , a rTTTTTTTTT�YY�414 ION , ALL EN C. JOHNSON, AICP PLANNING AND ZONING PLANNING DIRECTOR COMMISSION MEMBERS. WILLIAM T. WRIGHT, AICP COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RALPH BECKER DEPUT"DIRECTOR PLANNING DIVISION DAN BETHEL SUPER'✓ISOR LONG RANGE PLANNING Planning and Zoning Commission CINDY CROMER AND URBAN DESIGN THOMAS A. ELLISON SANDRA MARLER 451 SOUTH STATE STREET LAVONE LIDDLE-GAMONAL RICHARD J. HOWA SECRETARY ROOM 406, CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING RALPH P. NEILSON SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 GEORGE NICOLATUS TELEPHONE 535-7757 JOHN M. SCHUMANN October 3 , 1989 Mr . Michael Zuhl, Chief of Staff 1 pp c, City/Cognty Building .:._ -,�.��•.......`J ..,.��,�._. Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Re: Transmittal of amendment to the Commercial "C-3A" zoning text for seasonal outdoor garden centers Dear Mike: On September 28, 1989 the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council adoption of the staff ' s modification to the Commercial "C-3A" ordinance text with respect to allowing for seasonal outdoor garden centers that would be incidental to the primary land use. The planning staff report with proposed text modification is enclosed . If you have any questions please contact myself or Everett L. Joyce. Sincerely, Allen /C. ohnson, AICP Plannying irector ACJ:ELJ Enclosure cc : John Schuman, Planning Commission Chairman file ROGER F. CUTLER ((��11� ! /� � ( q ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS • CITY ATTORNEY S �� i `� y( 19/��1\i� 1 lR DN RAY L. MONTGOMERY STEVEN W. ALLRED •i 8 GREG R. HAWKINS DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY LAW DEPARTMENT LARRY V. SPENDLOVE BRUCE R. BAIRD CHERYL D. LUKE CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING FRANK M. NAKAMURA CITY PROSECUTOR 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, SUITE 505 ASSISTANT PROSECUTORS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 CECELIA M. ESPENOZA RICHARD G. HAMP TELEPHONE (801) 535-7788 GLEN A. COOK FAX (801) 535-7640 MEMORANDUM TO: Everett Joyce Planning & Zoning FROM: Bruce R. Baird J� Assistant City Attorney V DATE: October 20 , 1989 RE: Temporary Garden Centers Pursuant to our discussions I have drafted an ordinance allowing temporary garden centers in a Commercial C-3A District . In keeping with my policy in drafting ordinances of not throwing everything together under innumerable subsections I slightly reorganized the conditional use section to make it clear how the temporary outdoor garden center fits in. I also deleted the trivial bond requirement in the original draft because it really costs more to administer the bond than the security we receive by having such a small amount available. Finally, since the conditions are all black or white and not subject to discretion there is absolutely no need for a "hearing" procedure . Should anyone be dissatisfied with the Staff ' s decision they can appeal the decision to the Board of Adjustment. However, it would seem that the opportunity for making an error in the application of this ordinance is, at best, minimal . After you've had a chance to review the draft please let me know and if it is acceptable I will put it in final form. 1 Y: rr 'rr !II SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION No. of 1989 (Amending Chapter 62 of Title 21 Dealing With Conditional Uses in a Commercial C-3A Zoning District. ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 62 OF TITLE 21 DEALING WITH THE COMMERCIAL C-3A DISTRICT AND CREATING A CONDITIONAL USE FOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR GARDEN CENTERS . WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds, after a public hearing held before the Planning Commission and its own body that the City' s Commercial C-3A Zoning District should be amended to allow temporary outdoor garden centers as a conditional use subject to certain requirements . Now, therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Chapter 62 of Title 21 be amended and enacted in part to read as follows: 21 . 62.050 Conditional Uses. A. In a C-3A commercial district, the planning commission may permit as a conditional use the following: 1 . An outdoor theater, provided the screens are so located as not to be visible form any adjoining street or residential area and that the entrance and exit driveways and the box office are so located that a traffic problem will not be incurred on any adjoining public street. 2. New automobile and light truck sales and leasing including outdoor sales display and enclosed service and parts departments ( "automobile sales use" ) subject to the procedures specified in Section 21 . 60 thru 21 . 120 . 3 . A temporary outdoor garden center as part of a permitted use when such garden center is incidental to the property' s primary permitted use subject to the conditions specified in Section 21 . 62 . 130 . 21 .62.060 Hearing-Automobile Sales Use. The planning commission shall hold an informal hearing on applications for a automobile sales conditional use under this chapter. 21.62.070 Approval Criteria-Automobile Sales Use. *** 21 .62.080 Design Requirements-Automobile Sales Use. *** ' 21 .62.090 Design Criteria-Automobile Sales Use. *** 21.62.100 Display Prohibitions-Automobile Sales Use. *** 21.62.110 Noise Restrictions-Automobile Sales Use. *** 21.62. 120 Denial-Automobile Sales Use. *** 21 .62. 130 Temporary Outdoor Garden Center Conditions . A temporary outdoor garden center as part of a primary use and incidental to such primary use shall be allowed only subject to the following conditions: A. The temporary garden center operation shall be conducted only on a hard surface area. B. The temporary garden center use shall not interfere with access to, or diminish, any required off street parking. C. The temporary garden center use must be set back at least 30 feet from any property line abutting a public right of way. D. Exterior signage shall be limited to one flat, non- illuminated identity or name plate sign on each face of the garden center structure not exceeding nine square feet per sign. No other exterior signage shall be allowed and any other informational or sales signs in excess of one square foot shall be located within the temporary garden center and screened from exterior view. E. No storage of items, other than those available for immediate sale, shall be permitted within the area of the temporary garden center. Items available for sale within the area which are on pallets or other similar bulk arrangements shall be screened by a minimum five foot high semi-opaque fence of a neutral color. F. The temporary garden center operation shall be used no more than six months during any year. Any temporary structures for such use shall be removed during the remaining time each year and the area on which such use was conducted shall be restored to its original use . G. A building permit for the temporary garden center must be obtained for the first year of operation at any location. In each succeeding year for which the identical size and location are used for the temporary garden center the permittee shall notify, in writing, the (Department of Community and Economic Development) of the permittee' s intent to use the temporary garden center area at the same size and location and of the beginning and ending dates of the temporary garden center operation. Any change in the location or size of the temporary garden center shall require a new building permit. SECTION 2 . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 1989 . CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on Mayor' s action: Approved Vetoed. