1/17/1991 - Meeting Minutes Community Development Advisory Committee
January 17, 1991
In attendance: Rawlins Young, Marion Willey, Curley Jones,
Russell Allred, Boyd Mattinson, Kim Anderson, Diana Smoot and
Hermoine Jex. Staff : Stephanie Harpst, Sherrie Hansen, Karen
Carlyle and Kathy Ricci .
Excused: Ranae Pierce, Rosemary Grim, Rosemarie Rendon and
Nancy Saxton.
Meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m.
Karen handed out a Financial Summary of 17th Year Applicants
who have received CDBG Funding in previous years . (See
Attachment A) . She explained that this report showed funding
levels and balances of each project and the current amount of
CDBG Funding requested. She reported that CPPD hoped to
encumber approximately $100,000 to apply toward slippage for
17th Year.
Stephanie further explained that projects as far back as 10th
Year, which have been completed but have a balance remaining
are being reviewed. Balances left in these projects will be
brought forward and rolled into slippage.
Karen then gave CDAC an update on Urban Forestry. She
explained to CDAC that in previous years Urban Forestry had
used a part of their funding for trimming and spraying trees .
She explained that HUD no longer allow's this as an eligible
activity. This year's request for $60,000 listed in the parks
section of the log, is to purchase and plant 400 trees . The
$50,000 in the Planning section of the log, is to update the
current street tree inventory and to write the forest
management plan for City Parks .
Ron Pohlman then presented the RDA Housing Rehab proposal. He
opened by handing out a Census Tract map that indicated areas
where previous years funding had been spent. (See Attachment
B) . He continued by telling CDAC about the different programs
administered by the RDA which include the Renter Rehab Program,
the Section 312 Loan Program, the Community Investment Loan
Pool and the Urban Homesteading Program. He told CDAC about
the amount of services and loans provided vs . the amount of
people and funding available to administer all the RDA
programs . Ron concluded that the RDA currently has 20-30 cases
of request's for services on hold because of manpower
shortages . He told CDAC that this is the first year that the
RDA has not had to do public outreach to meet their rehab
goals . However, the current demand is outweighed by the amount
of funding and manpower that the RDA has .
John Pinter, President of Easter Seals, then presented the
Child Abuse Prevention proposal.
He introduced himself, Stella Allen the Project Director, Betty
McCone a Family Friend Volunteer and Chris and Augie
Baierschmidt a family that had been helped by this program.
John gave a brief background on programs that the Easter Seal
Foundation offers . He then went on to tell about the Child
Abuse Prevention proposal. He stated that statistics prove
that often in homes where there is a disabled child, neglect or
abuse is a problem. He told CDAC that this program offered a
helping hand to those single parent families with a disabled
child in the form of a volunteer who came into the home and
became a friend. This friend can help in a number of ways, by
either watching the child while the parent momentarily breaks
away from the situation or by talking and listening with the
parent. Often volunteers are older people. Betty McCone is
the Family Friend to Chris Baierschmidt whose son Augie has
Downs Syndrome. They talked about how they helped one another.
Stella Allen is the Project Director over this program.
Bruce Parker, Garth Lindberg and Neil Olsen then presented the
Planning Department's Proposals . These proposals included the
Westside Community Master Plan, the SLC Urban Design Element,
the East Downtown Master Plan, the State Street Master Plan and
the User Defined Area Program (UDAP) .
Stephanie thanked them for being there. She reminded CDAC of
their next meeting to be held in Room 442 on January 24, at
5 : 30 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9 :15 p.m.
Jordan Park 16th Year 95, 000 703, 500
17th Request 50, 000
Westpointe Park 14th Year 150, 000 148, 450
16th Year. 75, 000 15, 000
TOTAL: $223, 450
17th Request 200, 000
Elks Park 16th Year 11, 000 11, 000
17th Request 53, 000
Athletic Park 13th Year 1 0, 000 1, 633
14th Year 90, 000
15th Year 50, 000
17th Request 95, 000
Urban Forestry 13th Year 50, 000
14th Year 50, 000
15th Year 50, 000
16th Year 60, 000 48, 479
$11, 521. encumbered
17th Request 60, 000
These funds are no longer used for trimming or spraying existing
tree stock. They are only used for purchase and planting of trees.
This request includes planting 400 trees ( $60, 000 ). It also
includes the update of the current street tree inventory and the
writing of a forest management plan for City Parks ( $50, 000 ) .
These two activities are listed under the planning section.
