1/16/2013 - Meeting Minutes •
F., 1st
''` •
•, Thursday January i6, 2013
1'�)RiIL end Floor, Parks Building (1965 West 500 South) - 5:00 PM
Members in Attendance Also in Attendance
Marc Coles-Ritchie Dennis Faris Gwen Springmeyer Lee Bollwinkel
(left at 6:45 PM)
Fred Fife Amy Barry Todd Reese Julie Fratto
Beverley Cooper Shawn McDonough Emy Maloutas Mark Smith
Members not in Attendance Lauren Christensen
Meridith Perkins Jacob Crockett
1. Convening the Meeting OCT 3 0 2(17
a. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 PM SIN RECORDE F
b. Approve December 19, 2013 - PNUT Board Minutes
i. Beverley Cooper requests that any open space acquisitions that are
addressed be identified by what parcel/land they are talking about
ii. Dennis Faris moves to approve the minutes for the last meeting, Bev
Cooper seconds.
c. Tabulation of Ballots and Election of Offices for 2014
i. Dennis Farris (who is the Vice Chairperson) as well as Marc Coles-Ritchie
counted the ballots. Unanimously all seven board members voted in
affirmation for Amy Barry to be elected for 2014 as the Chairperson, with
Dennis Faris as the Vice Chairperson.
2. Public Comment Period
a. Gwen Springmeyer attended the board meeting and requested the status of
Lindsey Garden Dog Park. Last night the Greater Avenues Community Council
Board met. There seemed to be an overarching confusion within the board, where
some rumors were that Lindsey Gardens was going to be fenced, and others had
heard that it was going to remain the same. Gwen asked for Todd Reese to clarify
what was going to happen. Todd Reese then explained that this item has been
postponed on the City Council's agenda several times. Todd Reese requested to
get Gwen's e-mail so that he can e-mail her with details when the City Council is
going to hear anything regarding the off leash dog park. There will be some
changes in the ordinance that abbreviate the modifications of existing dog parks.
Beverley Cooper stated that the PNUT Board's recommendation was to make no
changes. Todd Reese confirmed that it will not expand and that there was a
request to fence the dog park. Chairperson Amy Barry stated that the fencing was
not applicable to Resolution 52. Todd Reese confirmed to Gwen Springmeyer
that there is currently nothing in front of this board to consider any changes from
what there is now.
3. Staff Reports
a. Director's Report(Todd Reese)
i. Todd introduced Emy Maloutas as the new Open Space Program
Manager, as well as Nancy Monteith as the Landscape Architect III/Park
ii. Nancy Monteith reported that she has worked on a number of projects for
the City. One of her favorites was Pioneer Park.Nancy was project
manager for the master planning process, stakeholder involvement
process, as well as the developer of phase one construction documents and
implementation with Design Workshop. More recently Nancy Monteith
has worked with EPG and did a series of irrigation projects and updated
some City projects. She is also an associate professor at Utah State and she
now currently teaches as an adjunct at the University of Utah, and Utah
State University.
iii. Todd Reese announced also that starting in February Lewis Kogan will be
the project coordinator for Parks &Public Lands.
b. Parks (Lee Bollwinkel)
i. The Riverside Concession Stand at Riverside Park has received CIP
funding(7th North and 1700 West). In prior years they were able to grill
hot dogs and burgers without too many problems. They secured funding
for stainless steel, hood, grills, and fire suppression. That is about 80%
ii. Rotary Glen(up by the zoo) received funding for the upgrade of the
pavilion(new roof, concrete, and tables) as well as adding an additional
iii. West Point Park Pavilion(11th North and 2200 West)has a new upgraded
pavilion, and new playground.
iv. Addressed deferred maintenance that is coming.
v. Athletic field use prioritization: Parks has organized a committee that
involves different voices in the league(whether it is soccer, football,
baseball). City Council has tasked this committee to figure out the system
(e.g. grandfathering). They met Tuesday night and are beginning to come
up with a plan. Last Tuesday(1/14/2014)they tried to get a feel as to
what each group priorities were. The goal is trying to figure out what was
important to each individual group. They decided that they did not want to
come up with a solution as a large group,but rather have Kathy Rollman
and Staff come up with a solution/plan bring it back to the Athletic Field
Task Force and see what they think, then bring it to the PNUT Board. Fred
Fife reported that there is more of a need. Soccer has just blossomed and
everyone is looking for a field on which they can practice. The underlying
issue is how we make it fair to 40 different groups with all different kinds
of sports. Currently the group pays $15 per week to use the field.
vi. Snow Removal Process
1. 50 miles of sidewalk. See PowerPoint attached to see the snow
broom equipment that clears snow.
c. Open Space(Emy Maloutas)
i. Projects that are in construction as well as a scope of work
1. See packet.
2. We have our first public meeting 5:30 at the Sorenson Unity
Center at the Black Box Theater regarding Open Space Signage.