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER -4- CRAIG E. PETERSON aerie • ®aJ IYr�ORP : I j DIRECTOR V � COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 218 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7777 To: Salt Lake City Council November 6, 1989 RE: Proposed Amendment to Housing Advisory and Appeals Board Ordinance Recommendation: That the City Council hold a public hearing on December 5, 1989 at 6:20 p.m. to discuss amending Section 18.48.170 to provide a general appeal process for decisions of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. Availability of Funds: Not applicable Discussion and Background: The City Attorney's Office has informed us that there is an omission in the provisions regarding appeals of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board decisions on matters other than demolitions. The proposed ordinance outlines the appeal process that is consistent with our other regulatory board. Legislative Action: The City Attorney's Office has prepared the necessary ordinance and is ready for your action. S bmitted by: CHAEL B. Z cting Director Community and Economic Development if SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 1989 ( Providing an Appeal Procedure from the Housing Appeals and Advisory Board by Creating Section 18 .48. 170 ) AN ORDINANCE ENACTING SECTION 18 . 48 . 170 PROVIDING A GENERAL APPEAL PROCESS FOR DECISIONS OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD. WHEREAS, The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds that an appeal process needs to be specified for actions from the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board; NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 18 .48 . 170 be enacted to read as follows: 18.48. 170 General Appeal Process. Unless another appeal process is otherwise specified in this chapter, any person aggrieved by any decision of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board (HAAB ) , made under this chapter may appeal such decision to the Mayor within thirty days of the HAAB' s written decision. The Mayor ' s designated hearing officer may consider testimony from any interested party. If the hearing officer determines that the decision of HAAB is supported by the evidence and is not arbitrary or capricious the hearing officer shall affirm the decision of HAAB. SECTION 2 . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 1989 . CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on Mayor ' s action: Approved Vetoed. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill No. of 1989 . Published: BRB: rc -2- bL5 P " : ` Mir CORD )ey I .� Nl CRAIG E. PETERSON ...K,. �� . •.aac� �. .,� y.i DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 218 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7777 To: Salt Lake City Corporation November 7, 1989 Re: Petition No. 400-756-89 submitted by Ricks and Brown Architects Recommendation: That the City Council hold a public hearing on December 12, 1989 at 6:40 p.m. to discuss Petition No. 400-756-89 submitted by Ricks and Brown Architects for their client Mr. LeRoy Peterson if Printers, Inc. The petitioner is requesting that the alley adjacent to their property at 2185 South 900 East Street be vacated. Availability of Funds: Not applicable Discussion and Background: The petitions has been reviewed by the appropriate department who recommend that the western half of the alley abutting commercial properties be closed for sale to the abutting property owners and that the eastern half of the alleyway be vacated to the abutting residential property owners. Salt Lake City will retain ownership of the closed property south of Printer's Inc, until the abutting property owner is ready to purchase the property. The closure should be subject to the following conditions: 1. Coordination and retention of utility easements. 2. Eliminating outside storage on the Printer's Inc. property. 3. Maintain the east/west alleyway access by not allowing parked vehicles within this alley. 4. The petitioner pay for an M.A.I. appraisal and pay the City accordingly for the closed portion of the alleyway. Legislative Action: The City Attorney's Office has prepared and approved the necessary ordinance and is attached for your action. Submitted by: ';‘)/4/(---4/ A1[CHAEL B. Z ctino Direct r 1, 1.Op( SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 1989 ( Closing a portion and vacating a portion of an alley adjacent to 2185 South 900 East pursuant to Petition No. 400-756-89 ) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION AND VACATING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY ADJACENT TO 2185 SOUTH 900 EAST PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400-756-89 . WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds after public hearing that the City ' s interest in the public alley described below is not necessary for use by the public as an alley and that closure and vacation of said alley will not be adverse to the general public ' s interest nor will partial closure divest the City of title to the property without subsequent documents of transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That a portion of the alley adjacent to 2185 South 900 East, which is the subject of Petition No . 400-756-89 , and which is more particularly described below, be , and the same hereby is, VACATED AND CLOSED and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as a public alley, with the title to the closed portion remaining with the City until subsequent sale for market value at a price fixed by a City approved MAI appraiser with the appraisal cost paid by petitioner. Said alley is more particularly described as follows : Portion closed: commencing at the southeast corner of 900 East Street and Elm Avenue; thence 90 feet south along the East line of 900 East Street; thence east 142 . 5 feet along /I_v 'r' the north line of Lot 22 of Fairmount Springs Addition subdivision to the point of beginning; cz-id_`tA thence south 221 feet; thence east 10 feet to the center line of the alley; thence north 221 feet along said center line; thence west 10 feet to the point of beginning. Portion vacated: Commencing at the southeast corner of 900 East Street and Elm Avenue; thence 90 feet south along the East �y line of 900 East Street; thence east 162 . 5 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 13 of Fairmount Springs " Addition subdivision to the point of beginning; thence south 221 feet; thence west 10 feet to the center line of the alley; thence north 221 feet along said center line; thence east 10 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2 . RESERVATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS . The above closure and vacation is expressly made SUBJECT TO all existing rights-of- way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of the property and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities, including the City ' s water and sewer facilities, and all of them. Said closure and vacation is also SUBJECT TO any existing rights-of-way or easements of private third parties . SECTION 3 . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. -2- , LI EN C JOHNSON, AICP PLANNING AND ZONING ERECTOR COMMISSION MEMBERS Learn T. WRIGHT, AICP COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RALPH BECKER DEDT,TY DIRECTOR PLANNING DIVISION DAN BETHEL "" °"G R NGE PLANNING Planning and Zoning Commission CINDY CROMER .�URBAN DESIGN THOMAS A. ELLISON SANDRA MARLER 451 SOUTH STATE STREET LAVONE LIDDLE-GAMONAL SECRETARY ROOM 406, CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING RICHARD J. HOWA RALPH P. NEILSON SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 GEORGE NICOLATUS TELEPHONE 535-7757 JOHN M. SCHUMANN October 23 , 1989 Mr . Michael Zuhl Chief of Staff Room 218 451 So . State Street Salt Lake City , UT 841 ] 1 Re : Transmittal of Petition 400- 756 by Printers Inc . to vacate an alley adjacent to property at 2185 So . 