09/12/2017 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 , 2017 The City Council held a Retreat/Workshop on Tuesday, September 12, 2017, at 3 : 25 p.m. at the Gardner Institute, 411 East South Temple, 3rd Floor, Ivory Ballroom, Salt Lake City. In Attendance: Council Members James Rogers, Stan Penfold, Lisa Adams, Andrew Johnston, Derek Kitchen, Charlie Luke, and Erin Mendenhall . Also In Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Deputy Director; Jan Aramaki, Council Community Facilitator; Dan Weist, Council Communications Director; Allison Rowland, Council Policy Analyst; Lehua Weaver, Council Associate Deputy Director; Amber Pehrson, Council Constituent Liaison; Nick Tarbet, Council Senior Public Policy Analyst; Becky Dangerfield, Council Staff Assistant; Libby Stockstill, Council Constituent Liaison; Brian Fullmer, Council Constituent Liaison; Molly Farmer, Council Constituent Liaison; Ben Luedtke, Council Constituent Liaison; Brijette Williams, Council Constituent Liaison; Kira Luke, Council Policy & Budget Analyst; Samuel Owen, Council Constituent Liaison; Priscilla Tuuao, Council Constituent Liaison; Tracey Fletcher, Council Staff Assistant; Robyn Hoggan, Council Staff Assistant; Linda Sanchez, Council Staff Assistant; Cindy Lou Trishman, Council Staff Assistant; and Cindi Mansell, City Recorder. Others Present: Neil Lindberg, Council Legal Advisor; Karen Kindred, Brian Wilkinson and Patricia Comarell, Outside Consultants . The meeting was called to order at 3 : 25 p.m. View Agenda 1 . Welcome & Introductions. 3:25:57PM Councilmember Penfold welcomed those present and outlined the Retreat/Workshop Agenda details . He said the Council was not revisiting priorities, but challenges they faced and determining how to focus and leverage the ability to set policy in a differing environment . He discussed the Council' s role in the community and responding to constituents when the majority of questions surround Administrative issues . He said the Council' s role was challenging and there was need to be deliberate about their function and working with the role of the Administration. He suggested discussion regarding the policy conversations and directions the Council needed to focus on to set vision and future for the City. Finally, he said he was hoping to get to conversations regarding legislative power and abilities . 2 . Recognizing & Appreciating Personality Differences . 3:34:00PM Karen Kindred said Council Members and Staff had previously 17 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 , 2017 taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Type test and should all know their individual results from the 16 personality types . She said those types were used to gather and facilitate analysis of information about teams or specific groups of people . She said the goal of knowing about personality type was to understand and appreciate differences between people . View Information Ms . Kindred presented a short video on the subject and led the Council in discussion and group exercises relative to personality types . The exercise addressed "all Sensing and all Intuitive" and broke people into small groups to answer questions such as : LIST the liabilities and the assets of an organization that was comprised of ALL SENSING individuals; and 2) LIST the liabilities and the assets of an organization that was comprised of ALL INTUITIVE individuals . Identified SENSING assets included: fact-based experiences, efficiency processes, result & detail oriented, take other' s opinions into account, get along well with other groups, anticipate future needs, flexibility, have vision, organized, consistent, prone to picking up slack, overly observant, methodical, trustworthy, loyal, transparent, detail & task oriented, speedy, illustrate leadership, establish good policy, inspiring, get things done, creative, not sweating small stuff, intuitive, aspirational, embracing new problems and unfamiliar concepts while striving for solutions, visionary, non-linear thinking, able to identify gaps/overlap/redundancy, challenging status quo, and asking "why" . Identified SENSING liabilities included: not flexible or adaptable, analysis paralysis, naysayer, not setting realistic goals, setting goals with no target, not realistic, inability to make a decision, reluctance to try new things, moving forward without taking into consideration the feelings of others, less imaginative, focus on immediate need could deter future consequences, tendency to work slower, less focus on data-driven decisions, possibility for minority opinions to be dismissed, potential to be over-confident in results, and missing details and steps due to jumping around at the latest shiny thing. Ms . Kindred discussed the difference it could make when understanding yourself and whom you were working with, and if you know the way others think and process information. She said with that knowledge, there would be opportunity to improve communication and the ability to understand. Identified INTUITIVE assets included: entertaining, know people, have connection or will make one, will listen to both good and bad, win 17 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 , 2017 friends and influence people, few interruptions, create and cultivate harmonious environments, not speaking before thinking, less tendency to improvise, confidence, internal logic, ability to present coherently, deliberate, subject expert due to in-depth interest, highly focused on subject matter, well versed to study area, statements and thoughts are thought out and well considered, polite listeners, do not interrupt, no impulsive decisions, well-reasoned, tactful, thoughtful, clear communication (particularly in writing) , engaged in conversation, focused, ability to network and explain things, more likely to jump in, flexible, ability to build relationships with people, ability to be aware of other' s points of view, enthusiastic, and better at working in a crisis . Identified INTUITIVE liabilities included: time-consuming, unfocused, meetings can go long, interaction abundance, wheel spinning with no results, exhausting, try to push point of view, less transparent, less working by collaboration, developing ideas and concepts without soliciting input from others, lack of internal communication, perceived as aloof, hesitant, internalize ideas, does not share thoughts, missed connections or opportunities, slow to adapt to a rapidly changing organization, no small talk unless important to them, not caring about others, not creative, timid in speaking in front of people, fear of expressing themselves, and lack of trust. Ms . Kindred said it appeared to be an interesting and equally divided group of introverts and extroverts . She discussed the goal to create and maintain a safe communication environment as well as the ability to recognize shared communication styles, differences, and group norms . She distributed MBTI Flip-a-Type Tip booklets and encouraged the Council and Staff to use them well and often. 