There are nine specific sites including the Jordan River Trail, and
ii. Four Chevron Restoration Projects
1. The complete construction packets are available on the website
2. Trailside construction(north end of Jordan River beginning at
1800 N)began this week
3. 900 South Oxbow project is moving to 100 %by the end of this
4. The Miller Park Project is going out to bid this week and
permitting will be done within the next 55 days.
5. Liberty Lake Project has been out to bid, program is waiting to
award the contract until the permitting is complete in 55-60 days.
6. There is a lot of work out on the ground.Nancy Monteith is the
project manager for Liberty Lake with Ron Salisbury helping in
engineering; Emy will be working on Miller, and the 9th South
Oxbow and Trailside. Trailside could be handed off to the new
project coordinator.
a. Marc Coles-Richie would like to give input regarding the
vegetation around the streams and Trailside. Emy Maloutas
(Open Space PM for Parks &Public Lands) said they
would get together soon.
iii. Wasatch Hollow: Finalizing contract for the design and construction of the
user amenities based on the use restoration and management plan. They
also have funding for construction of this project. Once the design is
completed (20-25 weeks) program will seek to complete the project by the
end of summer.
1. Scope of the project: three major meadows (southern, northern,
and central meadow)
a. Southern Meadow: Outdoor classroom, open space
b. Central Meadow: That is where we would reconnect the
spring with the creek. Expand the potential to create an
emergent bench or low flow.
c. Northern Meadow: weed control, trail alignment, entry way
i. Chairperson Amy Barry remembers a document that
had a lot of public comments. Emy Maloutas
reports that they have that document up on the
iv. Parley's Historic Nature Park: Nancy Monteith has been put in charge of
this as the Project Manager. We are finalizing the design contract there.
v. Natural Lands Management Plan: Emy Maloutas relayed that they did
receive funding at their last bond request for$125,000. Emy is currently
working with staff to develop the scope of that. Emy reports that they will
be putting that out to bid shortly.
vi. There is a new grant that is coming out for 3.1 million dollars to be made
available within the next two weeks and that is a result of the Chevron oil
spill that happened in Willard Bay. They will be working quickly and
diligently to identify an appropriate scope of restoration work that we can
apply for. At this point in time we are probably looking at the northern end
of the Jordan River along the trailside project as well as the west bank and
in-between the regions of the athletic complex and the Jordan River.
Looking at both sides of the river to make sure we are doing a
comprehensive restoration.
vii. Open Space Acquisition: They are working with property management to
close on the properties that the PNUT board has discussed. Next month
Emy Maloutas will be bringing you"more developed pre-applications
almost to full" for the few that you have heard about.
viii. Parley's Trail: you may remember from last month that Dan Bergenthal
came and mentioned going through Hillcrest Park to connect the parks
within Salt Lake City as a whole. There are four parcels that the trail will
be going through. It will be completed between 2300 E and 1700 E to
connect the PHNP to Sugarhouse Park. We will be working to develop
temporary construction easement as well as the maintenance agreement
that the county has agreed to take on responsibility to maintain. The
county will not maintain it in the winter, but hopefully over time we can
develop a year round maintenance schedule with the county.
ix. Jordan River Commission: Creating an event (with the help of the Jordan
River Commission)called"get into the river" on May 29 or 31. Thursday
will be a conservation day, where community members, donors, and
corporations can donate a little bit of money to come and pull weeds.
There are four locations here in Salt Lake City. On the 31st(Saturday) it
will be a celebration day. In Salt Lake City they will be having the party
in Jordan Park. The County is going to have their party at the North West
Recreation Center. What Emy hopes will happen is that they will come up
with a"kitchy fun name"to somehow communicate health communities,
healthy environment. During the event they are going to have bikes and
boats in the river go from Jordan Park to the Recreation Center. There is a
lot of work. There have been some thoughts about having guided tours of
the river, and oxbow to allow the public to see what is out there. Emy
Maloutas is very interested in the PNUT Board members overall input.