900 East . Dear Mike : This petition is requesting to vacate a portion of an alley abutting Printers Inc . property on 900 East Street . The alley is situated between 900 East and Lincoln Street . A field check indicates that the this alley is not used as access by any of the homes on Lincoln Street . However , a response from one of the those home owners identified that he uses his rear yard for recreational vehicle storage and that he accesses his rear yard through the commercial property south of Printers Inc . Access from Lincoln Street to this individuals rear yard is blocked by a detached garage . Fire , Engineering , Public Utilities , Transportation , and Property Management departmental responses to the petition request have been obtained and attached . The recommendation conditions of closure listed below incorporates the concerns of the various departments . The Planning office has sent notices to all of the abutting property owners . One did not respond , the other five indicated support of the alley closure with one indicating a desire to establish an access easement which would be across a private parcel and not along the existing alleyway . ( see attached map ) The planning staff recommends that the entire alley he closed/vacated rather than just a portion as requested in the petition . The Printers Inc . is presently using all of the twenty foot alley abutting their property for parking and access to their building . This portion of the alley is hard surfaced and the balance of the alleyway to the south is overgrown with vegetation . It is recommended that the western half of the alley abutting commercial properties be closed for sale to abutting property owners and that the eastern half of the alleyway be vacated to the abutting residential propertyies . Salt Lake City should retain ownership of closed property south of Printer ' s Inc . until the abutting property owner is ready to purchase . The closure should be subject to the following conditions identified by various city departments : 1 . Coordination and retention of utility easements . 2 . Eliminating outside storage on the Printer ' s Inc . property . 3 . Maintain the east/west alleyway access by not allowing parked vehicles within this alley . 4 . The petitioner pay for an M . A . I . appraisal and pay the City accordingly for the closed portion of the alleyway . If you have any questions concerning this petition please contact myself or Everett L . Joyce . Sincerely , AlleniC . J hnson , AICP Planniv4g irector ACJ : elj cc : John Schuman , Chairman Planning Commission file PETITION NO. 400-756 Printer's Inc. Alley Closure Joe£ 9(OE 9/6E 92£E .9 f 93ZE 34 f Laf+ri(sr�w) rc.��rs+o►,�v, t c+.eKls t k 4r .Y yav►C a 7—:- / : 7 o 4J I r pit ., ;� E` e A ; 7.7 r'' A i xi ;:i.i......,..: :... Rye.i.,siz.,::1/4':'. , ..:',....2° 110 \ _Di 0 it:.:::;-::.---..-..-,- s. .J N w / Response _r1 % V w a y ��/// ./zi'; �� /% /%/ ,////% w /; �" / / 5 p // t i �// o V -r /,-/ a - „ ////4 - r � - t1 � � }� HH k n1 r / ,//� v) �.. tiAvia / ////; / / /Wj a-1 /‘ / / //,44K4 CC . € Petitioner ,Z Support Petition I_ i Desires Access Easement • SA LIT IA1 a>°WY(G®RPW4.' 3I; ' 1 t�. FINANCE DEPARTMENT LINDA HAMILTON Purchasing and Property Management Division PALMER DEPAULIS DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 451 SOUTH STATE STREET MAYOR ROOM 345 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 PROPERTY (801) 535-7133 October 19, 1989 T0: Everett L. Joyce Planning FROM: Linda Cordova Property Mana r REF: PETITION NO. 400--756, PRINKS INC. CLOSURE OF ALLEY ADJACENT TO PROPERTY AT 2185 SOUTH 900 EAST STREET Property Management has no objection to the alley closure. The Petitioner should be required to pay for an M.A.I. appraisal to determine fair market value and pay the City accordingly. After looking at the condition of the alley and lack of use as a public alley, 1 would further recommend that consideration be given to closing/vacating the entire alley. Please have your department review this possibility and proceed. LC/mt Joyce.Printers' Inc. SALTDLAKE;CITY CORPORATION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -',_MER DEFAJLIS City Engineering Division MAX G. PETERSON, P.E. MAYOR 444 SOUTH STATE STREET CITY ENGINEER SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 535-7871 TO : EVERETT L . JOYCE FROM : HARRY EWING .� DATE : AUGUST 28 , 1989 SUBJECT : PETITION NO . 400- 756 BY PRINTERS , INC . "his Department has reviewed Petition No . 400- 756 requesting the City vacate an alley running north and south at the rear of 2185 South 900 East Streets . Our findings shown this alley to be approximately 221 feet long 651 20 feet wide , dead ending at the D&RG Railroad right-of-way on the south . The alley has the appearance of non-use because of existing encroachments by the abutting properties . It appears the use of the alley could best be served in the hands of the property owners ; therefore , we recommend approval of this pe ti tion . 0E : po Attachment cc : Vault e LEROY W HOOTON, JR. DIRECTOR =NOELL E. E , PE. $��' SUPERINTENDENT NDENT GENT ' ER SUPPLY G WATERWORKS E. TIM DOXEY SUPERINTENDENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES WATER RECLAMATION WATER SUPPLY&WATERWORKS PALMER DEPAULIS JAMES M. LEWIS, C.P.A. .4 WATER:.RECLAMATION MAYOR CHIEF FINANCE 8 =_ ACCOUNTING OFFICER --�1530:-SOU.TF WEST:TEMPLE " CEORGE JORGENSEN, P.E. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 CHIEF ENGINEER TO: JANICE JARDINE PLANNING & ZONING \ FROM: E. T. DOXEY WATER RECLAMATION SUPERINTENDENT DATE: AUGUST 24, 1989 SUBJECT: PETITION NO. 400-756 PRINTERS INC. - CLOSURE OF ALLEY ADJACENT TO PROPERTY AT 2185 SOUTH 900 EAST The Public Utilities Department has reviewed the above noted petition and has no objections to the Petitioner ' s request. There are no water or sewer conflicts. If you have further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call Mr. Ray Eastman at 483-6787. /kg FORMS cc: File L /--1 /� v `L /f % / t_ Y ,.I , 0 6Y / ?/a 7 cS i! /,-,/L7 /s CC. SS ", b a L� NCB /1-� f Ti71 % �7 s zi / ALA 7:2 c, S C1 G � lL /11�L � d 67/� `vE 5T 7 r) C �/ N j ni L / C U L,\/ / AEI, gigot �I,O L8 ALIEN C. JOHNSON. AICP � PLANNING AND ZONING ILANNING DIRECTOR COMMISSION MEMBERS �l'�LLiAM T. WRIGHT, AICP COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RALPH eecKER CPS Y DIRECTOR PLANNING DIVISION DAN BETHEL EL=E R+'SOP.LONG RANGE PLANNING Planning and Zoning Commission CINDY CROMER AND URBAN DESIGN THOMAS A. ELLISON SANDRA MARLER 451 SOUTH STATE STREET LAVONE LIDDLE-GAMONAL RICHARD J. HOWA SECRETARY ROOM 406, CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING RALPH P NEILSON SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 GEORGE NICOLATUS TELEPHONE 535-7757 JOHN M SCHUMANN MEMORANDUM To : Raema Hunsaker , Fire From : Everett L. Joyce 4 ' Date: August 14 , 1989 Subject: Closure of alley adjacent to property at 2185 So . 900 East Street . - Petition No. 400-756 Printers Inc . This petition is requesting to vacate the portion of the alley abutting Printers Inc . property on 900 East. (See attached map) A field check verified that this alley is not used as access by any of the homes on Lincoln Street that abut the alley. This alley is twenty feet in width and terminates at the south end at the Denver and Rio Grande Western railroad line. The commercial properties along 900 East have encroached into the alleyway . The majority of the alley contains mature vegetation . Please review and comment on this petition request . The Planning Division recommends that the entire alley be removed from public ownership . The portion of the alley that is adjacent to commercial use (ten foot width) should be closed and sold to abutting properties. The portion of the alley adjacent to residential uses (ten foot width) should be vacated with the property going to the abutting user . The petitioner will be submitting development plans for the expansion of the printing establishment . Closure of the alleyway would be necessary to implement these plans , existing zoning requires a 10 foot landscaped rear yard . • SALT FAKE CITY CORPORATIO TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 333 SOUTH 200 EAST, SUITE 201 IOSEPH R. ANDERSON TIMOTHY P. -ueuC WORKS DIRECTOR SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 HARPST, P.E. CITY TRANSFORTATION ENGINEER (801) 535-6630 August 15 , 1989 • Everett L. Joyce Planning & Zoning Room 406 - City Hall RE : Petition No. 400-756 - Printers Inc . to Vacate Alley Adjacent to 2185 South 900 East Dear Everett: The Division of Transportation recommends approval of the alley vacation subject to the following : r 1 ) Signatures of all abutting property owners along the alley; 2 ) Coordination and retention of all utility easements as required . Sincerely, 1 '',! Scott R. Vaterlaus Traffic Engineer I BDW/lh cc : Steve MeyerWitt' Barry Walsh File August 3 , 1989 Salt Lake City Corporation Community and Economic Development 451 South State Street Room 218 , City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Gentlemen: On behalf of our Client, Mr Leroy Petersen of Printers , Inc. located at 2185 South 900 East, we hereby request that a portion of the existing alley at the rear of the property at this address be vacated to allow our client to make an expansion of his present building . The existing alleyway to the rear of this property is no longer being publicly used . There appears to be no access requirements for other property owners and the alleyway has no public access from the South because of the railroad tracks there. Some fences have been erected by other property owners in the alley and some areas are being used for storage. Submitted herewith , for your review, are the fol- lowing: A Site Plan showing Property Lines , Building location and the expected expansion of the existing facility by Printers , Inc . ; A property description and a list of property owners of the surrounding properties; Contract of Property Purchase showing that Mr. Leroy Petersen is the current property owner . We would appreciate the City ' s consideration of this proposal . If there are any questions , please call . Sincerely, (12c.,21.