10/02/1990 - Minutes PROCE DINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY,OCTOBER 2, 1990 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met as the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, October 2, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 325, City Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Council Members were present: Ronald Whitehead Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey Don Hale Nancy Pace Council Chair Hardman presided at and conducted the meeting. Councilmember Hardman called changes. He said the new process the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. would be in accordance with the SLACC and their early notifica- tion requirements. He said the ordinance applied to residential BOARD INTERVIEW areas where no demolition or landscaping plans had been filed. The Council interviewed Betsy Sutherland prior to consid- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT eration of her appointment to the Salt Lake Arts Council. She said Ms. Gust-Jenson reviewed the her interest was due to her pro- agenda for the Council meeting fession as an art teacher for the and noted a few minor changes Jordan School District and she listed on the addendum. She said had a personal interest in art. she would be preparing a proposal She said the time she devoted to for the Council to consider as a the Council would not be a prob- part of the budget opening. She lem. Councilmember Hale offered distributed an updated events some general information about calendar. She told the Council Ms. Sutherland and said he sup- that the Community Development ported her appointment. Coordinator' s position had closed and interviews were to be sched- DEMOLITION ORDINANCE BRIEFING uled for October 18 and 19 of 1990. Roger Evans, Director of Building and Housing, provided a The meeting adjourned at 5:30 briefing to the Council concern- p.m ing the proposed demolition ordi- nance. He reviewed the changes in the ordinance from the at- tached list. He said those who would appear at the hearing to- night would be demolition con- tractors and they might object to the process being lengthened. He said he did not anticipate any comments concerned with the fee 90-313 PROCE INGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 2, 1990, at 6:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Council Members were present: Ronald Whitehead Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey Don Hale Nancy Pace Mayor Palmer DePaulis, Roger Cutler, City Attorney, Kathryn Marshall, City Recorder, and Misty Jo Zemp, Deputy Recorder, were present. Council Chair Hardman presided at and Councilmember Godfrey conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONIES #1. RE: Set a date to hold a public hearing on Thursday, Octo- #1. Michael Denos, Police Chap- ber 18, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. to lain, gave the invocation. receive public comment and con- sider adopting an ordinance #2. The Council led the amending Salt Lake City Ordinance Pledge of Allegiance. No. 69 of 1990 which approved ratified, and finalized the bud- #3. Councilmember Whitehead get of Salt Lake City, Utah for moved and Councilmember Hardman the fiscal year beginning July 1, seconded to approve the minutes 1990 and ending June 30, 1991. of the Salt Lake City Council for (B 90-3) the regular meeting held Tuesday, September 18, 1990, which motion #2. RE: Adopting Resolution carried, all members voted aye. #100 of 1990 authorizing the (M 90-1) execution of an interlocal coop- eration agreement between Salt PUBLIC COMMENTS Lake City Corporation and the Utah State Retirement Board to #1. RE: Norma Amodt, 950 make available a group insurance Jefferson Street, said she wanted program to City employees. to thank the Mayor and the City (C 90-561) Council for solving the truck problem. She said the barriers NEW COUNCIL BUSINESS had been set up and there was no longer a problem. #1. RE: Consider adopting an ordinance amending Chapters CONSENT AGENDA 16, 44, and 72 of Title 17 of the Salt Lake City Code relating to Councilmember Hale moved and the culinary water system, waste- Councilmember Kirk seconded to water control, and sewer system. approve the consent agenda, which (0 90-41) motion carried, all members voted aye. ACTION: Councilmember Kirk moved and Councilmember Hardman seconded to suspend the rules and 90-314 1110 PROCEeDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CI* UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 adopt Ordinance 83 of 1990, which #7. RE: Consider the ap- motion carried, all members voted pointment of Mark L. Lawrence to aye. the Salt Lake Arts Council. (0 90-41) ACTION: Without objection #2. RE: Consider the reap- Councilmember Godfrey referred pointment of Sharon Alderman to this item to the Committee of the the Salt Lake Arts Council. Whole. (I 90-16) ACTION: Without objection Councilmember Godfrey referred #8. RE: Consider the ap- this item to the Consent Agenda. pointment of Perrin R. Love to the (I 90-16) Salt Lake Arts Council. #3. RE: Consider the ap- ACTION: Without objection pointment of Curley Jones to the Councilmember Godfrey referred Community Development Advisory this item to the Committee of the Committee. Whole. (I 90-16) ACTION: Without objection Councilmember Godfrey referred #9. RE: Consider the ap- this item to the Consent Agenda. pointment of Lynn M. Hilton to the (I 90-2) Urban Forestry Board. #4. RE: Consider the ap- ACTION: Without objection pointment of Jerry Stranger to the Councilmember Godfrey referred Salt Lake Arts Council. this item to the Committee of the Whole. ACTION: Without objection (I 90-15) Councilmember Godfrey referred this item to the Committee of the #10. RE: Consider the reap- Whole. pointment of Stan Roberts to the (I 90-16) Salt Lake Arts Council. #5. RE: Consider the ap- ACTION: Without objection pointment of Rick Ith to the Salt Councilmember Godfrey referred Lake Arts Council. this item to the Consent Agenda. (I 90-16) ACTION: Without objection Councilmember Godfrey referred #11. Consider approving the this item to the Committee of the reappointment of D'Arcy Dixon Whole. Pignanelli to the Salt Lake Arts (I 90-16) Council. #6 RE: Consider the appoint- ACTION: Without objection ment of Ann S. Berman to the Salt Councilmember Godfrey referred Lake Arts Council. this item to the Consent Agenda. (I 90-16) ACTION: Without objection Councilmember Godfrey referred #12. Consider the reappoint- this item to the Committee of the ment of Bernice Cook to the Commu- Whole. nity Development Advisory Commit- (I 90-16) tee. 90-315 PROC INGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CM UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 ACTION: Without objection Attorneys Office. He said to Councilmember Godfrey referred include comments heard tonight and this item to the Consent Agenda. provide the Community Councils (I 90-2) with an administrative draft within ten days, which motion #13 RE: Consider the reap- carried, all members voted aye. pointment of Nancy Saxton to the Community Development Advisory DISCUSSION: Roger Evans, Committee. Director of Building and Housing, said in the last couple of years ACTION: Without objection the issue of demolition and the Councilmember Godfrey referred demolition ordinance had come up this item to the Consent Agenda. between the different Community (I 90-2) Councils based upon the concerns expressed by the different groups #14. RE: Consider the ap- in the City. He said the Building pointment of Betsy Sutherland to and Housing staff had prepared a the Salt Lake Arts Council. revised ordinance on demolition of buildings. He said this ordi- ACTION: Councilmember Hale nance had been before the Housing moved and Councilmember Whitehead and Advisory Appeals Board. Mr. seconded to suspend the rules and Evans said the changes which took approve the appointment of Betsy place in the ordinance dealt with Sutherland to the Salt Lake Arts one notification requirement to Council, which motion carried, all adjoining property owners within a members voted aye. 600 foot radius, and had taken (I 90-16) away the discretionary powers of building officials. He said all PUBLIC HEARINGS waivers of landscaping would go before the Housing and Advisory #1. RE: A hearing at 6:20 Appeals Board. p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting an ordinance Mr. Evans said all comments on amending Chapter 64 of Title 18 administrative charges, filing dealing with demolishing build- charges for notification, and a ings. mandatory waiting period could be received by the different communi- ACTION: Councilmember Kirk ties. He said this would allow moved and Councilmember Whitehead everyone to be notified and ex- seconded to close the public press their comments about the hearing, no vote was taken. process. He said a lot of housing stock would be boarded up and Councilmember Hardman moved preserved until the City addressed and Councilmember Horrocks second- the issue of boarded up structures ed to continue the public hearing throughout the City in their to Tuesday November 20, 1990, and housing policy plans. He said the that interested parties be given intent was to maintain the housing the opportunity to review the and preserve the buildings. He final draft, which motion carried, said the City had tried to reha- all members voted aye. bilitate the structures and were slowing down the whole process of Councilmember Hardman moved demolition and landscaping which and Councilmember Horrocks second- had been occurring in the City. ed to refer the ordinance to the Mr. Evans said it was a good 90-316 PROCIDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CI I UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 change in the ordinance and ad- Mr. Evans said property owners dressed the concerns some of the were allowed to take out a permit Community Councils had expressed and perform their own work. He in the notification process. He said this was governed by State said the other item would be to Statue. slightly change the fee structure on the present charges that were Eldon Marshall, Vice Chair of being charged for demolitions. the Salt Lake Westside Community Council, said he was concerned in Mr. Evans said under the his area there was nothing to present demolition ordinance if a identify that the community was property was to be demolished in deteriorating. He said on 700 Salt Lake City it required two South between 1500 West and 800 things; 1 ) a permit must be sub- West there were nine abandoned mitted for the reuse of the prop- houses and five of those were erty, and 2) the applicant must boarded up. He said it was present a landscaping plan with a difficult to evaluate the impact sprinkling system. He said the it had on a community. He was present ordinance gave the build- concerned it would encourage the ing officials some discretion in same type of situation the City commercial areas and right now the had. He said there were some City was taking input from the areas in the City that would different community chairpersons. benefit from demolishing old and He said those comments were rout- abandoned homes, but his area was ed through the Building and Hous- not one of them and he feared the ing office and the Mayors office. ordinance applied to the whole City when it did not fit. He said the Mayor had been reviewing the comments on a case Mr. Evans said if the Housing by case basis. Mr. Evans said if Committee received a request in a favorable input was received from particular area this would not the Community Council Chairper- prohibit demolition. They would son, the City had the applicant notify the people in the given sign a demolition consent and area and they would be able to waiver form and then the demoli- come before the Housing Advisory tion permit was issued. He said Board to express their concerns. the criticism the City had been He said if the Board felt the faced with during the process was concerns were valid they could the Chairperson did not represent waive the landscaping. the feelings of the Community Council and in order to rectify Ron Love, East Central Commu- this problem the City had a noti- nity Council, 1073 East 600 South, fication requirement. was concerned with the process in which $60 could demolish his Councilmember Hardman asked house. He was also concerned the under Section 64. 100 of the ordi- Planning Commission had not looked nance that referred to the "quali- at the impact the plan might have fication to do work", if this on the city planning process. He would require the hiring of a said he had received a notice contractor or subcontractor to within the last thirty days of tear down a minor accessory build- this hearing and the East Central ing. City Community Council had not met. Mr. Love said the people of this area had not had an opportu- 90-317 PROC DINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CI'i'Y UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 nity to give any input and this members would determine whether to had not been an issue before the waive the post-demolition use Salt Lake Community Council Board. landscaping requirements and He said he felt this kind of schedule a hearing date no sooner process was necessary before the than fifteen days from the date City made it an ordinance. of the petition and no later than thirty days from the date of the Councilmember Godfrey said the petition. " She said the ordinance process was to go through the should be cleared up so the people Community Council before a house understood it was the panel making could be demolished. Mr. Love the final decision and that it said he felt it would encourage would not be overturned by the people to tear down homes and he board. said the fee for tearing down homes was too low. Carol Mall, Co-chair of the Central City Neighborhood Council, Willis Dorman, 634 East 700 said the issue of demolition had South, said some of the language not been brought to their meeting in the ordinance was unclear. She and she wanted to have more dis- referred to page three, item C of cussion before the ordinance was the ordinance and said there was adopted. some confusion about the $100 fee that a person was required to pay Stan Penfold, 1015 East 2nd for inspection of the property. Ave, said the ordinance was not She said on page four, the ordi- intended to discourage demolition nance required a $170 fee for a of a property. He said he had a landscaping waiver. Ms. Dorman few concerns which were clarifica- said there should be a section tion problems. He said the fees which stated if a landscaping required for a landscape waiver waiver had been approved, one on page three, item C, listed a would be able to get a demolition $100 fee which would be refundable permit. She said on page four, if a waiver was not granted, and item C, it stated "in the event of on page four there was a $170 a force majeure" , and she said it processing fee, and on page five, should be changed to catastrophic item B, there was a $50 applica- event because more people would be tion fee. He said there should be able to understand it. a single fee in order to get an application going to make it more She said the next item in clear. He said under the notifi- 18. 