2/13/2012 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2012, 4:00 P.M.
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Not Present:
Terry Wright Chairperson Mark Vlasic
Lisa Thompson Co-Chair Paul Heath
Ken Pollard
Jerod Johnson
John Phillips
Ex Officio Members:
Sean Fyfe
Jim Cleland afilit®"CID
Don Harward
Interested Persons
Jaysen Oldroyd-Salt Lake Attorney's Office
Conservancy members roll call for recording: Ken Pollard, Lisa Thompson,Jerod Johnson,John Phillips
and Terry Wright.
Terry welcomed everybody and opened the meeting with agenda item one, to review and approve the
January 9, 2012 minutes.
The committee had many corrections. First, Lisa found several typos;the guests should be MSJA not
MSJC and Rob's name is Rob Pett instead of Rob Peck. On page two, four paragraphs from the top Rob
Sheppard was spelled wrong and Elwin Robinson was not listed as a guest.
John Phillips had a correction on page one, the second paragraph from bottom, "it restricts the amount
of events" added between after events. On page three, the sixth paragraph there needs to be a space
between the and 1980's.
Terry found many more errors. On page two, the fifth paragraph down, on the third line change to
painted instead of a stained grade material. On the last paragraph, the second line changed from "it is
understood from the city that this is a restoration project", to it is not a restoration project. On page
three the second paragraph on the third line change to "if they want to spend the money now or hold"
off was added. On the fourth paragraph Elwin will talk to the committee instead of walk the committee.
Page three, the seventh paragraph, the second line, "pulled into the stone by capillary actions but,
fissure and planes stop capillary actions" added a comma after the word but. On the ninth paragraph,
the first line "existing weathered stone", a comma was inserted after the word stone. On page three on
the final paragraph, on the fourth line "durable stone is an adequate color" change to has an adequate
color. On page four, the seventh paragraph "looking at the building you may think there is Caulk"
added any instead of is.
Terry asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes with amendments. Lisa made the motion it
was seconded. The January 9, 2012 minutes were approved with corrections.
All corrections were made.
Terry went on to the second agenda item, the chairs in the Washington Square Café.
Terry introduced Don Harward to show the committee the reupholstered chair. Don showed the
committee a finished chair; he stated that the fabric had been previously approved on other furniture in
the City and County Building. The fabric is fire rated and scotch guarded. Don stated this is sort of a
bandage approach because there has been no budget for the upkeep of the café furniture. Don stated
that the fabric does work with the existing decor but he feels the café walls needs to be painted with the
same color to give it a fresh look.
Terry asked who does the upholstery. Don responded the low bid came in from Zion Upholstery. Jim
asked how much each chair cost; Don stated about$45 a chair, that price includes foam and padding.
Terry asked if the Committee had any recommendations. Jerod asked how many chairs there are, Don
answered 63 and 8 stools. Terry stated that the chair appears to match the decor and the feel of the
building. Ken Pollard moved to approve the upholstery and the fabric, Lisa seconded the motion and
the motion was passed.
Terry went to the next item on the agenda, which is the stone consultant funding update. Alden
Breinholt was not present of give the committee an update. Jim Cleland was asked to give the update
for Alden.
Jim stated that the CIP request Alden has turned in will be reviewed by the citizen committee. That
meeting was February 13, 2012.
The total for the project turned out to be $6,866,553.00. Terry asked if that includes the soft cost,Jim
stated it includes the whole project. Jim referred to the January 9, 2012 minutes that detail all the costs.
Jim stated the project is going to the next step and he will know more once it goes through the citizens
committee and the Mayor looks at it.
There were discussions in the council meeting last week about plaza 349 and using the rest of the$1.3
million bond. Several people brought up how much need the City and County Building has and is it really
worth it to spend the$1.3 million extra on Plaza 349 to make it a LEED platinum building, or do we take
care of some of the needs at the City and County Building. That is the last funding conversations Jim has
heard as of February 13, 2012.
Terry asked at our next meeting will we possibly have another cost update. Jim stated that we will know
how the request went with the citizens committee, after they go over it and make recommendations to
the Mayor. The Mayor makes his recommendations and forwards it to the city council. Ken asked who
was on the citizens committee. Jim doesn't know the names. Ken asked how many people were on it
Jim answered he thinks there are six members.
Lisa stated that this committee already made a motion that the stone project go forward and not be
phased if possible. She asked if there is there anything else at this time.
Jim said that is how it has been presented to the council this committee and the staff's
recommendation. The committee asked what happens if we don't do it;Jim said he showed the council
the gargoyle head that fell off the building as an example of what could happen if nothing is done.
Lisa asked are there other points at which the committees' involvement would be helpful. Jim stated
that this committee has heard more about this than any other committee and any letters or
recommendations the committee can make would be helpful.
Ken asked if the city council discussed this publically. Jim said that they do but at this point there is
nothing on the agenda to discuss it. Terry asked Jim to give the committee a date when a representative
from the Conservancy committee can be at the hearing.
Lisa asked if the citizens committee can develop its' recommendation quite quickly,Jim answered that it
could take a couple of weeks.
Jim said there are other CIP recommendations that the Conservancy and Use committee need to be
aware of that will also be presented. For example the fan coil units need replacing on the south
quadrant of the City and County Building. Another project for the CIP recommendation, is the buildings'
exterior wood trim. Facilities thought while they were mobilizing and while they had scaffolding up that
it would be a good time to go after the dry rot and replace the wood and paint.
Ken asked if the wood trim is part of the six million costs.Jim said it is a different issue but Facilities have
been rescheduling the wood trim for about three years so it can coincide with the stone project. This
allows the contractor to use the scaffolding that will already be there for the stone. Ken asked how
much the wood is;Jim said it is$318,286. The wood trim is the Facilities fourth CIP priority.
Another CIP project is the fifth floor renovation, which isn't getting a lot of support. Councilman
Simonsen thinks it is an excessive amount for the space. Ken asked how much is it,Jim stated
$2,700,700.00, Ken asked how much space,Jim answered just under 6000 square feet, it comes out to
be about$500 per square foot. Ken asked what city division would the renovation be for,Jim answered
Jim wanted to let the committee know what items for the City and County Building were being put on
the CIP recommendation list.
Lisa stated that she is relaying information to the Utah Heritage foundation as their representative so
they can be informed of this project. She feels this is the most significant project for this building in
some time. Jim stated that any support for the stone project would help get it done.
Ken asked if there is any discussion on a lot of the elements being all pulled together. So something like
remodeling cost can go down if they are all together. Jim stated that he thinks that may be why all
these projects are being put down for the next fiscal year.
Terry asked if any committee members had any items that they would like to be placed on the agenda
for the next meeting, there were none.
Ken made a motion to adjourn the meeting John seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.