- o t E. Way Ricks 4//)6i:/' Ricks & Brown Architects/Planners f /'// i cc Leroy Petersen, Printers , Inc . ' '' ` ' �a.:2 T�Y�(U�'.:s� 11241 OFFICE OF THE 'CITY COUNCIL CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, SUITE 304 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 535-7600 September 19, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: ED SNOW RE: REVIEW OF MAYOR'S MOST RECENT RECOMMENDATIOt'S FOR BOARD APPOINTMENTS I have attached a list of citizens who have been recommended by Mayor DePaul i s for various City boards. Would you please review the list. If you have any concerns or comments about the Mayor's recommendations, please contact rue before October 4. We would like to act as quickly as possible on these recommendations. If you have no objection, we will place them on the October 10 Council Agenda. In addition, the Mayor's office wants me to remind you that he is interested in receiving suggestions for board members from you. If you have a particular name or names, please let me know and. I will contact the citizens to get more information and then forward on those names and the appropriate materials to the Mayor's office. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BOARD APPOINTMENTS NEW APPOINTMENTS PLANNING COMMISSION Lynn Beckstead to be appointed to fill a vacancy for a term extending through July 1, 1993. Mr. Beckstead, a mortgage banker, resides in District 1. He will fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Peter Van Alst.yne who resides in District 6. If Mr. Beckstead is appointed, two members of the commission will live in District 1, one in District. 2, two in District 3, one in District 4, two in District. 5, one in District 6 and one in District. 7. SALT LAKE CITY RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Beverly Peck t.o be appointed t.o fill a vacancy for a term extending through January, 1993. Hs. Peck has been active in westside community organizations. She is the Community Education Coordinator at. Highland High School. She lives in District 2. Ms. Peck fills a the spot left vacant by Blake Rosenvall of District 2. If Ms. Peck is appointed, one member of the board will live in District 1, one in District 2, one in District 3, none in District 4 (an unfilled vacancy created by the resignation of Alan Katoa ), one in District 5, one in District 6 and one in District 7. REAPPOINTMENTS SALT LAKE ARTS COUNCIL George Maxwell to be reappointed to a second term extending through July, 1992. Mr. Maxwell resides in District 3 and has been Pioneer Theatre's Property Master and Set Decorator since 1974. Carleen Jimenez to be reappointed to a second term extending through July, 1992. Ms. Jimenez, an arts activist, resides in District 1. HISTORICAL LAN VARK COf 1J'1TE E Lyle Knudsen to he reappointed. to a second term extending through July 14, 1992. Mr. Knudsen is an architect who lives in District 3. Louis Schricker to be reappointed t.o his first full term extending through July 14, 1992. Dr. Schricker, a neurological surgeon, resides in District. .3. HOUSING AUTHORITY France A. Davis to be reappointed to fill his first full term extending through October 27, 1994. Reverend Davis is the pastor of the Calvary Baptist. Church. PAGE MO UTAH AIR TRAVEL COhMMISSION Andy Gallegos to be reappointed to a second term extending through September 1, 1992. Mr. Gallegos resides in District 6 and is the Manager of a business consulting firm. Virginia Buchanan to he reappointed to fill a second term extending through September 1, 1992. Ms. Buchanan resides in District 3. • i4 • : '_ , - A a7 1 1r C IONI OFFICE ,OF, THE,CITY:COUNCIL +'•c! ' ; !;SUITE 300.CITY HALL 324.SOUTH:STATE STREET: SALT LAKE-CITY..UTAH,84111- November 3, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: ED SNOW RE: REVIEW OF MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BOARD APPOINTMENTS I have attached a list of citizens who have been recommended by Mayor DePaulis for the Historical Landmark Committee. The recommendations have been pending since a review of the ordinance was requested by a council member. Would you please review the list. If you have any concerns or comments about the Mayor's recommendations, please contact me before November 10. We would like to place them on the November 14 Council Agenda. In addition, the Mayor's office wants me to remind you that he is interested in receiving suggestions for.board members from you. If you have a particular name or names, please let me know and I will contact the citizens to get more information and then forward on those names and the appropriate materials to the Mayor's office. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BOARD REAPPOINTMENTS HISTORICAL LANDMARKS COMMIWEE Ranch S. Kimball is to be reappointed to a second term extending through July 14, 1991. He resides in District 3, and fills an at large position on the Board, He is active in Community organizations and works with Boettcher Company in the area of municipal bonds. Anna Grace_Sperty is to be reappointed to a second term extending through July 14, 1991. She resides in Council. District 6 and works as an associate broker for Hooper-Ballst.aedt Realtors. She indicates she has a love of real estate and architecture. She has owned several homes in the central. city and avenues area, and has been involved in restoring and maintaining them. Law Offices of CHAPMAN AND CUTLERtr:-??1.1111r, a partnership including professional corporations Theodore S.Chapman 111 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 2 North Central Avenue - 44.13 Phoenix.Arizona 85004 .ry E.Cutler TWX 910-221-2103 Telex 206281 c P•t959 FAX(312)701-2361 (o021 250-40o0 Telephone(312)845-3000 100 Peachtree Street.NW Atlanta,Georgia 30303 (404)420-1420 November 8, 1989 50 South Main Street Salt Lake City.Utah 84144 (801)533-00oo MS . Kathryn Marshall City Recorder if_71 � ff� City & County Building NOV 9 19891.11 Room 415 451 South State Street SALT LAKE CITY COU�lCIL Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Re : Salt Lake City, Utah Flexible Rate Revenue Bonds, Series 1989 (Pooled Hospital Financing Program) Dear Kathy: Pursuant to our telephone conversation, enclosed is a form of the Notice of Public Hearing (the "Notice" ) concerning the issuance by Salt Lake City, Utah of the above-captioned bonds . The Notice must be published once at least 14 days prior to the public hearing. The Notice should be dated the date of publication . Please review the Notice to confirm that the information relating, to the time and place of the meeting is accurate . The invoice for the publication charge along with a publisher ' s affidavit should be sent to my attention . Thank you for your assistance . Very truly yours, CHAPMAN AND CUTLER By r mes Broek'I Enc . cc : Ms . Cyndy Gust-Jenson C 0 P Y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, December 5 , 1989 , at 6 : 30 P.M. , in Council Chambers , City and County Building, 451 South State Street , Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Muncipal