01/19/2022 - Meeting Materials (2) Salt Lake City Arts Council Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday,November 17, 2021 WebEx Online Present: Staff: Sonali Loomba Felicia Baca Dave Mortensen Kelsey Ellis Kat Potter Sylvia Richards Larry Cohen Tonle Nenbee Annie Dayton Public: 4 Josanne Glass Dana Howell, Accountant (Auditor- Erika Hill Osborne, Robbins & Buhler) Sarah Longoria Matt Castillo Excused: Susan Koles Rickman Absent: Andrea Ashdown I. Call to Order and Welcome Gues Yie Mr. Dave Mortensen called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. II. Approve Board Meeting Minutes—October 2021' No comments or corrections were made to the October 2021 minutes. Larry Cohen moved to approve the minutes and Ms. Kathy Davis seconded that motion. III: Programs & Operations A. Operating Agreement & Public Benefit Study Update Ms. Felicia Baca reported that the Executive Committee and the Governance Committee has reviewed the Operating Agreement and the Public Benefit Study. They are waiting for a bi rom the legal team as to cost for review. It will probably be on the agenda for the Ci ouncil in the new year. B. City Po&Projects Update/discussion: i. Update on noise regulation and Conditional Use Permit for Outdoor Dining Ms. Baca reported that feedback had been received from the Salt Lake City Planning Department. The Department is not going to use a cutoff time of 9:00 p.m. to start noise reduction requirement related to outdoor dining as was previously a concern that it would end prior to county noise ordinance. Ms. Baca state that she would invite the Planning Department to provide an update regarding the status of requirements for the Permit. 1 ii. Quarterly report of all activities to report back to department re: expenditure of funds. This report previously has not been sent to Board members but was sent for the Board's information starting November 2021. This report is a requirement of the non-departmental funding from the City. Ms. Josanne Glass noted that she found the report helpful, and Ms. Baca agreed to continue sending the regular report to the Board. 1111 iii. Grants. I a. Ms. Baca reported that the Board received grant for$500K to sub grant from NEA. Some of the funds will be utilized to pay for part-time staffing, but otherwise the grant will not be used for operations but will be a pass through for the Board to fund its grant program. Ms Baca noted that only 66 people/entities nationwide were awarded this funding. NEA will announce the award of the grant to the Board and the other entities on November 18, 2021. b. The Board's 2-year grant was increased from $25,000 to 40,000. c. The Living Traditions grant from as awarded in the amount of $25,000. IV. Budget/Financial Updatekr, A. Annual Audit Review(Osborne, Robbins & Buhler, PLLC) MIN Ms. Dana Howell reported on the Annual Audit review and noted that the financials were "clean" and in accordanc ' h GAAP. Ms. Howell also noted that th Board is in a great cash position and that the assets showed prepaid $55K from organizing/managing the Twilight Concerts. The amount under the fund balance is nonspendable; the money has already been spent,but the cost has not yet been recognized. The financi lso showed a net income of$240,000, which consisted of$180,000 from last year as eferred revenue. She also noted that the cancellation of Living traditions in 2020 resulted in money received from CARES in the amount of$176,000. Ms. Kelsey Ellis noted that this financial report reflects information from January 2, 2020. So, this audit will have a number of asterisks. Ms. Howell review page 30 of the Audit involving the budget to actual costs comparison and stated that it was pretty much within compliance. One expenditure over the amount budgeted was in grants and resulted from certain administrative expenses. 2 Ms. Howell also noted that a compliance letter is required when accountants perform an audit. They reviewed internal control and compliance with laws, but don't express an opinion. She didn't find anything to report except, as reflected on the last page of the audit, she noted that staff levels don't have sufficient expertise to prepare financials without auditor help. This is noted each year in the audit and is not changed from the prior audit. Ms. Howell also noted that a governance letter to Board of Trustees will be sent with boilerplate language indicated that there were no changes to accounting policies used by The Salt Lake City Arts Foundation. Certain significant estimates such as pension liabilities are not within the control of the Board. She indicated that she encountered no difficulties in performing the audit and noted that, to the contrary, much help had been provided. A few minor adjustments were made; no major adjustments were made or were required to be reported. Management provided the representation letter as asked. No other auditors were involved or requireci/No other issues were reported. Mr. Matt Castillo stated that a"shout out" should be o Ms. Felicia Baca, Ms. Kelsey Ellis, Ms. Wendy Evanoff, Ms. na Howell, an am for completing the audit successfully. Ms. Howell also noted that she is working on the 9 return which was originally due on 11/15/2021,but the time for filing was extended. B. Review of Financials $111' Mr. Matt Castillo reported on the financial statements noting that there wasn't much to update and that things were moving along without issue. Ms. Kelsey Ellis reported that working on an amended budget to include the grants received as noted above.sh . Board Updates A: General i. Boar ember Nominations I Ms. Kat Potter reported that she had interviewed two (2) great candidates to be new Board members: Ms Ayanna Allen, from District 1 has a background in sociology, works for Goldman Sachs as an operations analyst and is comfortable with working with numbers. She is also a singer/songwriter Mr. Richard Taylor from District 6 has a background in engineering and physics and is an entrepreneur and visual artist. 3 Mr. Potter indicated that we will continue recruit for membership on the Board so that we will get to at least the minimum of fifteen(15)members. She also reported that two (2)members will rotate off the Board in the summer as they complete their second terms. She is keeping an eye on Districts 1, 2, and 7 for new members. ii. Ms. Nico Dicou is moving to Hawaii and leaving the Board. Ms. Baca indicated that Ms. Dicou sent her thanks and goodbye. iii. Other Ms. Josanne Glass is joining the Executive Committee and Ms. Sarah Longoria is joining with Ms. Torle Nenbee on the Idea Committee VI. Arts Event Discussion A discussion was held as to the attendance of members at various arts events during the prior month. VII. Public Comment There was no public comment. VIII. Other Business/Adjourn Mr. M sen adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:15pm. 4 SALT LAKE CITY ARTS COUNCIL BOARD MEMO ARTS Date: 1/12/2022 Prepared by Felicia Baca COUNCIL RE: Brown Bag/Busker Festival REQUESTED ACTION: Motion to approve Brown Bag Concert Series brand into Busker Festival STAFF RECCOMENDATION: Approval EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: The Busker Festival Began in 2018 to accomplish a number of objectives, mainly to identify gaps in services to the arts community and address activation of Block 70 after the completion of the Eccles Theater and McCarthy Plaza. The Busker Festival was funded by the RDA in calendar year 2018 and 2019. The Arts Council prioritized this program,based on mission, and budgetarily in FY21 (calendar year 2020 to current),by absorbing programmatic costs after the RDA funding ended. In FY21 Budget cycle the Arts Council Board approved the annual budget in which the Brown Bag Concert Series was combined into contracted services, as well as combined in vision, with the Busker Fest. The intention was to have Primrose Productions, the Busker Fest contractor, wholly facilitate the combined mission. However, in 2021 due to the pandemic and the unknowns with contractors and events, the Brown Bag Concert Series was continued in-house in a virtual format, with one singular in-person event at Open Streets and Busker Fest, continuing under the brand of Brown Bag. In an effort to more forward with the completion of this fusing of programs, the Arts Council is requesting a motion to approve this transition fully. The mission of the Busker Festival has been determined as a more critical community gap, and is already inclusive of the constituency (local musicians)that Brown Bag serves. Additionally, as funding sources have shifted over time, and programming dollars within the Art Council are decreasing due to ZAP funding, we find it best to brand these programs as one,while still providing the same level of service to the community and lifting some of the capacity considerations to the contractor, Primrose Productions. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: A strategic objective of the Arts Council is incubation of programs to fill gaps in the community- while considering duplication of other community programming. Since its inception over 30 years ago, the series began outdoors downtown, with the goals of activating the urban environment and supporting musicians. Since that time, the gap and need for this street and urban activation with wholly musical programming has been contributed to by a number of organizations such as the Gallivan Center Lunch Bunch Concert Series, The Downtown Farmers Market, Excellence in the Community, and others. The Arts Council has also historically supported local musicians with other programs, which 54 FINCH LANE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH / 84102 801 . 596 . 5000 saltlakearts.org SALT LAKE CITY we intend to maintain, through Twilight Concert Series and Living Traditions, ARTS as well as Busker Fest. The consistency and attendance of the Brown Bag Concert series has also COUNCIL waned significantly over the years. A sharp programmatic reduction was made in 2017, driven both by mission evaluation and budget considerations. In recent years the series has had inconsistent partners, test models, and locations that have demonstrated mixed success. Additionally, as the Arts Council has experienced changes in revenue, and increased demand on existing staff resources for new programming and iniatives, it is in the best interest of our strategic direction to continue to serve musicians through the Busker Festival contract which already serves this demographic and provides a more strategic and diverse focus on gaps in the art community. The inception of the Open Streets program, which is also supported by the Cultural Core contract that the Arts Council manages, as well as Open Streets support though the ACE funds in the Mayor's Office, further supports similar programming. This move will make music a continued and critical part of the Busker Festival and will be negotiated to include the ensured continuation of pop-up events in more geographically diverse areas outside of the downtown core and in addition to the Festival. Busker Fest 2022 will continue be a 2-day festival in the first half of June. The event will include national and local street performers showcasing a variety of talents: music, comedy, dance, stunts, acrobatics, magic and more. Brown Bag will be honored with a "stage"on the steps of Eccles Theater and an open invitation to all past performers in that program. Busker Fest Acoustic Strolls along the Jordan River Parkway This program will showcase acoustic musicians positioned along the Jordan River Parkway on Thursday evenings. The selected dates allow for flexibility in case of weather cancellations. May 5 and May 19 BUDGET & FINANCING: Changes in the funding source for the Busker Festival, from the RDA to the Arts Council, has caused decreases in the Busker Festival contract amount over time since it's inception in 2018. The Arts Council prioritized this program in mission and budgetarily in FY21 by absorbing programmatic costs after the RDA funding ended. Maintaining a more consistent contract amount will further the stability of the Busker Fest through the challenges of the pandemic, economic impacts to arts funding, and existing reduction in ZAP programming dollars for the Arts Council. 54 FINCH LANE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH / 84102 801 . 596 . 5000 saltlakearts.org SALT LAKE CITY COUNCILARTS Budget Details/Contract Amounts: Busker Fest Contract Amt *Green indicates RDA funded;Red indicates Arts Council Funded additional production and staffing costs were in-house for the Arts 2018 —$34,000 Council 2019 $89,250 $63,500 Festival Contract, $25,750 Busking Pilot Program Contract cancelled due to pandemic, $5,500 Contract executed with mini 2020 $60,000 pop-up events 2021 $50,000 2022 $50,000 Current FY in budget Brown Bag Concert Series 2019 —$12,000 2020 —$12,000 *was included in contracted services, executed in house. See narrative. 2021 0 Program cost—$13,000 2022 0 54 FINCH LANE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH / 84102 801 . 596 . 5000 saltlakearts.org FY22 Project Support Round 2 Committee Recommendation Organization Score Award Banded Black/Salt Lake Juneteenth* 9.36 $ 7,500 Performing Arts Coalition (PAC) 9.28 $ 500 The Blocks, SLC* 9.21 $ 3,000 The Leonardo 9.19 $ 4,000 NeighborWorks® Salt Lake (NWSL) 9.13 $ 6,000 Great Salt Lake Fringe 9.13 $ 3,250 Kostopulos Dream Foundation/Camp Kostopulos 9.12 $ 5,750 Story Crossroads 9.09 $ 1,000 Pinnacle Acting Company 9.02 $ 1,250 Tanner Humanities Center 8.94 $ 1,500 University Neighborhood Partners (University of Utah) 8.82 $ 1,500 Salt Lake Academy of Music (SLAM) 8.80 $ 3,500 Oquirrh West Project* 8.79 $ 1,750 Listener's Community Radio, KRCL 90.9 fm 8.71 $ 3,500 Kaladharaa Dance* 8.67 $ 1,000 Stuart Pimsler Dance & Theater* 8.76 $ 1,000 Mauro Romualdo DBA Salt Lake Capoeira 8.74 $ 1,750 Society for Preservation & Propagation of Eastern Arts 8.73 $ 1,000 GK Folks Foundation 8.72 $ 3,000 David Ross Fetzer Foundation for Emerging Artists 8.70 $ 2,750 Glendale Community Council* 8.68 $ 1,500 Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources (PIK2AR) 8.64 $ 3,000 Salt Lake Symphony 8.63 $ 4,000 Truth in Comedy / Byron Stamps 8.60 $ 2,000 Utopia Early Music 8.59 $ 500 Mitsu Salmon* 8.59 $ 500 Liv C. Smith* 8.50 $ 1,000 Bomba Marile 8.47 $ 500 Discovery Gateway Children's Museum 8.44 $ 1,750 Andes Cultural Arts* 8.40 $ - Sarah Ann Woodbury and Team* 8.36 $ - Westside Studio* 8.14 $Utah Chinese Association 7.91 $Salt Lake Ethnic Arts 6.59 $Jackson Carter (Owner/Tour Guide at Nightcat Media)* 6.16 $Total $ 69,250 NOTES: 1. Received 36 requests totaling$255,260-we are recommending 29 awards totaling$69,250 2. Average scores placed applicants into five (5)tiers. 3.Tiers then determined a formula which recommended zero dollars in funding for Tier 5 applicants. 4. Manual adjustments to awards were then made based off of FY21 awards where applicable (avoiding large increases or decreases in excess of 20%whenever possible),funding in increments of$250 and no awards smaller than $500, and finally- in the overall context of the percentage of the applicant's request. 5. Applicants scored on areas of Inclusion, Value, Budget, Goals, and Community. 6. Overall budget is level when compared to Project Support Round 1, at$69,250. While we saw fewer applicants in this round, as compared to the 45 applicants in Round 1,we saw more first time applicants,with 12 first time applicants and an additional 10 applicants returning to the City Arts Program after 1-3 years of not applying for funds. 