10/18/1990 - Meeting Minutes Community Development Advisory Committee Minutes October 18, 1990 In attendance: Kim Anderson, Rosemary Grim, Rawlins Young, Marion Willey, Nancy Saxton, Ranae Pierce, Curley Jones, Russell Allred and Hermoine Jex. Staff: Lee King, Stephanie Harpst and Sherrie Hansen. Excused: Rosemarie Rendon and Diana Smoot The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. Stephanie opened the meeting with announcements concerning Kathy Broadbents decision not to serve on the CDAC committee and that Bernice Cook had resigned. She distributed copies of the following items for CDAC's review: A preliminary list of 17th Year CD proposals submitted, the minutes from CDAC's meeting on September 20, the CD Announcement which lists all Community Meetings to be held, a HAAB agenda, and the proposed CDBG time frame. Ranae moved and Curley 2nd that the minutes from the meeting held on September 20th be passed. Voice vote taken resulted in favor of that motion. Stephanie then discussed the proposed CDBG time frame (Attachment A) and explained that staff had discussed problems with the CD program that could be corrected. She noted HUD's delay in releasing funds (August 20) which resulted in delayed construction start dates . She stated that by moving the approval date of the whole CDBG timeframe up, we could apply for funding earlier and probably receive release of funds the first part of the July rather than in late August. CDAC wanted to know how this would effect them. She explained that if the time frame is moved back a week, she will meet with the Planning Commission first, who will not have Staff or CDAC recommendations . This meeting would be the first week of February. The Planning Commission's recommendation process takes 3 weeks, leaving CDAC approx. one week to make their recommendations . Stephanie reported that the first required public hearing was tentatively scheduled with CDAC and the Mayor, on Wednesday, January 30 . This will replace the public hearing usually held before the Council in March. The discussion then turned to CDAC's fall Community meeting schedule. Nancy wanted it noted that next years CDAC meetings should not conflict with pre-scheduled Community Council Meetings . Stephanie suggested that next year the CDAC members from the different community council districts set the fall CDAC schedule so this problem can be avoided. Stephanie discussed preparations for the fall meetings . She reported that CPPD would be responsible for mailing the Community Meeting Announcements, the meeting agendas, copies of the proposals and Community assessment sheets . CDAC people from the area would facilitate the welcome and introductions of CDAC at the meetings, the newsprint sheets and Area/Citywide descriptions . Curley announced the Clean Up and Chilli Party at Nettie Gregory Center. Stephanie then asked CDAC if there were any future agenda items . She reminded CDAC that last year it was necessary to hold regular CDAC meetings before the Community Meetings but that she wasn't aware of any need at this time. Stephanie asked if CDAC would like to send a letter or card to Bernice thanking her for her service on the Committee. CDAC said they would like that. Hermoine said she would get a card and that the members could sign at their next meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 7 :45 . �.. o Attachment A 1990-91 (17th Year) CDBG ORIGINAL AND REVISED TI EP AMF' RESPONSIBLE ORIG. REVISED TASK ORGANIZATION DATE DATE Receive project proposals CPP 10-12-90 10-16-90 Review applications/Hold CPP/CDAC 10-24-90 Same neighborhood meetings to 12-15-90 Submit CD housing pro- CPP 1-23-91 11-5-90 " posals to HAAB for review Submit CD proposals to CPP/Plan 3-8-91 14$-91 Planning Commission Set date/Publish notice CPP 2-19-91 1-15-91 for HUD required hearing on general needs Receive input from HAAB CPP/CDAC/BHS 3-13-91 1-23-91 Give Council copy of CD CPP none 1-22-91 Log before retreat Hold general needs hearing CDAC/Mayor 3-12-91 1-3I-91 Interdepartmental staff CPP/Depts 3-4-91 2-4-91 review of projects Receive input from Plan- CPP/CDAC/Plan 3-22-91 2-21-91 " ning Commission Preliminary staff rec- CPP/Depts 2-20-91 2-22-9.1, ommendations done Hold CDAC workshop for CPP/CDAC 2-23-91 2-23-91 • CD recommendations Finalize CDAC recom- CPP/CDAC 3-5-91 2-28-91 mendations & intents Finalize CDAC/Staff CPP/Depts 3-8-91 3-1-91 recommendation Present CDAC/Staff CPP/CDAC 3-13-91 3-5-91 recommendation to Mayor Transmit request to set CPP 4-5-91 3-8-91 CD hearing for 4-2-91 1 RESPONSIBLE ORIG. REVISED TASK ORGANIZATION DATE DATE Mayor formulates Mayor 4-8-91 3-19-91 recommendation and trans- mits to Council Set date/Publish notice CPP 4-16-91 3-19-91 for HUD required hearing on preliminary CDBG goals and projects Brief Council on CDBG CPP/CDAC 5-2-91 3-21-91 Mayor presents rec- Mayor 4-16-91 4-2-91 ommendation to Council Hold hearing on prelimin- Council 5-7-91 4-2-91 ary CDBG goals and projects Publish HUD required CPP 5-11-91 4-5-91 Preliminary Statement Council takes final Council 5-21-91 4-16-91 action on 17th Year CDBG projects 17th Year CDBG appli- CPP 5-23-91 4-24-91 cation prepared • 17th Year CDBG appli- CPP 5-31-91 5-1-91 cation routed and signed by Mayor 17th Year CDBG appli- CPP 6-3-91 - 5-3-91 cation submitted to HUD CDBG Subgrantee CPP 6-26-91 6-5-91 Workshop held HUD approves grant and HUD 7-5-91 6-21-91 returns to City Grant agreement routed CPP 7-12-91 6-24-91 for signature 17th Year CDBG funds HUD 7-19-91 7-1-91 released CD/CIPtimeframe91/10-10-90