Council ( the "Council" ) of Salt Lake City, Utah ( the "City" ) regarding a plan to issue its Flexible Rate Revenue Bonds , Series 1989 (Pooled Hospital Financing Program) ( the "Bonds" ) in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $100 , 000 , 000 . The proceeds of the Bonds will be initially loaned to certain Utah nonprofit corporations described below (the "Corporations" ) qualifying as Section 501(c) ( 3 ) organizations within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended ( "Section 501(c) ( 3 ) Organizations" ) , for the purpose of ( i ) financing, refinancing or providing reimbursement for the costs of certain capital improvements to their facilities located throughout the State of Utah ( the "Projects" ) and ( ii ) paying certain expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the Bonds . The Projects will be owned and operated by the following Corporations : Corporations Holy Cross Hospital of Salt Lake City IHC Hospitals , Inc . St . Benedict ' s Hospital Repayment of loans made from the proceeds of the Bonds may be reloaned to the Corporations or to other Section 501 (c) ( 3) Organizations or governmental units for additional capital projects. - The Bonds will be issued by the City on behalf of itself and certain other cities and counties which become parties to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated as of November 1 , 1989 . The Bonds shall be limited obligations of the City and are payable solely out of the revenues arising from the Notes of the Corporations pledged pursuant to separate Loan Agreements between each Corporation, respectively, and the City; certain drawings under Letters of Credit supporting the Bonds ; and other funds pledged under the Indenture of Trust and Pledge pursuant to which the Bonds will be issued. The Bonds shall not constitute or give rise to a general obligation or liability of, or a charge against , the general credit or taxing powers of the City, the State of Utah or any political subdivision thereof . The public hearing is required by Section 147 ( f ) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended. Interested 'individuals are invited to express their views, both orally and in writing , on the proposed issuance of the Bonds . Written comments may be submitted to the Council at its office located in Room 304 , City and County Building, 451 South State Street , Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, until 5 : 00 P.M. on December 5 , 1989 . DATED: November , 1989 . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH /s/ Kathryn Marshall City Recorder -2- STAFF RECOMMENDATION CANVASS OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION November 14, 1989 STAFF RECOMMENDATION BY: Kathryn Burrows ACTION REQUESTED BY COUNCIL: Convene as Board of Canvassers and approve the abstract of votes cast for the municipal election for Council Members of Districts 1, 3, 5 and 7, and Olympic Games Opinion Question held November 7. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This is a technical legal requirement. The Council and Mayor together make up the Board of Canvassers. STAFF ANALYSIS: None. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Convene, approve, adjourn. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: 1. I move we adjourn as the City Council. (Council Members vote) 2. I move we convene with the Mayor as the Board of Canvassers. (Council Members and Mayor vote) 3. I move we approve and certify the abstract of votes cast in the municipal election held November 7, 1989, for Council Members of Districts 1, 3, 5 and 7 and the Olympic Referendum question. (Council Members and Mayor vote) 4. I move we adjourn as the Board of Canvassers. (Council Members and Mayor vote) 5. I move we reconvene as the. City Council. (Council Members vote) ANTICIPATED OPPOSITION: None. a- ` '.2 aJ iitiY((CA`R�PO rA®LI,1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Recorder KATHRYN MARSHALL 415 CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING PALMER DEPAULIS CITY RECORDER 451 SOUTH STATE STREET MAYOR SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 (801) 535-7671 November 9, 1989 To: The Board of anvassers From: Kathryn Ma 41, City Recorder Recommendation: That the Mayor and City Council meet November 14, 1989 during the regularly scheduled Council meeting to ap- prove and certify the abstract of votes constituting the canvass of the Municipal election held November 7, 1989 for Council Members in Council districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 and the Olympic Games Opinion Question in all Council Districts. Discussion: Attached are the results of the total votes cast for the Municipal election for Council Members for Council districts 1, 3, 5 and 7, and the Olympic Games Opinion Question in all Council Districts held November 7, 1989. This canvass must be approved and certified by the Mayor and City Council acting as the Board of Canvassers. COUNCIL DISTRICT #1 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. BITTNER WHITEHEAD WRITE-INS YES NO ( 1 ) 2001N 20 145 8 12 3 17 ( 2 ) 2002 564 1378 203 348 3 322 242 ( 3 ) 2003 & 2049 139 319 54 85 79 59 ( 4 ) 2004 255 406 91 163 1 114 141 ( 5 ) 2006 213 389 69 140 4 126 92 ( L , 2008 & 2010 481 768 209 267 237 244 ( 7 ) 2014 197 329 97 97 90 107 ( 8 ) 2016 & 2074 318 978 159 150 1 163 155 ( 9 ) 2030 & 2040 531 837 302 228 1 241 290 ( 10 ) 2042 179 342 68 109 77 102 ( 11 ) 2034 & 2036 561 928 304 255 245 313 ( 12 ) 2038 207 566 115 89 85 122 ( 13 ) 2044 & 2058 366 797 166 198 154 210 ( ) 2072 75 197 35 40 44 31 ( 15 ) 2050 162 466 58 99 91 71 ( 16 ) 2051 95 287 50 42 36 59 ( 17 ) 2052 & 2056 423 884 168 250 155 265 TOTALS 4786 10016 2156 2572 10 2262 2520 COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. YES NO ( 18 ) 2001S & 2202 125 485 45 80 ( 19 ) 2212 & 2222 275 786 95 180 ( 20 ) 2204 & 2216 252 757 106 146 ( 21 ) 2206 70 265 35 36 ( 22 ) 2214 & 2226 229 696 81 148 ( ._ ) 2220 126 631 59 67 ( 24 ) 2224 & 2244 336 796 127 209 ( 25 ) 2246 151 352 43 108 ( 26 ) 2228 & 2256 348 833 142 206 ( 27 ) 2230 66 227 20 46 (28 ) 2242 & 2248 214 578 75 137 ( 29 ) 2252 & 2254 311 930 137 174 ( 30 ) 2260 'w 94 318 46 48 ( ) 2264 234 612 96 138 ( 32 ) 2442 112 344 41 69 (33 ) 2462 141 257 57 84 (34 ) 2464 125 365 58 67 TOTALS 3209 9232 1263 1943 COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 SLC 1989 PRIMARY CANVASS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. BARRETT PACE WRITE-INS YES NO ( 35 ) 2018 & 2066 299 829 141 150 2 136 159 ( 36 ) 2068 181 397 82 90 114 67 ( 37 ) 2020 & 2022 369 654 183 175 244 125 ( 38 ) 2142 133 329 47 81 1 88 45 ( 39 ) 2064 253 461 114 123 160 88 ( •_ ) 2102 & 2103 551 894 137 401 4 390 161 ( 41 ) 2104 & 2128 374 615 164 196 2 207 167 ( 42 ) 2122 199 323 57 135 3 127 70 ( 43 ) 2126 284 454 129 150 158 126 ( 44 ) 2132 292 531 137 132 1 167 125 ( 45 ) 2134 & 2146 401 753 195 194 1 189 211 ( 46 ) 2136 262 434 73 184 1 196 66 ( 47 ) 2143 & 21'44 345 698 180 151 184 159 ( ) 2156 & 2178 304 696 153 136 174 127 ( 49 ) 2152 & 2154 427 921 186 225 256 169 ( 50) 2158 140 303 72 59 71 69 ( 51 ) 2160 172 345 78 88 97 71 ( 52 ) 2164 & 2182 459 878 192 252 1 271 186 ( 53 ) 2184 & 2186 330 578 95 225 197 133 ( 54) 2166 & 2314 519 1191 135 366 374 145 ( 55 ) 2320 179 435 64 105 101 78 ( 56 ) 2174 245 653 116 115 161 83 ( 57 ) 2180 117 260 38 72 1 68 49 TOTALS 6835 13632 2768 3805 17 4130 2679 f COUNCIL DISTRICT #4 SLC 1989 PRIMARY NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. YES NO ( 58 ) 2302 198 647 131 67 ( 59 ) 2306 74 266 38 36 ( 60 ) 2308 134 418 85 48 ( 61 ) 2310 & 2318 255 712 131 124 ( 62 ) 2330 & 2332 170 605 79 91 ( , ) 2312 99 320 56 43 ( 64 ) 2334 88 238 42 46 ( 65 ) 2336 109 333 62 47 ( 66 ) 2340 161 330 64 97 ( 67 ) 2346 & 2362 134 453 58 73 ( 68 ) 2348 & 2350 245 843 114 130 ( 69 ) 2380 96 285 39 56 ( 70) 2352 & 2364 257 741 137 119 ( ) 2388 149 370 86 63 ( 72 ) 2354 137 340 70 67 ( 73 ) 2356 & 2366 262 572 126 136 ( 74 ) 2370 & 2402 184 485 75 109 ( 75 ) 2422 92 272 35 57 ( 76 ) 2374 128 467 68 60 ( 77 ) 2376 99 274 54 45 ( 78 ) 2378 117 350 58 59 ( 79 ) 2384 102 263 58 43 ( 80 ) 2390 202 419 99 103 ( 81 ) 2404 154 388 73 81 ( 82 ) 2424 109 287 49 60 TOTALS 3755 10678 