3. Framing Issues in a Policy Context. 5:05:07PM Mr. Wilkinson discussed identifying policy issues and Legislative/Administrative roles in requests from constituents, community concerns, Council Member interests, etc. He discussed policy process, and procedure as well and framing, strengthening, and communicating policy. He reviewed the 2017 policy priorities and how to move policy forward. View Powerpoint Discussion followed on moving policy forward, potential distractions, Administrative actions not always meeting citizen' s expectations, Council expectations versus realistic expectations, missed opportunities, concept of contingent appropriations, identifying items that are not Legislative, what is within the realm of Council control, specific examples for discussion, potential need for more in-depth 17 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 , 2017 conversations that do not occur due to time constraints, potential to reframe priorities, option to utilize subcommittees, options such as meeting/working more/differently (whether that would be beneficial) , staying focused, and how to stand together. The Council took a dinner break. The workshop reconvened. 4 . Council Tools such as : Balancing Tests, Group Norms, Guiding Principles , & Policy Statements . 6:14:05 PM Ms . Comarell provided a brief introduction on her background. She distributed information regarding Group Norms; Establishing Framework; and Plan Salt Lake . She discussed personal experiences illustrating techniques to bring order out of chaos, taking responsibility for ourselves and not others, and utilizing balancing tests . She stressed that although a decision was important, the manner in which it was decided made all the difference. Ms . Comarell said the Strong Mayor/Council form of government could be difficult, and discussed her experiences when serving as the Ogden City Council Executive Director. She said there was continual need to be clear and concise in how the Council communicates to the public and in expressing intent, considering and weighing the balancing tests involved, and expressing those within an Outline of Expectations . She discussed the concept of the Council becoming more familiar with tools such as the Group Norms to advance their priorities, strategies, and other shared interests and moving ahead together. Ms . Comarell utilized the example of the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) issue discussion and establishing a relative framework. She discussed the integrity of the neighborhood versus affordable housing, limit, location and number, impact, and parking versus standards . She addressed the underlying questions such as issues to be solved, identifying the values (what were you weighing, what was competing) , what to do if there were conflicting values, how to find a balance, hopes and expectations in taking action, and the value in laying these out in a document or Outline of Expectations . She provided an example overview of Group Norms that could assist in the decision-making process . Ms . Comarell referenced the Plan Salt Lake handout which contained concise statements or guiding principles such as maintaining the neighborhood stability and character along with initiatives and concisely defined goals . She said there was need to define what that meant, discuss implementation, and establish the overall framework. She 17 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 , 2017 addressed the power of ordinances, and offered the example of the Homeless Resource Centers and compiling the concepts and creating an Outline of Expectations to use for a tool to educate and inform the public. She discussed being reactive and how to handle various situations . Discussion followed regarding the ability to use this type of Outline of Expectations as a communications tool . Inquiry was raised as to how the Council could avoid getting hung up talking about the value component. Ms . Comarell suggested acknowledging the controversy and conflicting values up front. Councilmember Adams suggested the Council utilize this tool/establish the framework now for the closure of Rio Grande . She suggested outlining conflicting values such as : public access versus private control, displacement of the criminal population, safe space versus access service, Identification for public access versus freedom, impact of commercial use, perceived benefits, new problems versus old, displacing problems to a surrounding area, adequate resources to respond to crime displacement, displaced transportation, public buy-in, fulfillment of promises that accept the success of the street closure, and actually defining the success of the street closure (i .e . define expected outcome) , etc. Ms . Comarell said it could be beneficial not to prioritize values but just suggest potential conflicts . She said the problem comes in the Council having/taking the additional time up front to be able to speed up the process and be more organized together. The Council discussed where they spend their time, such as in the public, in meetings (work session or regular) , small groups, community meetings, etc. and whether this process could be performed before or after as issue/proposal was identified. The suggestion was offered to present a unified understanding in a public meeting and identify concerns as something to be addressed. It was stated the Group Norms were very different than the actual policy manual and discussion followed regarding such. Ms . Comarell suggested Group Norms be defined within a workshop/work session setting and provided an example wherein Provo City took two half-days to complete an issue . Ms . Gust-Jenson said if there were pieces the Council would like to delve into, Ms . Comarell had agreed to work with the Council or Staff further. Ms . Comarell concluded that next steps could include the Council development of their own Group Norms . She suggested Staff could check on slowing down the process and with Administration regarding flexibility on timing. 17 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL RETREAT/WORKSHOP TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 , 2017 Councilmember Penfold discussed an upcoming format to review Council priorities for the year. He said there were two carried forward from last year because they were not accomplished and there would be similar challenges this year. He suggested the need for the Council to feel comfortable identifying the steps needing to happen in the direction of those priorities selected. The meeting adjourned at 8 : 20 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio for the entire content. This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Workshop meeting held September 12, 2017 . clm 17 - 6