2/5/2013 - Meeting Agenda Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Meeting Tuesday February 5th, 2013 5:00 pm, Parks Building 1965 West 500 South, 2nd Floor Conference Room AGENDA 1. Housekeeping a. January meeting minutes approval RECEIVED 2. Public Comment Period 0C T 3 n 2037 3. Briefing a. P&PL Current Trends &Legislative Intent CAN RECORDS 4. Action Items a. Public Art Opportunity—Karen Krieger and Roni Thomas b. Athletic Field Reservations and Fee Changes c. Acquisitions i. Montague North Full Application ii. Montague South Full Application iii. 356 North Redwood Full Application 5. The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-204 for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss(a)the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimate value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms pursuant to Utah Code Ann. §52-4-205(1)(d);(b) attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§78-24-8;and(c)pending or reasonably immanent litigation pursuant to Utah Code Ann. §52-4-205(1)(c).The foregoing notice relates to matters of an emergency or urgent nature within the meaning of Utah Code Ann,§52-4-202(5). 6. Confirmation of next meeting March 21, 2013 7. Adjourn Meeting People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance of Open Space Advisory Board meetings.We make every effort to honor these requests,and they should be made as early as possible. Accommodations may include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.The City and County Building is an accessible facility.For questions or additional information,please contact the Office of the Chief Administrator Officer at 535- 6426,or TDD 535-6021.After 5:00 p.m.,please enter the City&County Building through the east entrance.Accessible route is located on the east side of the building.In accordance with State Statute,City Ordinance and Board Policy,one or more Board Members may be connected via speakerphone. Parks, Public Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Minutes February 5,2013 Parks Building,2nd Floor Conference Room 5:00pm Board Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Not in Attendance Amy Barry Emy Maloutas Beverly Cooper Marc Coles-Richie Bill Rutherford Jacob Crockett Dennis Faris Leslie Chan (via Facetime) Jeff Rose Fred Fife Mark Smith Eric McCulley Lee Bollwinkel Meridith Perkins Alden Breinholt Karen Krieger Roni Thomas Julie Reynolds Scott Granger Kathy Rollman 1. Housekeeping a. January meeting minutes approval i. Motion was made by Dennis Farris and seconded by Meridith Perkins to approve the January meeting minutes. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment Period i. No Comments 3. Briefing a. Emy Maloutas presented a power point regarding Parks and Public Lands Current Trend and Legislative Intent-this was presented before a quorum was present, not recorded. 4. Action Items a. Public Art Opportunity-Presented by Karen Krieger and Roni Thomas, representatives of the Salt Lake City Art Council. Funding from CDBG has been approved to identify art locations around Cottonwood Park and hire an artist, they requested that one PNUT Board member attend the art council meetings; Fred Fife was appointed and will be attending the art council meetings. Motion was made by Amy Barry to allow the art council to proceed with the selection of an artist for Cottonwood Park, seconded by Dennis Faris, all in favor, motion passes. b. Athletic Field Reservation and Fee Change-Presented by Kathy Rollman and Emy Maloutas regarding changes in park use fees. It was suggested that fees are still too low and should be increased, also is there a list of expectations for park users, Kathy will look into these. Motion made by Dennis Farris to move with this presentation, with requested changes, to the City Council, seconded by Meridith Perkins, all in favor, motion passes. c. Acquisitions i. Montague North Full Application-Willing seller contacted us, potential hub connect of other parks and trails the City runs. Fee- title acquisition, .3 acres, need to invest in demolition of house on property(about$50,000 extra, includes land testing), residential zoned. Fred Fife made motion to accept in favor to move to acquisition, Seconded by Dennis Faris, all in favor, motion passes. ii. Montague South Full Application-Willing seller, fee-title acquisition, .25 acres,need to invest in demolition of the house on the property(about$50,000 extra, includes land testing), open space zoned. Fred Fife made motion to accept in favor to move to acquisition, Seconded by Meridith Perkins, all in favor, motion passes. iii. 356 North Redwood Update Appraisal—currently zoned open space, .47 acres,potential uses as a trail head parking lot for the Jordan River trail. Fred Fife made a motion to seek an updated appraisal, seconded by Eric McCulley, all in favor, motion passes. iv. Motion made by Dennis Faris and seconded by Eric McCulley to move into closed session to discuss prices of acquisition properties. 5. Emy said good-bye, as she is leaving her position as parks and public lands director, and thanked everyone for their continued hard work. 6. Confirmation of Next Meeting: March 21, 2013, 5pm 7. Motion was made by Meridith Perkins, seconded by Fred Fife to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried with a unanimous vote. Board meeting was adjourned. 2 Parks, Natural Lands,Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Meeting Thursday March 21, 2013 5:00 pm, Parks Building 1965 West 500 South, 2nd Floor Conference Room AMENDED AGENDA 1. Housekeeping (5:00-5:05pm) a. February meeting minutes approval 2. Public Comment Period(5:05-5:20pm) 3. Discussion Items a. Discuss possible dates and locations for a board retreat(5:20-5:50pm) i. Why have a board retreat? ii. Identify potential areas of interest for future PNUT Board meetings b. Lindsey Gardens Off Leash Dog Park(5:50-6:20) i. Present proposal and background information, Tara Hasenoehrl ii. Community comments iii. Board Discussion 4. Action Items a. Acquisitions (6:20-6:45pm) i. 356 N. Redwood Road, appraisal update ii. 358 N. Redwood Road, appraisal update The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-204 for the purpose of strategy sessions to discuss(a)the purchase,exchange,or lease of real property when public discussion of the transaction would disclose the appraisal or estimate value of the property under consideration or prevent the public body from completing the transaction on the best possible terms pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(d);(b)attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§78-24-8;and(c)pending or reasonably immanent litigation pursuant to Utah Code Ann.§52-4-205(1)(c).The foregoing notice relates to matters of an emergency or urgent nature within the meaning of Utah Code Ann,§52-4-202(5). 5. Confirmation of next meeting April 18, 2013 6. Adjourn Meeting People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance of Parks,Natural lands,Urban forestry,and Trails Advisory Board meetings.We make every effort to honor these requests,and they should be made as early as possible.Accommodations may include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.The City and County Building is an accessible facility.For questions or additional information,please contact the Office of the Chief Administrator Officer at 535-6426,or TDD 535-6021.After 5:00 p.m.,please enter the City&County Building through the east entrance.Accessible route is located on the east side of the building.In accordance with State Statute,City Ordinance and Board Policy,one or more Board Members may be connected via speakerphone.