9/10/2012 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2012, 4:00 P.M.
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Not Present:
Terry Wright Chairperson Mark Vlasic
Ken Pollard
Jerod Johnson
John Phillips
Ex Officio Members:
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Jim Cleland Qangerbanap&Iataa,miltaa
Jaysen Oldroyd-Salt Lake Attorney's Office sinakevcs
mat, 11/05/2012
Interested Parties
Janice Lew
Julie Fratto Urban Forestry
Troy Baker Parks and Public Lands
Terry welcomed everybody and opened the meeting with roll call:Terry Wright,John Phillips,Julie
Fratto,Troy Baker,Jaysen Oldroyd,Jim Cleland, Sean Fyfe, Ken Pollard,Jerod Johnson and Janice Lew
Terry stated that we do not have a quorum and that agenda items one approval of the June and August
2012 minutes and the committee elections will be skipped until the next meeting in October of 2012.
Jaysen Oldroyd let the committee know that members unable to come to the meeting may join the
meeting via a conference call.The members have to be on the phone the whole time and their vote is
valid. Terry asked Jaysen about getting a conference call number for the meetings.
The next agenda item discussed is the seismic instrumentation update. Jerod was told the seismic
instruments are in the City and County Building. The USGS stated the instrumentation is probably
obsolete. They suggested that the City update the instruments. This may cost$25,000 to$50,000. The
cabling should be good. The current system is wired to a wire closet on the east stairs. The data will
transmit via satellite once the system becomes active. The question is, does the city pay the whole cost
or is USGS going to help with it.
Jim stated that he looked at blueprints and couldn't see the instrumentation on them. Jerod said with
all the walking around in the basement of the building he has not seen any of the instrumentation
either. Jerod was told there are 24 accelerometers in the City and County Building. Jerod stated there
has to be a plan somewhere; he will follow up with this and present it at the next meeting.
John asked if the new PSB will be equipped with seismic sensors and such. Jerod doesn't know at this
time. John followed up by asked if the seismic sensors are building specific;what is the data going to tell
you that is different from the PSB, or the Library. Jerod said where this technology comes into play is
where you have very advanced and high tech seismic force resistance system. The owners have
invested a lot of capitol into the system. The information help the research community.
Terry asked based on the current information that there should be instrumentation at this building at
the foundation level and some at the isolator level. Jerod said yes you want readings from the site and
the buildings.
Jim said that a project he had in mind was to have Facilities remove the bumpers and maybe Facilities
can find the accelerometers when the bumpers are removed.
Next agenda was to walk the grounds. Terry asked for a general indication of how the grounds faired
this season. Troy stated it was worse this year because of the heat. Events this year were less than last
year with only three events. This gave Parks the opportunity to re-seed and as we walk around you will
be able to see the re-seeded areas. There are no other events scheduled for the rest of this year.
There were only three events one in May and two in June.
Julie stated there are two dying or dead trees that need to be removed from the grounds. Terry asked
about the trees being replaced. Julie stated there are a Cherry and an Elm that will need to be replaced.
The Elm is on the State Street and 400 South corners. The Elm will not be replaced yet because the area
is smaller now from the construction.
Julie asked if the committee wanted the trees to be replaced with the same species. Terry asked what
the current recommendations are. John asked if any of the trees have any significance, if some have
been dedicated or donated. It is unknown if any of them have been donated. John feels it is important
that if a tree is donated or dedicated that the replacement should be the same species. Terry agrees.
Julie stated that Urban Forestry is able to replant the same species.
Terry asked what type of Elm needs to be replaced Julie answer an American elm.
Ken asked about recycling the wood. Julie stated there is a possibility of making the stump into a bench.
Julie asked if the committee is interested in that. Ken said yes,Terry said it may make more sense for a
bench like that to be placed in another park area or along the Jordan River Trail.
Jim reminded the committee that the electrically boxes for the events will be installed on the grounds
along second east and if possible to look at possible locations.
Terry excused the committee to tour the grounds. Jim Cleland was be the tour guide.
Grounds tour:
The garden on east side on the horseshoe was discussed. Stephanie Duer, from Public Utilities
takes care of the plants and signage.
Troy showed the committee members the places on the grounds that have been re-seeded.
Troy showed the committee the bench on the north east corner that had been refurbished with
a powder coating. He will get the cost of this.
Jim asked the committee if they liked the refurbished bench or if they would rather have new
benches depending on cost.
Julie stated that the city tree pruning is a year round process and the trees at Washington
Square were pruned in the spring of 2012.
Julie showed the two dying trees on the grounds.
A committee member pointed out a beehive in one of the trees on the south west side of the
building;this will be taken care of.
Jim showed the refurbished fountains and stated that they are not hooked up to the water and
electrical systems yet.
The tour ended on the east side and the meeting was adjourned.