64.050 was "written notice to cation requirement on the bottom owners and residents of proper- of page four under "residents ties. " She said written notice dwelling unit" , there was a re- needed to be sent to the property quirement to notify property owners and to those occupants who owners within a 600 foot radius. do not own the property but are residing there. She said there Mr. Penfold said he would like should be some other way to to see a "notification of the notify residents besides a tax recognized Community Councils roll because tax rolls were not Organization where the effected always accurate. property was located" be included in the ordinance on page four and Ms. Dorman said on page six it on page five, item C, where it had stated that a "panel of three a notification process. He said examiners from the roster of it was important the recognized 90-318 PROIRDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CIPY UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 Community Councils were informed Councilmember Godfrey asked if because many were interested in the Council would be interested in demolitions in their neighbor- directing Roger Evans on certain hoods. issues and to make a list of things to be included in the Councilmember Pace said there ordinance. was already a provision for noti- fying neighborhood based organiza- Councilmember Pace said there tions pursuant to Section were a number of items which 2.60.020. needed to be cleared up in the ordinance. Mr. Penfold said his copy of the ordinance did not have this Roger Cutler, City Attorney, item included, asked if all the items were to be included and if he could meet with Roger Evans said there were the Council and discuss some of three or four different versions the items. of the ordinance because the Housing Committee had been working Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive on this ordinance for a year. He Director of the Council, said the said the fee issue had been time frame to reschedule the brought up very intensively. He public hearing was adequate and said the Housing Committee had to she would have a list of the items lower the fee to justify the fee made up. She said she would give schedule. Mr. Evans said there the Council a memo after Mr. had been some revisions made and Cutler had reviewed the ordinance. the Housing Committee would make She said she would then send the new copies of the updated ordi- information out to the Community nance. Councils. Mr. Penfold said the hearing Councilmember Hardman said should be continued at another SLACC should send out the infor- time so people could read over the mation to the various councils to ordinance and clear up some of schedule it in their agendas. their concerns. Councilmember Godfrey said the Councilmember Pace asked if items should be referred to the the Community Councils would be Council staff, the Attorneys notified and if SLACC would have Office, and Building and Housing an opportunity to deal with the so they could make something issue. available to the community coun- cils. He said this would allow Councilmember Hardman said it the Council to hear public com- was necessary to receive public ments. review on the ordinance. He said additional input or minor modifi- Mr. Cutler said some of the cations may need to be given to comments made tonight were benefi- redefine what the City was doing. cial and could be incorporated He said the community councils and into the ordinance without much interested parties would be given controversy. He said he needed a single version of the ordinance ten days to work with the Council to review. staff, receive the minutes, and to get a new draft of the ordinance out to the Community Councils and 90-319 PROC•DINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE COPY UTAH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1990 interested parties. He said this would clear up some of the con- cerns they might have and they would be able to understand the ordinance. (0 90-39) The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. .070mmviltht. COUNCIL HAIR ` .fir 90-320 , Cu I Pnd ar / SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL �L�',` (cun{`1 ' AGENDA j1 Y CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 315 --— CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING . t I 451 SOUTH STATE STREET Uns Tuesday, October 2, 1990 6:00 p.m: A. BRIEFING SESSION: 5:00 - 5:55 p.m. , Room 325 City and County Building, 451 South State 1. Report of the Executive Director. 2. The Council will receive a briefing concerning proposed amendments olition ordinance. 3. iae deg B. OPENING EHEMONIES: • 1. Invocation. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Approval of the minutes. C. COMMENTS: 1. Questions to the Mayor from the City Council . 2. Citizen Comments to the Council. D. CONSENT: \1(\ ()\-- ) r* 1. Ordinance: Budget Amendment #1 i\1 �- v Set date to hold a hearing on October 18, 1990 at 5:00 p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting an ordinance amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 69 of 1990 which approved, ratified and finalized the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 1990 and ending June 30, 1991 . (B 90-3) - Paper(Do Avk;lable &fiber lb. ',x ►Cfili'c` h r' oil Staff recommendation: Set date. 0C-- I(p b1Our , k.1AaCk. Or) t mQm ( LIP-- 2. Resolution: Interlocal Agreement / Group Insurance U q Consider adopting a resolution authorizing the execution of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and the Utah State Retirement Board to make available a group insurance program to City employees. (C 90-561) Staff recommendation: Adopt. 7. Board Appointment Consider the approving the appointment of Mark L. Lawrence to the Salt Lake Arts Council. (I 90-16) Staff recommendation: Refer to Committee of the Whole. 8. Board Appointment Consider the approving the appointment of Perrin R. Love to the Salt Lake Arts Council. (I 90-16) Staff recommendation: Refer to Committee of the Whole. 9. Board Appointment Consider the approving the appointment of Lynn M. Hilton to the Urban Forestry Board. (I 90-15) Staff recommendation: Refer to Committee of the Whole. 10. Board Reappointment Consider the approving the reappointment of Stan Roberts to the Salt Lake Arts Council. (I 90-16) Staff recommendation: Refer to Committee of the Whole. 11. Board Reappointment Consider approving the reappointment of D'Arcy Dixon Pignanelli to the Salt Lake Arts Council. (I 90-16) Staff recommendation: Refer to consent. 12. Board Reappointment Consider approving the reappointment of Bernice Cook to the Community Development Advisory Committee. (I 90-2) Staff recommendation: Refer to consent. DATED: September 28, 1990 BY: CIT C RDER STATE OF UTAH ) COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) ss. On the 28th day of September, 1990 I personally delivered a copy of the foregoing notice to the Mayor and City Council and posted copies of the same in conspicuous view, at the following times and locations within the City and County Building, 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah: 1 . At 5:00 p.m. in the City Recorder's Office, Room 415; and 2. At 5:00 p.m. in the Newsroom, Room 343. ITY RECORDER Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of September, 1990. v i otary pub c es' ing in the State of Utah My Commission Expires : r' _ .1 9 f 5�,., F4AlGt{T I • � E : :�.�. . 451 80.Mire 3t Rrn 415 1 Salt Lnlaa City,Utah 841tY2 1 �APPROV� K. � As':a'lo��Ug I -� tic ,��cc �- � 1A-1E CUTIVE DIRE TOR�— SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL ADDENDUM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 315 CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING 451 SOUTH STATE STREET Tuesday, October 2, 1990 6:00 p.m. A. BRIEFING SESSION: 5:00 - 5:55 p.m. , Room 325 City and County Building, 451 South State 3. The Council will interview Betsy Sutherland prior to consideration of her appointment to the Arts Council. B. OPENING CEREMONIES: C. COMMENTS: D. CONSENT: E. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Board Appointment Consider the approving the reappointment of Sharon Alderman to the Salt Lake Arts Council. (I 90-16) Staff recommendation: Refer to consent. • 14. Board Appointment Consider the approving the appointment of Betsy Sutherland to the Salt Lake Arts Council. (I 90-16) Staff recommendation: Suspend and approve. F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS G. PUBLIC HEARINGS: H. ADJOURNMENT. **FINAL ACTION MAY BE TAKEN AND/OR ORDINANCES ADOPTED CONCERNING ANY ITEM ON THIS AGENDA. DATED: October 1 , 1990 BY: IT CORDER STATE OF UTAH ) COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) ss. On the 1st day of October, 1990 I personally delivered a copy of the foregoing notice to the Mayor and City Council and posted copies of the same in conspicuous view, at the following times and locations within the City and County Building, 451 South State Street , Salt Lake City, Utah: 1 . At 5:00 p.m. in the City Recorder's Office, Room 415; and 2. At 5:00 p.m. in the Newsroom, Room 343. ITY RECORDS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of October, 1990. Al ) -/ /,/ram_ ►'� :« ' �/ Notary P bli ding in the State of Utah • My Commission Expires : r 1 -J �,J:g -�> Plot�r' Pudic I '': ?:# 451 So.Slue St Rm 415 I �+a� ` Salt Lake Cny � -�`�j �y Cammiee�en�p��,'rei2� P P' 'OVAL• August 1, 1r-3 1 l _ r 01 civ ',77) s6\__ (I EXECUTIVE DIRECTO PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met as the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, September 18, 1990, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 325, City Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Council Members were present: Ronald Whitehead Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey Don Hale Nancy Pace Council Chair Hardman presided at and conducted the meeting. Councilmember Hardman called Tuesday.Councilmember Horrocks the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. asked if the November 13th meeting would be appropriate for the Agenda Item D-2: Brighton Ski hearing. Area Master Plan authorizing a memorandum of understanding with Councilmember Hardman the named local and State suggested they switch the October governmental agencies to study llth meeting agenda with the said plan. Ms. Gust-Jensen said October 16th agenda. The this was a resolution to form a petitioner would want the hearing committee to study the plan and set as soon as possible. There would involve no funding or was unanimous agreement to the further actions by the Council. rescheduling. Ms. Gust-Jenson reminded the Council of the field Agenda Item E-1: To set a tour of this proposal on Monday hearing date for Petition No.s September 24, 1990 from 4:00-6:00 400-768 and 400-842 in regards to p. m. Ensign Downs. Councilmember Pace said this would be a controversial Agenda Item Fl- Resolution: hearing and requested the Council Gelco Finance. Dick Fox explained hold the hearing at the same time the Industrial Revenue Bond as the land trade hearing between financing needed a letter of the City Administration and Ensign credit in place to draw down on Downs. She said it would be Industrial Revenue Bonds. This helpful and expedient to do so. foreign firm would make printed The non-advertised land trade circuit boards for computers. hearing would be held the same night, and be conducted by the Agenda Item G-1: Ordinance: Mayor. East Downtown Master Plan Councilmember Hardman said most of Councilmember Godfrey said he the people which would attend would not be here October 16, 1990 tonight' s hearing, were in favor for the discussed hearing date. of the plan. He said October 23, 1990 would be more preferable if it could be Agenda Item G-2: Ordinance worked out with the Community Amendment: Theater Arena Parking. Councils. Councilmember Hardman Bill Wright, Deputy Director of asked if the meeting could be held the Planning Division, said this on some day other than amendment was proposed to address 90-306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 the needs of the Utah Jazz Arena, and to acknowledge the situation existing with the Salt Palace and Symphony Hall. Emilie Charles said Neighborhood Housing Services was interested in meeting with the Council to discuss housing issues. Councilmember Hardman suggested the arrangement be made through the Council staff. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m 90-307 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 18, 1990, at 6:00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State Street. The following Council Members were present: Ronald Whitehead Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey Don Hale Nancy Pace Acting Mayor Mike Zuhl, Roger Cutler, City Attorney, Kathryn Marshall, City Recorder, and Misty Jo Zemp, Deputy Recorder, were present. Council Chair Hardman presided at and conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONIES prostitutes because it was just as illegal to pick up a prostitute as #1. Ms. Lavon Young, a re- it was to be one, and 2) to pass gional Eck Spiritual Aid from and enforce an ordinance which Eckankar, gave the invocation. prohibited motel owners to allow prostitutes to rent rooms, or at #2. The Council led the Pledge least limit the number of times an of Allegiance. individual can rent a room in one day. #3. Councilmember Kirk moved and Councilmember Whitehead sec- Councilmember Horrocks asked onded to approve the minutes of Mr. Robins if he had been attend- the Salt Lake City Council for the ing the Peoples Freeway Community regular meeting held Tuesday, Council meetings or the South September 11, 1990, which motion Central council meetings. He said carried, all members voted aye. these committees were involved in (M 90-1 ) working on this problem. He said these committees had appeared PUBLIC COMMENTS twice before the Salt Lake County Commissioner asking for more #1. RE: Bill Robins, who available jail space for the resides on Roberta Street and 1700 prostitutes in the City. He said South, which is located two blocks the jails were a county function off of State Street, said the and the City had been working with prostitutes were working one block the County Commission for the past away from his home. He said he two years trying to solve the was concerned that prostitution problems of the jails. He said had reduced property values. He new jails were being built and said it was unfair to the children these problems would be taken care in the area to be exposed to pros- of. He said the Mayor and the titution . He asked Acting Mayor City Council were doing all they Mike Zuhl, if he would consider could to change prostitution in looking into the issue. Mr. Salt Lake City. Robins said he had two suggestions: 1 ) to arrest the Councilmember Godfrey said he customers who pick up the liked the ideas Mr. Robins had 90-308 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 suggested. He said making arrests NEW COUNCIL BUSINESS and creating an ordinance on the motels, was something administra- #1. RE: Set a date to hold a tion should look at and consider. public hearing on October 16, 1990, at 6:30 p.m. to receive Roger Cutler, City Attorney, public comment and consider rezon- said the City had an active decoy ing the property located at ap- program which involved arresting proximately 1100 East Capitol people trying to pick up the Boulevard, approximately 10 Dorch- prostitutes. The Sex Oriented ester, and west of Ensign Peak at Business ordinance deals with the approximately 1000 North Street hot sheets motels in the area. He from "R-1" to an "R-1A" classifi- said the City had warned the cation. County if they did not make more jail space available, problems would begin on State Street. Mr. ACTION: Councilmember Godfrey Cutler said more jail space had moved and Councilmember Hale been made available and he would seconded to change the date of check to see if there was time of the hearing to October something that could be done 11, 1990 at 6:00 p.m. , which about an ordinance. motion carried, all members voted aye. CONSENT AGENDA (P 90-317) Councilmember Godfrey moved UNFINISHED COUNCIL BUSINESS and Councilmember Pace seconded to approve the consent agenda #1. RE: Adopting a Resolu- which motion carried, all members tion authorizing the execution of voted aye the first supplement to a lease- purchase agreement by and between #1. RE: Adopting Ordinance Gelco Finance Corporation, as 82 1990 amending Sections 5.26. 100 lessor, and Salt Lake City as and 12 . 