09/12/2017 - Work Session - Announcements City Council Revised Announcements September 12, 2017 2:43:17 PM Information Needed by Staff A. Appointed Pay Plan Reclassification Requests The Mayor's Office would like to reclassify two positions on the Appointment Pay Plan: • Refugee Community Liaison (21) • Special Projects Manager (21) Both positions are currently at a grade 21, and the change would reclassify the positions to a grade 26 "Community Liaison". The Administration would like to see if the Council has any objections to posting the jobs now to pursue applicants, but would not fill the position until they have the Council's formal approval during a budget amendment. ➢ Does the Council have any objections to the Administration advertising for these positions? Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director, reviewed the proposed staffing title change in Mayor's office for two positions. She asked if the Council had any concerns about the Administration moving ahead with advertising and interviewing for positions as long as they are not advertising for positions outside their budget and that they will bring a resolution to the Council for a vote. The administration will not be asking for a budget amendment this year for the proposed title changes. Councilmember Johnston asked for clarification on where the money was coming from for this fiscal year. Ms. Gust-Jenson explained it was an internal move, and that it is budget neutral for this year. No objections were raised. B. Salt Lake County Association of Municipal Councils Paul Wayman, the 2017 chairman of the Association of Municipal Councils, and a councilmember in Riverton City sent a letter to the Council. He is inquiring about having a Council Member represent SLC by attending the monthly meetings for the Salt Lake County Association of Municipal Councils. (Attachment) > Is there a Council Member who wants to represent the Salt Lake City Council at this monthly meeting? Ms. Gust-Jenson asked if anyone from the Council would like to serve with this group and meet with City Council representatives from other city councils throughout the valley. Councilmember Adams raised the question of meeting times/days. Ms. Gust-Jenson said they will ask for clarification on meeting dates/times. SALT LAKE COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Greetings councilmembers! I'm Paul Wayman, a member of the Riverton City Council, and this year's chair of the Salt Lake County Association of Municipal Councils. We've missed you at our meetings! During this past year, we have not had anyone from your council join us. On behalf of the Association, I'd like to invite you to appoint a member of your council to join with us in our monthly meetings on hot topics of interest to our communities! The Association has been in existence for a number of years, and we find that there are many timely issues to discuss, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with members of other councils and see how they are handling issues that we may have in common. Last month, we heard from Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams who, at our invitation, came to discuss townships, homelessness issues and solutions, and rapid growth of the county. In September, we've invited economic development representatives to come and talk to us about recruitment of businesses, incentives, and generally how economic development programs work. In October we plan to hear from Cameron Diehl of the Utah League of Cities and Towns about upcoming legislative issues, and then in November we will meet with the members of the county Council of Governments and with our state legislators to discuss top legislative priorities. We meet at noon every second Tuesday of the month with the exception of November when we combine our meeting with the COG and December when we do not hold a meeting due to the busy holiday season. Our meetings are typically held at the Murray City Council Conference Room. County staff, who have just recently taken over the job of administering our association, recognize that your time is valuable and that most of you are using your lunch hour to attend this meeting. Because of this they will begin providing box lunches at our meetings going forward. We leave it to each city to decide how to appoint a member of their council to become the member of the Association. Just let us know who that person is, and we will make sure they receive the calendar appointments and communications from the Association. Please reply back to Erika Fihaki at efihaki@slco.org and she will make sure to get you on our list. Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting on September 12 at noon! Sincerely, / 2c,/ 4jcL_Jo Paul Wayman 2017 Chairman — Association of Municipal Councils Councilmember Riverton City