1887 1860 t COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 SLC 1989 PRIMARY CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG CAHOON GODFREY WRITE-INS YES NO ( 83 ) 2368 & 2392 159 597 68 78 119 40 ( 84) 2382 & 2502 287 609 101 173 152 133 ( 85 ) 2406 185 420 34 142 1 105 78 ( 86 ) 2426 157 340 41 112 76 81 ( 87 ) 2432 143 327 78 63 43 98 ( ) 2436 & 2438 490 915 264 226 239 253 ( 89 ) 2444 177 484 84 91 85 92 ( 90) 2448 & 2450 536 932 281 245 257 279 ( 91 ) 2468 & 2474 422 807 180 236 190 232 ( 92 ) 2466 179 376 82 90 99 79 ( 93 ) 2470 173 335 105 67 64 110 ( 94) 2472 162 348 67 84 4 73 88 ( 95 ) 2476 r 109 227 56 53 54 55 ( ' ) 2506 243 360 100 140 158 85 ( 97 ) 2508 257 483 92 155 162 89 ( 98 ) 2510 252 435 81 161 147 105 ( 99 ) 2512 & 2514 456 777 179 265 226 230 ( 100 ) 2530 & 2532 401 739 176 215 186 215 ( 101 ) 2516 & 2534 417 739 124 286 3 268 149 ( 102 ) 2536 301 505 92 203 174 127 ( 103 ) 2540 179 369 90 83 76 102 ( 104 ) 2542 & 2544 407 682 154 238 194 213 TOTALS 6092 11806 2529 3406 8 3147 2933 i COUNCIL DISTRICT #6 SLC 1989 PRIMARY CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG YES NO ( 105 ) 2358 64 332 46 18 ( 106 ) 2360 108 520 86 22 ( 107 ) 2394 74 350 45 29 ( 108 ) 2520 & 2524 492 774 330 162 ( 109 ) 2522 350 590 226 124 ( .0 ) 2538 219 350 133 86 ( 111 ) 2546 & 2630 439 790 274 165 ( 112 ) 2556 & 2558 433 761 235 193 ( 113 ) 2560 & 2572 412 782 200 212 ( 114) 2570 174 317 84 90 ( 115 ) 2602 163 218 97 66 ( 116 ) 2604 309 497 192 118 ( 117 ) 2606 "I 192 315 136 51 ( ' 8 ) 2608 231 399 133 98 ( 119 ) 2612 257 500 179 77 ( 120 ) 2614 346 621 260 86 ( 121 ) 2620 229 388 159 70 ( 122 ) 2622 141 257 62 79 ( 123 ) 2642 & 2626 320 607 141 179 ( 124) 2636 250 421 173 77 ( 125 ) 2628 351 557 291 59 ( 126 ) 2632 & 2634 371 679 192 175 ( 127 ) 2640 & 2642 447 784 247 200 ( 128 ) 2650 & 2652 333 585 157 174 ( 129 ) 2644 & 2654 404 756 225 179 ( 130) 2646 272 501 181 91 TOTALS 7381 13651 4484 2880 K COUNCIL DISTRICT #7 SLC 1989 PRIMARY CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. HALE STOLER WRITE-INS YES NO ( 131 ) 2480 156 335 69 79 3 66 90 ( 132 ) 2482 211 494 127 78 88 123 ( 133 ) 2492 172 1210 71 99 80 92 ( 134 ) 2494 & 2580 497 943 223 263 259 238 ( 135 ) 2582 177 355 106 61 1 76 101 ( _ ..6 ) 2496 & 2586 385 746 215 158 145 240 ( 137 ) 2594 142 264 75 63 58 84 ( 138) 2550 155 328 75 75 77 77 ( 139 ) 2552 & 2554 256 541 140 94 4 141 115 ( 140) 2562 166 350 80 82 76 87 ( 141 ) 2566 & 2680 502 797 175 323 248 254 ( 142 ) 2568 154 289 75 76 85 69 ( 143 ) 2584 220 356 74 137 126 94 ( 4) 2588 205 303 131 74 102 103 ( 145 ) 2590 & 2596 443 746 255 177 2 226 217 ( 146 ) 2598 117 242 74 40 72 44 ( 147 ) 2660 215 317 157 52 98 116 ( 148 ) 2662 198 291 149 43 1 107 91 ( 149 ) 2664 & 2666 386 540 257 120 259 123 ( 150) 2668 279 418 216 59 2 183 95 ( 151 ) 2670 & 2672 331 677 222 92 1 199 132 ( 152 ) 2674 304 503 169 124 231 73 ( 153 ) 2678 192 372 133 45 2 124 68 ( 154 ) 2682 177 305 105 66 87 90 ( 155) 1684 314 491 184 124 145 168 ( 156 ) 2686 282 404 232 48 1 212 70 ( 157 ) 2692 & 2694 454 747 282 161 255 198 ( 18 ) 2912 201 389 21 23 102 99 ( 159 ) 2722 7 19 1 6 4 3 TOTALS 7298 13772 4093 2842 17 3931 3354 GRAND TOTALS 39356 82787 21104 19620 STATE OF UTAH ) .• ) ss CITY AND COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) WE THE UNDERSIGNED, APPOINTED AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS FOR THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY, IN THE STATE OF UTAH, ON TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1989, FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNCILMEMBER FOR COUNCIL DISTRICTS 1, 3, 5 AND 7, FOUR YEAR TERMS, AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES OPINION QUESTION IN ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED FOREGOING ARE A TRUE AND CORRECT CANVASS OF SAID ELECTION, AS THE SAME APPEARS FROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS MADE BY THE JUDGES OF ELECTION IN VARIOUS ELECTION DISTRICTS IN COUNCIL DISTRICTS 1, 3, 5, AND 7 IN SAID CITY, AND THE PERSONS RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES FOR SAID OFFICE ARE HEREBY DULY ELECTED. AND ALSO CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED FOREGOING ARE A TRUE AND CORRECT CANVASS OF SAID ELECTION, AS THE SAME APPEARS FROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS MADE BY THE JUDGES OF ELECTION IN VARIOUS ELECTION DISTRICTS IN ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS FOR THE OLYMPIC GAMES OPINION QUESTION. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEAL THIS 14TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989 W. M. "WILLIE" STOLER, CHAIRPERSON WAYNE HORROCKS, COUNCILMEMBER FLORENCE BITTNER, COUNCILMEMBER TOM GODFREY, COUNCILMEMBER SYDNEY FONNESBECK, COUNCILMEMBER ALAN HARDMAN, COUNCILMEMBER ROSELYN KIRK, COUNCILMEMBER PALMER DEPAULIS, MAYOR ATTEST: KATHRYN MARSHALL, CITY RECORDER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT City Recorder KATHRYN MARSHALL 415 CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING PALMER DEPAULIS CITY RECORDER 451 SOUTH STATE STREET MAYOR SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH 84111 (801) 535-7671 November 9, 1989 To: The Board of anvassers From: Kathryn Ma s4 1, City Recorder Recommendation: That the Mayor and City Council meet November 14, 1989 during the regularly scheduled Council meeting to ap- prove and certify the abstract of votes constituting the canvass of the Municipal election held November 7, 1989 for Council Members in Council districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 and the Olympic Games Opinion Question in all Council Districts. Discussion: Attached are the results of the total votes cast for the Municipal election for Council Members for Council districts 1, 3, 5 and 7, and the Olympic Games Opinion Question in all Council Districts held November 7, 1989 . This canvass must be approved and certified by the Mayor and City Council acting as the Board of Canvassers. COUNCIL DISTRICT #1 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. BITTNER WHITEHEAD WRITE-INS YES NO ( 1 ) 2001N 20 145 8 12 3 17 ( 2 ) 2002 564 1378 203 348 3 322 242 ( 3 ) 2003 & 2049 139 319 54 85 79 59 ( 4 ) 2004 255 406 91 163 1 114 141 ( 5 ) 2006 213 389 69 140 4 121 92 ( 6 ) 2008 & 2010 481 768 209 267 237 244 1,---- ( 7 ) 2014 197 329 97 97 90 '107 ( 8 ) 2016 & 2074 318 978 159 150 1 163 155 ( 9 ) 2030 & 2040 531 837 302 228 1 241 290 ( 10 ) 2042 179 342 68 109 77 102 ( 11 ) 2034 & 2036 561 928 304 255 245 313 ( 12 ) 2038 207 566 115 89 85 122 ( 13 ) 2044 & 2058 366 797 166 198 154 210 ( 14 ) 2072 75 197 35 40 44 31 ( 15 ) 2050 162 466 58 99 91 71 ( 16 ) 2051 95 287 50 42 36 59 ( 17 ) 2052 & 2056 423 884 168 250 155 265 TOTALS 4786 10016 2156 2572 10 2257 2520 COUNCIL DISTRICT #2 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. YES NO ( 18 ) 2001S & 2202 125 485 45 80 ( 19 ) 2212 & 2222 275 786 95 180 ( 20 ) 2204 & 2216 252 757 106 146 ( 21 ) 2206 71 265 35 36 ( 22 ) 2214 & 2226 229 696 81 148 ( 23 ) 2220 126 631 59 67 M ( 24 ) 2224 & 2244 336 796 127 209 ( 25 ) 2246 151 352 43 108 ( 26 ) 2228 & 2256 348 833 142 206 ( 27 ) 2230 66 227 20 46 ( 28 ) 2242 & 2248 214 578 75 137 ( 29 ) 2252 & 2254 311 930 137 174 ( 30 ) 2260 94 318 46 48 ( 31 ) 2264 234 612 96 138 ( 32 ) 2442 112 344 41 69 ( 33 ) 2462 141 257 57 84 ( 34 ) 2464 125 365 58 67 TOTALS 3210 9232 1263 1943 COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVASS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. BARRETT PACE WRITE-INS YES NO ( 35 ) 2018 & 2066 299 829 141 150 2 136 159 ( 36 ) 2068 181 397 82 90 114 67 ( 37 ) 2020 & 2022 369 654 183 175 244 125 ( 38 ) 2142 133 329 47 81 1 88 45 ( 39 ) 2064 253 461 114 123 160 88 ( 40 ) 2102 & 2103 551 894 137 401 4 390 161 ( 41 ) 2104 & 2128 374 615 164 196 2 207 167 ( 42 ) 2122 199 323 57 135 3 127 70 ( 43 ) 2126 284 454 129 150 158 126 ( 44 ) 2132 292 531 137 132 1 167 125 ( 45 ) 2134 & 2146 401 753 195 194 1 189 211 ( 46 ) 2136 262 434 73 184 1 196 66 ( 47 ) 2143 & 2144 345 698 180 151 184 159 ( 48 ) 2156 & 2178 304 696 153 136 174 127 ( 49 ) 2152 & 2154 427 921 186 225 256 169 ( 50 ) 2158 140 303 72 59 71 69 ( 51 ) 2160 172 345 78 88 97 71 ( 52 ) 2164 & 2182 459 878 