56 .330 of the Salt Lake lessee, dated as of December 15, City Code, relating to freight 1989, and a first supplement to a license stickers attached to sublease-purchase agreement by and vehicle loading zones and freight between Salt Lake City as subless- curb respectively. or and Compeq International Co. , (0 90-40) Ltd. , as sublessee, dated as of December 15, 1989. #2. RE: Adopting Resolution 99 of 1990 authorizing the approv- ACTION: Councilmember Godfrey al of a memorandum of understand- moved and Councilmember Pace ing between Salt Lake City Corpo- seconded to adopt Resolution 98 ration and Wasatch, Cache and of 1990, which motion carried, all Uinta National Forests, Salt Lake members voted aye, except County, Wasatch County, Utah Councilmember Hardman who ab- State Parks and Recreation, the stained from the vote. City of Midway, and Utah Division (Q 89-3) of Wildlife Resources concerning the review and assessment of the PUBLIC HEARINGS proposed Brighton Ski Area Master Plan. #1. RE: A hearing at 6:20 (C 90-521 ) p.m. to receive public comment and consider adopting an ordinance 90-309 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 adopting the East Downtown Master He said the second objective Plan. was to improve and preserve the character of the area. He said ACTION: Councilmember Godfrey there was a problem with security moved and Councilmember Whitehead and crime in the East Downtown seconded to close the public Area. He said the Planning Com- hearing, which motion carried, all mission wanted to create a pedes- members voted aye. trian environment and create activity on the streets so people Councilmember Whitehead moved would be able to live, work, and Councilmember Horrocks seconded to receive all the amenities they adopt Ordinance 81 of 1990, which needed. motion carried, all members voted aye. He said the third objective was the strong economic force in DISCUSSION: Bruce Parker, the neighborhood was a result of Planning and Zoning, said there transportation, traffic patterns, had been a series of meetings held and the area' s proximity to the last year to inform the residents amenities of the downtown area of the area of the East Downtown along with the character and the Master Plan. He said this was an amount of commercial area which had close ties with redevelopment in the downtown areas such as the downtown area, area. the East Central neighborhood, the Lower Avenues, and the South He said the Planning Commis- Central part of the City. He said sion had asked for the development the East Downtown Master Plan had of a mixed use zone where the to be viewed as an overall part of primary use would be residential. Salt Lake City. He said the main He said other uses would be principles of the plan were to allowed which were compatible and create a vibrant mix use urban harmonious with the residential neighborhood for Salt Lake City. use. Mr. Parker said the second He said this area had great poten- mix use zone would be for tial for an increase in population businesses in scale with the and would provide a strong popula- neighborhood which would provide tion base for the Central City amenities and services desired by area. Mr. Parker said there were residents of the community. He a few objectives to the East Down- said the final zone would be an town Master Plan. He said the office mix use zone to be first objective was to place designated along the 5th and 6th emphasis on housing and popula- south corridors where a tion because this area had con- significant amount of office tinued to decline in population development existed. over the last twenty years. He said there had been a decline in He said the Planning Commis- residential housing because of sion wanted the "R-7" zone in the demolitions and new commercial area to be eliminated, because development in the area. Mr. they felt it was the reason popu- Parker said it was felt population lation had moved out of the down- would continue to decline in this town area. He said it had been area unless the Master Plan was proposed to create the new mix use put into effect. zone and have the "R-7" zone be incorporated into it. 90-310 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 Lois Brown, Central City should get the Redevelopment Service Plan, supported the East Agency involved by letting people Downtown Master Plan. She said it acquire enough ground to build on. was important that the public con- tinue to be involved with future Kim Anderson, North Redwood plans of the City. She thanked Road, supported the East Downtown the Planning Division for includ- Master Plan, but was concerned ing the public and their ideas in with the area around Trolley the East Downtown Master Plan. Square. He said he felt the building height requirement of 75 Susan Hardy, Director of the feet would destroy the look of Salt Lake Community Development Trolley Square, and he would like Corporation, supported the devel- to see the requirement of the opment of the East Downtown buildings around Trolley Square Master Plan and wanted to see it limited to the height of existing adopted. She said she felt the buildings. plan would increase the population of the downtown area and improve Mr. Parker said the Trolley the character of it. Square block was under the review of the Historical Landmark Commit- Willis Dorman, Central City, tee for proposed development. He supported the East Downtown Master said the existing zoning on Plan. She said the mix use zone Trolley Square would allowed a would make it more enjoyable for height limitation of 198 feet. He people who lived in the City and said the proposal was a signifi- would make more people want to cant lowering of the height poten- live in the downtown area. She tial and the proposed height said she wanted to see the Zoning limitation of 75 feet was an Committee look at the mix use plan appropriate height. He said first. She said the idea of anything built in Trolley Square creating a pedestrian linkage in would be in architectural design the City was a wonderful idea. with Trolley Square. He said the 4th and 5th south area had been Stan Penfold, 715 East 2nd developed for a retail center and Avenue, said he was in favor of this would meet the commercial and the plan and felt it would in- retail needs of the neighborhood. crease the residential population He said the component of the block along with the multi use residen- would be for residential develop- tial/commercial area. He said he ment. felt this would help the City expand in after five o'clock use. Mary Allen, Outreach worker for Salt Lake City and Housing, Ken Wholeman, owner and devel- supported the mix use zone area oper of Broadway Towers, said he and felt it would be helpful. wanted the City to look at some situations. He said he felt the Councilmember Hale said he rent was not high enough to sup- felt residents with commercial port the development which existed property might not be able to do in the area. He said the City what they wanted with their prop- might want to address a tax incen- erty. He was concerned it would tive which would enhance the inhibit commercial development. ability of a developer to go forward with the development of Councilmember Whitehead said the City. He said he felt the City he felt there needed to be a 90-311 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY UTAH TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 supermarket in the area and he ability study which outlined the felt major development was needed chance of successful shared in order to have one. parking, arrangements for leases parking, and statements of Councilmember Hardman thanked compatibility with the existing the Planning Division, the staff Master Plan. and the developers who were in- volved in the creation of the East Mr. Wright said the Planning Downtown Master Plan. He said Commission would receive a recom- people could now look for some mendation from the Transportation guidance in the Master Plan when Department and the Planning Staff. planning their businesses. He said the Planning Commission (T 90-25) would hold an informal hearing so owners of the facility would be #2 RE: A public hearing at able to express their concerns. 6:30 to receive public comment and He said the ordinance would allow consider adopting an ordinance any facility to have one parking amending Section 21.84.030(H) space for every four seats. He concerning parking for theaters said a clause in the ordinance and arenas pursuant to Petition made it effective immediately upon No. 400-833-90. posting. The ordinance wil be posted September 19, 1990, in the ACTION: Councilmember Godfrey Recorders office. moved and Councilmember Whitehead seconded to close the public Councilmember Pace asked if an hearing, which motion carried, all appeal of the ordinance would go members voted aye. to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council. Councilmember Godfrey moved and Councilmember Kirk seconded to Mr. Wright said the appeal adopt Ordinance 80 of 1990, which would be sent to the Planning motion carried, all members voted Commission for determination of aye. the parking reduction and then the decision could be appealed DISCUSSION: Bill Wright, directly to the City Council. Planning and Zoning, said the (P 90-315) ordinance required one parking space for every fourth seat. He The meeting adjourned at 7: 10 said a 20, 500 seat arena would p.m. require 5, 125 parking spaces to be developed and facilitated to use in the Downtown Master Plan. He said policies encouraged efficient COUNCIL CHAIR use of land and capital resources and supported shared parking when it could be applied. He said the ordinance amendment required an CITY RECORDER application with a $100 filing fee, a sight plan, and a statement from the petitioner stating if the facility needed fewer parking spaces or shared parking. He said the statement needed to include a professionally prepared fees 90-312 'r LINDA HAMILTONOF IE SAW ! P� Y1�C� T�y�e�,�1�.�9J ?�IIfU � PALMERMAYOR PAULIS ll cs • AR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 228 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE (801) 535-6426 September 6 , 1990 TO: Salt Lake City Council RE: BUDGET AMENDMENT #1 - PUBLIC HEARING Recommendation: That on October 2, 1990 the City Council set a date to hold a public hearing on October 16 , 1990 to discuss Budget Amendment #1 . Availability of Funds : Not applicable . Discussion and Background: The amendment packets will be transmitted to the Council office on October 9 , 1990 . Additionally, a briefing session will be held with the Council on October 11 , 1990 to discuss the amendment . Legislative Action: The City Attorney's office has prepared the necessary ordinance and it is included with this transmittal . Submitted by: Linda Hamilton Director of Finance LH/SF:hd cc: Lee King, Deputy Director of CED Enclosure SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. OF 1990 (Amending the Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 69 OF 1990 WHICH APPROVED, RATIFIED AND FINALIZED THE BUDGET OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1990 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1991 . PREAMBLE On August 9 , 1990, the Salt Lake City Council approved, ratified and finalized the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, which was adopted on June 12, 1990, for the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 1990 and ending June 30, 1991, in accordance with the requirements of Section 118, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated, and said budget was approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah. The Director of Finance, acting as the City' s Budget Officer, prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget, copies of which are attached hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. The City Council fixed a time and place for a public hearing to be held on October 16 , 1990 to consider the attached proposed amendments to the budget and ordered notice thereof be published as required by law. Notice of said public hearing to consider the amendments to said budget was duly published and a public hearing to consider the attached amendments to said budget was held on October 16, 1990 in accordance with said notice at which hearing all interested parties for and against the budget amendment proposals were heard and all comments were duly considered by the City Council . All conditions precedent to amend said budget have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah as approved, ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No . 69 of 1990 . SECTION 2 . Adoption of Amendments . The budget amendments attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1990 and ending June 30, 1991, in accordance with requirements of Section 128, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 3 . Certification to Utah State Auditor. The Director of the City' s Finance Department, acting as the City' s Budget Officer, is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments with the Utah State Auditor. -2- SECTION 4 . Filing of Copies of the Budget Amendments . The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder, which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 5 . Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 1990 . SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL By CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Approved by the Mayor this day of , 1990 . MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER FMN:c c APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attomey's Office Date '. ° - By -3- (SEAL) Bill No. of 1990 Published -4- RESOLUTION NO. OF 1990 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION AND THE UTAH STATE RETIREMENT BOARD PUBLIC EMPLOYEES GROUP HEALTH PLAN WHEREAS, Title 11 Chapter 13, U.C.A. , 1953 as amended allows public entities to enter into cooperative agreements to provide joint undertakings and services; and WHEREAS, the attached agreement has been prepared to accomplish said purposes; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: 1 . That it does hereby approve the attached agreement generally described as follows: An Agreement between Salt Lake City Corporation and the Utah State Retirement Board to make available a group insurance program to City employees . 2 . Palmer A. DePaulis, Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Salt Lake City Corporation and to act in accordance with its terms . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City this day of , 1990 . SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: AS TO F2-�i Satt Lake C:ty Attorney Date 9- CITY RECORDER Sy FMN:cc KAREN SUZUKI-HASHIMOTO � '�IttF�j-�� `/��j�. j PALMER DEPAULIS DIRECTOR MAYOR FRANK FRASER DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEPUTY DIRECTOR AND PATRICIA CAMPBELL. C.C.P. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMPENSATION 8 BENEFITS MANAGER 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 404 BRENDA R. HANCOCK SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TRAINING.EMPLOYMENT 8 COMPLIANCE MANAGER TELEPHONE (801) 535-7900 September 10, 1990 To: Mayor Palmer DePaulis Re: PEHP HEALTH CONTRACTS FY 90-91 Dear Mayor : Attached are three contracts for fiscal year 1990-91 from Public Employees Health Plan. This contract will cover all full-time salaried employees and retirees. The funds to cover the insurance premium costs are collected from both Salt Lake City Corporation and its employees . They have been budgeted in funds 87-00870-2549 and 87-00870-2549-17 . I would appreciate your approval on these contracts . Sincerely, e` er( . : , odi Langford / ' Employee Benefits Supervisor JL/cg Attachments ( 3 ) cc : File AGREEMENT BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION AND THE UTAH STATE RETIREMENT BOARD PUBLIC EMPLOYEES GROUP HEALTH PLAN 1 . JULY 1990 - 30. JUNE 1991 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between SALT LAKE CITY. a body corporate and politic of the State of Utah. hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" and the UTAH STATE RETIREMENT OFFICE, by and through its group insurance division. hereinafter referred to as the "PUBLIC EMPLOYEES HEALTH PROGRAM" or "PEHP" . WITNESSET H: WHEREAS. PEHP is obligated, pursuant to Title 49, Chapter 8. Utah Code Annotated 1953. as amended. to establish a group insurance program and to make that programs available to all employers of the state. its educational institutions. and political subdivisions: WHEREAS. such a group insurance program has been created and made available: WHEREAS. SALT LAKE CITY. as a political subdivision of the State of Utah. is eligible to participate in such program: WHEREAS. SALT LAKE CITY is desirous of participating in the group insurance program made available by PEHP: and WHEREAS. PEHP is desirous of making the benefits of the Traditional and Preferred health plans . pharmacy plan. LTD program. and Healthy Utah program available to the CITY. NOW. THEREFORE. for and in consideration of the Agreements and provisions hereinafter contained. it is hereby agreed as follows: SECTION 1. SCOPE OF AGREEMENT 1 . 1. PEHP will make available to the CITY'S eligible employees and retirees. and their dependents. all insurance programs provided by PEHP. It is acknowledged by CITY that PEHP currently provides the following programs administered by PEHP: PEHP Traditional Care. PEHP Preferred Care. Healthy Utah. Long Term Disability. and Pharmacy programs. 1.2.The following documents. attached hereto and marked as Exhibits. are hereby made a part of this Agreement as fully as though detailed herein: 1.2. 1. Exhibit 1 - Combined PEHP Traditional and Preferred Care Booklet (1989-90) 1990-91 available this fall : 1.2.2. Exhibit 2 - 1990-91 Premium Schedule: 1.2.3. Exhibit 3 - Healthy Utah Brochure : 1 . 2.4. Exhibit 4 - PASS Brochure: 1.2.5. Exhibit 5 - 1990 Changes and Reminder Card: 1.2.6. Exhibit 6 - Medicare Supplement Brochure: 1 .2.7. Exhibit 7 - Insurance Coverage Period Schedule. 1.3. PEHP will make available the health and prescription drug benefits for eligible employees . retirees under age 65 and their family dependents as described in the above listed materials. All the terms. definitions. and conditions of the health and prescription drug plans are hereby incorporated. PEHP does not allow coverage for grandchildren under the terms of its policy. SECTION 2. INTERPRETATION 2. 1. The Agreement documents are complementary and what is called for by any one of them shall be as binding if called for by all . In the event of any inconsistency between any of the provisions of the Agreement documents. the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence first to 2 this Agreement and then to the other documents. In addition. in the event of any inconsistency or misinterpretation of this Agreement. the resolution shall be subject to. and determined according to. PEHP interpretation. SECTION 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT 3. 1 . Unless sooner terminated as herein provided, this Agreement shall be effective for and pertain to claims incurred during the period 1. July 1990 through 30 June. 1991 . and shall be renewed on a yearly basis (unless CITY notifies PEHP. in writing. by certified mail. of its intent to terminate the contract ninety (90) days prior to the end of the state fiscal year) . SECTION 4. SELF FUNDED PROGRAMS 4. 1 . It is understood and agreed that Exhibit No. 2 outlines the premiums to be charged the CITY for the programs from 1 . July 1990 through 30. June 1991. It is further understood and agreed that PEHP will provide notice to the CITY of premium increases no later than 31 March of each year. with the premium increases to be effective on 1 July. 4. 