05/05/2022 - Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL `_J. „ :: BEN KOLENDAR MAYOR a-a-2 DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Salt Lake City Art Design Board Meeting May 5,2022 5:00—6:30 pm Webex Online MINUTES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PENDING APPROVAL PRESENT: Tiffini Porter Meggie Troili Alejandro Moya Angela Dean Michael Mejia Colour Maisch Staff Members Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez,Public Art Program Manager Felicia Baca,Arts Council Director Taylor Knuth,Arts Council Assistant Director Susan Campbell,Special Projects Coordinator EXCUSED: Call to Order,Welcome Ms.Meggie Troili called the meeting to order. II. Approval of April 7,2022 Minutes Ms.Michael Mejia motioned to approve the minutes as written,Ms.Colour Maisch seconded,and all board members present voted in favor. III. Public Art Process and Alternate Selection Discussion Mr.Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez asked the Board to discuss the art selection process.He reviewed the processes of Request for Proposal and Request for Qualifications. The Board discussed the process used for reviewing the Life on State proposals using a two-point scale. Zero was equal to no,one was maybe,and two was a yes.Many members felt that because there were so many works to rank,the two-point scale helped to narrow the selections and an effective way of creating a shortlist.Ms.Maisch suggested that the scoring take place in advance of the meeting and then the Board would receive the short list to review prior to the meeting.At the decision-making meeting,the Board would have the option to discuss proposals that did not make the short list and they could be selected in the final recommendation to the Mayor. Ms.Angela Dean asked what the process is for selecting the community member(s)that participate in a Public Art selection process. Community stakeholders are non-voting members in the process.We usually recruit stakeholders and other volunteers from the Community Councils where the public art piece will be located with the understanding that one or two individuals do not represent the whole community. Additional ways of involving stakeholders are also considered,as most public art commissions are unique in nature and in context.This process can be changed,and representation can be expanded.The addition of a Public Art Coordinator will allow community outreach efforts to be expanded.Our program strives to ensure that community members involved in the decision-making process represent their appropriate communities and not an individual,personal perspective Ms.Dean suggested sending out a survey to the communities about the selection process.Ms.Baca responded that we need to make sure that we are not having the community vote on the artwork,rather they provide input about the theme,what is important to the community,etc. This document constitutes the official minutes from the Salt Lake Art Design Board's May 5,2022 convening. Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez proposed an alternative way of selecting an artist for a larger project: The Board would interview candidates that have submitted a Request for Qualifications(RFQ)and select them for a project without a proposal. The selected artist would then work with the depaitinent in charge of the project and develop a design and implement the art into the overall project. This method is best for established artists. One of the potential issues with this concept is the artist could spend too much time and funds on the conception phase or proposal and the work is considerably smaller than expected or they lack the remaining funds to complete the project at the scale needed. The Board agreed that this type of process will only work with certain projects. A Request for Proposal(RFP)has different expectations and allows emerging or recreational artists to apply. The issue with RFPs is that the artist does work to create a concept and present a proposal and they are not paid for this work.The decision on which type of proposal to request is dependent on the project. The Board discussed the issue of requiring artworks to be site specific.Ms.Maisch pointed out that when you require site specificity,it can water down the artwork. Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez reviewed the process of selecting alternates for the recommendation to the Mayor. He asked the Board if the alternate is a selection that the Board is equally happy with and the Mayor can select this work over the recommended piece,or should the alternate be presented only if one of the selected artists is unable to complete the contract. The Board Members responded that they would like to reserve the alternate selections to be presented only if the recommended artist(s)are unable to complete the contract.Mr.Olmedo-Gonzalez will draft a policy for the Board to vote on regarding this matter. IV. Art Design Board Vacancy Candidate Review and Discussion The Board discussed the candidates who had applied to the vacancy on the Art Design Board. They reviewed six candidates and chose three to interview.The interviews will take place with Mr. Olmedo- Gonzalez and at least one Board member and the full Board will discuss and vote on a new member at the June Board meeting. V. Public Comment No public was present. VI. Other Business/Adjourn Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez stated that an offer has been made to an individual to join the team as the Public Art Coordinator. Art in Transit will be installed on June 6,2022.On June 7,2022 there will be a small event with the media,UTA and Art Council. The Board was told that merchandise containing Out of the Blue references are being sold and they are in violation of copyright infringement.Please do not purchase any items. Ms.Baca reviewed the Mayor's budget presentation made to City Council for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. Ms.Porter motioned to close the meeting;Ms.Maisch seconded and all members voted in favor. Next meeting:June 2,2022,at 5:00 pm 2