Emy encouraged everyone to spread the word.
d. Cemetery(Mark Smith)
i. Sprinkler project that Mark Smith talked about last month will start up in
February. Mark Smith gave a recap of the burials that the cemetery had
last year. Last year they had 450 burials, in the month of December we
have had 45 burials. TO put that into context Mark Smith reported that it
has taken us 49.5 pounds of salt just to keep the streets iced for each burial
to get the traffic up there and 30 bags of ice around the actual cemetery
office. The Cemetery has removed just a little three football fields of
snow. Chairperson Barry wanted to know how the cemetery finds the plot
in which to dig? Sexton Smith reported that it is all about experience.
They have metal markers, however they have to shovel and remove all of
the snow in order to see each plot. Sexton Smith reports that he has a field
crew of eight people in which he works with. It is very tricky to bring the
trucks in and out to dig for burials (see PPT pictures).
ii. The people in the cemetery office are working hard when it comes to
research. They have currently identified 43 graves in which have the
potential for more burials. The ordinance says that 60 years with no
activity is when the can reclaim a grave. But that is a process in which the
City would have to go through. They have done one reclaim within 150
years. Beverley Cooper thanked Mark Smith for the information presented
in last month's meeting; she appreciated how exciting he made the
cemetery out to be, as well as how much he cherishes the cemetery.
e. Urban Forestry(Julie Fratto)
i. What Julie Fratto and Urban Forestry are doing right now is removing
trees. Trees get to a point whether they are dead, dying, declining, or
structurally impaired to the point of public safety where we have to
remove them. We are in the process of removing around 180 trees. We
go around the city doing each Community Council;they just finished
Liberty Wells and now they are going into East Central. The purposively
go back and forth between the city so that they are not focusing too
heavily at one area at a time.
ii. Julie Fratto brought along production report for the calendar year of 2015.
They pruned 5,114 trees, removed 680 trees, planted 735 trees, ground
785 stumps, responded to 620 emergencies, and treated 6,092 trees with an
insecticide or a fungicide (directly injected into the trees). Julie explains
that they would love to grind the stump right after they remove the tree,
but because they have limited equipment they have to do it in two trips.
Julie Fratto talks about how they have four time arborist, and then four
contractual crews who prune.
iii. Urban Forestry constantly looking at ways to improve customer service.
Within every service they do whether it be pruning, removing, treating, or
planting they give a customer service survey. Within the past four or five
years. The average number of compliments they get per year is around
100, and within the past five years there have only been two complaints.
Todd Reese reports a compliment to the forestry department that they have
a great track record of customer service.
f. Planning&CIP (Nancy Monteith)
i. Nancy Monteith does not have a program area, but she is across the board
with various projects. She looks at the design and planning through the
landscape architect eyes, and the other half of her time she is looking
ahead through getting involved the with the planning processes all across
the city and making sure as an internal stake holder that P&PL is being
ii. Liberty Lake she is currently working on the restoration.
iii. PHNP (Parley's Nature Park): Nancy reports that is working with the
same consultant that is working with Wasatch Hollow. Looking at
establishing the Riparian Flood Plane and hydrologic in Parley's Creek,
developing appropriate in grass for stream access locations, adding a
pedestrian bridge, restoration fencing areas, and implementing invasive
species for climate control.
iv. Wasatch Hollow: Looking at the primary access area.
v. Imperial Park: at a public meeting last night where the community council
talked about how the community is coming together to build a park. The
community council talked about what their scope for the park was, and
what they had done as a community to help bring this park forward.
vi. Plan SLC: trying to bring together all of the documents together
vii. Nancy Monteith also brought up the thought of P&PL doing a needs
assessment and asset inventory to figure out what is needed next.
4. Staff Updates
a. Downtown Master Plan Briefing(Planning Staff Memo)
i. The PNUT board has items in their packets regarding the downtown
master plan briefing. In September 2013 Molly Robinson came in
regarding the Downtown Master Plan and gave a report. Attached in the
PNUT board's packet is a more finalized version of the plan in which
Molly Robinson will report on in the February meeting. Todd Reese
cautions that it is a long document,but recommends that the PNUT board
by next meeting at least read the opening memo that was provided.
ii. Todd Reese explains that when reading the memo and supporting
documents in prep for next month's meeting, if the PNUT board members
have any questions to feel free to e-mail them to Todd's administrative
assistant lauren.christensen(c61cgov.com so that she can send the
comments to Molly to address in the February board meeting.
b. Pioneer Park Re-master Planning(Todd Reese)
i. Todd Reese gave a handout to the PNUT Board. He reported that recently
within the past couple of weeks there was a meeting regarding Pioneer
Park. Rick Graham and other division directors would like to take this
plan further by"re-master planning" or at least pulling out the old master
plan and taking a further look at how to bring more activity into the park.
c. Fairmont Tennis Court Relocation(Nancy Monteith) 6:13:33
i. See Powerpoint
ii. There is interest to put tennis courts at sugar mount and ninth east. Right
now there are five tennis courts.Nancy Monteith started the discussion
regarding where the community gardens in that area currently stands.