2. Notice of premium increases relating to medicare supplement programs offered by PEHP will be provided no later than 30 November. unless Medicare benefits change data has not yet been made available to PEHP by the Medicare authorities , all changes will become effective on 1 January. SECTION 5. PREMIUM PAYMENTS 5. 1. The CITY agrees to collect premiums from its employees and remit the same to PEHP together with a copy of a remittance report. Such premiums and report will be submitted to the plan bi-weekly following the appropriate payroll dates. Late premium payments will be subject to finance charges and interest fees of (11 percent of total premium after thirty (30) days. 0 5.2. It is understood and agreed that the CITY'S sole obligation hereunder is to collect and remit the premiums. Such premiums may come in whole or in part from the employee. retiree. or from the CITY. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall obligate CITY to contribute any specific percentage of the premium nor to provide any specified credits for sick leave conversion. etc. to any employee. SECTION 6. PLAN SERVICES AND REPORTING 6. 1 . PEHP shall establish and maintain its' usual hospital and physician relation activities . subscriber service activities. investigative and claim review procedures and legal review and defense services and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent the allowance and payment of improper claims. PEHP shall be responsible for collecting any improperly paid claims and shall have no right of action against the CITY for any monies lost as a result of such improperly paid claims. 6.2 . PEHP shall provide CITY with all administrative services provided by PEHP to its other policy holders. 6.3. Reporting to the CITY of the total amount paid to providers for claims shall be made on a quarterly basis. PEHP will also provide such further data and actuarial reports on a quarterly basis for the purpose of reviewing and evaluating the CITY'S experience under the programs made available by PEHP. To the extent that any specific requested reports may be unique and costly to produce. the CITY agrees to pay PEHP the reasonable cost of assembling and preparing such additional data and reports . so long as the cost of such report has been made available to the CITY in advance and the CITY has agreed to pay such costs in writing. 6.4. The CITY agrees to reimburse PEHP for any costs incurred for distribution of updated benefits information and materials to employees of Salt Lake City Corporation. 6.5. Additional duties of PEHP shall be as follows: 6 .5. 1 . Payment of claims with all complete data necessary to process them accurately according to State Insurance guidelines within thirty (30) days upon receipt of all information necessary to make payment. including essential coordination of benefits data from the primary insurance carrier: 6 .5.2. Prepare and deliver claim forms. or cause them to be prepared and delivered. to the CITY for issuance to eligible employees . retirees. and their eligible dependents: 6.5.3. Notify claimants of a rejected claim and the reason for the rejection within one (1 ) week of said actions: 6 .5,4. Notify claimants of claims paid within one (1 ) week of following payment: 6.5.5. Advise and aid claimants in meeting requirements for additional information and proper completion of claim forms: 6.5.6. Provide customer service staff and telephone numbers to provide accurate information and response to inquiries of CITY employees. retirees . and/or eligible dependents regarding program coverage and benefits as well as specific data concerning claims such as: status of claim. date paid. amount. provider. etc. 5 6.5. 7. Perform internal audits on a quarterly basis on claim payments. i.e. . utilization review. to insure that services were performed that were medically necessary: 6.5.8. Discuss claims. where applicable. with physicians and other providers of services: 6.5.9. Obtain and furnish information. as necessary. regarding nonduplication or coordination of benefits: 6.5. 10. Prepare annual claim summaries in such formats as may be agreed upon by the CITY and PEHP: 6.5. 11. Review claims experience. underwriting advice, and actuarial guidance with the CITY at the time of any requested premium increase: 6.5. 12. Investigate claims as necessary. 6.5. 13. It is the responsibility of the CITY to obtain and maintain updated accurate records specifying enrollment data. member files. eligibility information. effective dates. and employee status information. The CITY agrees to the extent requested by PEHP to provide PEHP with current and updated copies of all completed enrollment forms and other documentation as deemed necessary by PEHP. 6.5. 14 . The CITY hereby agrees that it is the sole responsibility of PEHP to contract with providers and facilities. negotiate program and provider policies. establish procedures. and determine plan provisions. in reference to physicians. hospitals. facilities. corporations or other entities. 6 SECTION 7. APPLICATION CARDS. IDENTIFICATION CARDS. AND BENEFIT BROCHURES 7. 1. PEHP shall furnish to the CITY appropriate enrollment forms for distribution to new eligible employees and will distribute identification cards and benefit brochures to such employees upon receipt and processing of such enrollment forms. There will be a fee charged to members requesting additional identification cards after two cards are issued. Appropriate documents will also be provided for retirees. 7.2. CITY agrees to verify employment status and date of employment information contained in any new applications filed by employees and to inform PEHP of any change in employee or dependent status or of the termination of coverage of any employee or family members. on a bi-weekly basis. SECTION 8. TERMINATION 8. 1. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon ninety (90 ) days written notice, by certified mail . for failure of the other party to comply with the terms of this Agreement. 8.2. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement. PEHP shall continue to process and pay claims for services incurred by CITY employees . retirees. and appropriate family members prior to the date of termination or expiration of this Agreement. 8.3. A11 members of Public Employees Health Program shall participate in a self-funded Reinsurance Plan. This Reinsurance Plan shall cover large medical claims that exceed limits established by the Board based on actuarial recommendations in the amount of S10.000. J. 4. The Board has established that groups larger than 1 .000 employees shall he rated on their own claim costs with the Reinsurance Plan experience provided for. 8.5. Any political subdivision making an early withdrawal from the PEEP Trust Fund shall be responsible for its own incurred but unreported claims liability to the extent of a deficit. once premiums and administrative costs (of a minimum of 4 percent of premium) are accounted for. Early withdrawal is defined as terminating coverage from the Public Employees Health Program Trust Fund prior to 30. June 1991. 3. 6. The Group Insurance Fund may continue to be made available to political subdivisions. but no solicitation shall be made by administrators of the Trust Fund or agents of the Retirement Board. 8. 7. It is hereby agreed that the CITY has the right to terminate this Agreement if funds are not appropriated for the fiscal policy year. It is further agreed that if termination occurs as a result of non-funding of program benefits. the CITY is liable for claims incurred but not reported and other costs as outlined in Section 8 of this contract. SECTION 9. CONTINGENT LIABILITY FOR EARLY WITHDRAWAL 9. 1 . Any political subdivision making any early withdrawal from the PEEP Trust Fund shall be responsible for its own incurred but unreported claims liability to the extent of a deficit. once premiums and administrative costs are accounted for. When a surplus exists. the political subdivision shall be refunded the balance. 9.2. Early withdrawal is defined as terminating coverage from the Public Employees Health Program Trust Fund prior to 30. June 1991 . O 9.3. It is understood and agreed that Salt Lake City will be liable if it elects to remain in the program beyond 1 . July 1989. and thereafter withdraws prior to 1 July. 1991 . its maximum liability shall not exceed the lesser of the amount calculated under Section 9. (Contingent Liability for Early Withdrawal ) or 10 percent of the most recent 12 months premium. SECTION 10. AVAILABILITY OF DATA 10. 1 . The CITY shall be entitled. upon written request. to possession of data. or a copy of the same, provided the CITY reimburses PEHP for the actual cost of reproducing said data. Said data must be delivered to the CITY in a format that is usable by and meaningful to the CITY without the use of PEHP'S proprietary data. The data made available includes all data collected, maintained, used, or stored by PEHP with the exception of proprietary data owned by PEHP. SECTION 11 . RECORD RETENTION AND REVIEW 11 . 1 . PEHP shall maintain. or cause to be maintained. records covering claims submitted to PEHP hereunder as well as payments disbursed by it. The records shall be maintained for the same period of time that PEHP retains like records in connection with its claims administration provided to other entities. Agents and representatives of the CITY shall at all reasonable times have the right to inspect and audit the books and records of PEHP. insofar as they relate to premium payments made hereunder. PEHP may, at its option. provide appropriate data to the CITY for audit and review in lieu of the CITY inspecting actual plan records where disclosure of the original records would jeopardize other confidential or proprietary information of PEHP. 9 SECTION 12. ENROLLMENT 12. 1. It is understood and agreed that all employees with previous coverage enrolling in any of the programs offered by PEHP who have already met the nine month pre-existing condition time period shall , during open enrollment periods . receive a waiver of all pre-existing conditions and waiting periods. 12.2. Any new employees enrolling in PEHP shall be subject to the pre- existing condition regulations applicable to the program selected by them. Any new dependents added to employee coverage who have not had prior coverage will be subject to the nine-month pre-existing condition provisions as outlined in Exhibit 1 . upon completion and approval of the PEHP health statement. SECTION 13. RETIREE BENEFITS 13.1 . PEHP will continue to make available to the CITY' S existing eligible retirees. and their eligible dependents, the same programs as are made available to state retirees . Thereafter. those retirees will be entitled to retiree coverage at 120 percent of the group premium until age 65 or at premiums as may be specified by PEHP. 13.2. Effective 1 . July 1990. all Salt Lake City Retirees . retiring after 1 . July 1990 will be entitled to enroll in the PEHP Retiree health plans currently being offered at a premium amount of 120% of the group rate. Rules and regulations adopted by PEHP shall be applied equally to all retirees . PEHP shall make available to all retirees copies of any rules , regulations . and restrictions limiting their coverage or their options to insurance. 13.3. Retirees and eligible dependents. as specified in Exhibit 1 . upon i0 reaching age 65. and no longer working will be eligible to convert to the Public Employees Medicare Supplement Plan. 13.4. Retirees and dependents who become ineligible under the retiree group plan pursuant to the COBRA Act may continue their coverage at 122% of the group rate. SECTION 14. COBRA COVERAGE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE 14. 1. Salt Lake City employees and eligible dependents who become ineligible for coverage under the group health plan made available by PEHP will be permitted to continue coverage for such periods of time and at such premiums as set forth by PEHP in compliance with the requirements of Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA) as it may be amended from time to time. CITY. upon learning CITY employees or eligible dependents have become eligible for COBRA. will so notify those employees and dependents of their options under COBRA. 14.2 . After 18 or 36 months. employees may take a conversion policy for Traditional Health Plan at 135 percent of the group premium. 14.3. Employees and dependents who become ineligible for coverage under the group health plan may continue their coverage by contacting Public Employees Health Program within 60 days of termination of coverage. 14 .4. Employees and their eligible dependents may continue coverage at a cost of 102 percent of the group rate for up to 18 months when termination is due to a reduction in hours worked. or upon termination of employment. 14.5. Dependents are eligible to continue their insurance for up to 36 months at the specified premium rates. upon the occurrence of the following events: 11 14.5.1 . The spouse and children upon death of the covered employee. 14.5.2. The spouse and children upon divorce or legal separation from the employee. 14 .5.3. The spouse and children of Medicare eligible employees. when the employee ceases to participate in the employer sponsored plan. 14.5.4. Dependent children when they cease to be a dependent child under the definition of the policy. SECTION 15. LONG-TERM DISABILITY 15. 1 . Salt Lake City employees who are on long term disability and who are members of either the Traditional Care or the Preferred Care Programs offered by PEHP will have their health insurance premiums waived beginning two months (2 ) after the employee's last day worked for up to a twenty-two (22) month period. SECTION 16. ELIGIBILITY 16. 1 . PEHP will provide insurance coverage to those employees and their eligible dependents that are identified by the CITY as being eligible for coverage and as having paid a premium. The effective date of coverage will generally be the first day of the time period for which a premium has been paid. unless a different date is identified by the CITY and back premiums paid therefor. 16.2. Newborns must be added within 31 days of event: to be effective on the date of birth. 16.3. Newly married spouses must be added within 31 days of event: to be effective on the first date of the coverage period for which a premium is deducted. 16.4 . Over-age dependents will have coverage through the entire two week insurance period in which the event takes place: termination will be on the first date of the following insurance period. 12 16.5. Divorced spouse will have coverage through the entire two week insurance period in which the event takes place: termination will be on the first date of the following insurance period. 16.6. Cancellations will have coverage through the entire two week insurance period in which notification is given: termination will be on the first date of the following insurance period. 16.7. Health statements will be required for employees not meeting the 31 day deadline to add dependents: to be effective on the first date of the coverage period for which a premium is deducted. 16.8. PEHP has established and will make available to the CITY eligibility rules as they apply to dependents of employees. City will be obligated to comply with those eligibility rules so established by PEHP. SECTION 17 . MEMBERSHIP ON POLICY BOARD--COUNCIL 17. 1. It is understood and agreed that Salt Lake City will be entitled to at least one seat on any membership council or policy advisory board established by PEHP to make policy recommendations and provide advice to PEHP. the State Retirement Office. or its director. SECTION 18. GENERAL 18.1 . This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written instrument executed by duly authorized officers of the parties hereto. 18.2. This contract may not be assigned by PEHP without the written consent of the CITY. 18.3. PER? shall indemnify the CITY. its officers and employees against liability for injury or damage caused by any negligent act or omission of any of PEHP'S officers or employees. volunteers or agents in the performance 13 of the Agreement. 18.4. If either party defaults in the performance of this Agreement or any of its covenants. terms. conditions. or provisions. the defaulting party shall pay all costs and expenses. including a reasonable attorney' s fee. which may arise or accrue from enforcing the Agreement or from pursuing any remedy provided thereunder. 18.5. This Agreement is entered into in the State of Utah and shall be governed by the laws of said state. 18.6 Any notice required herein of PEHP shall be addressed to the Salt Lake City Corporation. 451 South State #404. Salt Lake City. Utah 84111. and when required of the CITY, shall be addressed to the Public Employees Health Program. 560 East 200 South Main Lobby. Salt Lake City, Utah 84102. 14 EXECUTED this .22_ day of August. 1990 STATE RETIREMENT OFFICE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES HEALTH PROGRAM 4011: 11` 410/441.......w By Linn J. Baker. Director Date ,I OI Approv• - /Ir w / .cot .n.en Assistant Director Approved O (J Pa Astorga Enr lment Sup visor STATE OF UTAH 1 ss. City of Salt Lake 1 On this iff day of August. 1990. personally appeared before me Linn J. Baker. who being by me duly sworn. did say that he is the Administrator of the Public Employees Health Program of the State Retirement Office and that the foregoing Agreement was signed in behalf of the Utah State Retirement Office and its Public Employees Health Program. and said that he is duly authorized to bind said entity. , difiel/116‘'014ZA. My Commission Expires : aiii_9=2/___ NOT SaltRLakeBCity.rUtahing in 15 EXECUTED this day of August. 1990 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION By Palmer DePaulis Mayor Attest Kathryn Marshall City Recorder STATE OF UTAH ss. City of Salt Lake On this day of August. 1990. personally appeared before me Palmer DePaulis and Kathryn Marshall. who being by me duly sworn. did say that they are the Mayor and City Recorder of the Salt Lake City Corporation and that the foregoing Agreement was signed in behalf of the Salt Lake City Corporation. and said that they are duly authorized to bind said entity. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC. residing in Salt Lake City. Utah FINANCE APPROVAL . .i.Not Needed /7/ ' s Axailabie :• # 87- 9//57/ r ,�x,�RNF APPROVAL VED TO FORM LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 - Combined PEHP Traditional and Preferred Care Booklet (1989-90) 1990-91 available this fall: Exhibit 2 - 1990-91 Premium Schedule: Exhibit 3 - Healthy Utah Brochure: Exhibit 4 - PASS Brochure: Exhibit 5 - 1990 Changes and Reminder Card: Exhibit 6 - Medicare Supplement Brochure: Exhibit 7 - Insurance Coverage Period Schedule. 17 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION EXHIBIT 2 ACTIVE MEMBERS MONTHLY MONTHLY TRADITIONAL PREFERRED HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE Single S127. 74 S121 .53 Two Party 263.45 250.48 Family 351 .39 334 .38 BI-WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY TRADITIONAL PREFERRED HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE Single S 58.96 S 56.09 Two Party 121 .59 115.61 Family 162. 18 154.33 ACTIVE MEMBER ON COBRA (102% OF Group Premium) MONTHLY MONTHLY TRADITIONAL PREFERRED HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE Single S130.29 S123.96 Two Party 268.72 255.09 Family 358.42 341 .07 BI-WEEKLY BI-WEEKLY TRADITIONAL PREFERRED HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE Single S 60. 13 $ 57.21 Two Party 124.02 117 .73 Family 165.42 157.42 RETIRED MEMBERS ON COBRA MONTHLY MONTHLY TRADITIONAL PREFERRED HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE Single S155.84 S148 .26 Two Party 321 .40 305.58 Family 428.69 407 .94 CONVERSION (135% of Group Premium) MONTHLY MONTHLY TRADITIONAL PREFERRED HEALTH CARE HEALTH CARE Single S172.45 S 79.59 Two Party 355.66 164 .15 Family 474.38 218.94 MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT High Option $ 97.00 Low Option 47.50 I •11 El LEROY W. HOOTON, JR. DIRECTOR �. (�y� y.� WENDELL E. SUPERINTENDENSEN, P.E.T »A2_A)Q`I��Ir ��l�,IvU �� = 11051 WATER SUPPLY&WATERWORKS �d lJ 11 11V11/// V/ ill 1 E. TIM DOXEY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT Water Supply & Waterworks - PALMER DEPAULIS WATER RECLAMATION Water Reclamation MAYOR JAMES M. LEWIS, C.P.A. CHIEF FINANCE& 1530 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ACCOUNTING OFFICER SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 GEORGE JORGENSEN, P.E. CHIEF ENGINEER September 10, 1990 TO: Salt Lake City Council RE: New City Ordinance Changes Recommendation: That the Council approve the new ordinance and forward to the Mayor for execution in behalf of the City. Availability of Funds: None required. Discussion; Find attached ordinances amending Chapters 16, 44 and 72 of Title 17 of the Salt Lake City Code relating to changes in culinary water system, wastewater control and sewer system. S bmitted by: (A)� 44di , LEROY W HOOTON, 11111 Director Department of Public Utilities vb attachments file �s .-. - zr n,., a'+`la� .;TN: +ti�+e3 i• 'Y7r S1 1 :<��k1 C :sxo"1 .y `'i� -1M1� p- 54�Y"'R�"`i�f_.,.. 'r .--( \ Y 11 1 4> If t f • +1` A - ♦� l} - ^ c d ' t £ 1 i t i,..:.e t t '.`'t1 + _. +`v'n+3A} .r`E-. .�"!1� Ij t•i� i Ytib;'}`��t�r I' w r _;. t' u rrati L?.: :iaS x r 9 l - :• �,�� �� •1 1 - �Y !} l A,� 3a. _lai �L7L ��� i •v SALT LAKE-CITY-ORDINANCE - No. - of •.1990 (Changes in culinary -water wastewater control and sewer system ) t+hF ; • x rv( r ti#'t A . e" w f , '•��"l i .r ,!,7;G r} ) �'epy¢Y ? ,'r ,+" Tr. 4l l�t.f: A k. ,� , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS -16, 44 SAND .72 OF�,eeT� ITLE� 17 OF THE SALT LAKE CITY CODE, _ • , . ... 1: 1 ,}- � r` {frc ." i'i;--t3.' i f SYSTEM,- WASTEWATER CONTROL AND SEWER'.SYSTEM. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, ::: -- Utah SECTION 1 . That Section 17 . 16 .040 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to fees, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : 17.16.040 Fees for connection and other facilities A. A fee will be imposed for all meter installations, automatic •fire-line -connections, .detector 'check' [valves] meters, fire system and other installations, inspection, :_ water storage and other water facilities from time to time - . - -" in amounts as determined by the director of public utilities . B. In all cases, the pipe and type of materials to be furnished and installed in the public right of way or per .; written agreement are to• be maintained by the city shall'be approved_by the public;,utilities director ::and 'shall ;,be ,under the director s exclusive'.control �;<All;-excavation and::;:other :, ; Y • , permits necessary shall be obtained'zat the•texpense,'of, the t,ef� �-- fyr . applicant. Pipe and%material outside +the ,'public way and vx 4 ,ram t r • r°*y. , L r' ti• • • , • 3x v• Fh h 1 i g *`� ',,_�y�j}lr'+`v :5 J f+(rl?t�..a Z tN t ✓h f . r -1�• 'F r! - y r f.l '�•Z,F r F ;: c t rr - t y'•t t l r ll i Z f -r' r !f 7../ r r "t'(Tt x j it. f _> 3 ,s rt � . rr tti; !a t ri r t �� v .. T :y ( _ t t 1 4�i 11r X ! f � A..i '( 11 i t It�� ri '„ r ' -,. ` .l ( �,._: E lr .;s .+`i s L q 1` ic•az t�. , , { -r;r ?�6• ?A'..' s pipe and materials installed as private pipelines or services shall be maintained by the property owners. SECTION 2 . That Section 17 . 16 .335 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to refund of expenses, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: 17.16.335 Refund of expenses. 4 The certified cost of the petitioner' s installation of such new extension or money deposited pursuant to Sections 17 . 16 . 310, 17 . 18 . 320 and 17 . 16 .330, or successor sections, of this article may be partially or completely refunded, without interest thereon, only under the following conditions: A. For a period of [five] fifteen years from the date on which such an extension is completed and approved in writing by the city, the city will add a charge to be refunded to the petitioner, as set forth below, for each connection made to such extension pursuant to a written .. request for a service lateral connection thereto from a property owner. B. Such charge shall be a front footage charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the said cost of installation of said extension prorated over the total front footage of the petitioner's property fronting on such extension. [Ine7-e - --t •-ba_ _ of t V more than two lot3 is _ to be eefin=-tcd to tke cxtcnsion, charge shall be booed upon a front feet .charge for each in the subdivision. ] " , _2_ ,i`t -i t .> `' 't ✓ i.� f.. YE 'r = L - I.' Co * * * —' SECTION 3 . ; That'Section 17 -. 16.337 of the Salt Lake ;. City Code, relating to return of city's expenses, be, and"`` ' ` ' the same hereby is, amended as follows: ':z 17.16.337 .. Return of city's expenses. ',, s A During a period of [five] fifteen iyears from the date on which an extension is completed where the • city has advanced all or part of the funds for such extension and has decided to obtain a refund of expense therefor for connections thereto, the city shall make a proportional charge based upon the following formula for any connection- ; to such extension pursuant to a written request `for`a ,'.. service lateral connection thereto from a property owner. B. Such charge shall be a front footage charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the.: said cost of installation of the extension prorated' over'Tthe' '- total front footage of the petitioner' s property fronting on the extension. [ In the event a 3ubdivi3ion of more than two - lots is to be conncete `._,`., be based upon a from feet charge fe-r ash lot in such subdivision. ] SECTION 4 . That Section 17 .16 .530 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to fire protection pipes be;` and the ; sy • same hereby is, amended as follows . s { t r � r� Stu` 17 16 530 Fire protection pipes Meter :required 3 } 3_ it y 1 Q i..s ,fa+. J r - cf ) r 1 1 • zi 4 'k NY'" .yy '� .-.r } e r == Should -water be used -through.:_[such] unmetered. fire pipes or fire pipes with detector meters or fire pipes havinq only,outside fire hydrants :attached for other .than -fire purposes the public utilities director may require the disconnection of theadequatesystem payment �is <made [therefor] for use of said water, and [ohall] said director may require that [fa] an approved meter be installed upon the fire system at the owner' s expense, and no water shall be delivered to such fire system until such meter is paid for and installed and the estimated unmetered water used is paid for. The type of meter installation shall be determined by the public utilities .,director. - - - SECTION 5 . That Section 17 . 16 .670 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to minimum charges be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : 17.16.670 Minimum charges. A. The minimum charge for the first one thousand cubic feet of water used each month through each service connection shall be based on meter size used, as set out in Table 17 . 16 . 670 . The minimum charge for meters larger than ten inches shall be: based proportionately on meter capacity,. as determined by the public utilities director. After the first one thousand cubic feet of water is delivered through the meter each month, ,ch arges for additional water shall -be = controlled by Section :17 16 680`of ;this 'chapter, or its successor. - 4 y {' 4, ti t s 3 Yr tS'AA . rt Hi— 'i:t s(xY .11kI -L.1..{{'t•t'i `if t't�'Yt`t X ' ) r,..V.i i r F L x ,.i ' r i— - r- a ;,. _ i , -' >`','VS'-'-i ' Y.a. rti ,. S 5-T-Y t t1,V , M.. .Y) i t. _ ys `) t :J , r u ;I 57i. Ad nPi`1,1 J:r tA51 d 'Ii4,01 ,µ"Kr 444W Ci c Y. rY..t`r'1'y a 7 - f •i, `._ ,. s*,r : •. r it f y1.h) ?1 �t� f'? - 3 .;i:I ;-T'As' Pft r ' -zy _ 1 ! --: y s i. f t 8 '41 k„4"r-t. s i- .tr r ;$.'7, } ! _- r :' - ti ! .s .. i ..: G,iYt ':. 1-..,..., 1 iy,F Oat. 'ig s: rt "f .,T. ^' F t%,'.t,. C -is•; 4) rs ' B A11 nonmetered`-f ire--protection=systems :and_:fire :_ .: , r-i'.. f-is-T'a `f fi rt.i ;: t+.v:;r i ti't' ?!.f?;•''r"!'hr� 1,(i r` 'ii, ?'-f;l` ! y>F'iita t.:':;, •F .::';`_.- ,!:. protection systems that' includes:a ^.detector..-check-meter shall - n 1: shave s:!monthly;minimum'I-_standby charge1Pwhich ris i less than�,;" K'f L' , ; t ._ . , , , i,. a;, T S i:'-:e ,ra.Xt��,rxF,t (.14Vi ,O. '','4�,17 ,�'Pl°yFr`i.,-� 4a ^;, ' `� ,jti.Na s; .4?` i that required -in subparagraph ,A`above,-='as-determined by. the t - i Public'ut liti.'es' direcor' `Onall fir`e P rotection PiPes :t : v' r - 4 F where'`a fire 'f low meter.4is ,required; ltheh-charges shall be u _ 7 -4 a.:. i ,ri ,, djr ,..fi!{ -"7-`t?.. '..'�A.Rt:: .;r�r .•r, -;f.: r . - 1r controlled- by subsection A`above. - SECTION 6 .' ' -That 'Section 17 :44 . 200 of the Salt Lake - City Code,: relating to extensions -. refund ,of expenses - conditions be, and the same hereby is , amended as follows : 17.44.200.,.-Extensions -. refund of• expenses -. , conditions. ., . . ... 3 The certified "cost of the petitioner' s installation of - • the extension ' or money deposited: pursuant to Sections 17 .44 . 170 or 17 .44 .190 -of this chapter, _or:.successor : - -Sections; may be 'partially or completely- refunded; without interest thereon, only under the following conditions : . A. During •a period of [five]` fifteen-years from the - date on' which- such -an`extension 'is completed and approved . in -: • writing by the city, the city will add a charge to be refunded to the petitioner,., as set forthbelow, for each ; connection made to such extension pursuant--,;to, a written . %• • -' request for a' service lateral connection thereto from a ' property owner. 1 :�,r4` +t v � • 'B Said •;charge shall ,be a {front footage charge ; 3 4, =?r prorated-against' the property to be tserved,j.based •upon the . i -rrr�. `V 4 Ai,1 54 'S+ t ` , t s1. ri t: f 'i r37 i - I y -'4 y ,, tA' -ri :-,, +.f�,eS",�1, , e } r a 4 4 Y I , 1� s y C ;.,{,, ra.,i -trJ v a_ r N 5 ,_,Frt'� } y r.qy2 a t..ft S, $r f r1e 1 rY'4 •, r r � , f:t c Y, r 1 ? �..-. �i.y t .P r�,+x� }� .}t. 5 N r -r ! �` t y. ra`��•1 1t st, � rr--,: " t i°7 i. Yri y ty^r e ry 4;1 < J p � '' Y 7 lri " tr• ;t a. ..at 'T a` '' 4y ?r' M cost of installation of such-extension :prorated'over.�the_"__ _- total front footage of the petitioner' sproperty fronting,.on• 3 q the extension.. [In the event a subdi_vaaibri of more than r;two ,fib ."x i . .. _ - - � f•= i •rG�!'St'��`fyrL� r��:�'"t�� .�I'° A`(y 1:+ J;�' �°T-" .t i��i 5. tn-': be baacd upon 'd f rent-foot chargc for Inch lot in` r 7ac.� y F • ,I .F- t �_ -" .. oubdivicion. ] r � �^tyF �� � , C . . * * * , SECTION 7 . That Section 17 .44 .210.of-';the .Salt Lake City Code, relating to return of city' s „expenses be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: 17.44.210 Return of city's expenses A. During a period of [f ivc] ""fifteen-years :from the: date on which an extension is completed where :.the city has - . advanced all or part of the funds for.;each . extension. and has decided to obtain a refund of expense thereof from connections thereto, the 'city shall-make` an additional proportional charge based upon the -following formula for-any connection to such extension pursuant to a written request for service lateral connection thereto ,'from a property owner. B. Such charge shall .be a front ,footage-charge: prorated against the property to be: served, based upon the .. said cost of installation of the extension prorated over, the total front footage of the petitioner' s property..property.: on : g_ the extension. ' " [In the •event a subdivi3l.on of more than 'two ; ti. _., .._.- ... ,.., .... ..--- -.-(-. ..,::.• ki; i, .:1f.+'..,�gi-rty,�3�t�t�,.r}$Yn`r.e - oubdivision. ] SECTION 8 . That Section 17 .72.030 of the Salt City Code,: relating to sewer fees be, and the same hereby ::, , is, amended as follows : 4 r 17.72.030 * * SEWER FEES. Effective [ilanuary 1 , 1905] September 15, 1990, the public utilities director shall charge and the city treasurer shall collect the following fees [which shall be raiscd] : [ 1 . Uncovcrcd rou heat eenneetien survey $30 . 00]. : [ ] 1 . Sewer and miscellaneous inspection [$35. 00] $60 .00 {-3,] 2 . Sewer repair inspection $30 .00 - [5—] 3 . Trial sewer survey $35 . 00 [fr-] 4 . Sewer survey $100 .00 [-7—] 5. Resurvey [ ] additional charge each occasion , [$100 . 00] $35 . 00 [4—] 6 . The charge for installation of sewer special'wyes [ $75. 00] shall be determined by the director of public utilities, which cannot exceed the city' s,.: . actual costs plus reasonable overhead. [Effective January 1, 19-8-5, the *Public utilities director following connection fees ] �} ,G ` 7 . Wastewater discharge permit $20 . 00s , 1 { 6 l- r Y �ti-G EIj W � 1r. 7 f 1 tt } - .. •.ram 8 .- - Grease and sand trap inspection - - '. - -$30.00---- -� [8—] 9 . - Connection fees on new development property. 1 (a) Residential single dwelling, and_ condominium, and ;e twin homes per connection or unit [$1,000.0&] • $50000 (b) Multifamily dwellings (i) Duplex [$1,500 .00] $750.00 (ii) Triplex [$2, 250. 00] $1,125.00 (iii ) Townhouse (apartment) , per unit [$750 . 00] $375 . 00 (c) Hotels and motels (i) Per dwelling unit without kitchen: or , restaurant [$500.00] $250 . 00 (ii) Per dwelling unit with a kitchen or . • • restaurant [$666 .00] $333 . 00 (iii ) Per dwelling unit with a kitchen and'a'' • - restaurant, plus fixture units in restaurant $333 . 00 (d) General commercial and industrial uses -per each • equivalent fixture unit [ (one cquivalent unit . cqual3 20 fixtures] /based on Utah Plumbing :Code) :. [$1,000 . 00] $25. 00 (e) Trailer parks, per equivalent [fixture] unit[;] • . (three trailer spaces shall equal onec[equivalent fixture unit) ] residential single dwelling $1 ,000 . 00] $500. 00 . • t v _ -. .. _ �8._ t� , - - O t • x , R4t•'•��v 31T d 1.�� C .,Jr ,T,1 .' • i - ` i.._ ., t { t..i sT rnr9':` w:...:..'4 7- - - _ � 't�t r a >\ n ! i }t t, • i jl�lgy;+r�,Fhf Ttil-:. r� 1 Iy v4q tin. ..!• 5e- Va • 4• ..I t- s .��5� r! ..'—'' • :.EL. + !+ 5'. • ��v --,,y.i... •,c.. -. ..,Tt ., ..; _. .`: 1 ,t _,..:. .• , • tY i;... t .,, r a.:-. }v :..i (f ) Recreation parks per-equivalent-unit.