3/21/2013 - Meeting Minutes Parks, Public Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Advisory Board Minutes March 21,2013 Parks Building, 2nd Floor Conference Room 5:00pm Board Members in Attendance Also in Attendance Not in Attendance Amy Barry Julie Reynolds Meridith Perkins Marc Coles-Richie Bill Rutherford Jacob Crockett Tara Hasenoehrl Dennis Faris Leslie Randolph RECEIVED Jeff Rose Rich Kitterman Fred Fife Rosemary Quatrale OCT 3 0 2017 Eric McCulley Anne Cannon Beverley Cooper Matthew Peterson CITY RECORD Marie Bambo Bob Cummings Jennifer Cummings Marshall Baillie Jennifer Schreiter 1. Housekeeping a. February meeting minutes approval i. Marc Coles-Richie made a motion to approve the minutes of the February meeting and seconded by Dennis Faris. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment Period i. Marshall Baillie and Matthew Peterson are interested in getting involved with trails and linking them up in the City Creek area; came looking for more direction of where to go for more trail information regarding dirt trails for hiking, mountain biking, etc. Wanted status of signage issue for Bonneville Shoreline Trail, Bill directed them to Leslie Chan for further information on this. 3. Discussion Items a. Discuss possible dates and locations for a board retreat i. Bill Rutherford presented to the board an idea for a Board retreat to facilitate direction and guidance and to help the Board members gain a better understanding of their purpose. The board discussed holding a four hour retreat in May, or having bits of information given at each monthly meeting. An e-mail will be sent to each board member to find out what they would like to focus on and to decide a date, time and place that will work best for everyone. b. Lindsey Gardens Off Leash Dog Park i. Leslie Randolph: Lives 3 blocks down from Lindsey Gardens. She discussed 4 items, Animal Control, Community council set up a pet committee(no longer intact), Enforcement issues, and the 1999 vote- decisive factors for the city's decision for the park. Supports fencing the area, with a little area for little dogs. ii. Jennifer Cummings- lives across the street from the park, she and her child have been bitten and chased from free roaming dogs at the park and when playing in her own yard, other pets have been killed in the block due to off leash dogs roaming and attacking. This is not an anti-dog issue it is a safety and health issue, Dog poop is a real issue, the fence needs to be put there for safety. iii. Robert Cummings-has lived across the street from Lindsey Gardens for 50 years. New designated area is 30 feet from his yard, who is going to keep dogs off of his yard without a fence? Supports the fence. iv. Rich Kitterman- Lives half a block from the park, he owns dogs, off-leash dogs are attacking those that are on-leash, he has been nipped at by a loose dog, his dogs have been bitten to the point of drawing blood, He will not take his dogs into a fenced area, it can be a dangerous situation if fenced into an area and cannot escape. Only way he will take dogs to lark is if everyone is on-leash. v. Rosemary Quatrale- lives at 8t ave. between K &L, own dogs, love dogs, more dog owners are coming from outside the park neighborhood to use the dog park, against having an off leash area, she says to fence the area and put the gate on the 7th ave. side. vi. Jennifer Schreiter lives two blocks up from the park across from the playground, Park is no longer a multi use park because cannot use or enjoy with family due to overwhelming amount of off-leash dogs, in favor of fencing current off-leash area and not expanding the current area. vii. Marie Bambo- .0001% of state is only available for off leash dogs, is in favor of the off leash area, if you enclose the area dogs cannot fend off other dogs and you will have more attacks. viii. Anne Cannon lives near Wasatch Hollow Park, this park is an on- leash only but dog owners do not follow the directions and it is having similar problems to Lindsey Gardens,there needs to be enforcement. She is gathering data to help find out what to do about the park in her community. ix. Tara Hasenoehrl presented to the board regarding Lindsey Gardens- She presented a brief on the 2 proposals, what will take place and where the existing area is for each proposal; She gave dates of when each proposal was presented to the GACC; How many votes each proposal received; and Why City council voted to re-capture that money. Tara fielded questions from Board members- Tara will get back to board with this information. x. The board discussed concerns- enforcement is an issue and needs to happen throughout all the city, need to have space for all users 2 of all of our parks not only dogs and need to respond to all users, where are some of the Cities potential dog use park areas? Find out where and how dog rule enforcement is taken place. How many off-leash unfenced areas are in Salt Lake City? Tara was going to gather all the information for these questions and e-mail the board regarding the answers. 4. Action Items a. Beverley Cooper made a motion to go into closed session and seconded by Dennis Farris, Motion carried with unanimous vote. Moved into closed session to discuss updated appraisal values of 356 &358 North Redwood Road. b. Acquisitions i. Dennis Farris made a Motion for favorable recommendation to pursue acquisition for appraised price plus up to 10% as is allowed for 356 &358 North Redwood Road, Beverley Cooper seconded, all in favor, motion passes. 5. Confirmation of Next Meeting: April 18, 2013, 5pm 6. Amy Barry stated"at this time there is no unfinished business, this meeting is adjourned." 3