11/09/2004 - Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2004 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, November 9, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State. The following Council Members were present: Van Turner Nancy Saxton Jill Remington Love Eric Jergensen Dave Buhler Dale Lambert (speaker phone) The following Councilmember was absent: Carlton Christensen Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson; Gary Mumford, Executive Council Deputy Director; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; and Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder; were present. Councilmember Love presided at and Councilmember Buhler conducted the meeting. #1. The Council led the Pledge of Allegiance. #2. Councilmember Turner moved and Councilmember Jergensen seconded to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake City Council meeting held November 2, 2004, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. View Minutes (M 04-3) #3. The Council received a presentation from the National League of Cities staff regarding "Promoting Youth Participation". John Kyle, Outreach and Strategic Planning Program Director, thanked the Council for supporting the National League of Cities. He said he was in Salt Lake City as part of an effort to promote youth participation in municipal and civic affairs. He said an informational packet would be sent to the Council regarding League activities and programs. PUBLIC HEARINGS #1. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance vacating the east segment of the east-west alley that connects View Street, between the properties at 1974 and 1984 South View Street pursuant to Petition No. 400-03-32. (Highland Dental) View Attachment The following people spoke or submitted written comments in opposition of the alley closure: Arn Gatrell, Bruce Baird, Ning Zhou, Carrie Dickson, Steven Burton, Jeff Knight, Mitchell Rudd, Kris Hanson, and Venita Gatrell. Comments included ingress/egress, snow removal, public right-of-way, granting exclusive use, private driveway, alternative exit, legal counsel, adhere to City policies, urban design elements, public safety issues, public benefit, playground, advancing money for a community park or garden, discretionary issues, emergency access, alley maintenance, street repairs, speed bumps, devalued property, access needed by commercial businesses, traffic impact studies, minimal negative impact, sharing neighborhood concerns, and deterring accidents. The following people spoke or submitted written comments in favor of the alley closure: Michele Hutchins, John Anderson, Rich Bennett, Steven Whitehead, Eric Rankin, Eric Strain, and Carl Timm. Comments included business/residential access, increased traffic, business encroachment, master plan requirements, conditional use, barricades, 04 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2004 traffic study, excessive speed, parking stalls, shortcut, safety concerns, benefit for local residents, alley maintenance, convenience, and pedestrian safety. Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Jergensen seconded to close the public hearing and defer the item to the next Council meeting. Councilmember Love said some issues raised during the public hearing were new to the Council and contradicted previous information. She said she felt the proposal needed further review and clarification. She said some Council Members were absent and felt it was important to have the entire Council present for the vote. Councilmember Buhler said the proposal was in District Six and he supported the motion. He said the Council did not want to unnecessarily delay the issue but felt it was important to insure a proper decision. Councilmember Saxton said she opposed the motion. She said the petition did not meet any requirements outlined in the existing alley closure/vacation ordinance. She said she felt it was important to be consistent with Council policies. She said mid-block access or crossings were needed throughout the City. She said this alley was in good condition and should remain open to the public. Councilmember Saxton said she felt the majority of petitions over the past five years came from homeowners with street front access who benefited financially from closures. She said that type of benefit should not be part of the decision for alley closures. She said if the Council did not have confidence in existing requirements the ordinance/policy needed to be changed. She said the City could work collaboratively with local businesses to install speed control devices. Councilmember Jergensen said he supported the motion and agreed the Council needed to review conflicting information and address fundamental issues relating to the ordinance. He said he was concerned about the effect of inner-block access into neighborhoods. He said mid-block crossings were important in the downtown area because there were 660 feet between intersections. He said mid-block crossings needed to be addressed in neighborhoods because of potential impact on property owners. He said he felt the Council needed to protect the livability of neighborhoods. Councilmember Buhler called for the question, which motion carried, all members present voted aye, except Councilmember Saxton, who voted nay. (P 04-28) #2. RE: Accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Salt Lake City Ordinance 63 of 2004 which approved, ratified and finalized the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004 and ending June 30, 2005. (Budget Amendment No. 3) View Attachment David Price spoke concerning changes to the 900 East 900 South intersection. He said the proposed changes would make the intersection inaccessible to the blind. He said the intersection needed traffic signals to assist the blind. Mayor Anderson said the proposed roundabout had been taken off the table and the City would pursue other options to improve the intersection. Councilmember Love said she wanted to assure Mr. Price improvements to the intersection would not include a roundabout. She said surrounding property owners agreed a roundabout should not be installed. Phil Carroll spoke concerning flooding along the north side of 900 East between 800 04 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2004 and 900 South. He said funding was needed to address drainage issues. Councilmember Saxton moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to close the public hearing, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. Councilmember Love moved and Councilmember Jergensen seconded to adopt Ordinance 85 of 2004, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. (B 04-14) COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL Douglas Cotent said he felt Photo-Cop should be used throughout the City to help regulate speeding vehicles. CONSENT AGENDA #1. RE: Setting the date of December 7, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance closing and abandoning a portion of Hamilton Place extending north from 600 South between State Street and 200 East and a portion of Hawthorne Avenue extending west from 200 East between 500 and 600 South pursuant to Petition Nos. 400-04-14 and 400-04-15. (Garff Family, LLC) . (P 04-30) #2. RE: Setting the date of December 7, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting an ordinance rezoning the rear portion of property located at approximately 1321 South 500 East from Residential (R1/5000) to Neighborhood Commercial (CN) pursuant to Petition No. 400-01-45. (Jayson Critchfield) . (P 04-31) #3. RE: Approving the reappointment of Joe Perrin to the Transportation Advisory Board for a term extending through September 24, 2007. (I 04-16) #4. RE: Approving the appointment of Milton Braselton to the Transportation Advisory Board for a term extending through September 24, 2007. (I 04-16) #5. RE: Approving the reappointment of Nafitalai Unga Kioa to the Police Civilian Review Board for a term extending through September 3, 2008. (I 04-13) #6. RE: Approving the appointment of Chantal Methot to the Community Development Advisory Committee for a term extending through July 4, 2005. (I 04-23) #7. RE: Approving the appointment of Joseph B. Wirthlin to the Utah Air Travel Commission for a term extending through September 1, 2007. (I 04-26) #8. RE: Approving the reappointment of Scott McCoy to the Police Civilian Review Board for a term extending through September 3, 2007. (I 04-13) Councilmember Jergensen moved and Councilmember Saxton seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. 04 - 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2004 The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. sc 04 - 4