5/14/2012 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
MONDAY, MAY 14, 2012, 4:00 P.M.
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Not Present:
Terry Wright Chairperson John Phillips
Ken Pollard Mark Vlasic
Jerod Johnson Lisa Thompson—Co-Chairperson
Paul Heath
Ex Officio Members:
Jim Cleland
*all lake C.&Connor Iltwmnta
Interested Persons 6onoerben[V&aloe Qommatee
Jaysen Oldroyd-Salt Lake Attorney's Office atiVIR®VE3113
Janice Lew—Historic Landmarks Mate 06/11/12
Carl Leith /
Terry welcomed everybody and opened the meeting with roll call. Roll call: Terry Wright, Ken Pollard,
Jerod Johnson and Paul Heath
Terry noted that we do not have a quorum and the minutes were not approved or discussed.
A question was asked to Jaysen regarding how many members are needed for a quorum,Jaysen
answered five. Terry stated that two members of the committee are supposed to be from the Arts
Council. Lisa is one of them and Don Hartley was the other but was never replaced. Terry asked Jim
what the process is, Ken answered that he can make a call to start the process of making a
recommendation for another member.
Agenda item two was the update on the water cooling system. There was no update regarding the
water cooling system at this time.
Agenda Item three was the tour of the City and County Building interior only.
Base Isolators
The committee went to look at the isolators. Jared explained;that there was no positive
connection between the top of isolator and the mounting plate other than there are four, 1"
diameter dowels that extend into the top plate. None have any tensil capacity across the
interface makes it so the isolator will displace at a certain point and then it will start to open up
and start to roll between the two plates. It starts to roll at a displacement of about ten to
eleven inches. Paul asked if there was a way to see the isolator during an earthquake. Jerod
said not here, but it would be easy to get a camera system installed.
Ken asked about the shim added. Jerod asked Terry about it,Jerod asked if the isolator was
placed first then the low transfer beams built. Terry answered yes, the typical installation
procedure is that the low concrete beams were placed first, and then the isolators were placed
and then stressed with "flat jacks."
Jerod suggested that the building be instrumented. Jim asked if there was a grant funding for it.
Jerod said he would look into it for the committee.
5T"floor attic and up to clock face
Jim showed the committee the water chiller. Water goes through ultra-violet and charcoal
filter. Terry asked where the water comes from,Jim answered that it is city water off the main
and the filter is to just filter the chlorine and other minerals/chemicals. Jim pointed out the one
of the filters is no longer working. Jim stated that Facilities thinking is putting in a heat
exchanger so that it will cast off the heat through the outside air dampers in the winter and in
the summer run the chilled water loop to the heat exchanger and cast off the heat that way.
Terry said that makes sense. Jim said it will cut down the energy and waste.
Jim is hoping that it will be installed toward the end of September 2012.
Cat walk
Jim was talking recording but couldn't hear what he was saying. It did pick up vehicles and bird
Terry asked what side the piece fell off of,Jim said he wasn't sure. At this point I believe the
tour was looking to see where the piece fell off. Only a few words can be heard. There was
some discussion regarding the slate but could not make out the conversation.
Clock tower
Jim showed the committee the new clock system. Jim said we are in the process of laying cable
so the clock can be programmed at a computer.
On the way back Jim talked about the LED lights in the building and how it is energy efficient for such an
old building.
Terry closed the meeting.