7. A" * " next to an applicant's name, denotes a first time applicant to the City Arts Grants Program. CITY ARTS GRANTS FISCAL YEAR 2021 -2022 Grants Committee Recommendations Overview SUMMARY TOTAL CITY ARTS GRANTS BUDGET $ 382,500 CATEGORY AWARDED RECEIVED TOTAL General Support 29 29 $203,050 Project Support Round 1 34 45 $69,250 Project Support Round 2 29 35 $69,250 Artist-in-the-Classroom 9 9 $18,000 Artist Career Empowerment $32,500 TOTAL 72 83 $392,050 *Our projected total includes$32,500 of allocated funds to the Artist Career Empowerment Grants, which have yet to be awarded. Our current projected exceeds our original budget allocation by 10,000, however, several grant awards from previous cycles of funding were either returned or canceled and subsequently added to this year's grants pool for redistribution. This imbalance will not impact overall Arts Council budget in any way. The Grants Committee, composed of five Arts Council board members, met on 1/10/2022 to review all submitted City Arts Grants applications for Project Support Round 2, as well as to discuss other matters related to the National Endowment for the Arts Sub Granting Award. All committee members read and scored applications before the meeting. At the meeting, each application was discussed and the merits and issues of each were noted. During the meeting it was determined that recommendations for funding would be made based on several factors related to their overall average score, adhering to the same funding logic which was used for Project Support Round 1 Grants. That score then determined the applicants ranking within a tier. That Tier then determined the portion of their award in context with their eligible request. From this formula, manual adjustment were then made with careful consideration made to three factors; previous awards received, funding in $250 increments, and percentage of request. CITY ARTS GRANTS PROJECT SUPPORT ROUND 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Grants Committee Recommendations Total Applicants: 35 Applicants Recommended for Funding: 29 Total Amount Recommended: $ 69,250 Andes Cultural Arts Amount Recommended: $0.00 Project: Our Community Based Project/Program is specifically to assist Expression Andina. This folkloric dance group practices twice a week for two hours, and is free and open to the public to join and participate in. We teach cultural dances of Latin America. The practices will all lead up to at least the three performances. Banded Black/ Salt Lake Juneteenth Festival Amount Recommended: $7,500 Project: Salt Lake Juneteenth Celebration is a FREE community event—a celebration of resilience and joy! The event will be held in the heart of downtown Salt Lake City at the Gateway Mall. The celebration will feature a Black Owned Business Expo as vendors for the event, an art exhibition of selected works by Black artists, food trucks, music, entertainment, artistic performances, kids' corner, African storytelling, roller skating, movie night, and much more! Bomba Marile Amount Recommended: $500 Project: March marks the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Puerto Rico. To commemorate this event, Bomba Marile would like to partner with Utah AAHGS (Utah Afro American Historical Genealogical Society)to bring Melanie Maldonado, a Puerto Rican historian and researcher from Florida, to come to SLC and give a lecture on the Genealogy of the African Diaspora in Puerto Rico. The event will hopefully take place on a Saturday afternoon at the Sorensen Unity Center. After the lecture, Bomba Marile will then give a brief bomba music and dance workshop followed by an open community bomba jam session where the public will be invited to sing and dance with us as we recall our ancestors through the music. David Ross Fetzer Foundation for Emerging Artists Amount Recommended: $2,750 Project: Funds are requested for a four day short film festival celebrating the short films of Utah filmmakers, the Davey Foundation grantees, and selected shorts by national and international filmmakers. We have some expanded plans for next year's Davey Fest, and we will have double the grantee films to show (8 as opposed to 4 since the pandemic hindered their completion this year). This also means more potential for more local partnerships and collaboration Discovery Gateway Children's Museum Amount Recommended: $1,750 Project: The World Connections Children's Festival is a free multicultural event will celebrate the traditional arts, music, dance, and foods of Utah's diverse cultural communities. The focus will be on partnering with culturally diverse children's performance groups that can assist DGCM in weaving together participatory experiences throughout the day. This event will showcase various cultures from around the world that are represented in Salt Lake City. GK Folks Foundation Amount Recommended: $3,000 Project: Afro Utah Festival 2021 fostered the coming together of Afro Nations in Utah and create a community in Utah for diversity and inclusion where others can learn about the various Afro cultures in Utah. The two day event will include a red carpet gala, with the Afro Award Ceremony, where we recognize people of Afro descent in Utah and their contribution to the black community and Utah as a whole. Saturday will be the festival with various family-friendly activities, 40 vendors of black/afro businesses, 20 additional vendors tables will have information booths for the various black organizations in the community, and food vendors from different regions of Afro-black countries. Glendale Community Council Amount Recommended: $1,500 Project: In 2020, the Glendale neighborhood completed the One Glendale Plan and found the community desires more public artwork in the Glendale neighborhood -and for residents to be involved in creating it. Art @ the Confluence is scheduled for Saturday, April 16, 2022 at Three Creeks Confluence Park and will feature artists and community members with ties to the neighborhood. We are also looking to update and rejuvenate the painting along 1300 S, originally created by Seven Canyons Trust. In honor of Jess Schroeder, a beloved teacher at Riley Elementary we are seeking funding to create a memorial mural at the school and provide the community a place to gather in her memory. Great Salt Lake Fringe Amount Recommended: $3,250 Project: The Fringe organization operates six temporary venues at The Gateway for a two-week performing arts festival. Performing artists present their work over the course of two weekends while GSLF operates the tech, house management, and box office, and artists receive 100% of their ticket sales. More than 30 artists and groups participate. Virtual Fringe, new in 2020, with online performances from local and visiting artists is planned to be a permanent part of our programming to increase our reach and accessibility. Jackson Carter (Nightcat Media Amount Recommended: $0 Project: I take groups of people through a 1.5-mile route Downtown. We stop at 5 infamous crime locations and I tell them the story of what happened there (think of it as a live true crime podcast). In between those stops, I tell my guests about all sorts of city history and art. Guests leave the tour with a better understanding and greater appreciation of the city.Funding through the SLC Arts Council Project Support Grant would allow me to continue expanding my operation. Kaladharaa Dance Amount Recommended: $1,000 Project: This grant is for a new production of Indian classical dance and also explores one another dance style, the 'persian dance style'. This 60 minute production will involve creation of original sound track, costumes, lighting &stage set up. This production will invite community professional dancers to participate in this production. This production is in the designing phase and is currently titled 'A Gift of Love'which explores the theatrical and story telling aspect of Kathak through the poetries of a `Rumi' who was a very famous Sufi poet of the 13th century and also some original poetries will be added to this production. Its an exploration of Kathak& Sufism. Kostopulos Dream Foundation / Camp Kostopulos Amount Recommended: $5,750 Project: Grant funds will be used to support our arts and drama programs for our students as they learn and showcase their new skills and abilities, including direct staff costs for the programs, costumes, and stage sets for the drama performances, transportation, venue, equipment, and artists. We produce a live drama program each year, where our students spend three months preparing for the performance. Listener's Community Radio, KRCL 90.9 fm Amount Recommended: $3,500 Project: KRCL has partnered with Giv Development, a local thriving community builder focused on environmentally-sound building and positive neighborhood development. We are planning to build a music and culture district that will champion local venues, artists, musicians, cultural institutions and the humanities as well as encourage economic growth - all centered around KRCL community radio! This summer we will host a block party to officially activate the space as a new music district and highlight and get to know our business neighbors and residents in the Guadalupe Neighborhood. We will invite the following neighbors, and possibly others, to participate: GIV Group, Boys and Girls Club, The Box Car Gallery and Art Studios, Rise Up Dance Company, West High School, and Lee's Grocery. Liv C. Smith Amount Recommended: $1,000 Project: "How Flowers Bloom" is a theatrical performance falling within the Community Based Programming category. It is a concept play about five young women who strive to support each other through their individual struggles with mental illness. It examines how trauma weaves its way through everyday life. Combining poetry, movement, and dialogue to tell the women's stories, the serious subject matter of the play is balanced with humor, triumph, and healing. Ultimately, it comes to the conclusion that happiness and stability are possible for those who continue to hope for it. Mauro Romualdo DB Salt Lake Capoeira Amount Recommended: $1,750 Project: My arts learning-based project will include workshops for people who want to learn aspects of capoeira. It will also include 2 educational presentations for the public to learn what capoeira is and where it came from and see it in action. We will live stream portions of the final performance. We will bring in 3-5 expert guest capoeira artists who are known in the field and will teach the capoeira workshops and participate in the 2 performances. The project's programming will occur March 23-26. Participants will will pay up to $120 for the week's workshops and participate in the ceremony and presentations. The two presentations will be free for the public to attend and watch. Mitsu Salmon Amount Recommended: $500 Project: Unhinging is a visual and performing arts project by Mitsu Salmon and the local community at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art(UMOCA)through their residency program. The project pulls from the histories and symbolism of the First Transcontinental Railroad. It dives into the complexities, erasure, and questions around Asian American communities that built and managed the railroad as connected to the now. The exhibition will be an installation and series of paintings by Mitsu Salmon. By developing work from the railroads and her Japanese heritage, Salmon aims for the piece to speak to contemporary issues of labor, racism, and diaspora. Unhinging will be exhibited from April-June at the UMOCA. Throughout the exhibit, there will also be a panel discussion, performances, and a movement workshop. Neighbworks Salt Lake (NWSL) Amount Recommended: $6,000 Project: The Bridge Over Barrier refresh, located at 1-15 Underpass at 300 North and 700 West, is the perfect community-based project to do that for our community. This refresh will provide volunteers with the opportunity to be out amongst their fellow community members and work as one to revitalize this piece that initially brought so many together. We plan to partner with various community groups like the Boys and Girls Club, NeighborWorks Salt Lake YouthWorks Program, community councils, and local businesses to come out over the summer and work with some of the original artists to refresh and reconnect. This is a community-based project because we will contract with an original artist Juan Carlos Andres to be a consultant and project manager on this refresh to help train volunteers on simple paint techniques. We will have volunteers sign up for shifts on various dates to work with the artist in small groups throughout the summer. Oquirrh West Project Amount Recommended: $1,750 Project: OW Project is seeking support to set an immersive dance performance at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center in March of 2022. Audience members will be guided by a pre-recorded narrative voice from one area to another in groups of 30-35 as the live dance performance unfolds around them. This kind of performance centers the audience member and makes them a part of the experience rather than passive viewers. OW Project seeks to facilitate this unique experience community's engagement with live performance in new, immersive ways. This highly interactive work will be set by Denver-based Director and Choreographer, Brendan Duggan. Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources (PIK2AR) Amount Recommended: $3,000 Project: Masima Film Tour is a Pacific Islander film festival showcasing Pacific Island films and filmmakers. This is a joint effort with the Salt Lake Film Society and the Utah Pacific Island Film Series. Masima is the Samoan and Tongan word for salt, reflecting the Salt Lake Valley in which our organization is based and the salt of the ocean that is in our Pacific Ocean that ties our communities together and under which this festival is meant to be championing. Utah has the highest population of Pacific Islanders per capita and this film tour is to give the Pacific Island community visibility in conjunction with educating the wider, non- Pacific Island community, of the Pacific Island culture and customs that will benefit communal understanding. Performing Arts Coalition (PAC) Amount Recommended: $500 Project: In 2012, PAC members, representing the six resident companies at the Rose, came together to produce Rose Exposed, a creatively conceived performance by all of the companies for one night only, to invite and welcome the public into the Rose Wagner Center. On August 27, PAC will present the 2022 version of Rose Exposed, with all new work by the theatre and dance companies, accompanied by live music performed by Gina Bachauer pianists. All participating artists -dancers, actors, musicians, playwrights, choreographers and videographers --are paid an honorarium and the resident companies' artistic directors and administrative staff donate their time to this collaborative project. Pinnacle Acting Company Amount Recommended: $1,250 Project: This grant request will cover a fully-produced rendition of the classic play"The Cherry Orchard,"Anton Chekhov's dramatic comedy that explores social change, loss, grief, and class. To fully realize this production, PAC will hire a team of artists including sixteen local actors as well as a director, stage manager, production assistants, dramaturg, run crew technicians, and set, sound, lighting, costume, and prop designers. All roles and positions are hired as independent contractors who are paid a stipend for their work. The production will also involve the Managing and Artistic Directors and Operations Manager, as well as a team of volunteers who assist with front-of-house and box office duties. Salt Lake Academy of Music (SLAM) Amount Recommended: $3,500 Project: SLAM Performance Program and Festival Bands Program are community-based programs where students from the SLAM Performance Program perform as part of an audition-free, inclusive 'Seasonal Showcase', or as part of the audition-based SLAM Festival Bands Program. The SLAM Festival Bands Program students consist of SLAM Performance Program students who audition to serve as SLAM ambassadors to the community for the more exclusive opportunities listed below. Many of the 11 performance opportunities, we have scheduled, do not have a budget to help SLAM cover the costs of transporting equipment, students, and staff to and from performances. Salt Lake Ethnic Arts Amount Recommended: $0 Project: We present enjoyable educational programs which reflect the diversity of America's ethnic music tradition and have successfully done to for decades. Our events have always been well attended since there are always enthusiasts who appreciate well-researched historically correct representations jazz which is America's contribution to world music. Salt Lake Symphony Amount Recommended: $4,000 Project: There are 3 broad themes to our 21-22 Season. 1)World Premieres: Two world premiers. 2) Collaborations: Six performances with organizations and performers. 3) Inclusivity: collaborate with refugee/immigrant communities, schools, and support groups. This outreach will center around our programmed works: "Ethiopia's Shadow in America" (Price); and "Ellis Island, The Dream of America" (Boyer). Our ongoing season outreach will also include informal small performances and demonstrations at schools, community centers, and care centers Sarah Ann Woodbury and Team Amount Recommended: $0 Project: The project is an interdisciplinary piece exploring the looming death of Great Salt Lake, as scientists have predicted that the lake could dry up in coming months. We plan to artistically explore what it means to be an ancient, rolling body, and what it means to potentially lose that body. The primary mediums are poetry, dance, and video, with each discipline informing the other. We plan to hold a community event showing the final film, answering questions, and teaching a movement experience to support deep engagement with the lake and this work. The work in its entirety fits best into the Community-Based Project section, though the movement experience involved in the showing could be considered educational. Society for Preservation and Propagation of Eastern Arts Amount Recommended: $1,000 Project: City Arts funding is requested for the following: 1. Spring Forward (date TBD) -an international celbration of spring featuring music and dance from various cultures, in March at the Rose Wagner Performing Art Center. Participants will include dancers and musicians from Eastern Arts, Salt Lake City Ballet, Character Dance Ensemble, World Dance Company and special guest from California Farima Berenji. 2. Ms. Berenji will also offer a workshop on Persian and Central Asian dance at SLCB and U of U. 3. Sounds of Silk Exhibit either outdoors as we have done before, or at an indoor library location (if they are allowing exhibits at that time). This exhibit includes musical instruments, textiles and other items from Silk Road cultures such as Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and environs. 4. Online/virtual Noruz/Persian New Year event in March featuring poetry, music, dance and culinary arts of Iran as traditional for this celebration. Story Crossroads Amount Recommended: $1,000 Project: Students from Mountain View Elementary and Glendale Middle School will experience professional storytelling by Melva Gifford and Kira Larkin to get them excited to join the weekly Learning Labs on Storytelling at the Glendale Community Center. The kick-off assemblies are scheduled on March 31, 2022. Youth get to craft a story of their choosing -from folktales to original to personal stories. They practice through story games led by Cherie Davis and Ginger Parkinson. Story crafting and staging are explored. Stuart Pimsler Dance &Theater Amount Recommended: $ 1,000 Project: Stuart Pimsler Dance &Theater(SPDT) proposes a new project, Arts as Health for the Salt Lake City Community. This two part residency will include a series of SPDT's acclaimed Caring for the Caregiver movement/story workshops for the diverse population of healthcare workers at University of Utah Hospital as well as an evening Community Conversation for local artists and students interested in this field. Tanner Humanities Center Amount Recommended: $1,500 Project: The Tanner Humanities Center's Author Meets Readers (AMR)series is free and open to the public. It connects scholars, artists, and writers with lifelong readers and learners. Each session features insights into the research and writing process, the impact of art and the humanities on culture and society, and an audience discussion. On 2/22/22 in the S.J. Quinney College of Law's Moot Courtroom (capacity 400)at 7:00 p.m., we will bring campus and community members together for a poetry reading with poet(and lawyer) Reginald Dwayne Betts. The event also will include a discussion between Betts and THC Director Erika George about his creative process and craft and how his poetry investigates guilt, punishment, justice, and race. The Blocks, SLC Amount Recommended: $3,000 Project: In 2022 THE BLOCKS will present a series of concert events aimed at celebrating local musicians and sharing the talents of these artists with a broader community. 10 venues in the Cultural Core (600 W to 400 E, North Temple to 400 S)will be activated with a highly curated selection of local musicians from 7- 11 PM. This community based project will support local musicians and bring audiences together around live performance. The Leonardo Amount Recommended: $4,000 Project: The Leonardo is establishing a local, community-based artist residency program in partnership with Artes en Mexico de Utah. This program will provide space for Latinx artists to work on projects, display artwork, and interact with museum guests. Our focus is on providing opportunities to Latinx artists and building community awareness and appreciation of Latinx and contemporary art. The Leonardo will provide resources, promotion, and space for a rotating cohort of artists selected by Artes. Truth in Comedy / Byron Stamps Amount Recommended: $2,000 Project: Truth in Comedy is a storytelling/stand-up comedy/art show where humanity is the muse and love, understanding, laughter, and connection are the goal. Storytellers share a story from their lives where they are willing to be open, honest, and vulnerable. Afterwards, a comedian will perform a set inspired by the story. At the end of the show, the artist will speak on the three works of art they created, each piece inspired by one of the stories told (art will be displayed on stage during the show). The show provides storytellers to share stories that may be heavy in nature at times in a loving and entertaining environment. All requested funds will be used towards bringing the two free shows for the selected communities and the two general admission shows to fruition and will not be spent beyond our efforts in Salt Lake City Proper. University Neighborhood Partners (University of Utah) Amount Recommended: $1,500 Project: "We Are Telling Our Stories" builds on a partnership project, "justice-memory-activism," between University Neighborhood Partners (UNP) and the Center for Documentary Expression and Art (CDEA) that was piloted in summer 2019. The five-week pilot sought to establish an annual summer retreat for high school and college aged youth of color living on Salt Lake City's (SLC's)west side. Students used painting and writing, as well as other tools, to explore personal identity, creative expression, and social justice. This follow-up, five-week residency solidifies the pilot by combining the talents of Masha Shukovich, writer and CDEA Arts Education Coordinator; Jarred Martinez, poet and UNP Partnership Manager; and Efren Corado Garcia, former RDT dancer, Certified Movement Analyst with the Integrated Movement Systems, and Diversity and Inclusion Officer for Salt Lake County. The three will integrate the ideas of story-finding and storytelling with movement and improvisational theater to bring student perspectives into a public sphere. Utah Chinese Association Amount Recommended: $0 Project: Chinese Folk Art Festival Spring Edition includes Traditional Chinese Food Competition, Chinese Culture Activities, and Chinese Music performance. This event is to celebrate the Chinese new year, it is open to the public. Chinese Culture Team Participated in 'Days of 47 parade", We had a Waist drum team participate in the Days of 47 parade, it was a huge success, our team was reported on KSL and Salt Lake Tribune. We will attend the 2022 "days of 47 parade". Utopia Early Music Amount Recommended: $500 Project: Poignant Pleasures: Music of the French Baroque French composers of the 17th and 18th centuries spun music of refined taste, luscious harmony, and poignant detachment. How one performs this music is as important as the music itself. Utopia and a skilled complement of strings present music of Marin Marais, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Andre Campra, Francois Couperin and other masters of je ne sais quoi. Performances will take place Saturday, May 21, 8:00 PM and Sunday, May 22, 5:00 PM at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark, 231 E 100 S, Salt Lake City. Westside Studio Amount Recommended: $0 Project: Two events will be part of a community engagement strategy or"Community Based Project/Program" to engage the public in creative ways for Salt Lake City's Gentrification Assessment and Displacement Mitigation Plan: (1)A dance workshop at Kingsbury Hall on February 10, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. and (2) an Anti-displacement festival/Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 16 or 23 from 10-1 p.m at Westside studio. Salt Lake Arts Council Foundation 1/11/2022 FY22 Approved -Amended Budget Comparisons Ordinary Income/Expense Income APPROVED AMENDED VARIANCE REVENUE CITY In-Kind SLC Dept DED Exp. 8,937.00 8,937.00 - In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 617,808.00 617,808.00 - SLC Nondepartmental 650,000.00 650,000.00 - Total CITY 1,276,745.00 1,276,745.00 - CONTRIBUTIONS - Corporate 45,000.00 45,000.00 - Foundations 20,000.00 25,000.00 5,000.00 In-Kind 70,000.00 70,000.00 - Individuals - 6,925.00 6,925.00 Total CONTRIBUTIONS 135,000.00 146,925.00 11,925.00 EARNED INCOME - Beverage Sales - Alcohol 28,000.00 28,000.00 - Non Alcohol - Beverage Sales-Other - - - Total Beverage Sales 28,000.00 28,000.00 - Commissions 2,500.00 9,774.00 7,274.00 Merchandise Sales - - - Rental Fees 1,500.00 1,500.00 - Ticket Sales - - - Vendor Fees 10,000.00 10,000.00 - Total EARNED INCOME 42,000.00 49,274.00 7,274.00 GOVERNMENT GRANTS - County 221,971.00 208,368.00 (13,603.00) Federal 20,000.00 267,500.00 247,500.00 State 25,000.00 45,000.00 20,000.00 Total GOVERNMENT GRANTS 266,971.00 520,868.00 253,897.00 OTHER REVENUE - Contracted Services Rendered - - - Interest - Miscellaneous Income 2,500.00 5,935.00 3,435.00 Public Art General - - - Total OTHER REVENUE 2,500.00 5,935.00 3,435.00 Total REVENUE 1,723,216.00 1,999,747.00 276,531.00 Page 1 of 2 Expense EXPENSES General&Adminstrative Bank Fees 200.00 580.00 (380.00) Conference Fees 1,350.00 1,950.00 (600.00) Contracted Services 252,775.00 261,275.00 (8,500.00) Credit Card Fees 1,950.00 1,950.00 - Dues/Subscriptions/Publications 10,750.00 17,200.00 (6,450.00) Employee Screenings 600.00 600.00 - General Insurance 13,700.00 13,700.00 - In-Kind SLC Dept DED Expenses 8,937.00 8,937.00 - In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 617,808.00 617,808.00 - Parking/Mileage 1,400.00 400.00 1,000.00 Travel 2,000.00 2,000.00 - Utilities 7,560.00 8,000.00 (440.00) Total General&Adminstrative 919,030.00 934,400.00 (15,370.00) Program Expenses - Advertising&Publicity 19,350.00 19,125.00 225.00 Artist Commissions 1,750.00 6,885.00 (5,135.00) Artist Emergency Fund - Beverages Purchased - Alcohol 9,000.00 9,000.00 - Non Alcohol - Beverages Purchased-Other - - - Total Beverages Purchased 9,000.00 9,000.00 - Equipment Rental 89,300.00 114,920.00 (25,620.00) Food&Beverage 3,775.00 6,425.00 (2,650.00) Grant Expense - City Arts Grants 382,500.00 382,500.00 - Grant-OTHER - 225,000.00 (225,000.00) Total Grant Expense 382,500.00 607,500.00 (225,000.00) Graphics/Design Work 10,100.00 11,513.00 (1,413.00) Honoraria&Artist Fees 83,700.00 83,450.00 250.00 In-Kind Goods&Services 70,000.00 70,000.00 - Lodging - - - Mailing 600.00 600.00 - Meals - Merchandise 2,500.00 2,500.00 - Miscellaneous Charge 2,500.00 5,200.00 (2,700.00) Payroll Taxes - Federal Unemployment Tax - FICA 11,612.00 11,414.00 198.00 Total Payroll Taxes 11,612.00 11,414.00 198.00 Permits&Licenses 7,500.00 10,000.00 (2,500.00) Postage 3,200.00 3,200.00 - Printing 18,000.00 17,500.00 500.00 Public Art - - - Salaries&Wages 145,150.00 144,550.00 600.00 Security 35,750.00 35,750.00 - Supplies 16,000.00 15,550.00 450.00 Unemployment 1,000.00 1,000.00 - Reconciliation Discrepancies - Total Program Expenses 913,287.00 1,176,082.00 (262,795.00) Total EXPENSES 1,832,317.00 2,110,482.00 (278,165.00) Net Ordinary Income (109,101.00) (110,735.00) (1,634.00) Beginning Fund Balance 593,767.00 651,203.00 Net Position 484,666.00 540,468.00 Page 2 of 2 AMENDED BUDGET jillill IIII FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 Living Busker/Brown City Arts General& Total LT Events Traditions Visual Arts Art Barn Bag Grants Administration Mondays Living Legacy (Year Round) LTFestival Presents Outreach Public Art Program Twilight TOTAL Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income REVENUE CITY In-Kind SLC Dept DED Exp. 8,937.00 - - 8,937.00 In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 15,000.00 35,000.00 42,808.00 75,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 270,000.00 290,000.00 35,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 617,808.00 SLC Nondepartmental 7,500.00 50,000.00 382,500.00 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 99,000.00 124,000.00 19,000.00 5,000.00 12,000.00 50,000.00 650,000.00 Total CITY 22,500.00 85,000.00 425,308.00 83,937.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 45,000.00 369,000.00 414,000.00 54,000.00 50,000.00 52,000.00 90,000.00 1,276,745.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate - 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 Foundations - 20,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 25,000.00 In-Kind - 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 Individuals - - 6,925.00 6,925.00 Total CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - - - - 135,000.00 135,000.00 - - - 11,925.00 146,925.00 EARNED INCOME Beverage Sales Alcohol - 28,000.00 28,000.00 28,000.00 Non Alcohol - - - Total Beverage Sales - - - - - - - 28,000.00 28,000.00 - - - - 28,000.00 Commissions - - 9,774.00 9,774.00 Merchandise Sales - - - Rental Fees 1,500.00 - - 1,500.00 Ticket Sales - -Vendor Fees - 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Workshop Fees - - - Total EARNED INCOME 1,500.00 - - - - - - 38,000.00 38,000.00 - - 9,774.00 - 49,274.00 GOVERNMENT GRANTS County 3,760.00 2,160.00 5,280.00 525.00 13,400.00 13,925.00 127,918.00 141,843.00 160.00 8,724.00 6,441.00 40,000.00 208,368.00 Federal 237,500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 267,500.00 State 720.00 900.00 5,000.00 250.00 100.00 350.00 18,054.00 18,404.00 9,105.00 10,871.00 45,000.00 Total GOVERNMENT GRANTS 4,480.00 2,160.00 243,680.00 5,000.00 775.00 23,500.00 24,275.00 165,972.00 190,247.00 160.00 8,724.00 15,546.00 50,871.00 520,868.00 OTHER REVENUE Contracted Services Rendered - - - Interest - - - Miscellaneous Income 500.00 435.00 435.00 435.00 5,000.00 5,935.00 Public Art General - - - Total OTHER REVENUE - - - 500.00 435.00 - 435.00 - 435.00 5,000.00 - - - 5,935.00 Total REVENUE 28,480.00 87,160.00 668,988.00 89,437.00 36,210.00 33,500.00 69,710.00 707,972.00 777,682.00 59,160.00 58,724.00 77,320.00 152,796.00 1,999,747.00 Living Busker/Brown City Arts General& Total LT Events Traditions Visual Arts Art Barn Bag Grants Administration Mondays Living Legacy (Year Round) LTFestival Presents Outreach Public Art Program Twilight TOTAL Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget EXPENSES General&Adminstrative Bank Fees 280.00 300.00 - - 580.00 Conference Fees 1,950.00 - - 1,950.00 Contracted Services 3,150.00 50,000.00 28,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 34,775.00 54,775.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,350.00 110,000.00 261,275.00 Credit Card Fees 1,950.00 - - 1,950.00 Dues/Subscriptions/Publications 16,900.00 - - 300.00 17,200.00 Employee Screenings 600.00 - - 600.00 General Insurance 13,700.00 - 13,700.00 In-Kind SLC Dept DED Expenses 8,937.00 - 8,937.00 In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 15,000.00 35,000.00 42,808.00 75,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000. 270,000.00 290,000.00 35,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 617,808.00 Parking/Mileage 400.00 400.00 400.00 Rent - - - Travel 2,000.00 - - 2,000.00 Utilities 8,000.00 - - 8,000.00 Total General&Adminstrative 26,150.00 85,000.00 43,088.00 149,337.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 305,175.00 345,175.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 45,650.00 150,000.00 934,400.00 Program Expenses Advertising&Publicity 125.00 50.00 1,500.00 1,550.00 12,500.00 14,050.00 1,000.00 100.00 2,850.00 1,000.00 19,125.00 Artist Commissions - - 6,885.00 6,885.00 Beverages Purchased Alcohol - 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Non Alcohol - - - Total Beverages Purchased - - - - - - - 9,000.00 9,000.00 - - - - 9,000.00 Equipment Rental 800.00 10,620.00 10,620.00 103,500.00 114,120.00 114,920.00 Equipment Repairs&Maintenance - - - Food&Beverage 400.00 3,500.00 - 2,000.00 2,000.00 150.00 375.00 6,425.00 Grant Expense Artist in the Classroom 382,500.00 - - 382,500.00 Arts Learning - - - General Support - - - Mini Grant - - - Project Support - - - Grant Expense-Other 225,000.00 - - 225,000.00 Total Grant Expense - - 607,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - 607,500.00 Graphics/Design Work 1,913.00 1,913.00 8,000.00 9,913.00 1,600.00 11,513.00 Honoraria&Artist Fees 7,750.00 2,000.00 9,750.00 55,900.00 65,650.00 10,000.00 7,800.00 83,450.00 In-Kind Goods&Services - 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 Lodging - - - Mailing - - 600.00 600.00 Meals - - - Merchandise Purchase - 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Miscellaneous Charge 200.00 - U - 5,000.00 5,200.00 Payroll Taxes Federal Unemployment Tax - - - FICA - - - Payroll Taxes-Other 80.00 160.00 2,600.00 280.00 280.00 7,054.00 7,334.00 160.00 624.00 360.00 96.00 11,414.00 Total Payroll Taxes 80.00 160.00 - 2,600.00 280.00 - 280.00 7,054.00 7,334.00 160.00 624.00 360.00 96.00 11,414.00 Permits&Licenses 100.00 - 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,100.00 Postage 1,000.00 - - 2,200.00 3,200.00 Printing 1,000.00 - 13,000.00 13,000.00 3,500.00 17,500.00 Public Art - - - Salaries&Wages 1,000.00 2,000.00 12,500.00 32,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 77,550.00 81,050.00 2,000.00 7,800.00 4,500.00 1,200.00 144,550.00 Security 750.00 - 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,750.00 Supplies 500.00 5,500.00 1,500.00 - 5,500.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 50.00 1,000.00 500.00 15,550.00 Unemployment 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 Total Program Expenses 2,330.00 2,160.00 625,900.00 44,325.00 24,113.00 3,500.00 27,613.00 411,504.00 439,117.00 19,160.00 8,724.00 31,670.00 2,796.00 1,176,182.00 Total EXPENSES 28,480.00 87,160.00 668,988.00 193,662.00 34,113.00 33,500.00 67,613.00 716,679.00 784,292.00 59,160.00 58,724.00 77,320.00 152,796.00 2,110,582.00 Net Income - - - (104,225.00) 2,097.00 - 2,097.00 (8,707.00) (6,610.00) - - - - (110,835.00) FUND BALANCE 651,038.00 NET POSITION 540,203.00 Salt Lake Arts Council Foundation 4:04 PM Balance Sheet 12/13/2021 As of November 30, 2021 Accrual Basis Nov 30,21 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Cash Checking-MACU 816,227.87 Checking-MACU/Grants 250,930.00 Savings-MACU 20.00 Savings-MACU/Grants 125.00 Total Cash 1,067,302.87 Gift Card 3.95 Investments Utah State Treasurer 581.70 Total Investments 581.70 Total Checking/Savings 1,067,888.52 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable 3,000.00 Total Accounts Receivable 3,000.00 Other Current Assets Other Assets Prepaid Expenses-Other 5,250.00 Prepaid Postage 61.07 Total Other Assets 5,311.07 Sales Tax Receivable 2,034.04 Total Other Current Assets 7,345.11 Total Current Assets 1,078,233.63 Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Electronic Equipment 15,964.00 Event Equipment 18,981.00 Furniture and Equipment 6,019.00 Leasehold Improvements 348,318.00 Total Fixed Assets 389,282.00 Investment in Gnrl Fixed Assets -389,282.00 Total Fixed Assets 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,078,233.63 LIABILITIES&EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Grants Payable Artist Career Empowerment 600.00 Artist in the Classroom 10,000.00 Page 1 of 2 Nov 30,21 Arts Learning 4,700.00 General Support 101,525.00 Mini Grant 1,000.00 Project Support 40,975.00 Total Grants Payable 158,800.00 Payables -2,702.56 Total Accounts Payable 156,097.44 Credit Cards MACU Credit Card 329.65 Total Credit Cards 329.65 Other Current Liabilities Accrued Liabilities Accrued Payroll Taxes Employee Witholding FICA 154.76 Employer FICA 154.76 Federal Tax Withholding -82.71 State Income Tax Withholding 113.06 Total Accrued Payroll Taxes 339.87 Total Accrued Liabilities 339.87 Deposit Liabilities 450.00 Direct Deposit Liabilities 0.44 Total Other Current Liabilities 790.31 Total Current Liabilities 157,217.40 Total Liabilities 157,217.40 Equity Unrestricted Net Assets 651,037.74 Net Income 269,978.49 Total Equity 921,016.23 TOTAL LIABILITIES&EQUITY 1,078,233.63 Page 2 of 2 Salt Lake Arts Council Foundation 4:08 PM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual 12/13/2021 July through November 2021 Accrual Basis Jul-Nov 21 Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income REVENUE CITY In-Kind SLC Dept DED Exp. 0.00 8,937.00 In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 0.00 617,808.00 SLC Nondepartmental 650,000.00 650,000.00 Total CITY 650,000.00 1,276,745.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate 0.00 45,000.00 Foundations 5,000.00 20,000.00 In-Kind 0.00 70,000.00 Individuals 6,925.50 Total CONTRIBUTIONS 11,925.50 135,000.00 EARNED INCOME Beverage Sales Alcohol 0.00 28,000.00 Total Beverage Sales 0.00 28,000.00 Commissions 9,774.00 2,500.00 Rental Fees 0.00 1,500.00 Vendor Fees 0.00 10,000.00 Total EARNED INCOME 9,774.00 42,000.00 GOVERNMENT GRANTS County 80,520.00 221,971.00 Federal 10,000.00 20,000.00 State 0.00 25,000.00 GOVERNMENT GRANTS-Other 0.00 0.00 Total GOVERNMENT GRANTS 90,520.00 266,971.00 OTHER REVENUE Contracted Services Rendered 0.00 Miscellaneous Income 3,435.00 2,500.00 Total OTHER REVENUE 3,435.00 2,500.00 Total REVENUE 765,654.50 1,723,216.00 Total Income 765,654.50 1,723,216.00 Gross Profit 765,654.50 1,723,216.00 Expense EXPENSES General&Adminstrative Bank Fees 140.00 200.00 Conference Fees 0.00 1,350.00 Contracted Services 131,710.28 252,775.00 Page 1 of 3 Jul-Nov 21 Budget Credit Card Fees Dues/Subscriptions/Publications 4,516.85 10,750.00 Employee Screenings 0.00 600.00 General Insurance 6,227.92 13,700.00 In-Kind SLC Dept DED Expenses 0.00 8,937.00 In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 0.00 617,808.00 