192 252 1 271 186 ( 53 ) 2184 & 2186 330 578 95 225 197 133 ( 54 ) 2166 & 2314 519 1191 135 366 374 145 ( 55 ) 2320 179 435 64 105 101 78 ( 56 ) 2174 245 653 116 115 161 83 ( 57 ) 2180 117 260 38 72 1 68 49 TOTALS 6835 13632 2768 3805 17 4130 2679 h COUNCIL DISTRICT #4 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. YES NO ( 58 ) 2302 198 647 131 67 ( 59 ) 2306 74 266 38 36 ( 60 ) 2308 134 418 85 48 ( 61 ) 2310 & 2318 255 712 131 124 ( 62 ) 2330 & 2332 170 605 79 91 ( 63 ) 2312 99 320 56 43 r ( 64 ) 2334 88 238 42 46 ( 65 ) 2336 109 333 62 47 ( 66 ) 2340 161 330 64 97 ( 67 ) 2346 & 2362 134 453 58 73 ( 68 ) 2348 & 2350 245 843 114 130 ( 69 ) 2380 96 285 39 56 ( 70 ) 2352 & 2364 257 741 137 119 ( 71 ) 2388 149 370 86 63 ( 72 ) 2354 137 340 70 67 ( 73 ) 2356 & 2366 262 572 126 136 ( 74 ) 2370 & 2402 184 485 75 109 ( 75 ) 2422 92 272 35 57 ( 76 ) 2374 128 467 68 60 ( 77 ) 2376 99 274 54 45 ( 78 ) 2378 117 350 58 59 ( 79 ) 2384 102 263 58 43 ( 80 ) 2390 202 419 99 103 ( 81 ) 2404 154 388 73 81 ( 82 ) 2424 109 287 49 60 TOTALS 3755 10678 1887 1860 M COUNCIL DISTRICT #5 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG CAHOON GODFREY WRITE-INS YES NO ( 83 ) 2368 & 2392 159 597 68 78 119 40 ( 84 ) 2382 & 2502 287 609 101 173 152 133 ( 85 ) 2406 185 420 34 142 1 105 78 ( 86 ) 2426 157 340 41 112 76 81 ( 87 ) 2432 143 327 78 63 43 98 ( 88 ) 2436 & 2438 492 915 264 226 239 253 ( 89 ) 2444 177 484 84 91 85 ' 92 ( 90 ) 2448 & 2450 536 932 281 245 257 279 ( 91 ) 2468 & 2474 422 807 180 236 190 232 ( 92 ) 2466 179 376 82 90 99 79 ( 93 ) 2470 174 335 105 67 64 110 ( 94 ) 2472 162 348 67 84 4 73 88 ( 95 ) 2476 109 227 56 53 54 55 ( 96 ) 2506 243 360 100 140 158 85 ( 97 ) 2508 257 483 92 155 162 89 ( 98 ) 2510 252 435 81 161 147 105 ( 99 ) 2512 & 2514 456 777 179 265 226 230 ( 100 ) 2530 & 2532 401 739 176 215 186 215 ( 101 ) 2516 & 2534 417 739 124 286 3 268 149 ( 102 ) 2536 301 505 92 203 174 127 ( 103 ) 2540 179 369 90 83 76 102 ( 104 ) 2542 & 2544 407 682 154 238 194 213 TOTALS 6095 11806 2529 3406 8 3147 2933 • COUNCIL DISTRICT #6 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG YES NO ( 105 ) 2358 64 332 46 18 ( 106 ) 2360 108 520 86 22 ( 107 ) 2394 74 350 45 29 ( 108 ) 2520 & 2524 492 774 330 162 ( 109 ) 2522 350 590 226 124 ( 110 ) 2538 219 350 133 86 h ( 111 ) 2546 & 2630 439 790 274 165 ( 112 ) 2556 & 2558 433 761 235 193 ( 113 ) 2560 & 2572 412 782 200 212 ( 114 ) 2570 174 317 84 90 ( 115 ) 2602 163 218 97 66 ( 116 ) 2604 310 497 192 118 ( 117 ) 2606 192 315 136 51 ( 118 ) 2608 231 399 133 98 ( 119 ) 2612 257 500 179 77 ( 120 ) 2614 346 621 260 86 ( 121 ) 2620 229 388 159 70 ( 122 ) 2622 141 257 62 79 ( 123 ) 2642 & 2626 320 607 141 179 ( 124 ) 2636 250 421 173 77 ( 125 ) 2628 351 557 291 59 ( 126 ) 2632 & 2634 371 679 192 175 ( 127 ) 2640 & 2642 447 784 247 200 ( 128 ) 2650 & 2652 333 585 157 174 ( 129 ) 2644 & 2654 404 756 225 179 ( 130 ) 2646 272 501 181 91 TOTALS 7382 13651 4484 2880 • r COUNCIL DISTRICT #7 SLC 1989 MUNICIPAL CANVAS NO. OF NO. DISTRICTS VOTERS REG. HALE STOLER WRITE-INS YES NO ( 131 ) 2480 156 335 69 79 3 66 90 ( 132 ) 2482 211 494 127 78 88 123 ( 133 ) 2492 172 1210 71 99 80 92 ( 134 ) 2494 & 2580 497 943 223 263 259 238 ( 135 ) 2582 177 355 106 61 1 76 101 ( 136 ) 2496 & 2586 385 746 215 158 145 240 ( 137 ) 2594 142 264 75 63 58 ' 84 ( 138 ) 2550 155 328 75 75 77 77 ( 139 ) 2552 & 2554 256 541 140 94 4 141 115 ( 140 ) 2562 166 350 80 82 76 87 ( 141 ) 2566 & 2680 502 797 175 323 248 254 ( 142 ) 2568 154 289 75 76 85 69 ( 143 ) 2584 220 356 74 137 126 94 ( 144 ) 2588 205 303 131 74 102 103 ( 145 ) 2590 & 2596 443 746 255 177 2 226 217 ( 146 ) 2598 117 242 74 40 72 44 ( 147 ) 2660 215 317 157 52 98 116 ( 148 ) 2662 198 291 149 43 1 107 91 ( 149 ) 2664 & 2666 386 540 257 120 259 123 ( 150 ) 2668 279 418 216 59 2 183 95 ( 151 ) 2670 & 2672 331 677 222 92 1 199 132 ( 152 ) 2674 304 503 169 124 231 73 ( 153 ) 2678 192 372 133 45 2 124 68 ( 154 ) 2682 177 305 105 66 87 90 ( 155 ) 1684 314 491 184 124 145 168 ( 156 ) 2686 282 404 232 48 1 212 70 ( 157 ) 2692 & 2694 454 747 282 161 255 198 ( 158 ) 2912 201 389 21 23 102 99 ( 159 ) 2722 7 19 1 6 4 I, 3 TOTALS 7298 13772 4093 2842 17 3931 3354 GRAND TOTALS 39361 82787 21099 19620 STATE OF UTAH } ss CITY AND COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) r WE THE UNDERSIGNED, APPOINTED AS THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS FOR THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY, IN THE STATE OF UTAH, ON TUESDAY, THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A. D. 1989, FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNCILMEMBER FOR COUNCIL DISTRICTS 1, 3, 5 AND 7, FOUR YEAR TERMS, AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES OPINION QUESTION IN ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED FOREGOING ARE A TRUE AND CORRECT CANVASS OF SAID ELECTION, AS THE SAME APPEARS FROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS MADE BY THE JUDGES OF ELECTION IN VARIOUS ELECTION DISTRICTS IN COUNCIL DISTRICTS 1, 3, 5, AND 7 IN SAID CITY, AND THE PERSONS RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES FOR SAID OFFICE ARE HEREBY DULY ELECTED. AND ALSO CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED FOREGOING ARE A TRUE AND CORRECT CANVASS OF SAID ELECTION, AS THE SAME APPEARS FROM THE OFFICIAL RETURNS MADE BY THE JUDGES OF ELECTION IN VARIOUS ELECTION DISTRICTS IN ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS FOR THE OLYMPIC GAMES OPINION QUESTION. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND SEAL THIS 14TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989 W. M. "WILLIE" STOLER, CHAIRPERSON WAYNE HORROCKS, COUNCILMEMBER FLORENCE BITTNER, COUNCILMEMBER TOM GODFREY, COUNCILMEMBER SYDNEY FONNESBECK, COUNCILMEMBER ALAN HARDMAN, COUNCILMEMBER ROSELYN KIRK, COUNCILMEMBER PALMER DEPAULIS, MAYOR ATTEST: KATHRYN MARSHALL, CITY RECORDER SALE'\Q YrG,.;WR,NPOL,�_,ONj CRAIG E. PETERSON .... DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 218 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7777 To: Salt Lake City Council September 12, 1989 Re: Proposed Ordinance Regulating Home Businesses Recommendation: That the City Council hold a public hearing on November 14, 1989 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss a proposed ordinance regulating home businesses. Availability of Funds: Not applicable Discussion and Background: The current home business ordinance was drafted in the late 1940's and the language contained therein does not apply to the wide variety of requests we process now. The intent of this ordinance is to protect the residential character of the neighborhoods while still permitting residents to conduct limited business activities in their home. This ordinance will allow a broader range of business activities with performance standards to insure that such activities will not negatively impact the neighborhood. Legislative Action: The City Attorney's Office has prepared and approved the necessary ordinance and is ready for your action. Su fitted by: n .c/e/42.1,1 4:"-211 M CHAEL B. ZUHL .(, Acting Director ,�QIY - / n \-, �(i-lvs Community and Economic Development l � t � � - \ . ° 6-)‘-r , \‘' 43; ' `y� �u) , V ALLEN C. JOHNSON, AICP .�, ' QJ G T,�NEk. ;®I UI,O BRENT B. WILDE PLANNING DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUPERVISOR PERMITS AND PLANNING DIVISION ZONING SERVICES Permits and Zoning Services 451 SOUTH STATE STREET ROOM 215, CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 August 9 , 1989 TELEPHONE 535-7751 Craig Peterson , Director .-JG Community & Economic Development �� Salt Lake City Corporation 451 South State Street , Room 218 �A Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 - _ r Dear Craig , I hereby respectfully submit a revised ordinance regulating home businesses ( 21 .04. 