-.(six --trailer N. 5 = rug- a J , .spaces shall equal one residential singlerdwelling K ; unit) NY 4, - a $500. 00 :.i 1 1ti4_") �i M7f`r I t�- >'i. x. k 5 .• t . ;is x ': �.. ,. [ (f) ] (g) " Special industrial and-commercial uses, ° `,4 r ' ▪ '`including carwashes, laundromats, etc:-, as by the` City'5 ;public f utilities director, shall be charged ($1,000.00] • $25 . 00 per equivalent fixture unit, [based on discharge capacity, ] as specified in the Uniform Plumbing Code. [PERMIT FEES • . . „ . 1_. . Waatewator elis-eherge pemit . $20. 00 2. Uncove-r rough elttre een•neetion iipcction $10 . 00 , 3 . Sewcr and mi3eellanceus inspceti-en $30 . 00 4 . Sand trap inspeetien $5.00 Inatallatien of ewe apeeial wyc $50. 00 • —Sewer repair inepectie $30 . 00 7 Trial sewer aurcy $70. 00 ASSESSMENT FEES Where een te-e-tian in el e main sewer lines in3tallcd at city cxpcn3c withou-t ate- nt to the -property, an additional.• s ; flt time of con-notion based upon property -owner's - frontage $30.00/. 5 T t • ` front feet r 11 5 y 9�s 3!,{ 1 41 }.�'Tr }t -,.k �<' v.r.•+l ,-j r < 4 5. Y Y•i +.1-M'I5f Y S. T'- tr' 4 .. - • t /:^t,l u,: ,-lf 41r; `?. a,"ar'hkd+F r�s ;d�'A��t-:. .iS ? ,.,r _ • r t ,+ l� i �t�t.i of y,{RM.Yf �d . 9'cl ...r'� �;ej +''-r4 taNfrtzq• M1r;;r r _ r t _ C`, t- ,., tjsx=ii tS � g4iy.;�fo-➢ .?tti..i.e.-t_, .+.: .. Permit fce to covcr coat of e ncoring, surveying and inspection $150. 00] 10. Connection fees on.,property ,with prior--development ,.,X R, , � l.�C .+yi,:-G, C lal�.y�,5��+.•�1sf�-Q .��; g1�.8�g`1t t'r �`'^ ., %,_ ... I • (a) When a residential :buirding is'demolished, there } is` no new- sewer 'connection°'fee'for`the property' • when residential :'use:.or,.'building,-type is same as `prior to demolition. ` After 5 years from date of demolition no credit •will- be given for prior sewer connection fees and the property owner will be required to pay all applicable fees. (b) When a commercial building •such as .a hotel, motel, :.; industrial building,' ' etc. wis"demolished there is no sewer connection fee- for the property when the - new use is the same as prior to demolition, otherwise, the sewer fee shall be based and charged on the new or- additionaluse'pursuant to the applicable provisions of 9c, d, e, f, and g herein. After 5 years 'from date of demolition no credit will be given for prior sewer connection fees and the property owner will be required to pay all applicable fees , 11 . Temporary sewer connections may only be made by • • approval of the public utilities director. Temporary connections cannot exceed 24;months .'= The fee for each s: ai 'temporary connection ' shall be $100.00 All other :applicable fees 'will be-effective for temporary connections . e s S f J 1t+Ply + al ar p�" It r + r r tt t �.15 ii ! r r' • + .S; !aF -, 10 4 i.� 1 zY. fir j174 + • 1,...• 1 'Y K}�{'tt. F t'- ¢-�.(f''•T.'t.t h Klt. .".";a S 1i -c ti , cF �X1 `` fs�trJpf! .scar c ll� r., r y ; t i A,y,; �• �Y�?jyT j f.-s0 aS "3r+$:4T, p u:Tz I hIl: I -,5 r r >� f.A"} h Sat n It tY• '`�eit 22C . ." ..( J) �.�A%�Y�• 1.- SECTION 9 . This Ordinance :.shall-take=effect-on=-the -" � • ••'' ; y} v ry , date of its first publication. F • Passed by the City" Council of. Salt Lake City; Utah,` la � , this day of -! i.T • e f CHAIRPERSON °; • ,, ��� f ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on • Mayor' s Action: Approved... Vetoed > ,. .t: •. MAYOR • ATTEST: CITY RECORDER RLM:cc • • !1 - �f.! _-,RJU r l.Fii ri ifs 1.d t'� t �`"f • -* ft '-� i, t t i S a l� ! 41 to 1R(VIM;£ r *�•t4FF N.11 1�1 /i. ' '.l Jtiitif,s /� rNL '4Y2 11 M 7 Sy,.l r err I E� 'S f C }' fir I Y"y• • I ,� %.lye, irS';-_41 �h��ryl ts•����il - 1r -t r4•p�, •/z Y.w --� r < c • 1 5 b.._ (_s,L .. �i;.ail.: w J �� - _. SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 1990 (Changes in culinary water system, wastewater control and sewer system. ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 16, 44 AND 72 OF TITLE 17 OF THE SALT LAKE CITY CODE, RELATING TO CULINARY WATER SYSTEM, WASTEWATER CONTROL AND SEWER SYSTEM. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 17 . 16 . 040 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to fees , be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : 17 .16 .040 Fees for connection and other facilities. A. A fee will be imposed for all meter installations , automatic fire-line connections , detector check meters , fire system and other installations , inspection, water storage and other water facilities from time to time in amounts as determined by the director of public utilities . B. In all cases , the pipe and type of materials to be furnished and installed in the public right of way or per written agreement are to be maintained by the city shall be approved by the public utilities director and shall be under the director' s exclusive control . All excavation and other permits necessary shall be obtained at the expense of the applicant. Pipe and material outside the public way and pipe and materials installed as private pipelines or services shall be maintained by the property owners . SECTION 2 . That Section 17 . 16 . 335 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to refund of expenses, be, and the same hereby is , amended as follows: 17. 16 .335 Refund of expenses. The certified cost of the petitioner' s installation of such new extension or money deposited pursuant to Sections 17 . 16 . 310, 17 . 18 . 320 and 17 . 16 .330, or successor sections , of this article may be partially or completely refunded, without interest thereon, only under the following conditions : A. For a period of fifteen years from the date on which such an extension is completed and approved in writing by the city, the city will add a charge to be refunded to the petitioner, as set forth below, for each connection made to such extension pursuant to a written request for a service lateral connection thereto from a property owner. B. Such charge shall be a front footage charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the said cost of installation of said extension prorated over the total front footage of the petitioner' s property fronting on such extension. C. * * * SECTION 3 . That Section 17 . 16 . 337 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to return of city' s expenses, be, and the same hereby is , amended as follows : 17 . 16. 337 Return of city' s expenses. -2- A. During a period of fifteen years from the date on which an extension is completed where the city has advanced all or part of the funds for such extension and has decided to obtain a refund of expense therefor for connections thereto, the city shall make a proportional charge based upon the following formula for any connection to such extension pursuant to a written request for a service lateral connection thereto from a property owner. B. Such charge shall be a front footage charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the said cost of installation of the extension prorated over the total front footage of the petitioner' s property fronting on the extension. SECTION 4 . That Section 17 . 16 . 530 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to fire protection pipes be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : 17 . 16 .530 Fire protection pipes - Meter required when. Should water be used through unmetered fire pipes or fire pipes with detector meters or fire pipes having only outside fire hydrants attached for other than fire purposes the public utilities director may require the disconnection of the fire system until adequate payment is made for use of said water, and said director may require that an approved meter be installed upon the fire system at the owner' s expense, and no water shall be delivered to such fire system until such meter is paid for and installed and the estimated -3- unmetered water used is paid for. The type of meter installation shall be determined by the public utilities director. SECTION 5 . That Section 17 . 16 . 670 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to minimum charges be, and the same hereby is , amended as follows: 17. 16 . 670 Minimum charges. A. The minimum charge for the first one thousand cubic feet of water used each month through each service connection shall be based on meter size used, as set out in Table 17 . 16 . 670 . The minimum charge for meters larger than ten inches shall be based proportionately on meter capacity, as determined by the public utilities director. After the first one thousand cubic feet of water is delivered through the meter each month, charges for additional water shall be controlled by Section 17 . 16 . 680 of this chapter, or its successor. B. All nonmetered fire protection systems and fire protection systems that include a detector check meter shall have a monthly minimum standby charge which is less than that required in subparagraph A above, as determined by the public utilities director. On all fire protection pipes where a fire flow meter is required, the charges shall be controlled by subsection A above. SECTION 6 . That Section 17 . 44 . 200 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to extensions - refund of expenses - conditions be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : -4- 17.44 .200 Extensions - refund of expenses - conditions. The certified cost of the petitioner' s installation of the extension, or money deposited pursuant to Sections 17 .44 . 170 or 17 . 44 . 190 of this chapter, or successor sections, may be partially or completely refunded, without interest thereon, only under the following conditions : A. During a period of fifteen years from the date on which such an extension is completed and approved in writing by the city, the city will add a charge to be refunded to the petitioner, as set forth below, for each connection made to such extension pursuant to a written request for a service lateral connection thereto from a property owner. B. Said charge shall be a front-footage charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the cost of installation of such extension prorated over the total front footage of the petitioner' s property fronting on the extension. C. * * * SECTION 7 . That Section 17 . 44 . 210 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to return of city' s expenses be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : 17 .44 . 210 Return of city's expenses. A. During a period of fifteen years from the date on which an extension is completed where the city has advanced all or part of the funds for each extension and has decided -5- to obtain a refund of expense thereof from connections thereto, the city shall make an additional proportional charge based upon the following formula for any connection to such extension pursuant to a written request for service lateral connection thereto from a property owner. B. Such charge shall be a front footage charge prorated against the property to be served, based upon the said cost of installation of the extension prorated over the total front footage of the petitioner' s property fronting on the extension . SECTION 8 . That Section 17 . 72 . 030 of the Salt Lake City Code, relating to sewer fees be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows : 17 .72. 030 * * * SEWER FEES. Effective September 15 , 1990, the public utilities director shall charge and the city treasurer shall collect the following fee: 1 . Sewer and miscellaneous inspection $60 . 00 2 . Sewer repair inspection $30 . 00 3 . Trial sewer survey $35 . 00 4 . Sewer survey $100 . 00 5 . Resurvey additional charge each occasion $35 . 00 6 . The charge for installation of sewer special wyes shall be determined by the director of public utilities, which cannot exceed the city' s actual costs plus reasonable overhead. -6- V 7 . Wastewater discharge permit $20 . 00 8 . Grease and sand trap inspection $30 . 00 9 . Connection fees on new development property. (a) Residential single dwelling, and condominium, and twin homes per connection or unit $500 . 00 (b) Multifamily dwellings (i) Duplex $750 . 00 (ii ) Triplex $1 , 125 . 00 (iii ) Townhouse (apartment) , per unit $375 . 00 (c) Hotels and motels (i ) Per dwelling unit without kitchen or restaurant $250 . 00 ( ii ) Per dwelling unit with a kitchen or restaurant $333 . 00 (iii ) Per dwelling unit with a kitchen and a restaurant, plus fixture units in restaurant $333 . 00 (d) General commercial and industrial uses , per each equivalent fixture unit (based on Utah Plumbing Code) $25 . 00 (e) Trailer parks , per equivalent unit (three trailer spaces shall equal one residential single dwelling unit) $500 . 00 . ( f ) Recreation parks per equivalent unit (six trailer spaces shall equal one residential single dwelling unit) $500 . 00 -7- (g) Special industrial and commercial uses, including carwashes , laundromats, etc. , as determined by the City' s public utilities director, shall be charged $25 . 00 per equivalent fixture unit, as specified in the Uniform Plumbing Code. 10 . Connection fees on property with prior development. (a) When a residential building is demolished, there is no new sewer connection fee for the property when residential use or building type is same as prior to demolition. After 5 years from date of demolition no credit will be given for prior sewer connection fees and the property owner will be required to pay all applicable fees . (b) When a commercial building such as a hotel, motel , industrial building, etc. is demolished there is no sewer connection fee for the property when the new use is the same as prior to demolition, otherwise, the sewer fee shall be based and charged on the new or additional use pursuant to the applicable provisions of 9c, d, e, f , and g herein . After 5 years from date of demolition no credit will be given for prior sewer connection fees and the property owner will be required to pay all applicable fees . 11 . Temporary sewer connections may only be made by approval of the public utilities director. Temporary -8- connections cannot exceed 24 months . The fee for each temporary connection shall be $100 . 00 . All other applicable fees will be effective for temporary connections . SECTION 9 . This Ordinance shall take effect on the - date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 1990 . CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on Mayor' s Action: Approved Vetoed MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER RLM: cc -9- AI IIIAN All thofriffintimmimmissimismommimmsissit f ;A901 South 300 West October ' 2 ,- 1996 • • P.O. Box27047 Salt Lake City, Utah 84127 Telephone(801)467-DUNN Salt Lake City Council City and County Building #304 451 South State Salt Lake City , UT 84111 Re : 2165 West (DeLong St . ) 500 South Sewer Project . Dear Council Member : Our Company has owned, operated and leased property at 542-- 565 South DeLong Street for nearly twenty years . As you are aware we have been without sewer for the entire time . In the past twelve months we were once again denied sewer service when our adjacent property owners voiced their opposition to the current 5th South sewer project and its extension onto DeLong Street . We have agreed to pay for the sewer to our property and all of the associated costs , However , the current Salt Lake City ordinance prohibits us from receiving a return on our investment after 5 years following the installation of the sewer . The five year prohibition needs to be extended to ten years or beyond and a pro-rata payment schedule established . It seems only fair that if we are going to invest our capital in a public sewer project that Salt Lake City protects our investment from those unwilling to bear the initial cost , beyond the current five year period . Yours truly , (-)4f44.4.L., <41A -" Dennie Dunn DLD/c1h MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BOARD APPOINTMENTS NEW APPOINTMENTS SALT LAKE ARTS COUNCIL Jerry Stanger to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Lynn Jacobsen, for a term extending through July 1993. Mr. Stanger, who lives in District 5, is an account executive and advertising agent and is involved in several community service projects. :_tsy SutheAld to •- a. -.in •d t. fill . :cancy ted hlee McM- on, • a to m ex -n• ng thro •h July " Ms. herlan ives in l'strict 7 an. ' a teat' er.CGlJ171-KfreZeA1/l V-z7) Rick Ith to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Jennifer Stevens, for a term extending through July 1993. Mr. Ith, who resides in District 6, is the co-owner of a retail store and has been on several community boards. Ann S. Berman to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Gerald McDonough, for a term extending through July 1992. Ms. Berman, who resides in District 5, is a librarian and has membership and affiliation with several community and professional organizations. Mark L. Lawrence to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Stephen Goldsmith, for a term extending through July 1992. Mr. Lawrence has been active in neighborhood activities for several years. He is a carpenter living in District 2. Perrin R. Love to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Peter Emerson, for a term extending through July 1992. Mr . Love, an attorney for Watkiss and Saperstein, lives in District 5 and has served on several community committees. URBAN FORESTRY BOARD Lynn M. Hilton to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Lloyd Siegendorf, for a term extending through April 8, 1993. Mr. Hilton, residing in District 2, is an educational and Middle East specialist, and a former state legislator for Utah. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BOARD REAPPOINTMENTS REAPPOINTMENTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Curley Jones to be reappointed to his first full term extending through July, 1993. Mr. Jones who lives in District 4 is a librarian and a member of the Salt Lake Branch of the NAACP. Bernice Cook to be reappointed to her second term extending through July, 1993. Ms. Cook resides in District 2 and has been involved in community affairs for several years. Nancy Saxton to be reappointed to her second term extending through July, 1993. Ms. Saxton lives in District 4 and is a respiratory therapist . If Ms. Saxton, Ms. Cook and Mr. Jones are reappointed, the membership of CDAC will consist of three citizens from District 1 , two from District 2, two from District 3, four from District 4, one from District 5, none from District 6 and two from District 7. SALT LAKE ARTS COUNCIL Sharon Alderman to be reappointed to her first full term extending through July, 1993. Ms . Alderman lives in District 2 and is an artist and writer . Stan Roberts to be reappointed to a second term extending through July, 1993. Mr. Roberts, who resides in District 6, is an artist and has been the President of the Utah Designer Craftsman Guild. D'Arcy Dixon Pignanelli to be reappointed to a second term extending through July, 1993. Ms. Pignanelli resides in District 3 and has worked in local government . If Mr. Roberts , Ms. Pignanelli and Ms. Alderman are reappointed, the membership of the Salt Lake Arts Council will consist of one citizen from District 1, one from District 2, five from District 3, three from District 4, four from District 5, two from District 6 and none from District 7. PALMER DEPAULIS 542�.11 a�gl( ADS/�r�i� I MAYOR OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 306 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7704 July 30, 1990 Alan Hardman, Chairperson, and Members of the Salt Lake City Council 451 South State Street, Room 304 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Alan: I am transmitting herewith recommendations for board appointments which I would appreciate the Council to advise and consent upon: SALT LAKE ARTS COUNCIL Stan Roberts to be reappointed to a second term extending through July, 1993 Sharon Alderman to be appointed to her first full term extending through July, 1993 D'Arcy Dixon Pignanelli to be reappointed to a second term extending through July, 1993 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Bernice Cook to be reappointed to her second term extending through July, 1993 Curley Jones to be appointed to his first full term extending through July, 1993 Nancy Saxton to be reappointed to her second term extending through July, 1993 PALMER DEPAULIS \J "�+(M���t +++1 MAroR OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 306 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7704 August 27, 1990 Alan Hardman, Chairperson, and Members of the Salt Lake City Council 451 South State Street, Room 304 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Alan: I am transmitting herewith recommendations for board appointments which I would appreciate the Council to advise and consent upon: SALT LAKE ARTS COUNCIL Jerry Stanger, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Lynn Jacobsen, for a term extending through July 1993 Betsy Sutherland, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Kathleen McMahon, for a term extending through July 1993 Rick Ith, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Jennifer Stevens , for a term extending through July 1993 Ann S. Berman, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Gerald McDonough, for a term extending through July 1992 Mark L. Lawrence, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Stephen Goldsmith, for a term extending through July 1992 Perrin R. Love, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Peter Emerson, for a term extending through July 1992 URBAN FORESTRY BOARD Lynn M. Hilton, to be appointed to fill a vacancy created by Lloyd Siegendorf, for a term extending through April 8, 1993 V x y • MIKE ZUHL Si /��'(JftYfCORPa m,r4 .a,, r ..ice �)�vay� LEE KING INTERIM DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 418 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-7777 To: Salt Lake City Council August 30, 1990 Re: Proposed Demolition Ordinance Recommendation: That the City Council hold a public hearing on October 2, 1990 at 6:20 p.m. to discuss a proposed demolition ordinance. Availability of Funds: Not applicable Discussion and Background: The present ordinance does not clearly outline the demolition procedures. The proposed ordinance clearly outline the procedures and make three major changes they are as follows: 1) Increases the demolition fees to cover the costs of enforcement of the weed covenant (if the structure is demolished) , or enforcement of the boarding and securing. 2) Notification requirements of community councils and adjoining property owners with appeal procedures. 3) Makes all demolitions, with the exception of emergencies, appealable to the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. This will eliminate the discretion of the Building Official. Legislative Action: The City Attorney's Office has prepared and approved the ordinance and it is ready for your action. S I•mitted by: Av4,1 CHAEL B. ZUHL nterim Direct r ROGER R. EVANS S�� ' S a �' 4L 4 tail HARVEY F. BOYD DIRECTOR ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Building and Housing Services 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 406 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE 535-6436 TO: Mike Zuhl f6' FROM: Roger Evans DATE: August 15, 1990 RE: Demolition Ordinance Attached herewith is the rewrite of the Demolition Ordinance for the City Council approval. The three main changes to the ordinance are as follows: 1. Increase the demolition fees to-cover the costs of enforcement of the weed covenant (if the structure is demolished) , or enforcement on the boarding and securing. 2. Notification requirements of community councils and adjoining property owners with appeal procedures. 3. Make all demolitions, with the exception of emergencies, appealable to the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. This will eliminate the discretion of the Building Official. Attached is the memorandum from Bruce Baird and the minutes from the HAAB. RRE:rm Attachmer'' SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 1990 (Amending Chapter 64 of Title 18 dealing with demolishing buildings ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 64 OF TITLE 18 DEALING WITH DEMOLISHING BUILDINGS . WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has reviewed the current City code dealing with demolition of buildings and has determined that the amendments below are appropriate for the development of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That existing Chapter 18 . 64 . 010, et seq. , attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is hereby repealed. SECTION 2 . That Chapter 18 . 64 . 010, et seq. , be reenacted as follows : 18 . 64. 010 Permit Required. It shall be unlawful to demolish any building or structure in the City or cause the same to be demolished without first obtaining a peiiuit for demolition of each such building or structure from the City Building Official . 18 . 64. 020 . Application for Permit. To obtain a permit for demolition, an applicant must submit an application in writing in a form furnished by the Building Official for that purpose . Each application shall : 1 . Identify and describe the type of work to be performed under the permit; 2 . State the address of the structure or building to be demolished; 3 . Describe the building or structure to be demolished including the type of use, type of building construction, size and square footage, number of stories and number of residential dwelling units ( if applicable) ; 4 . Indicate the method and location of demolished material disposal; 5 . Identify the approximate date of commencement and completion of demolition; 6 . Indicate if fences , barricades, scaffolds or other protections are required by any City code for the demolition and, if so, their proposed - location and compliance; 7 . State whether fill material will be required to restore the site to level grade after demolition and, if required, the approximate amount of fill material; 8 . If the building or structure to be demolished contains any dwelling units , the application should state whether any of the dwelling units are presently occupied. 18 . 64 . 030 Fees and Signature. A. The permit. application shall be signed by the party or the party' s authorized agent requesting the permit. Signature on the permit application constitutes a certification by the signee that the information contained in the application is true and correct . -2- B. The fee for a demolition permit application shall be based on the building floor area: BUILDING FLOOR AREA FEE 5 - 2000 square feet $60 . 00 2001 - 4000" square feet 70 . 00 4001 - 6000 square feet 80 . 00 6001 - 8000 square feet 110 . 00 8001 - 10, 000 square feet 120 . 00 10 , 001 - 12 , 000 square feet 150 . 00 12 , 001 - 14 , 000 square feet 180 . 00 14 , 001 - 16 , 000 square feet 210 . 00 16 , 001 - 18 , 000 square feet 240 . 00 18 , 001 - 20 , 000 square feet 265 . 00 20 , 001 - 22, 000 square feet 300 . 00 22, 001 - 24 , 000 square feet 340 . 00 24 , 001 - 26 , 000 square feet 370 . 00 26 , 001 - 28 , 000 square feet 410 . 00 28, 001 - 30 , 000 square feet 450 . 00 30, 001 - 32, 000 square feet 485 . 00 For each 500 square feet over 32, 000 add an additional $10 . 00 C . If landscaping is not required by the zoning, or if a landscaping waiver is sought pursuant to Section 18 . 64 . 070, an additional fee for 'the cost of inspecting the property to determine it is kept free of weeds and junk materials shall be collected in the amount of $100 . 00 . If a waiver request is denied, the $100 . 00 paid under this subsection shall be refunded . -3- D. Landscaping waiver requests shall also pay a fee of $170 . 00 for the cost of the landscape waiver process . 18.64.040 Post-demolition Use Plan Required. No demolition permit shall be issued until one of the following requirements has been met: A. A permit for the use replacing the demolished building or structure has been issued by the Building and Housing Division; B. A landscaping plan for the site, showing the sprinkling system and planted areas , has been approved and a performance bond tc assure timely and proper installation and maintenance of the landscaping has been filed with the City if a form acceptable to the City. , In the event the Building Official determines that landscaping is impracticable or unnecessary given the :characteristics of the site and the neighborhood, the landscaping requirement may be waived subject to the provisions of Section 18 . 64 . 070 below; C. In the event of a force majeure event or where immediate demolition and clearing of the land is necessary to remove hazardous or blighting conditions, the building officer may waive the landscaping requirement and order immediate demolition. 18 .64 . 050 Residential Demolition Comment Provisions. If the structure for which a demolition permit is sought contains residential dwelling units, the Building Official shall mail a written notice to the owners and residents of properties within a six hundred foot radius from the property line of the -4- property on which the proposed demolition work will take place as shown on the list equalized property tax assessment roll . The notice shall specify the property proposed for demolition and provide that comments may be made to the Building Official within fifteen days of the date of the notice. 18. 64 .060 Residential Structure Demolition. A. Demolition permits for structures containing residential dwelling units which are entirely vacated may be issued no sooner than twenty days from the date the required post-demolition use plan of Section 18 . 64 . 040 above is accepted . B. If any of the residential dwelling units in the structure proposed for demolition is occupied, the demolition permit may not be issued sooner than forty-five days after the required post-demolition use plan is accepted. 18 .64.070 Post-demolition Use Plan Waiver Procedure. A. If a waiver of the post-demolition use plan is sought under Section 18 . 64 . 040 (B) above, the applicant shall file with the Building Official , on a form provided therefor, a statement of any claimed hardship or other special circumstances justifying waiver of the post-demolition use plan requirements . B. The application fee for a waiver shall be $50 . 00 . C . The Building Official shall mail a written notice to the owners of properties within a six hundred foot radius from the edge of the property on which the proposed demolition work will take place as shown on the last equalized property tax assessment roll and any affected neighborhood based organization recognized pursuant to Section 2 . 60 . 020 (C) . The notice shall -5- ( h state the reasons given by the applicant for waiving the post- demolition use plan and state the date, time and location of a hearing before the City' s Housing Advisory and Appeals Board . D. The chairperson of the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board shall select a panel of three examiners from the roster of - members and schedule a hearing date no sooner than fifteen days from the date of the petition and no later than thirty days from the date of the petition. E. In determining whether to waive the post-demolition use landscaping requirements , the Board may consider the effects on surrounding properties, the character of the neighborhood, the Master Plan for the area, future plans for the property and similar factors . 18 . 64. 080 Predemolition Salvage Permits. A. A predemolition salvage permit for other than structural demolition shall be required for the removal of doors, windows, special glass , fixtures , fittings , pipes , railings , posts, panels , boards , lumber, stones, bricks , marble, etc . , on the exterior or interior of the building . B. A predemolition salvage permit fee shall be paid in the amount of twenty percent of the demolition fee. 18 . 64. 090 Expiration. Permits shall expire forty-five calendar days from the date of issuance, unless a completion date allowing more time is requested and approved by the Building Official at the time of application. Demolition permits may be renewable upon request prior to expiration with approval of the Building Official for -6- one-half of the original permit fee, provided continuous progress is being made. If a permit is allowed to expire without the prior renewal, any subsequent request for reinstatement shall be accompanied by a reinstatement fee equal to the original demolition permit fee. 18 .64. 100 Qualifications to do Work. It shall be unlawful for demolition work permitted under this chapter to be performed except by: A. A subcontractor currently holding a license in good standing with the State of Utah to do wrecking and/or demolition work. B. A licensed general contractor currently holding a license in good standing with the State of Utah qualified as a general contractor, but only when the demolition is incidental and supplemental to the construction by the general contractor of a new structure on the demolition site . C. Salvage work under a predemolition salvage permit may be done without a contractor' s license provided all other conditions of this chapter are met . 18 . 64 . 110 Demolitions Requirement. A. Prior to the commencement of any demolition or moving, the permittee shall plug all sewer laterals at or near sidewalk lines as staked out by the department of public utilities . No excavation shall be covered until such plugging is approved by the Department or by the Building Official . The permittee shall further insure all utility services to the structure and/or premises have been shut off and meters removed prior to commencement of demolition work . -7- (:7\ B. When the applicant indicates the demolition will require more than thirty days to complete, and where required by the Building Official for the safety of the public, the applicant shall also provide plans to fence the demolition site so that it is inaccessible to unauthorized persons in a -manner acceptable to the Building Official . The Building Official may waive the fencing requirement if it is determined that fencing would be inappropriate or unnecessary to protect safety or health. C. --A permit for demolition requires that all materials comprising part of the existing structure(s) , including the foundation and footings, be removed from the site. The depression caused by the removal of such debris must be filled back and compacted to the original grade, as approved by the Building Official, with fill material excluding detrimental amounts of organic material or large dimension nonorganic material. D. Permitted demolition work, including filling and leveling back to grade and removal of required pedestrian walkways and fences , must be completed within the permit period unless the Building Official finds that any part of the foundation of building or site will form an integral part of a new structure to be. erected on the same site for which plans have already been approved by the building division. In such event, the Building Official may approve plans for appropriate adjustments to the completion time and may impose reasonable conditions including the posting of a bond, erection of fences , -8- securing, or similar preventions to insure the site does not create a hazard after the demolition is completed. 