11/19/1982 - Meeting Minutes Minutes of Salt Lake Valley
Solid Waste Managementt Council
Meeting was held Novemer 19, 1982 at 8:10 a.m., at the Marriott Hotel, Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Attendees: - James Talebreza - Salt Lake City Public Works
- Bill Davis - City-County Health Department
- Norm Jones - Utah State University
- Almon Nelson - Trans-Jordan Landfill
Other in Attendance:
- Romney Stewart - Director of City-County Landfill
- Stan Vincent - Landfill Manager
- John Rosenthal - Salt Lake City Public Works
- Vern Harris - All Waste
- Bill Jacobsen - A B C Sump Cleaners
- Tim Bennett - Bennett Economy Sanitation
- Ken Lester - Salt Lake County Public Works
1. Approval of October 22, 1982 Minutes. - .ACTION TAKEN -
Norm Jones moved and Almon Nelson seconded that the minutes he approved
as written. The vote was unanimous.
2. Customer Comments on Proposed 1983 Disposal Fees. - ACTION TAKEN -
No customers were present to make comments on the proposed fees, thus
Almon Nelson moved and Bill Davis seconded to adopt the fee schedule as
proposed. The vote was unanimous.
1. Report on Landfill End-Use Meeting
Romney Stewart reported on a meeting held the previous day regarding the
end-use of the City-County 70 acre and 185 acre landfill parcels. Repre-
sentatives from Salt Lake City and County Planning, Public Works and Parks
Departments, Kennecott, Utah State Wildlife Resources and County Flood
Control were in attendance. Romney distributed an outline of items and
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issues discussed to the Council. He mentioned that a policy statement
agreeable to both the City and County Planning Departments will be form-
ulated to better coordinate future planning and zoning efforts. Existing
zoning is now compatible with the end-uses discussed. The group agreed to
meet every six months in order to stay current on any emerging issues or
2. Report on Resource Recovery Phase II Report and Davis County Project
Romney reported that Will Jeffries had received the comments submitted by
the City and County, and has forwarded them to Franklin Associates for
inclusion in the final Phase II report. Romney mentioned that R. W. Beck
was doing the third party independent engineering analysis of the Davis
County Project.
Davis County has set February 28th as the date to sell the bonds, even
though the site has not yet been determined. Energy contracts with Hill
Air Force Base are expected to be completed and signed within a week.
Vice Chairman Talebreza recognized the arrival of Bill Jacobson and Tim
Bennett and invited any comments on the Fee Schedule. They did not see
any problems with fee as now proposed. Romney mentioned that the
arrangements made with the South Valley Treatment plant to handle septic
waste is working out satisfactorily for all parties concerned. Bill
Jacobson mentioned that the fee at the plant may be lowered which would
benefit the haulers.
Stan Vincent mentioned that the liquid handling problems are substantially
less now that septage is no longer brought to the landfill. Romney stated
that in his opinion the disposal fee will likely remain the same through-
out 1983. However, a review of the commercial fee will be made in July
after the first half expenditures of the new budget year are assessed.
The next meeting date was set for January 7, 1983, at 10:00 a.m., in the County
Commission Board Room. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.