275 ) for City Council review and adoption . The Planning Commission approved the revised ordinance at their July 13 , 1989 meeting . This ordinance revision was initiated by the Planning Staff in response to a request by the City Council to review the City' s home business ordinance . The ordinance was drafted in the late 1940 ' s and the language contained therein is vague when applied to the wide variety of requests we now process daily. The intent of the ordinance is to protect the residential character of the City' s neighborhoods while still permitting residents to conduct limited business activities from their home . As proposed , this ordinance revision will allow a broader range of business activities to be conducted from the home while performance standards contained therein will insure that such activities will not negatively impact the neighborhoods . Due to the nature of the home occupation ordinance , I recommend that we brief the City Council before the hearing . Sincerely, Allen C. John on , A. I . C. P. Planning Dir tor • ;I e �' r ti ji •1 V ROGER F. CUTLER Si r 'y1�' �Qi W ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS CRY ATTORNEY et) Q GTT�Y�Gip .. I tlT +� RAY L. MONTGOMERY STEVEN W.ALLRED GREG R. HAWKINS DEPUTY OTY ATTORNEY LAW DEPARTMENT LARRY V. SPENDLOVE BRUCE R. BAIRD CHERYL D. LUKE CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING FRANK M. NAKAMURA CITY PROSECUTOR 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, SUITE 505 ASSISTANT PROSECUTORS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 CECELIA M. ESPENOZA RICHARD G. HAMP TELEPHONE (801) 535-7788 GLEN A. COOK FAX (801) 535-7640 October 4, 1989 TO: Cindy Gust-Jenson City Council FROM: Bruce R. Baird � I Assistant City Attorney RE: Home Occupation Ordinance Pursuant to consultations with the Planning Department I have redrafted a small part of the Home Occupation Ordinance which is scheduled to be considered by the Council in November. The only change was to provide a section dealing with existing licenses . I would suggest that this modified version be the one circulated to the Council in their final packets before adoption. If you have any questions just let me know. BRB:cc SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 1989 (Home Occupation Ordinance) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 21 . 04. 275, SALT LAKE CITY CODE, CHANGE THE DEFINITION OF "HOME OCCUPATION" ; AMENDING CHAPTER 21 . 20 , SALT LAKE CITY CODE, PROVIDING A NEW ARTICLE III DEALING WITH HOME OCCUPATIONS; AND ADDING NEW SECTION 21 . 20 . 110 ENTITLED EXISTING HOME OCCUPATION LICENSES . WHEREAS, the City' s current restrictions concerning home occupations as specified in Section 21 . 04 . 275 need to be amended to reflect changing work conditions and technology; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held hearings before its own body and before the Planning Commission on such changes and believes the following ordinance to be appropriate; NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 21 . 04 . 275 , Salt Lake City Code, be, and the same hereby is, Amended to read as follows : 21. 04.275 Home occupation. [ ] "Home occupation" means [arty use conducted intircly within a building and arricd on by only ene cZ2Sreter the-r''e'of, and iia eernee-t- ^tt.. __L e _L there is no ,.,7 s e ,,,t,,�, A gara g c, w tL.e e L....� ed or d'e"tache'U sh l l l.. / considered a part of the dwelling. not limitcd to, the following: dert / / 2 . The occupation e-f a dree uke , milliner, • / oinglc pupil at a time; a when the the home. -2- no window di3g--l- cquipmcnt or mcrchandi3c on the property. The-Item which it is located. 1 . Barber shoo and beauty shops; 2 . Commercial stables; 3 . Kennels ; 4 . R al e tate office-s, e - - -indi„idual in his or her own home a-s outlined above; or time; -6 . Band inetrument iftetruetion in groups; and preschools . • • • the commercial or business use -3- conducted within a residential dwelling unit subject to the terms and conditions specified in Section 21 . 20 . 080 . SECTION 2 . That Section 21 . 20 . 010 H. , Salt Lake City Code, be amended to read as follows: 21.20 .010 *** H. Home occupations[;] as specified in Section 21 . 20 . 080 , et seq. SECTION 3 . That Chapter 21 . 20, Salt Lake City Code, be amended by adding a new Article III beginning with Section 21 . 20 . 080 as follows : Article III. Home Occupations 21.20 .080 Home occupations shall be permitted only subject to the following conditions: A. The home occupation must be clearly incidental and secondary to the primary use of the dwelling for residential purposes ; B. No more than one room in the dwelling may be used for the home occupation and this room shall remain in character with the rest of the home; C. The home occupation shall not be conducted in or in any way use the garage, carport or any accessory building or any portion of the yard; D. The home occupation shall not involve any employees other than members of the immediate family related to the person conducting the home occupation and residing in the residence; -4- E. The residence must be the principal residence of the applicant; F. Other than the applicant' s personal transportation there shall be no vehicles or equipment on the property associated with the occupation which would not normally be found at a residence. No sign advertising the occupation shall be on any of the residents ' vehicles; G. No mechanical or electrical apparatus , equipment or tools shall be permitted in the occupation except those which are commonly associated with a residential use or as are customary to home crafts, and which do not exceed 110 volts ; H. Tools , items , equipment or occupations which are offensive or noxious by reason of the emission of odor, smoke, gas , vibration, magnetic interference or noise are prohibited; I . No stock in trade, inventory or other merchandise shall be kept on the premises for storage or sale; J. Other than businesses authorized for home instruction no clients or customers shall come to the home nor shall any vehicular traffic or parking needs be generated. For authorized home instruction no more than one individual may be instructed at one time and no more than one place of vehicular parking by a client or customer shall be occupied at any time; -5- K. The home occu ation shall not require any internal or external alterations to the residence nor provide any visible evidence from the exterior that the building is being used for any other purpose than that of a residence L. Only one non-illuminated name plate, not exceeding one and one half square feet, and mounted flat against the building, shall be allowed; M. Except for authorized personal instruction no advertising by any method shall identify the home address . 21 .20 .090 Permitted home occupations. Subject to the provisions specified in Section 21 . 20 . 080 the following home occupations generally are to be permitted as home occupations : A. Artists , illustrators, writers , photographers , editors , drafters , publishers ; B. Consultants, private investigators, field representatives and other similar activities where the entire work of the business except for record keeping and telephone are conducted off of the premises; C. Bookkeeping and other similar computer activities . 21.20. 100 Home occupations not permitted. The following businesses are generally not qualified as home occupations : Auto repairs , general or subcontractors , beauty or barber shops, kennels or dog grooming, welding, appliance or equipment repair or service, truck hauling, vending, cabinet making, deliveries , locksmiths, stables . -6- SECTION 4 . That Section 21 . 20 . 110, Salt Lake City Code, is hereby enacted as follows : 21 .20 .110 . Existing home occupation licenses. Existing licenses for home occupations which were legal under the prior ordinance regulating home occupations but which are not permitted under this ordinance may be kept and reissued subject to the following conditions : A. The license remains continuously in the name of the license holder for the year 1989 . B. The license is maintained only at the same address as for the year 1989 . C . The license is used only for the same business as for the year 1989 . D. The license holder complies with all conditions imposed by the prior ordinance under which the license was issued. SECTION 5 . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 1989 . CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CITY RECORDER -7- Transmitted to the Mayor on Mayor' s action: Approved Vetoed. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER BRB:cc -8-