Nancy reviewed that Parks and Public Lands looked at three different
locations to put the tennis courts in(see PowerPoint). The first suggestion
was right by the corner, near all of the homes, where there really was no
other connection to Fairmont. The next location they looked at the tennis
court the advantage there is that it is just north of the parking,but we
would lose the soccer field. A disadvantage to this one would be not only
the loose of the soccer field but also there would be a visual barrier for the
tennis court fences in and out of the park. The third potential location that
they could put the Fairmont Tennis Court is moving them down by the
forest dale parking area.Nancy Monteith and staff think that this is the
best location because it is going back where it used to be, and that tennis
and golf are pretty compatible.
iii. Nancy Monteith and staff would like recommend the third location for the
Fairmont Tennis Courts be chosen. Chairperson Barry brought up that
choosing this location allows for Parks to light the tennis courts.
Chairperson Barry pointed out that this location in the winter seems to be
used as a"salt holder" and was wondering where would they put the salt if
they used this location?Todd Reese told Chairperson Barry that he had
previous talked to the workgroups about the use of that property, and that
they indicated that it would not be a problem to move the salt. Chairperson
Barry mentioned the fact that the club house located at the Forestdale Gold
Course, she would like this historic building to be in more use.
Chairperson Barry is wondering if it is possible if somehow the clubhouse
could be shared for both Golf and Tennis. Both Nancy Monteith and
Chairperson Barry talked about how this location is close to the S line, and
how the club house could be used for future uses (e.g. a café).
iv. Nancy Monteith has budgeted in around $350,000 for lights, fencing,
landscape, patio area with an umbrella.
v. Nancy and Todd brought this to the board to let them know about what
was out there and what the potential options are regarding the existing
tennis courts and its potential evolution.
vi. The role of the PNUT board is to weigh in on the disposition on the land
from Open Space at any point in that process
vii. Todd Reese will find out where and how much the board needs to weigh
in, and second what kind of action will they need to take (recommend,
support, etc). Todd Reese will clarify what the rule is and what is their
viii. There was discussion through Emy Maloutas regarding once an area is
ix. Nancy Monteith will get a neighborhood meeting schedule with the public
in February and report back to the PNUT board about progress. Nancy
was also tasked to get a invite to the Sugarhouse Community Council
Leadership regarding the public meeting.
d. Jordan Park Pool Mural &Art in the Park(Todd Reese)
i. Dennis Faris had been a key player with the mural at the Jordan Park pool
house. Todd Reese has met a couple of times with Chris Peterson from
the Sorensen Unity Center. Chris was successful in receiving a grant for
$10,000 dollars and has outlined a program engages young people to
create a design for a mural and with the help of artists and others refine the
murals. Todd Reese has given them a green light to go ahead with this
ii. Todd Reese brings up the example of the Art Council coming before the
PNUT board asking where they could put this statue in Cottonwood Park.
Todd Reese reports that this is the second example where we have had to
come up with standards and guidelines for the park.
5. Discussion
a. Rotary Glen(Emy Maloutas)
i. There are TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Loads) of e-coli within the area
of water in the attached packet. The County approached Emy Maloutas
and said that they have money to do FIDO remediation (which means
using plants to help clean water). What the county is planning to do is to
grade back the bank which is very steep and then plant it with willows and
seditious. This would stabilize the bank,help pick up some nutrients, and
essentially improving the water. They are willing to commit $19,000
dollars to do this project in return they have asked us to fence the area. We
need to do the fencing to protect this investment. To echo why we need to
protect it,this area is one of the areas that is being considered for an off-
leash dog park,which by fencing it would protect the riparian area.
ii. Emy Maloutas was thinking a field grid fence where it is very transparent
to the landscape on wood posts. This proposal is on the window with the
county for a very short period of time(4-6 week time period). The reason
why is that past six weeks it will be high water and will no longer be
available. Emy Maloutas reports that she can report on it next month,
however they still do have a little figuring to do.
iii. The PNUT board did a straw poll and no one is opposed to what is
currently being considered.
