11/28/2017 - Work Session - Announcements City Council Announcements
November 28, 2017
Information Needed by Staff 6:53:45 PM
A. Draft RFI for Golf Course Management
Staff sent the Administration's draft RFI for Golf Course Management. This RFI
responds to an FY18 Legislative Intent to "formally seek proposals from private
providers, other governmental entities, community organizations and others..."
Council Members are reminded to provide comments and questions to staff. (Allison
Rowland sent an email with the draft text.)
Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director, asked Council Members to
contact Staff(Allison Rowland) with any feedback in the next day or two.
B. Proposed Legislative Action: Review of maximum allowable height of
walls allowed though the special exception process in the foothill zoning
Council Member Penfold requests the Council consider adopting a legislative action
initiating a review of the City's zoning ordinance pertaining to additional height
allowed for retaining walls in the Foothill Zoning districts, through the City's special
exception process.
The intent is to review and consider including a maximum height for retaining walls
to minimize the impact to adjacent properties and the undevelopable areas of the
Foothill Zoning districts.
If the Council is supportive of this legislative action, staff will prepare the legislative
action and motion sheet to be considered for adoption during the December 5
Council meeting.
> Does the Council support initiation of this petition?Yes!
C. Proposed Legislative Action: Process to initiate an Alley Closure
Council Member Adams requests the Council consider adopting a legislative action
initiating a review of the City's zoning ordinance pertaining to the process to dispose
of City owned alleys, specifically, the requirement to obtain "no less than 8o% of the
neighbors owning property"which abut the alley.
There are situations where it is mathematically impossible for this threshold to be
reached. An example is there could be a situation when only four properties are
adjacent to an alleyway. In that case three of the four owner could support the
petition, but not ever be able to meet the 8o% to move forward with the petition.
The intent is to review and update the ordinance with a revised threshold that could
fairly allow property to initiate a petition in such circumstances.
If the Council is supportive of this legislative action, staff will prepare the legislative
action and motion sheet to be considered for adoption during the December 5
Council meeting.
➢ Does the Council support initiation of this petition?Yes!