11/5/2012 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2012 4:00 P.M.
Committee Members Present: Committee Members Not Present:
Terry Wright Chairperson
Mark Vlasic
Ken Pollard
Jerod Johnson
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John Phillips `°user"°""&Mg`Commtire
Ex Officio Members: 70-. 06/10/2013
Jim Cleland
Jaysen Oldroyd-Salt Lake Attorney's Office
Terry welcomed everybody and opened the meeting with roll call:Terry Wright, Mark Vlasic,Jaysen
Oldroyd,John Phillips,Jerod Johnson, Ken Pollard,Jim Cleland and Sean Fyfe
The first agenda item is to approve the June 11, 2012, August 13, 2012 minutes and September 10, 2012
minutes. Motions made to approve each of the dates that include the June 11, 2012, August 13, 2012
and September 10, 2012 minutes all motions were seconded and approved.
The second item was the event electrical power update. Jim stated that there was a 90% review last
week and the bid should go out to bid soon. Construction will begin January or February 2013 the work
is due to be completed by April 1, 2013. The first Event is the end of May, the construction needs to be
finished and the boxes need to be in place before May 2013.
The event electrical power boxes and other construction material will be underground. The contractor
will directional bore and pot hole for installation. John asked how they meter that. Jim answered there
are sub meters on the panels and Facilities reads the meters.
The third agenda item is the seismic instrumentation update. Jerod received feedback from USGS.
They had on file a spreadsheet that indicated the location that indicates the accelerometers in the City
and County Building. Jerod suggests that Jim have a Facilities person look for the accelerometers based
on the information in the spreadsheet. Jim said he would have that done and make an inventory if they
find them.
Jerod has a call into Julie from ABS Consulting, who were involved with the original City and County
restoration project. He has asked her to see if there is a plan that shows the precise locations of the
accelerometers. He also has put in a call to Memmet Shelby USGS, he is asked about getting some
financial support to update the seismic instrumentation for the City and County Building. Jerod will
update on these the next time the committee meets.
The fourth agenda item is the committee membership update. There are two individuals, Steve Cornell
from the Utah Heritage Foundation and John McCarthy from the Salt Lake City Arts Council who have
filed applications for the Conservancy and Use Committee membership. The progress will be reported
at the next meeting.
The last item is the committee elections of the committee chair and vice chair. Nomination was made
for Terry Wright to remain as chair the nomination was seconded and Terry was voted to remain chair
person for the Conservancy and Use Committee.
Jerod Johnson was nomination for vice chair person the nomination and was seconded. Jerod Johnson
was voted in as vice chair person for the Conservancy and Use Committee.
Terry asked if there were any items for the Dec 2012 agenda items. There were none. A motion was
made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned.