11/10/2021 - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday,November 10,2021 8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m. To access and participate in the meeting please visit https://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/j.php?MTID=m284e 18c 144a21 adf36c77f5358704066 Meeting Password: Zq3gV27HUSy I,Darin Piccoli, Chair of the Business Advisory Board(BAB),hereby determine that conducting the Business Advisory Board meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present, and that the City and County building has been ordered closed to the public for health and safety reasons. 1. Roll Call The following members of the Business Advisory Board were present: Darin Piccoli, Chair Sue Rice Jeff Carleton Abudujannah Soud Angela Brown Karen Gunn Scott Lyttle The following members of the Business Advisory Board were absent: Kestrel Liedtke,Vice-Chair Alberto Brito Also Present: Veronica Cavanagh,Depatment of Economic Development; Lorena Riffo Jenson,Department of Economic Development; Will Wright, Department of Economic Development; Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development; Peter Makowski,Department of Economic Development; Andrew Wittenberg,Department of Economic Development; Lindsey Day,Department of Economic Development; Roberta Reichgelt, Department of Economic Development; Allison Rowland, Salt Lake City Council Office; Kristen Lavelett, Local First Utah; Ashley Spatafore,Capstone Strategies; David Spatafore,Capstone Strategies. 2. Briefings by the Staff No briefings 3. Approval of the minutes A. Review and Approval of October 13th,2021 BAB Minutes Ms. Rice made a motion to approve the minutes from October 13t, 2021 meeting. Ms. Brown seconded the motion. Upon roll call,the motion passed unanimously. 4. Business A. Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report Mr.Wittenberg provided a presentation on the Department of Economic Development's Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report,which covers from July 1st, 2020 to June 30th,2021. He explained that on the onset of the pandemic letters were drafted and sent to small business owners asking how the depai tuent could help the community. They also provided a list of resources to support businesses, such as the Emergency Loan Program, State incentive packages, Tip Your Server program, and Small Business Impact Grants. The Department of Economic Development went from promotional/marketing to more of a triage unit to help businesses get access to programs. B. BAB City Ordinance, Chapter 2.76.080(C)(D),Business Advisory Board Deputy Director Riffo-Jenson reviewed the BAB City Ordinance to ensure BAB members understood their role as a committee and what they are charged with. 5. City Council Announcements Ms. Rowland provided an overview of the City's FY22 Budget Amendment#4 that is under consideration by the Council. She highlighted some of the items within the budget amendment that she thought BAB members may be interested it. 6. BAB Member Announcements A. Subcommittees Chairperson Piccoli stated that he met with Ms. Gunn and Ms. Rice in regard to the Small Business working group and have developed a path forward on educating BAB members on what is happening with small businesses in Salt Lake City. He explained they would provide more information during a future BAB meeting. 7. Adjournment There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. dati i,ff' OG/. darin picco (Jan 6,2022 09:16 MST) Darin Piccoli, Chairperson This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Economic Development Business Advisory Board meeting held November 10th,2021.