6. Action Items
a. Glendale Park Master Plan(Ron Salisbury)
i. Located on 17th south and 12th west. It is very near seven peaks(see
packet). Currently there is grass and tennis courts. Last March the City
hired a Consultant to do a Master Plan for Glendale. The Consultants did
some public meetings, went to the community council three times, visited
the neighborhood, took polls and surveys in the park,the contacted many
of the groups that use the river and park, and met with the Provo Seven
Peaks management.
ii. Seven Peaks has a big impact on the neighborhood and the park. Parking
became a huge issue when the Consultants got into the study. One of the
things that the first learned is that they want to keep Seven Peaks which is
an amenity to the city. Through the public process,the consultant
developed three concepts.
iii. Alternatives
1. Alternative#2 was the one that was chosen. Alternative#1 and#3
were similar. #1 kept the baseball field, and alternative#3 kept two
baseball fields, and considered expanding parking across the river.
2. Alternative#2 was a unanimous choice chosen by the Glendale
Community Council, and satisfies the parking issue. (Seven Peaks
currently asks for five dollars per parking). The tennis courts stay,
but there are no baseball fields. Ron Salisbury then walked the
PNUT board east to west of what plans were:
a. West end adding some pickle ball courts
b. Maintain the eight tennis courts
c. Putting in picnic pavilion
d. Additional parking
e. Provide some open space, with bocce courts to help support
the pavilion
i. They would pave the current dirt area
ii. Add a entrance and drop off area for the seven peak
customers (which resolves some of the safety
f. Small playground
g. Sidewalks, or walk around the park
iv. Chairperson Barry seemed to express concerns that the Community
Council choose the alternative that gave up the most green space.
Chairperson Barry questions if we are giving parking to Seven Peaks, are
they paying us for the additional parking? Ron Salisbury expressed that
that is currently to be figured out with their contract. Todd Reese
communicated that when he was at those community council the
communities number one thing they needed help with was solving the
parking problem of Seven Peaks, which as a City we could do.
v. Todd Reese states that this is currently a"master plan"but if they get to
the point where they are going to implement it we could look at putting in
"bioswales" and things like that. Nancy Monteith points out that we could
possible figure out a way to make it work, where the isles have trees and
grass, as well as Nancy and Todd both communicated that they should of
considered an underground parking structure.
vi. Todd Reese talked about the parking would have to be enforced in which
it is only one or two hour parking/tow-zone or just enforce it for just park
users and not for Seven Peak customers.
vii. Todd Reese states that another part of it would be that you would have to
have a permit to park on the residential streets. Residents would be issued
a sticker for their cars. Todd Reese talks about how the problem has been
increased since they have started charging for parking.
viii. A motion to approve the plan was made by Bev Cooper with Fred Fife
b. Chairperson Barry then asked if there were any objections to this plan. Dennis
Faris brought his concerns to the council regarding the elimination of the baseball
fields when there is a growing need for more athletic fields, lack of green space,
and that morally we are creating this plan to help Seven Peaks improve their
intake of customers. Then the second concern is that they would have to institute
a permit system for the current residents surrounding it so that all soccer players
cannot park anywhere either. Bev Cooper asks how do we express this to the
community who supported this Master Plan?
c. Ron Salisbury address the lack of baseball fields by stating that the baseball fields
are no longer regulation size, and they don't want to spend money to make the
fields regulation. They asked the representatives if they would just like one
baseball field to practice on.
d. The community just wants the parking issued solved.
e. Go back and put it on the table.
f. The city does not want to be in this business. It is a community pool and we
would like to get as much use out of it as we can. The task force talked about not
having a community pool at all. Seven Peaks is the City's facility,but we are
renting it to them.
g. Bev Cooper calls for the vote: the four members present at the PNUT board were
opposed to this motion.
7. Redwood Meadow Master Plan(Ron Salisbury)
a. Todd Reese for Ron stated that there are three different alternatives, with
three sites combined into one. All concepts looked at trying to open up the
neighborhood. It is difficult for the police to control this area, because "bad guys
just hop the fence."The point of this consultant work was to open it and get rid of
the barriers. There is still some sculptures,pieces of fence, and turf—concept is
called"the sculpted meadow."The funding was through CDBG, and there is a
CIP request right now for the rest and implantation of the plan. This plan has
community council support, as well as support at a public meeting
b. Bev Cooper moves to support this plan, and Dennis second it. Motion passes
8. Confirmation of next meeting
a. February 20, 2014
9. Adjourn Meeting