10/16/2018 - Work Session - Announcements City Council Announcement Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Information Needed by Council Staff 6:02:06 PM A. Surplus Land Disposition Policy: Prioritizing Affordable Housing During the April 3rd Surplus Land Disposition Policy discussion, the Council asked Administration staff for a status update about, and to share, the inventory of city-owned property. Administration staff said they are working on getting it completed. The Council decided to postpone action on this item until the entire list was forwarded. The proposed Surplus Land Disposition Policy would add affordable housing to the list of priorities disposing of city-owned property. The Council office received the list of city-owned property on September 17. ➢ Does the Council want to schedule a second briefing and consider adopting the Surplus Land Disposition Policy? ➢ A public hearing is not required. It can be put on the agenda for potential action. Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director, said this had previously been postponed and the policy would add affordable housing to the list of priorities to be considered when disposing of City owned property. Jennifer Bruno, Executive Council Deputy Director, said an outside consulting firm reviewed all publicly-owned properties in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County. She said there had been communication with Salt Lake County to verify the lists were consistent, and there would be an Urban Land Institute (ULI) conference in November in Salt Lake City to discuss the list. She said an invite will be forwarded to all Council Members to attend. There were no objections/discussion from Council Members.