Parking/Mileage 0.00 1,400.00 Travel 0.00 2,000.00 Utilities 2,899.96 7,560.00 Total General&Adminstrative 146,029.17 919,030.00 Program Expenses Advertising&Publicity 453.97 19,350.00 Artist Commissions 3,805.15 1,750.00 Beverages Purchased Alcohol 0.00 9,000.00 Total Beverages Purchased 0.00 9,000.00 Equipment Rental 11,183.32 89,300.00 Food&Beverage 260.79 3,775.00 Grant Expense Artist in the Classroom 18,000.00 Arts Learning 0.00 General Support 203,050.00 Project Support 69,250.00 Grant Expense-Other 0.00 382,500.00 Total Grant Expense 290,300.00 382,500.00 Graphics/Design Work 2,513.00 10,100.00 Honoraria&Artist Fees 11,450.00 83,700.00 In-Kind Goods&Services 0.00 70,000.00 Mailing 170.66 600.00 Merchandise 0.00 2,500.00 Miscellaneous Charge 2,900.00 2,500.00 Payroll Taxes Federal Unemployment Tax 68.50 FICA 2,206.53 Payroll Taxes-Other 0.00 11,612.00 Total Payroll Taxes 2,275.03 11,612.00 Permits&Licenses 100.00 7,500.00 Postage 254.98 3,200.00 Printing 1,389.82 18,000.00 Salaries&Wages 21,628.75 145,150.00 Security 379.80 35,750.00 Supplies 581.57 16,000.00 Unemployment 0.00 1,000.00 Total Program Expenses 349,646.84 913,287.00 Page 2 of 3 Jul-Nov 21 Budget Total EXPENSES 49 1,832,317.00 Payroll Expenses 0.00 Total Expense 495,676.01 1,832,317.00 Net Ordinary Income 269,978.49 -109,101.00 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Program Startup Cash 0.00 Total Other Expense 0.00 Net Other Income 0.00 0.00 Net Income 269,978.49 -109,101.00 Page 3 of 3 Salt Lake Arts Council Foundation 2:45 PM Balance Sheet 01/06/2022 As of December 31, 2021 Accrual Basis Dec 31,21 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Cash Checking-MACU 825,468.54 Checking-MACU/Grants 250,380.00 Savings-MACU 20.00 Savings-MACU/Grants 125.00 Total Cash 1,075,993.54 Gift Card 3.95 Investments Utah State Treasurer 581.70 Total Investments 581.70 Total Checking/Savings 1,076,579.19 Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable 500.00 Total Accounts Receivable 500.00 Other Current Assets Other Assets Prepaid Expenses-Other 5,250.00 Prepaid Postage 61.07 Total Other Assets 5,311.07 Sales Tax Receivable 2,055.96 Total Other Current Assets 7,367.03 Total Current Assets 1,084,446.22 Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Electronic Equipment 15,964.00 Event Equipment 18,981.00 Furniture and Equipment 6,019.00 Leasehold Improvements 348,318.00 Total Fixed Assets 389,282.00 Investment in Gnrl Fixed Assets -389,282.00 Total Fixed Assets 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 1,084,446.22 LIABILITIES&EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Grants Payable Artist in the Classroom 10,000.00 General Support 101,525.00 Page 1 of 2 Dec 31,21 Project Support 33,575.00 Total Grants Payable 145,100.00 Payables -1,833.76 Total Accounts Payable 143,266.24 Credit Cards MACU Credit Card 741.46 Total Credit Cards 741.46 Other Current Liabilities Accrued Liabilities Accrued Payroll Taxes Employee Witholding FICA 423.45 Employer FICA 423.45 Federal Tax Withholding 99.41 State Income Tax Withholding 320.06 Total Accrued Payroll Taxes 1,266.37 Total Accrued Liabilities 1,266.37 Deposit Liabilities 450.00 Direct Deposit Liabilities 0.44 Total Other Current Liabilities 1,716.81 Total Current Liabilities 145,724.51 Total Liabilities 145,724.51 Equity Unrestricted Net Assets 651,037.74 Net Income 287,683.97 Total Equity 938,721.71 TOTAL LIABILITIES&EQUITY 1,084,446.22 Page 2 of 2 Salt Lake Arts Council Foundation 2:47 PM Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual 01/06/2022 July 1, 2021 through January 6, 2022 Accrual Basis Jul 1,'21 -Jan 6,22 Budget Ordinary Income/Expense Income REVENUE CITY In-Kind SLC Dept DED Exp. 0.00 8,937.00 In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 0.00 617,808.00 SLC Nondepartmental 650,000.00 650,000.00 CITY-Other 0.00 0.00 Total CITY 650,000.00 1,276,745.00 CONTRIBUTIONS Corporate 0.00 45,000.00 Foundations 5,000.00 20,000.00 In-Kind 0.00 70,000.00 Individuals 6,925.50 0.00 CONTRIBUTIONS-Other 0.00 0.00 Total CONTRIBUTIONS 11,925.50 135,000.00 EARNED INCOME Beverage Sales Alcohol 0.00 28,000.00 Non Alcohol 0.00 0.00 Beverage Sales-Other 0.00 0.00 Total Beverage Sales 0.00 28,000.00 Commissions 9,774.00 2,500.00 Merchandise Sales 0.00 0.00 Rental Fees 0.00 1,500.00 Ticket Sales 0.00 0.00 Vendor Fees 0.00 10,000.00 Workshop Fees 0.00 0.00 EARNED INCOME-Other 0.00 0.00 Total EARNED INCOME 9,774.00 42,000.00 GOVERNMENT GRANTS County 100,650.00 221,971.00 Federal 10,000.00 20,000.00 State 0.00 25,000.00 GOVERNMENT GRANTS-Other 0.00 0.00 Total GOVERNMENT GRANTS 110,650.00 266,971.00 OTHER REVENUE Contracted Services Rendered 0.00 0.00 Interest 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous Income 3,475.00 2,500.00 Public Art General 0.00 0.00 Page 1 of 4 Jul 1,'21 -Jan 6,22 Budget OTHER REVENUE-Other 0.00 0.00 Total OTHER REVENUE 3,475.00 2,500.00 REVENUE-Other 0.00 0.00 Total REVENUE 785,824.50 1,723,216.00 Uncategorized Income 0.00 0.00 Total Income 785,824.50 1,723,216.00 Cost of Goods Sold Cost of Goods Sold 0.00 0.00 Total COGS 0.00 0.00 Gross Profit 785,824.50 1,723,216.00 Expense EXPENSES General&Adminstrative Bank Fees Interest Expense 0.00 0.00 Bank Fees-Other 140.00 200.00 Total Bank Fees 140.00 200.00 CED Expenses 0.00 0.00 Conference Fees 0.00 1,350.00 Contracted Services 132,382.28 252,775.00 Credit Card Fees 658.42 1,950.00 Depreciation 0.00 0.00 Dues/Subscriptions/Publications 4,695.09 10,750.00 Employee Screenings 0.00 600.00 General Insurance 6,868.38 13,700.00 In-Kind SLC Dept DED Expenses 0.00 8,937.00 In-Kind SLC Dept Salaries&Ben 0.00 617,808.00 Parking/Mileage 0.00 1,400.00 Payroll Taxes Federal Unemployment Tax 0.00 0.00 FICA 0.00 0.00 State Unemployment Tax 0.00 0.00 Payroll Taxes-Other 0.00 0.00 Total Payroll Taxes 0.00 0.00 Permits&Licenses 0.00 0.00 Rent 0.00 0.00 Salaries&Wages 0.00 0.00 Travel 0.00 2,000.00 Utilities 3,474.43 7,560.00 General&Adminstrative-Other 0.00 0.00 Total General&Adminstrative 148,218.60 919,030.00 Program Expenses Advertising&Publicity 1,366.29 19,350.00 Artist Commissions 6,885.15 1,750.00 Page 2 of 4 Jul 1,'21 -Jan 6,22 Budget Artist Emergency Fund 0.00 0.00 Benefits 0.00 0.00 Beverages Purchased Alcohol 0.00 9,000.00 Non Alcohol 0.00 0.00 Beverages Purchased-Other 0.00 0.00 Total Beverages Purchased 0.00 9,000.00 Equipment Rental 11,183.32 89,300.00 Equipment Repairs&Maintenance 0.00 0.00 Food&Beverage 1,537.77 3,775.00 Grant Expense Artist Career Empowerment -600.00 0.00 Artist in the Classroom 18,000.00 0.00 Arts Learning -4,700.00 0.00 General Support 203,050.00 0.00 Mini Grant -1,000.00 0.00 Project Support 62,400.00 0.00 Racial Equity and Inclusion 0.00 0.00 Grant Expense-Other 0.00 382,500.00 Total Grant Expense 277,150.00 382,500.00 Graphics/Design Work 2,558.00 10,100.00 Honoraria&Artist Fees 13,150.00 83,700.00 In-Kind Goods&Services 0.00 70,000.00 Lodging 0.00 0.00 Mailing 255.97 600.00 Meals 0.00 0.00 Merchandise 0.00 2,500.00 Miscellaneous Charge 2,900.00 2,500.00 Payroll Taxes Federal Unemployment Tax 90.62 0.00 FICA 2,629.98 0.00 State Unemployment Tax 0.00 0.00 Payroll Taxes-Other 0.00 11,612.00 Total Payroll Taxes 2,720.60 11,612.00 Permits&Licenses 100.00 7,500.00 Postage 1,454.98 3,200.00 Printing 1,792.82 18,000.00 Public Art 0.00 0.00 Salaries&Wages 27,164.00 145,150.00 Security 379.80 35,750.00 Supplies 608.54 16,000.00 Unemployment 0.00 1,000.00 Program Expenses-Other 0.00 0.00 Total Program Expenses 351,207.24 913,287.00 Page 3 of 4 Jul 1,'21 -Jan 6,22 Budget EXPENSES-Other 0.00 0.00 Total EXPENSES 499,425.84 1,832,317.00 Payroll Expenses 0.00 0.00 Reconciliation Discrepancies 0.00 0.00 Total Expense 499,425.84 1,832,317.00 Net Ordinary Income 286,398.66 -109,101.00 Other Income/Expense Other Expense Program Startup Cash 0.00 0.00 Total Other Expense 0.00 0.00 Net Other Income 0.00 0.00 Net Income 286,398.66 -109,101.00 Page 4 of 4