18. 64. 120 Relationship to Other Ordinance. Provisions of this chapter shall be subordinate to any contrary specific provisions of Chapters 21 . 64 . 010 , et seq. , dealing with demolition in the C-4 Zoning District, and Chapter 21 . 74 . 010 , et seq . , dealing with demolition in historical districts . SECTION 3 . This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon the date of its first publication . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of , 1990 . CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on Mayor' s Action: Approved Vetoed. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY RECORDER BRB:ap -9- ROGER F. CUTLER " ,.r,. �S� J41 gil'����,y��=llI ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS CITY ATTORNEY RAY L. MONTGOMERY STEVEN W. ALLRED LAW DEPARTMENT GREG R. HAWKINS DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING LARRY V. SPEND LOVE BRUCE R. BAIRDRO CHERYL D. LUKE 451 SOUTH STATE STREET, ROOM 505 - FRANK M. NAKAMURA CITY PROSECUTOR SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84111 ASSISTANT PROSECUTORS TELEPHONE (801) 535-7788 GLEN A. COOK JANICE L. FROST FAX (801) 535-7640 MARSHA ATKIN MEMORANDUM TO: Harvey Boyd Building & Housing FROM: Bruce Baird Assistant City Attorney DATE: July 30, 1990 RE: Demolition Ordinance Acc7_npanying this memorandum you will find the revised Demolition Ordinance with the new fee structure which we have discussed. Since this has already gone through HAAB, please send it down to the Mayor' s office with the appropriate cover letter, copies , etc . BRB:ap -2- Demolition Ordinance - Harvey Boyd said that he was hoping to have the revised ordinance for today's meeting, but Bruce Baird turned it down again. He said that the-problem was the base fee of $423.00 regardless of the size of the unit and Mr. Baird said that it could not be done that way, so the permit fees have been broken down and will be as they previously were for commercial buildings, but the residential will be broken down into four categories:. garages or outbuildings - $40.00, hares 120 square feet to 900 square feet - $350.00, 901 square feet to 1250 square feet - $422.00 and over 1251 square feet - $472.00. Ceiling headroom height decisions - Harvey Boyd presented the ors with a draft of the ceiling headroom height decisions fray previous HAAB cases including 1990. Karen Wikstran suggested that the decisions be categorized according to what the reason for the decision. Roger Borgenicht suggested organizing the decisions according to height. Karen Wikstran suggested organizing by "denied" or "approved. " Maj-Greth Holmberg said that when the panel goes on an inspection, there is usually time before the meeting and with the draft in hand, some time could be taken to go through it. Jody Williams suggested reviewing the draft and then crane back with sane suggestions as to how it could be improved. Bill Bohling said that possibly this information should not be used without referring back to the minutes. Report on Housing Code Survey - Harvey Boyd said that he is in the process of going through the information he requested fran other cities and they have identified Portland and Seattle have real good programs and their way of working anneals is very interesting. He said that the survey should be available in June. Maj-Greth Holmberg made a motion that the Housing Crr3Q Survey be held to the May 23, 1990 mooting and that the panel members came back with suggestions and reorganize this draft together with the information that Roger Evans will be working out with Harvey Boyd, seconded by Karen Wikstram. Motion p s sed. Selection of new chairperson and vice Chairperson - Karen Wi kst nm normnatc1 Ron Rowley to serve as Chairperson and Maj-Greth Holmberg for vice chairperson, seconded by Afton Kyriopoulos Motion pssed. Rill Bohling ma& a motion that nominations cease, seconded by Karen Wien. Motu passed. Harvey Boyd said that Maj-Greth Holmberg and Afton Kyriopoulos has been appointed by the Mayor to serve another teen on the Board. Ron Rowley said that he would like to express the appreciation of the Board to Jody Williams and Ed Lunt for what they have done for the Board. He said that Jody Williams has taken pride in serving on the Board and has been a definite asset. Lois Brown made a recommendation that a letter of appreciation from the Board be sent to Jody and Ed. Discuss changing date of field trips to Tuesday - Harvey Boyd said that the only reason for changing the day for the field trip from Monday to Tuesday is the van is not available on Mondays and it is too hard to have a discussion traveling in two cars. -3- j `Jamta►'y 3I , 1590 federal government will take it back. He said that the program is not operating at one hundred percent so Capitol Planning is in the process of revising their program description and that HUD has an expert on this program and will craning to Salt Lake City to offer advise. Mr. Buchanan said that they are considering taking sate of the non-profits and offer the money to them on a deferred payment b sis to get the money out there and there has been some interest shown. He said that they are now going through the process of reevaluating the program and deciding where-their priorities are, trying to decide what the housing policy of the community is and how this can work. Mr. Buchanan said that any day now he will receive notice that he has forty- five days to submit his application to HUD and thirty days of that are consumed internally getting things processed, so he may have three weeks to develop a pLcyiam and get it back to HAAB to review. He said that he would like to orientate towards is a simple implementation task. Ron Rowley suggested that as soon as Mr. Buchanan has this definition, get back with Harvey Boyd and schedule a review. Jody Williams suggested that, if Mr. Buchanan receives notice immediately, he could take the draft Housing Policy that HAAB recommended approval on today and use that as input. Demolition Ordinance - Harvey Boyd said that he has discussed with Bruce Baird, City Attorney, and Mr. Baird has said that there is no way a demolition permit fee schedule can be implemented that is tied to the units or as exorbitant as it was originally set. He said that the fee was suggested to get people to give a second thought before tearing down a building and create a fund for additional housing rehab or new construction. Mr. Boyd said that Mr. Baird told him to determine the cost to the City to cause a demolition to occur and what was found out was it does not cost much more to do a single- family residence as it did to do a twenty or thirty unit apartment because the inspector checks to see that the utilities are cut and any barricades needed are in place. Mr. Boyd said that once the lot is cleared, the re-inspection, addressing any problems that cane up, such as weeds, notice and orders, etc. , was no different on single-family residences than other buildings and then came up with a fee of $190 and after the first year - $60.00 and came up with the figure of $17.00 per hour. Ed Lunt suggested that Mr. Boyd re-figure the cost by including his time, the secretary's time and HAAB time. Jody Williams said that the notification costs and title search fees should be included in the fee. Mr. Boyd said that he would do that and pass it on to Mr. Baird. Building Fee Waivers - Harvey Boyd said that the City Council approved Ordinance No. 66 of 198'8 that allows the Director of Community Development to approve waivers of building and demolition permit fees for non-Euvfit organizations so that the lcney that would be turned over would be rolled in to the project and help groups out, such as Habitat for Humanity and Redevelopment Agency furthering their monies. He said that there are two requests and HAAB is required to make a recommendation to the Director of ' . Community Development. Mr. Boyd said that Habitat for Humanity is asking that building fees be waived on four sites that would provide housing for low- income families and the projects are located at: 557 Grant Street, a three- bedroom home for an addition and remodel; new construction of a handicapped accessible throc bedroom home on a vacant lot at approximately 555 Grant DEMOLITION ORDINANCE BRIEFING October 2, 1990 Proposed Demolition Ordinance (1) Building Official does not have the discretion to waive, only circumstances outlined in 18.64.040(c) . (2) Changes the fee structure to reflect cost of enforcement. (3) $100.00 fee charged if landscaping is waived. This fee is for the enforcement of weeds. (4) $170.00 filing fee for landscape waiver requests. (5) Notification requirement for residential demolitions. (a) Notify property owners within 600 foot radius. (b) Fifteen (15) day response time. (6) If structures are empty, there is a twenty (20) day waiting period for the issuance of the permit. (7) If structure is occupied, there is a forty-five (45) day waiting period. (8) $50.00 application fee for waiver of post-demolition plan. (9) Housing Advisory and Appeals Board (HAAB) to review all requests far waivers of post-demolition plan. (10) Notification of adjoining property owners within 600 feet. . "Coup it t®`Hold`Pub1AAlic eatlt The.;Salt:Lake}City. Council;,in' $100-"fee-toypay_thec osCfokieity tt- • ' old a public-hearing Tuesday.on`;,spe�?ons.to make'suie roe . tba ' P P 1'h'. °. •xa used ailiendinents toaa city ord1- v.'doesn't have.to.be,landscaped• after. dance'-governing'the.demolition`of«demolition renlains_clear.'o f w o 'A;T;;,'and junk. "`•• jti:,tl'lie;hearing is scheduled•for.'6:20, -',:'In.addition; ifCsomeone seeks.to.1 --=pp m.in Room 315.of the City-County: demolish ;a house for apartment rcilt wilding;451 S.State.St.Thecouncil,A'buiiding,the'proposed •amendment conveneoffic1ally`at 6 p.m.,ac ,.would require"'`city.;building;.and,1ording to_a posted agenda. !i .I ri.—r��,�housing.officials tonotify in;wratin►g.i`the: ro ose`d endments woul 'residents and jandowners within -','''�clarify;procedui�for how'.wai vers 7.r'6 -footradiuspf aargeted uirem \the ordinance can tuneemtimeeo commesntt on n. , "r e' anted, _ * t city attor .'. the'demol oll. � ± • '$ cs The �- If the'Hot"i`t. ents;-would`place the povrce Aof ypeals�Board sc ul a • • t, nting`vvaivers,under the authority' eeliqnt td�,�1 0 -,. e if the'Housing'Adviskfry rpiacl p= stru cture;',!th&ut1? ding e" eals Board.:Currently,,;bui1dtng-ApV, a plan,or? ;r . ,girth: ' ,. .'.� -:, ffictij_011sb allg�antwalV= Used'ilftei: i,i= • „0 I0 lit �t.it { •7. i din9nce requirements,.:;;'! officials also v o'uld be,required.'to ' ,notify area" ;neighborhood organiza- char►g• . also contain a ¢w `lions'as well j as,'resldents and fan — ' owners living within a 600-foot radi-' ,us.of the targeted.structure of the • date and time:of the.hearing. In`other�busiriess",:athe ouncil is'- scheduled to set an Oet.'l8°date for a public hearing on amending the cur- rent fiscal year budget and to adopt a ' resolution to make a Utah State Re-- tirement Board group insurance nlan availahla to city employees. SALT LAKE CITY BUILDING AND HOUSING STAFF RPM Guidelines and Procedures for Landscape Waiver Decisions OVERVIEW This is a staff report of suggested guidelines and procedures for determining landscape waiver decisions. BACKGROUND The landscape waiver approval and denial was initiated in 1985 as a requirement of the demolition ordinance, No. 88. Since January of 1986, HAAB has reviewed landscape waiver requests. Since January of 1988 it has approved 4 of the requests, partially approved 1, and denied 1. ANALYSIS Chapter 18.64 DIIMOLITION provides that in applying for demolition permits, owners must have a valid permit for replacement or present a landcape plan. The landscape plan must include the planting of lawn and a sprinkling system. The owner may file the form "Appeal to the Building Official" to ask for allowances. In making his decision, the building offical calls for a recommendation of the Community Council. Owners of the property may appeal the building official's decision to HAAB, which can waive the landscape requirement or grant less-than-full compliance. (Copies of the Appeal to the Building Official, letter to Community Council, and Individual and Corporate Demolition Covenants are attached In examining landscape waiver requests, there are a number of often complicated factors that must be considered by the HAAB members. It is impossible to set hard and fast guidelines since neighborhoods often have very different feelings and objectives. However, we can further define the process and identify the factors that should be considered during the review process. Factors which should be reviewed by the HAAB fall into the five categories below. Data on these factors will be supplied to HAAB in a staff report. 1. Content of the Appeal a. Copy of the Demolition Review Form • b. Copy of Landscape Waiver Appeals Form 2. Description of Property and Structures • • a. Current or last use (i.e. residential or commercial; no. of units if residential) Occupied or vacant? If vacant, date it was last occupied. Current zoning of property. b. Condition of building Evidence whether or not building meets minimum building codes; liklihood building could be repaired (depending upon severity of problems and probable cost of repairs) . If housing enforcement case, case history and remaining deficiencies. If structure had fire, the date, cause, and extent of damage. c. Evidence that building has not been stripped of its components nor purposefully allowed to deteriorate to become a blight and hazard to the community. d. Historical significance of building. 3. Development Activity a. Uses on adjacent land b. Land use plan and objectives of the Planning Department for the block or neighborhood. c. Development trends for the block or neighborhood, including any proposed new uses on adjacent properties. d. Potential for development of the parcel. Indicate if there are unusual conditions, such as two homes on a lot, unusual typography, or whether demolition would result in an unbuildable lot. 4. Comments and Information on Impact of Proposed Demolition a. Copies of any letters from the community council, and from -organizations active in the neighborhood, such as NHS. • b. Copies of any letters from the adjoining owners. c. Staff estimate of impact the landscape waiver would have on adjacent properties. d. Planning staff comments. 5. Staff Recommendation a. Indicate if staff recommends less than full compliance with landscape requirements, such as landscaping a buffer area, fencing all or part of lot, allowing lot to become part of yard of another house, etc. b. If staff recommends similar a decision similar to one earlier made for an adjoining or proximate lot, indicate this. The staff report should be provided to the HAAB members on or before the field trip visit. Qs: not covered, and why 1. Visibility: very subjective measure. Most negative aspects of unlandscaped lots will be addressed by the other evidence included. 2. Short-term development plans of owner: too easy for him to give plans he can't or doesn't intend to carry out. Item 3, Development Activity should reveal reasonable plans. SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. of 1985 (Demolition) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF TITLE 5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, IS AMENDED, RELATING TO DEMOLITION. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. That Section 5-8-1, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, is repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 5-8-1. Demolition fees. A fee for each demolition permit shall be paid to the City.as follows: BUILDING SIZE IN FLOOR AREA FEE 5 - 2000 square feet $ 40.00 -% 2001 - 4000 square feet 50.00 4001 - 6000 square feet 70.00 6001 - 8000 square feet 90.00 8001 - 10,000 square feet 110.00 10,001 - 12,000 square feet 133.00 12,001 - 14,000 square feet 161.00 14,001 - 16,000 square feet 189.00 16,001 - 18,000 square feet 217.00 18,001 - 20,000 square feet 245.00 20,001 - 22,000 square feet 281.00 22,001 - 24,000 square feet 317.00 24,001 - 26,000 square feet 353.00 26,001 - 28,000 square feet 389.00 28,001 - 30,000 square feet 425.00 30,001 - 32,000 square feet 465.00 tY A. �;a,2