10/14/2019 - Minutes MINUTES CITY&COUNTY BUILDING CONSERVANCY AND USE COMMITTEE MONDAY,October 14,2019,4:00 P.M. Committee Members Present: --- Committee Members Absent Rob Pett,Chair Barbara Murphy Anne Oliver Steve Cornell RECEIVED Jennifer Hale Q,,tt Rats Cttt,&Count„1tttiIDutq John Kemp JAN Mark Thimm Congrrumtty 8c%tor Committer 2 4 2020 alpimvers Ex Officio Members Present ITY RECORDER Riley Bird SLC Facilities Guests D,,t : January 13, 2020 / Joan Swain,SLC Facilities Efren Corado,SLC Arts council / Jaysen Oldroyd,SLC Attorney's Office Sean Fyfe,SLC Engineering Troy Baker,SLC Parks Tony Gliot,SLC Urban Forestry Rob Pett welcomed everyone to today's meeting and made special welcome to Efren Corado,a prospective committee member replacement for Eva Rinaldi to represent the Salt Lake City Arts Council. Rob also welcomed Tony Gliot from Urban Forestry and Troy Baker from Parks who are here to tour the grounds with the Committee. Rob asked for a roll call: Sean Fyfe,SLC Engineering; Mark Thimm,Committee Member; Riley Bird,SLC Facilities;Jaysen Oldroyd,SLC Attorney's Office;Tony Gliot,SLC Urban Forestry;Troy Baker,SLC Parks; Efren Corado,SLC Arts Council;Jennifer Hale, Committee Member;Anne Oliver,Committee Member; Rob Pett,Committee Chair;Joan Swain,SLC Facilities Agenda Item 1: Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2019. Rob asked the Committee to take a few minutes to review the minutes to see if there are any corrections or comments to be made. Rob commented that the minutes suggest that elections might be held in today's meeting, but since we don't have everyone present these will pushed to November's meeting or thereafter when we have a full quorum. Rob asked if there were any corrections or concerns. There were none. Rob asked if anyone would like to make a motion to approve the minutes. Mark Thimm motioned to approve the minutes of September 9, 2019. Anne Oliver seconded the motion. The Committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes. Agenda Item#2: Sub-Committee Master Plan update. Sean Fyfe reported that Engineering has advertised,shorted listed,interviewed and selected a Design Consultant for the Master Plan project. Sean explained that Engineering and the Consultant met to refine the project scope and the consultant's fee and are now moving towards a contract,which he hopes to have in a week or two so that maybe by next month the Consultant can come and meet with the Committee. Rob suggested he had hoped to get the space planning and the vulnerability study project consultants to this meeting, but they were unable to attend today. Sean suggested that the timing was not right for GSBS to come today, but next month's meeting, November 11, 2019,will be a better time for them to come visit the Committee. Sean explained the first couple of months focus had been on the space planning and just recently there had been some workshops relative to the vulnerability study portion of the work,so Engineering is still waiting for the initial draft report from those workshops. Rob suggested GSBS could report to the Committee first then be excused and then the Master Plan Consultant could give the Committee an update. Rob asked Efren Corado to take a few minutes to tell the Committee a little about himself. 1 Efren explained that his background is in Performing Arts. He received a master's degree from the University of Utah also attending UVU and Nationwide through Repertory Dance Theater,where he danced for about 6'/:years. He has been on the board for the Salt Lake City Arts Council for 3 years serving on numerous committees and he currently works for the Salt Lake County Division of Arts and Culture at the Eccles Theater running a program for community engagement called "Arts for All". Efren asked if he needed to wait to be appointed before getting more familiar with what the master plan project and the space planning and vulnerability studies are about. Rob explained that what Sean just reported on was related to space planning study and a vulnerability study for the city and County building and another city building. The Master Plan project is being completed to get an updated master plan or use guidelines for the City and County Building and Washington Square so that when repairs or changes come up for discussion there is a document that provides building and grounds staff guidance in order to preserve the historic nature of the building and grounds. Agenda Item 3:Annual Grounds Walk. Troy Baker explained that the water-wise garden in the front horseshoe area was a topic of discussion last fall and the plans were approved and the plantings and irrigation were completed this summer the changes have made such a beautiful improvement to the entrance to the building. Rob commented that the Committee has remarked numerous times how beautiful the gardens look and what a difference the work that was done has made to the entrance. Rob suggested that the plants adjacent to the flag poles are tall and block the lights that are supposed to light the flag at night. Troy suggested looking at this while we are on the grounds tour and maybe make a change for some of these plants. Tony Gliot explained the following about some of the trees on Washington Square: • There are 251 trees on Washington Square including 42 individual species. • There is 1 verified state champion tree on the site and another 2 trees that Tony may nominate this year. • We have some of the tallest trees in the State. • The trees/canopy gets inspected more often than other sites in the city especially during the events season that put a lot of stress on the trees. • The City does maintain a computerized inventory database of all public property trees(including species and size)within the City. It can be accessed on Salt Lake City's website under Urban Forestry. Troy Baker reported that last year changes were made related to events and one of the changes was that staking of tents is no longer acceptable. Vendors can use water barrels or concrete weights to hold down the tents. The extremely large tents will be allowed to use anchors,which the City have installed in the ground in certain areas and can be all events. Joan will not be recording or taking notes during the grounds walk. Any items that come up during the walk that Committee Member(s)would like added to next month's agenda should be sent to Joan by email. Rob asked for a motion to adjourn to complete the annual grounds walk. Jennifer Hale motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mark Thimm seconded the motion The Committee unanimously approved the motion. Meeting adjourned. 2 3