03/31/2022 - MinutesThe Redistricting Advisory Commission of Salt Lake City,Utah met in a Regular Meeting on Thursday,March 31,2022 in an electronic meeting. The following Commission Members were present: Eric Kenney,Marti Woolford,Mallory Bateman,Neil Vander Most,Anne Cannon,Diya Oommen,Daniel Cairo The following Commission Members were absent: Erik Lopez,Elisabeth Morrey Present City Staff: Michelle Barney –Minutes &Records Clerk,Ben Luedtke –City Council Policy Analyst,Hassan Abdi –City Council PEC,Taylor Hill –Council Staff The meeting was called to order at 5:38 pm. A.Call to Order: Minutes: CommissionerKenney welcomed all in attendance. B.Public Comment: 1.Comments to the Commission.(Comments are taken on items pertaining to the work of the Redistricting Commission.Comments are limited to two minutes per person.For Public Meeting Rules,please refer to this agenda’s intro page 1.) Minutes: No pubic was present for the meeting. C.Approval of Minutes: 1.The Redistricting Advisory Commission will approve the meeting minutes of March 17,2022 and March 24,2022. Minutes: The Minutes were approved unanimously D.Reports of Working Group Members: MINUTES OF THE 2022 REDISTRICTING ADVISORY COMMISSION Thursday,March 31,2022 1 •Euclid and Fairpark Neighborhoods Visit Report and Discussion •New Maps from Commissioners Minutes: Commissioners discussed if they had/had not toured the Euclid and Fairpark neighborhoods. E.Pending and Unfinished Business: MINUTES OF THE 2022 REDISTRICTING ADVISORY COMMISSION Thursday,March 31,2022 2 •Chair/Vice Chair Redistricting Maps •Minimal Change Map •Commission Member Vander Most Draft Redistricting Maps •Commission Member Cannon Redistricting Map for Districts Five and Six Wasatch Hollow Boundaries Minutes: Commissioner Vander Most reviewed the map number RD2022-109 “Four-Change”which moved: •The "triangle"in Rose Park moved to District 1 •District 2 hopped I-15 and used the rail lines between 300W and Temple as its boundary •District 3's borders follow southward from Temple to 100S,from 200E to the University •800S became the new boundary of Districts 4 and 5 Commissioners discussed: •The boundaries for District 2 along the railroad tracks •The boundaries of District 1 •How and to what extent certain Census block groups,even within the same community council,may identify more with a different area Commissioner Kenney reviewed the Community Council letter (emailed to the Commission) requesting the council boundaries be taken into consideration.Commissioner Kenney stated the presented map was a blank district map reflecting the Community Councils boundaries (included in the meeting materials). Commissioners reviewed: •The boundaries of the Community Council map and the difficultly for the City Council to represent the split areas •The importance to listen to the comments of the Community Councils and keep the communities of interest together regardless of the Community Council boundaries •Using the map of Community Councils as a guide Staff could work with the population numbers to create a final map Mr.Luedtke stated presenting the City Council with multiple maps was ideal,along with an explanation as to why the maps were chosen.He stated there are two Commission meetings left (Wednesday,April 6 and Thursday,April 7)to determine which maps to forward;all maps and spreadsheets will be provided to the Commission for review prior to the Wednesday meeting. Commissioners and Mr.Luedtke discussed: •The maps that would be available for review •Voting procedures and when the vote would be held (April 7) •Commissioners will receive the list of maps from Staff Friday,April 1 •The length of time City Council has to review the maps MINUTES OF THE 2022 REDISTRICTING ADVISORY COMMISSION Thursday,March 31,2022 3 •Eliminating identical maps to lessen the number of maps requiring review •The public comment period during the City Council review period •The Chair and Vice Chair need to be available to present the proposed maps to the City Council •The history of redistricting and the number of public comments taken at that time •The Mayor’s role in Redistricting •Commission would like the school districts added as an option to the maps for reference F.New Business: •Spreadsheet of District Builder maps submitted between March 21,2022 to March 28,2022 •Redistricting Letter from East Liberty Park Community Organization (ELPCO) Minutes: Information only no discussion was held G.Adjournment: MINUTES OF THE 2022 REDISTRICTING ADVISORY COMMISSION Thursday,March 31,2022 4 Meeting adjourned at:7:10 pm. Minutes Approved:April 6,2022 _______________________________ Board Leadership _______________________________ City Recorder To listen to the audio recording of the meeting or view meeting materials,please visit Salt Lake City Public Body Minutes library,available at www.data.slc.gov,selecting the Public Body Minutes hyperlink.If you are viewing this file in the Minutes library,use the links on the right of your screen within the ‘Document Relationships’information to listen to the audio or view meeting materials. This document along with the digital recording constitutes the official minutes of the Redistricting Commission Regular Meeting held Thursday,March 31,2022. MINUTES OF THE 2022 REDISTRICTING ADVISORY COMMISSION Thursday,March 31,2022 5 Erik Lopez (Apr 11, 2022 09:03 MDT) Erik Lopez Cindy Trishman (Apr 15, 2022 16:48 MDT) March 31, 2022 Redistricting Commission Final Audit Report 2022-04-15 Created:2022-04-11 By:Michelle Barney (michelle.barney@slcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAA-782gScxaiUNNFwoiK0jDQCQ3ZL7OR-w "March 31, 2022 Redistricting Commission" History Document created by Michelle Barney (michelle.barney@slcgov.com) 2022-04-11 - 2:35:59 PM GMT Document emailed to Erik Lopez (erik.andrew.lopez@gmail.com) for signature 2022-04-11 - 2:36:34 PM GMT Email viewed by Erik Lopez (erik.andrew.lopez@gmail.com) 2022-04-11 - 3:03:07 PM GMT Document e-signed by Erik Lopez (erik.andrew.lopez@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2022-04-11 - 3:03:42 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2022-04-11 - 3:03:44 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2022-04-15 - 10:48:50 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2022-04-15 - 10:48:50 PM GMT