**Victory Tennis 17th Request 150, 000
Court Improvements - Request from Parks Department
**Tenth East Senior 17th Request 100, 000
Center Parking/
Tennis Courts Imp. - Request from Salt Lake County
**Tenth East Senior •
Center Parking 17th Request 50, 000
Request from Salt sake County
These three projects are overlapping requests. Parks and the
Division of Aging have met and are working on a compromise which
will involve repairing the existing parking and some development of
open space. it is Unclear at this time whether this will involve
additional parking.
Marmalade Hill.
Center 15th Year 47,000 47,000
L7th Request 86,750
The Marmalade Hill Center will be managed by the City. The
lease with Utah Heritage Foundation has expired. The work for 15th
year funding has been put out to bid.
Drug Elimination
Coordinator L7th Request 25,500
H.A. Projects -. Request from the Housing Authority of SLC
The City will hire a Drug Coordinator and part time staff with
funds from the OSAP Grant. This person and staff will coordinate
drug education and activities with all agencies in the City. There
may be an overlap of services for the request from the Housing
Authority and the Salt Lake Boys & Girls Club. The request is for
more operations money. These could be on going costs.
Family Support
Center 15th Year 21,600 8,655
17th Request 18,857
17th Year funding request is for operational expenses. These
will be on-going expenses. The 15th year funds were for rehab of
their facility.
Sarah Daft Home 17th Request 106,000
The residents of the Sarah Daft Home are 99% income eligible.
Actually, most of the residents are well below 50% of the income
Crossroads Emergency
Food Pantry 16th Year 5,000 5,000
17th Request 15,000
Wasatch Fish & 16th Year 10,000 6,667
Garden Project L7th Request 20,000
Impact 16th Year 8,000 7,645
17th Request 10,000
SLACC Staffing 15th Year 50,000 23,640
16th Year 13,000 L3,000
TOTAL: $36,640
17th Request 50,000
NETS Revolving 15th Year 90,000 28,216
Loan b'und 16th Year 90,000 62,960
TOTAL: $91, 176
17th Request 152,000
We are currently collecting the program income from NHS. This
dollar amount is reflected in their account balances. Prior to
this year, NHS was retaining these monies which is why there is a
difference in the account balances from last year. Monthly income
from these loans is approximately 5,500 per month principal and
Neighborhood 13th Year 9,000
Attorney Program L4th Year 5,000
15th Year 7,000 3,663
16th Year 7,000 7,000
TOTAL: $10,663
17th Request 10,000
Community Dev. 15th Year 151,647 118,314
Corp. (CDC) 16th Year 80,000 80,000
TOTAL: $198,314
17th Request 187,403
This request includes $109,000 for the Own In Salt Lake Program
as well as $78,403 in operational support funding.
Utah Heritage llth Year 72,030 14,839
Foundation - RLF 17th Request 200,000
This Revolving Loan Fund currently has $14,839 as a balance with
only one outstanding loan in the amount of $49,922.42. They have
not had any new funding since 11.th Year other than program income
from outstanding loans.
Operation Paintbrush
16th Year 40,000 33,016
17th Request 40,000
The year is half through and this program has only used 6,984 of
current year funds.
Cleaning & Securing
15th Year 21,764 2,931
16th Year 30,843 30,843
17th Request 20,000
This program receives income Crom the payment of liens placed
against properties that require boarding. The original budget for
Lath year was $20,000.
PLANNING - Existing Projects
Revised Zoning Ordinance 1.0th Year Project 974
Publish Community Master
Plans 10th Year Project 1.5,575
East Central. Neighborhood
Plan 11th Year Project 1,422
Westside Community Master
Plan 1.1th Year Project 5,615
Comprehensive Downtown
Parking Plan 12th Year Project 8,209
Foothill Openspace Plan 12th Year Project 14,433
Salt Lake Community Progress
Survey Publication 14th Year Project 4,452
Salt Lake Community Progress
Survey 14th Year Project 7,000
Salt Lake Historic Survey 14th Year Project 21,000
Downtown Plan Strategies 15th Year Project 33,970
Development of New Zoning
Ordinance 16th Year Project 26,657
Main Street Urban Center
Site Assessment 16th Year Project 5,250
Salt Lake Housing Condition
Survey 16th Year Project 21,985
PLANNING - L7th Year Requests
Development of New Zoning
Ordinance 31,250
Printing and Publication of
SL Master Plans 55,650
Update of Central Community
Development Plan from
1974 51,800
Fiscal Impact Projection
Model. 25,000
User Defined Area Program 15,000
3 Year CDBG Plan 15,000
Feasibility Study for Muiti--
Cultural Complex 75,000
Urban Forestry -update of
existing street inventory
and new forest management
plan for city parks 50,000
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